Loving disagreement is the problem –Christians have become too relaxed about the way disagreements destroy unity and undermine mission.
Loving disagreement is also the solution –because if Christians can learn to love even their neighbour in Christ with whom they disagree, situations of conflict are transformed.
Reflecting on his experiences first as a BBC religion correspondent and then as an ordained Anglican, Christopher Landau offers practical solutions to the facing of inevitable disagreements among Christians, rooted in a dual call to love our neighbour and seek the fruit of the Spirit.
Also included is a five-session small group resource, The Unity Course, that unpacks the New Testament principles, and equips followers of Jesus to disagree in authentically Christian ways.
Loving Disagreement
Christopher Landau
RRP: £12.99 | 9781803760124
SAVE £2 £10.99
SAVE £7 £16.50
SAVE £3 £11.99
Summaries and Memory Verses from Every Chapter of Scripture
This summary of every chapter of the Bible will help readers understand its overall story.
The Bible is a big book and getting to know it can be a daunting task. Ryan McGraw helps readers become more familiar with the storyline of the Bible, through summarizing the content of every chapter in Scripture, and by singling out key verses that epitomize each chapter. Seeking to show the argument of each biblical book in its context, the summaries indicate what happens and why in each chapter, paving the way for letting the Bible tell its own story in its own words.
Large trade paperback, 416 Pages
9781527109407 RRP £14.99 £11.99
The Ultimate Infographic Guide to the Bible is here to provide invaluable historical, cultural, and contextual insights to help you better understand God’s Word. These fascinating charts, graphics, and timelines will enrich your reading experience by:
• highlighting the key events, themes, and applications found in each book of the Bible
• providing background on the Bible’s reliability, translation process, and preservation
• illuminating how God reveals his strength, power, and love through the Bible’s overarching narrative
The Ultimate Infographic Guide to the Bible
RRP: £23.50 | 9780736982740
Is Easter Unbelievable?
Rebecca McLaughlin
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is an extraordinary thing to believe. Such a supernatural event is the stuff of make-believe, many think. Yet millions of Christians around the world believe that Jesus’ resurrection was a real, historical event. In this concise book Rebecca McLaughlin outlines the evidence that Jesus really did rise from the dead and why it’s the best news ever.
RRP: £2.99 | 9781784988302
In this first issue of Take Note for 2023 we have a special focus on Easter reading and Lent devotionals as we prepare for the coming season and remember Jesus’ death and resurrection, demonstrating God’s great love for us and giving us a future and a hope. Below we have three great resources at low prices, all ideal for buying in bulk for your church to give away this Easter, or simply to give to a friend. Over the page we feature a range of devotionals for Lent and other Easter reading.
A new feature this year is a range of new titles on p.6-7 – ideal for Mother’s Day (19th March). Included are some beautiful devotional books, journals and Bibles that would make perfect gifts. We also have the usual range of biographies, Christian living titles, Bibles, devotionals and more – all at special Take Note prices.
Enjoy browsing and remember to support your local Christian bookshop with your purchases.
Daryl Wearring
3 Days That Changed the World
Roger Carswell
The crowds shouted, ‘Crucify Him!’ … So began the three most significant days in world history. Three life-changing days that have the power to transform your world. Popular author and speaker Roger Carswell explores what led to the events of the first Easter and shows how Jesus’ death and resurrection impacts our world — and each one of us — today.
RRP: £3.99 | 9781914966941
The Message of Easter
Eugene H. Peterson
What appeared to be a defeat was actually the greatest victory of all. Experience the biblical story of Easter in the contemporary and engaging language of The Message Bible in this accessible booklet – including Gospel accounts of Holy Week along with prophetic texts related to the Crucifixion and New Testament passages reflecting on the meaning of the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
RRP: £4.50 | 9781641585613
Easter and Lent reading
From Glory into Glory
Tom Parsons
The hour has come for Jesus to return to the Father’s heavenly glory. He embarks on the journey ahead, even though it will lead him through the depths of earthly shame. Crucifixion awaits him, and what destiny could be considered more disgraceful than to die on a cross? Yet right there, in the indignities of his suffering and death, Jesus will reveal the glory of God.
