CLC World 2012 Issue 1

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2012 - Issue 1

Bought To Be Freed: An evangelical tract from author and evangelist Tony Anthony!

CLC Global Updates: Discover the encouraging news from around the CLC World

Missions On The High Street: CLC International + Your Prayers = M.O.T.H.S.

Barry’s Challenge:

Barry Woodward challenges you to share the Good News this year!

“So if the Son has set you free, you will be free indeed” John 8:36 (ESV)

Who am I?

Sometimes you forget. You get rejected and deeply wounded. You stumble. You lose your way. You fall into trouble. You sit in isolation - invisible you wonder if you matter. You feel trapped with no hope. You get confused. You wonder if you are enough and become a slave to the approval of others. Have you forgotten whose you are? No matter how far you’ve run. No matter what you’ve done. No matter how lost or confused your journey has become. No matter how dark it seems right now. No matter where you’ve been. You are God’s beloved. Over and over he whispers in your ear 2 Julie Busby’s Blog -

“I love you, I love you, I love you! Sweet child, you are accepted and enough. There is nowhere that My love cannot reach you. Nowhere that My grace cannot sustain you. Turn your eyes on My love and gracepatiently My heart waits for you. And when you remember again that

You are My beloved-

I will run to you, arms outstretched, My beloved has come home!”

Christian bookshops BOOKS BIBLES




From the editor:

A new year means a fresh start! Have you lost your way or forgotten who you are? No matter the season or situation, God is committed to loving you, so stand firm in your commitments to Him and to each other. Know you are loved; that you belong; that you can be forgiven and that it is never too late to turn to Him. This issue is focused on knowing true freedom in Christ and sharing His love with everyone you meet. You’ll even find an evangelical tract from Tony Anthony that you can cut out and give away. This year challenge yourself to be committed in sharing God’s love and good news!


- Amanda Lute

In This Issue: 4 - 6 True Freedom In Christ

You‛ve Been

7 - 8 Bought To Be Freed (Tract!) 10 - 11 Book Reviews 12 - 13 CLC Global Updates! 14 - 15 Missions On The High Street 18 - 19 More Great Books... 20 Barry’s Challenge! 22 - 23 CLC India’s Newest Shop available rly CLC World is Published quarte or post. shops, download free via CLC Book py, or co ur be sure of yo To subscribe and by us t ac nt co s, copie to order multiple ld, or W C CL O FA : email or write to 9BJ sford, Hants, SO24 Th 51 e Dean, Alre



CLC International (UK) 291 Abbeydale Rd, Sheffield, S7 1FJ

Tel: 0114 2812136 Mission Website: Retail Website: Editorial Email: UK Director: Tel: 0114 2812136 Personnel Enquiries: Tel: 0114 2812136 CLC Finance Office: Tel: 01962 733342 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9BJ Enquiries for Overseas Opportunities: Registered as a charity in England & Wales (number 1015793) and in Scotland (number SC037939) © Copyright CLC World, CLC International (UK) Printed by AMD Communications Tel: 0121 248 4430 Email:


CLC USA sponsors Bible Trade-In Event to support Prison Ministries: Every September, the CLC stores in the USA host a coordinated event called the Bible Trade-In Day. During the event customers are encouraged to bring in their used Bibles and are given a special sale price on any new Bible that they purchase. In addition, CLC offers to do a free imprint of the person’s name on any Bible that is purchased that day. These used Bibles are then collected and given to local prison ministries and, in some cases, sent to third world countries. Over the last three years, hundreds of Bibles have been collected and many prisoners now have a Bible for the first time. This has also been a real partnership with several churches who have prison ministries and are able to take the Bibles into the prisons themselves and get them directly into people’s hands in coordination with the prison chaplains.

oger Page Pearl and R sale le h - CLC W o chaplaincy e th h work wit ester t at Winch departmen st e go in mo Prison. “W ich is h w y evenings e with Wednesda m ti ip h l fellows u an informa c ps of peaker and singing, a s imilar group is s tea, etc.” A gs for day evenin rs u h held on T prison. wing of the ger a different o mornings R On Sunday o tw e th for also goes in . s e ic rv e Sunday s

Darrell (aka Daz) McLeish, one of our volunteers at CLC Welling, is in charge of a group called Stepping Stones. Stepping Stones is a space for anyone to come and hear the real stories of how people have had their lives transformed. Most members of the group have lived a life of crime, violence, suffered addiction and even faced prison. The one thing they share in common is that their lives have been transformed and changed by Jesus Christ. The question is not are you good enough but are you bad enough for Jesus? Meeting times: @ Welling Library - Thursdays at 2.30pm @ St. John’s Welling - Mondays at 7.30pm Darrell (Daz) 07943145206 Roy 07909335796

“I belong to the Canterbury branch of Prison Fellowship and have been involved for 15 years or so. Currently, I am the honorary secretary and treasurer for our group. We have a monthly prayer meeting to pray through subjects the prison chaplain gives us on behalf of the inmates, plus there is a rota for Sunday Worship services at the prison with inmates. This also includes a time to chat afterwards over a cup of tea. Another member of our group also runs a Bible study on Wednesdays in the prison. Our branch is also involved in Angel Tree, the P.F. initiative that buys presents for inmates’ children with a personal note attached from their inmate parent. As the prison is just down the road from the CLC Canterbury shop where I work with my husband, Paul (the manager), we like using our CLC literature grant to benefit this ministry when possible. Many times we have given Bibles and books to the prison inmates.” - Kay Chandler, CLC Canterbury 4

This Year Experience True Freedom In Christ! It’s a new year and with that come new goals and a fresh start, no matter your situation or past. Focusing this issue on John 8:36 ‘If the Son has set you free, then you are free indeed!’ (NLT), we at CLC World have decided to dedicate it to all those who are involved with prison ministries around the world. Thank you for your dedication and persistence in reaching out in this very tough arena. From resourcing many of these ministries, CLC has built up quite a few relationships and we’d like to highlight for you just some of their on-going projects and hard work. It’s probably not so surprising that many of our CLC volunteers and missionaries have also taken on very active roles in these ministries as a result. We hope you enjoy learning about these valuable projects and will remember them in prayer!

“Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.” Romans 3:24 (NLT)



Who are we? Prison Fellowship (England and Wales) is an organisation of 1400 Christian volunteers in 130 prayer groups which supports and prays for the work of prison chaplaincy. Like our partner organisations in Scotland and Ireland, we assist at services, Bible study groups, visiting inmates, and by praying for them. Our volunteers get alongside prisoners, their families and ex-offenders regardless of faith, or those with no faith at all. For many years, we have been practically and prayerfully supporting those at our local adult prison, Hollesley Bay, as well as young offenders at Warren Hill. We also run a Restorative Justice programme, called Sycamore Tree, in prisons, which helps offenders change their lives around and also helps to cut the re-offending rate. We also offer a letter writing service to those in prison who have no-one to write to as well as having no-one visiting them. How does CLC help? Every Christmas we buy each of the 120 lads at Warren Hill a Christian book. We choose four

transforming lives

titles, so that they can swap after reading theirs. Each book tells the true story of a young man whose life has hit “rock bottom”, due to crime, drugs, drink, etc., but Jesus Christ turned their lives around. There is nothing more powerful and inspiring than hearing from one’s peers. The gift of a book shows that someone cares for them.

Thanks to the generous discount given by CLC we have money left over to buy Manga Bibles, which are a real blessing to those lads who are poor readers, as well as other Christian books for the chaplaincy library. We have found CLC very knowledgeable and helpful when selecting books and ordering books. -Andy Taylor, Prison Fellowship: Ipswich & District Group. 6

Become a Prison Fellowship volunteer and see lives transformed Volunteers are vital to the work of Prison Fellowship throughout England and Wales. The aim is to restore all those affected by crime and to - through prayer; values based programmes and practical action - ‘see lives transformed.’ Our Volunteers are involved in many diverse ways but there are three activities that are at the core of Prison Fellowship England and Wales:

s¬ Prayer Groups – At the centre of all we do; this is where it all started! s¬ Sycamore Tree – A programme focused on Restorative Justice and Victim Awareness. s¬ Angel Tree – This enables children to receive a Christmas present from their parent(s) in prison.