From Glory Into Glory follows Jesus on this journey from the veiled glory of the cross into the blazing brightness of the resurrection. Travel along, then, with these daily comments and prayers in your hand. There are some glorious views along the way…
RRP: £4.99 | 9781914966736
The Prayers of Jesus
Amy Boucher Pye
This Lent, refresh your relationship with God by exploring the way Jesus Himself prayed to His Father. Focusing on six of the prayers of Jesus leading up to the central events of our faith, encounter the Saviour in a new way and reach new depths of intimacy with God in prayer. Through six sessions, experience more of God’s presence as you pray and reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Each session includes: Warm up suggestions; setting the scene; Bible readings; session focus sections; discussing starters and prayer exercises.
RRP: £8.99 | 9781789512502
Images of Grace
Amy Scott Robinson
Lent is traditionally a time of repentance, fasting and prayer as we prepare to celebrate our salvation at Easter. Through daily readings and reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day, Amy Scott Robinson explores different biblical images of repentance, sin, forgiveness and grace, bringing them together in Holy Week as a lens through which to view Christ’s work of reconciliation on the cross.
A devotional whose focus on imagery particularly lends itself to further creative response from the reader through art, journaling and poetry. Includes questions and suggestions for individual and group study.
RRP: £9.99 | 9781800391178
Gerald Chrispin
What are the two most significant events in history? The Christian will say, ‘The death of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.’ Gerard Chrispin’s book is like a witnesses’ waiting room at a trial. Those appearing are eyewitnesses of either the horror of what happened on and around the cross, or of the staggering encounters with the risen Lord Jesus Christ three days later!
This gripping book urges us to face the challenge of the question, ‘On whose side are you?’
RRP: £9 | 9781846256820
SAVE £1 £8.99 SAVE £1.51 £7.49Godforsaken
Stephen Cottrell
In the Gospel of Mark’s account of the Passion narrative, Jesus calls out from the cross ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?‘ which is the Aramaic for ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ – the first line of Psalm 22. It’s an anguished expression – traditionally ascribed to King David – of defeat, failure, abandonment and despair. This series of reflections, written for Lent is a beautiful and compelling exploration of the dark, suffering side of the Passion – and how Jesus’ words lead us to the greatest hope of all.
RRP: £14.99 | 9781399805247
SAVE £2 £12.99
Emma Ineson
What is failure? What did Jesus think of it? What did he say about sin, mistakes and generally mucking things up? At the start of this wonderfully humorous and encouraging book – which will end at the cross – it’s suggested that our tendency to lump all kinds of failure together could be a bit unhelpful.
SAVE £2 £8.99
As the book draws to an end, we are reminded of our calling to live life to the full, to take risks despite our fears. We are bound sometimes to fail! Yet gazing at Jesus – who looked like the greatest failure of all – we may discern in the heartache, vulnerability and humility of failure, the glory of the cross.
RRP: £10.99 | 9780281087846
Meditate on the NEW Words of Jesus
Truly, Truly, I Say to You
Have a personal encounter with Jesus every day with these 40 devotions that reflect on the sayings of Jesus in John’s Gospel. Reflections and prayers by Adam Ramsey together with insights from Charles Spurgeon. Ideal to read during Lent and there are two extra special reflections added for Easter Sunday and Monday.
Adam Ramsey
RRP: £9.99 | 9781784988241
Mother’s Day – ideal gifts
Every Day New
Jenny Highsmith
This beautiful devotional based on inspirational oil paintings by artist Jenny Highsmith invites readers to look up, breathe deep, and feel the peace and presence of God. In a world filled with trials and uncertainty, it’s comforting to know that God’s love and care for you is unchanging. Amid your darkest nights, there will always be a dawn. The sun will always rise, bringing it with it new and tender mercies from your Heavenly Father.
Featuring stunning skyscapes from artist Jenny Highsmith, each devotion includes a key Scripture verse, spiritual insights, a heartfelt prayer, and questions for further reflection. Every Day New will encourage you daily to set your eyes on Jesus amid life’s storms.
RRP: £17.50 | 9780736986366
SAVE £2.30
SAVE £5 £12.50
ESV Prayer Journals
Ruth Chou Simons
These ESV Prayer Journals guide your study of a foundational Scripture topic over 6 weeks and create space for writing and prayer—turning your quiet time into a meditation on God’s Word. Each week opens with an overview related to that week’s passage, followed by 5 days of teaching and prayer prompts. Each journal also includes space for writing, clear definitions of biblical terms, and artwork by Ruth Chou Simons.