If you would like to find out more about Prison Fellowship then please :LLPUN SP]LZ [YHUZMVYTLK contact:


Bought To Be Freed Devotional by Tony Anthony

Back in the 1800s, a young Englishman travelled to California in search of gold. After several months of prospecting, he struck it rich. On his way home, he stopped in New Orleans. Not long into his visit, he came upon a crowd of people all looking in the same direction. Approaching the crowd, he recognised that they had gathered for a slave auction. Slavery had been outlawed in England for years, so this young man’s curiosity drew him to watch, as a person became someone else’s property. He heard “Sold!” just as he joined the crowd. A middle-aged black man was taken away. Next a beautiful young black girl was pushed up onto the platform and made to walk around so everyone could see her. The miner heard vile jokes and comments that spoke of evil intentions from those around him. Men were laughing as their eyes remained fixed on this new item for sale. The bidding began. Within a minute, the bids surpassed what most slave owners would pay for a black girl. As the bidding continued higher and higher, it was apparent that two men wanted her. In between their bids, they laughed about what they were going to do with her, and how the other one would miss out. The miner stood silent as anger welled up inside of him. Finally, one man bid a price that was beyond the reach of the other. The girl looked down. The auctioneer called out, “Going once! Going twice!” Just before the final call, the miner yelled out a price that was exactly twice the previous bid. An amount that exceeded the worth of any man. The crowd laughed, thinking that the miner was only joking, wishing that he could have the girl himself. The auctioneer motioned to the miner to come and show his money. The miner opened up the bag of gold he had brought for the trip. The auctioneer shook his head in disbelief as he waved the girl over to him. The girl walked down the steps of the platform until she was eye-to-eye with the miner. She spat straight in his face and said through clenched teeth, “I hate you!” The miner, without a word, wiped his face, paid the auctioneer, took the girl by the hand, and walked away from the still-laughing crowd. He seemed to be looking for something in particular as they walked up one street and down another. Finally he stopped in front of some sort of store, though the slave girl did not know what type of store it was. She waited outside as the dirty-faced miner went inside and started talking to an elderly man. She couldn’t make out what they were talking about. At one point the voices got louder, and she overheard the store clerk say, “But it’s the law! It’s the law!” Peering in, she saw the miner pull out his bag of gold and pour what was left of it on the table. With what seemed like a look of disgust, the clerk picked up the gold and went in a back room. He came out with a piece of paper, and both he and the miner signed it. The young girl looked away as the miner came out the door. Stretching out his hand, he said to the girl, “Here are your manumission papers. You are free.” The girl did not look up. He tried again. “Here. These are papers that say you are free. Take them.” 7

“I hate you!” the girl said, refusing to look up. “Why do you make fun of me!” “No, listen,” he pleaded. “These are your freedom papers. You are a free person.” The girl looked at the papers, then looked at him, and looked at the papers once again. “You just bought me...and now, you’re setting me free?” “That’s why I bought you. I bought you to set you free.” The beautiful young girl fell to her knees in front of the miner, tears streaming down her face. “You bought me to set me free! You bought me to set me free!” she said over and over. The miner said nothing. Clutching his muddy boots, the girl looked up at the miner and said, “All I want to do is to serve you - because you bought me to set me free!” Where to Take It from Here... At one time we were all slaves to sin and to death. But Christ came to redeem us - to pay for our freedom. He bought us with his own blood, that we might be free. “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed… but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Peter 1:18-19). Want to know more? Why not speak to the person who gave you this tract or contact Avanti Ministries directly... they’d love to hear from you!



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Mr. Tony Anthony Founder Director and Evangelist

Avanti Ministries Ltd 6 Clarence Road Southend-on-Sea Essex SS1 1AN United Kingdom Telephone: +44 1702 333 319 Email: Avanti Website:

Did you know that Leicester’s CLC Bookshop has moved?

Pilgrim House, 10 Bishop Street LEICESTER, LE1 6AF Tel: 0116 255 8481



Christ has set us free. It is for freedom that be do not let yourselves Stand firm, then, and yoke of slavery. burdened again by a






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Lucy’s Rainbow by Judy Hopkins

Reviewed by Bonnie Brooks Judy Hopkins provides a moving account of her journey from her nursing days into a happy marriage, to life as a young widow caring for two children. Her husband’s early death is shattering to Judy, and she takes the reader through the pain, fears and challenges of bereavement and single parenting. God was central to her marriage, and Judy continues to seek his guidance and provision in her new role. She discovers that the grieving process is complex and lengthy, with moments of triumph and despair eventually leading to a time of acceptance and moving on. This helpful and informative book contains a message of hope and trust in God, whatever the future may hold, and I would highly recommend it. ISBN: 9781850789543 Publisher: Authentic 208 Pages




Praise: The new CLC Korea warehouse should be completed by the time you read this. The construction work has taken much longer than expected due to an unusually heavy and prolonged rainy season, but praise the Lord for a brand new building! Prayer: Also, because of the rain, another CLC building, now 30 years old, has developed a serious leak. At the time of writing, repair and maintenance work was being carried out. Please pray for God’s blessing and protection over these properties so that CLC Korea’s publishing ministry can continue to grow.

s significant a anticipate eir own CLC Colombi ribution of th st di e th in growth ntly bought and has rece ns io at ic bl pu A. It in Miami, US better a warehouse ve ha ill w they is hoped that d ried stock, an n and more va Lati from around that orders to ed nd te be at America will ly. The nt ie fic ef d y an more rapidl the Spanish e rv will also se se ou eh ar w here the in the USA w bookmarket over 40 w pulation is no should Hispanic po se ou new wareh is Th n. io ill m g (January)! and operatin now be open



G Upd Please pray for the impact of a newly released CLC Publications’ workbook entitled Crossing the Jordan. This workbook, and the Bible study itself, is designed to help women find victory in the midst of difficult relationships. It is published in partnership with America’s Keswick and was originally written for women whose husbands are in an addiction recovery program.

Central Asia: Praise the Lord that long awaited permission for receiving a large order of books was finally given, in part, back in September. Hopefully by the time you see this prayer point the whole order will be processed. It is always frustrating not to have the stock you need in time but especially so if it was requested over 12 months beforehand! Please continue to pray for the licence we need to sell Christian books; the application for this has also been submitted for the past year but, at the time of writing, we have not had a reply. Please pray for wisdom, favour with the government and that we will be granted the licence soon.

Coming S




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! s e t a d CLC UK Wholesale Team Is Growing!

CLC.�in Africa continues to grow with a new shop in Kenya! The shop in Kakamega was opened for business in November with Rose Amuka as the manager. Please pray for Rose as she is initially working alone until we can recruit and train an assistant. Plans are also being made for relocating our wholesale headquarters, as well as opening another shop early this year. Other business developments (Shop-in-a-box /etc...) could leave us with between 5 and 8 new bookshops by the end of 2012. Lloyd Hodkinson, from the CLC International Office, has recently returned from a very successful survey trip to Zambia and is asking for prayer that we might know the next steps to take and for the Lord’s provision of resources to help in a needy land. 13

King of my heart!

l a n o i at n r e t s r CLC In e y a r P r u o +Y e h T n O s n o i s s i M ! t e e r High St


Stanley, a homeless man, sits outside our Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia (USA) bookstore almost every day. I walked out the door on my way to the bank during my first week in the CLC shop, and noticed a man on the sidewalk beside the door. Seeing his ragged clothes and scraggly beard, I didn’t expect much response, but I greeted him and introduced myself. “I’m Stanley,” he told me. I talked with him a moment or two and found him to be pleasant and intelligent. Over the next days, I saw that he could usually be found in that same spot on the sidewalk, so I made sure to greet him when I saw him. One day, I noticed that his shoes were threadbare and losing their soles. “What size shoes do you wear, Stanley?” I asked. “10.5,” he answered hopefully. On arriving home that evening, I asked my wife if someone hadn’t given us a couple of pairs of size 10.5 shoes. (I wear size 10 and my son wears size 11). Sure enough, out from a box came two pairs of nice, almost new shoes. A grin split Stanley’s face the next day when I pulled out the shoes. “These will be great for the winter,” he said as he took them in his weather-beaten hands. I sat down beside Stanley on the sidewalk and asked him to tell me his story. “Not much to tell,” he said. “You are a smart guy, Stanley,” I said. “I happen to know that God created you to be and do more than sit on the sidewalk all day.” “I don’t sit here all day,” he protested. “Sometimes I do some carpentry to help a man with

a project he is working on.” He told me about the project which may or may not be ongoing. “Hmmm,” I commented. “What is your perspective on religion, Stanley?” “You don’t want to know,” he countered. “Yes, I do. That’s why I asked!” I returned with a laugh. “I was raised in a Christian home, became an atheist in the army, turned into an agnostic when I got out of the army and now...” he rambled on with a questionable assortment of beliefs “Hmmm,” I commented again. “I notice that you like to read the paper. Would you read a book if I gave one to you?” “Sure,” he replied. “Have you heard of C.S. Lewis?” I asked. “He was a professor at Oxford. He was raised in a Christian home like you, and became an atheist like you. He later wrote a book, called “Mere Christianity”, that I would like to give you.” I told him that I would see if I had a copy in the shop, and went inside. Thirty minutes later, Stanley walked in. “Did you find that book yet?” he asked. I explained to him I hadn’t had time to look yet, but then found a copy and gave it to him. He thanked me and left. The next day when I greeted him, he told me he had started reading it. “Keep reading,” I replied. “I think you are going to find it very interesting.” I saw Stanley again a couple of days later. “How is that book coming?” I asked. “I am taking my time with it,” he said. “That guy is really intelligent, isn’t he?” I grinned and told him to keep reading as I wanted his feedback when he was done.

No Matter Where... No Matter The Weather... Please Join Us In Prayer!

CLC’s Prayer Focus: Our electronic bi-monthly resource will give you daily up-to-date prayer & praise points from any one of our 56 CLC countries. To sign up simply email us at: with ‘PF Subscribe’ as the subject.

Will you pray for Stanley as he continues to read this book and as he ‘reads’ our lives and words as we interact with him regularly? There are many others like him who are in and around our shops on a daily basis, people who God has put in our way so that we can share with them the great, good news of Jesus Christ. 15

Thank you for your interest in CLC! We hope that you will continue to enjoy the CLC World magazine. To subscribe, email us at: clcworld@ or send this tear-out to FAO: CLC World, CLC Wholesale, 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hants, SO24 9BJ Please send me the CLC World magazine. My Name & Address:

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Please send me ______ copies of CLC World so that I may distribute them to my friends or at my church/business/etc... Please send me more information about this article/project found in the magazine:


The Story (Music) DVD: Inspired by the new film coming out called ‘ The Story’ this DVD is full of music videos that use both dramatic reenactment and the very latest in motion animation. These are ly On powerful songs made more so 9 .9 £12.T.D.) by the visual impact they have. (J Great add-on to any sermon or just for enjoyment in your own quiet times with Product Code: 653738261894 the Lord. Cutback (The Film) DVD: A family film focused on teaching us about integrity by keeping our commitments to God and others. The film has a very good plot with a shocking and unexpected twist. Only Although not the action £13.99 packed film I expected, I (Kway) definitely recommend it as it helps to remind us that God is always in control and He never stops loving us no matter what. Product Code: 9780740324604

Enclosed is a gift of £ ______towards CLC World production & postage. Costs are approx. £1 per issue. Cheques payable to ‘CLC International (UK)’. Receipts are sent only on request. Gift Aid: I am a UK taxpayer and wish CLC to reclaim tax on this and subsequent donations. Signature for Gift Aid:


£13.99 (Kway)

_________________________________________ Date: _______/_______/________ Notice under the Data Protection Act 1998: The law requires us to notify you that CLC International (UK) holds information or personal data about you for the purposes of our work. This includes your name and address for sending this magazine to you. Information will be held and used only in pursuance of our charitable objectives as a worldwide Christian mission. Registered as a charity in England & Wales (no. 1015793) and in Scotland (no. SC037939) © Copyright CLC World, CLC International (UK)


What If...(The Film) DVD: Wow! I was really impressed with this film! The acting, plot and message were all equally good. It is one of those films that reminds you that it is never too late to change your life so you are once again following God’s path for your life! A must-see and great addition to your collection. Product Code: 5031330594209

Majesty Live (Music) DVD Love Gaither Homecoming DVDs? This one is fabulous! Experience the absolute majesty of God’s creation on a cruise around beautiful Alaska while soaking in the music sung by Gaither and friends. You will truly be inspired to praise! Product Code: SHDVD4837


9 £12.T.9 .D.) (J

CLC Gets Social!

Interested in knowing what’s happening at your local CLC bookshop or CLC worldwide?

Many of our CLC teams in the UK and globally are now on facebook and twitter. We hope you will like us and follow us soon!


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£7.99 19

Barry’s Challenge!

In 1999, while I was a student at Cliff Bible College, I set up a charity called Proclaim Trust. Part of what we do is reach out to prisoners in the UK. When my autobiography was released in 2007, we started a project so that we could provide copies of my book, Once an Addict, to Prison Chaplains, so that they could then give them away to the inmates. To date, over 30,000 copies have been given away to prisoners.

Barry Woodward

The response to our book initiative has been very positive. Each week we receive letters from prisoners who have been impacted by it and, to be honest, I find it amazing how God uses my biography to connect with people. Here is an extract from a letter we received from an inmate called Steve: “The chaplain came to my cell and gave me your book... I’ll never forget my experience. It was November 2008 when I got on my (knees in the) cell and was reborn by the Holy Spirit. It was the simple prayer at the back of the book that did it for me. I’m a totally different person than the one that I was when I was recalled because of my alcohol relapse.” This was the first of many letters that we received from Steve. He is now out of prison, attending church, and has even been for an interview at Cliff Bible College; he has been truly transformed! And all this started when the Prison Chaplain gave him a copy of my autobiography. When I think about this story, I realise that there is a lesson to be learnt: you ought to share your faith by giving a book away.

Jesus said: ‘You shall be my witnesses…’ Sharing our faith is something that we are all asked to do, and there is no easier way to do so than to simply give a book away – in particular, a biography. Why a biography? Because people like to read about other people’s stories, and there are various and diverse biographies to choose from. What biographies do you have at home? What new biographies could you purchase? Who could you give a book away to? Why not give it a try? You never know what might happen! God may connect with them through the pages, just as he did with Steve! When it comes to telling others about your beliefs, remember the lesson from the Prison Chaplain: share your faith by giving a book away. To read about Barry Woodward’s testimony, pick up a copy of Once An Addict in shops now! ISBN: 9781860246029 Publisher: Authentic




M o r e G r e a t B i o s




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Scars and Stilettos

by Richard Taylor Publisher: New Wine Press ISBN: 9781903725573

by Harmony Dust Publisher: Monarch Books ISBN: 9780825463099


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One Step Beyond

by John Robinson Publisher: Monarch Books ISBN: 9781854246233

by G. Seed & A. Robinson Publisher: CWR ISBN: 9781853454622




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Secret Scars by Abigail Robson Publisher: Authentic ISBN: 9781850787211

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