30 Days of Peace | 9781433582486
30 Days of Hope | 9781433582479
RRP: £8.79 each
NIV Pocket Bibles with Zip
Small enough to take with you everywhere you go, this pocket Bible will ensure you have the Word of God at hand at all times. With a pastel lilac or mint soft imitation leather cover and matching zip, the Bible pages will be kept tidy and clean. This lovely gift Bible has a removable presentation box and a pastel ribbon marker, and features a black and white hand-drawn pattern on the endpapers.
This Bible also features: - clear, readable 6.75pt British text – easy-to-read layout – shortcuts to key stories, events and people of the Bible – reading plan – book by book overview – quick links to find inspiration and help from the Bible in different life situations.
Lilac | RRP: £18.99 | 9781399801744
Mint | RRP: £18.99 | 9781399801751
SAVE £2.50
Denise J. Hughes
Whether it’s the TV or radio continually playing in the background or the persistent pinging on our phones, the constant noise and frenetic pace of modern life can be overwhelming. More than ever, we need sanctuary, not only as a refuge from the noise around us but also as a place where God’s truth can be clearly heard. In this 31-day devotional readers will come to see that a quiet life doesn’t mean escaping from the world around them but centring their hearts on Christ so that they can live with a clear focus, a quiet confidence and a steady peace.
RRP: £9.99 | 9781784988180
Pour Out Your Heart
In this beautiful prayer journal, women are encouraged to find their own rhythm for consistent prayer and Bible study. Designed to be used over many years, this durable hardcover journal features a unique method that guides readers toward an intentional, Scripturefocused prayer life.
The layout includes 4 customizable main sections: Daily Gospel Truth, Promises, Prayers, and Provisions. There are lined pages for women to record their prayers, and they can use the journal as often as they want—daily, weekly, or even a few times a year.
RRP: £21.99 | 9781433579769
Where Do You Turn When Motherhood Isn’t What You Expected?
While motherhood brings joy and love, it can also bring pain and heartache. In this encouraging book, Katie Faris invites women to experience God’s comfort and leads moms to put their hope in Christ, despite the unexpected trials of raising children.
Clinging to Hope
Charles R. Swindoll
All of us are in desperate need of strength to endure and hope to carry on. Life is difficult and demanding. It’s often filled with pain, heartaches, setbacks, and detours. When such troubles strike, they can be downright devastating. But they don’t have to be! In Clinging to Hope, Chuck Swindoll reassures us that we can endure unexpected calamities. How? By taking our stand on the strong foundation of God’s Word.
When trials and tribulations rumble in like a fleet of bulldozers to demolish our lives, we can emerge from the rubble with a strong resolve to recover and rebuild. Not just to survive, but to thrive.
RRP: £15.99 | 9781496435392
God is God, and You are You
Thomas Davis
Evangelism is crucial, it is urgent, it is exciting, it is wonderful. There is nothing more thrilling than to see God at work in people’s lives and to them discover the incredible joy and peace that comes from knowing Jesus. But it is also hard. Really hard. Often, sharing our faith with other people is the area of our Christian lives where we feel at our most useless. The Bible contains a wealth of theological truth that is a powerhouse of encouragement for evangelism, including the basic truths that God is God and you are you. God has not called a select group of elite Christians to tell the world about Jesus; he has chosen his weak, insecure, ineloquent people. He has chosen you.
RRP: £9.99 | 9781527109384
Bible Prophecy: The Essentials
Tsarfati & Stagner
The study of Bible prophecy can seem complicated or controversial, yet Christians still long to understand what God’s Word reveals about the future. Amir and Barry pool their knowledge to address the seven biggest themes of Bible prophecy, including:
• Israel • the Church • the Rapture • the Tribulation • the Millennium • the Great White Throne of Judgment • Heaven
When studied with wisdom and discernment, God’s Word provides all you need to know about what is to come. Amir and Barry’s thoughtful, informative, and user-friendly book is a resource you’ll return to again and again as you seek to prayerfully grow in your understanding of Bible prophecy.
RRP: £13.25 | 9780736987240
Finding Your Best Identity
Andrew Bunt
Who are you? And how can you find who you are?
Andrew Bunt has wrestled with these questions. At one point in his childhood, he thought he might be a girl in a boy’s body. As he grew up and discovered he’s samesex attracted, the world started to tell him that his sexuality is his identity. And for many years, he believed the lie that he was a freak and a weirdo, assuming that’s what everyone thought of him. Blending his personal story with careful Bible teaching and genuine cultural awareness, this is a book to get conversations going and help us all understand our best identity.
RRP: £8.99 | 9781789744200
SAVE £4.26 £8.99 SAVE £1.50 £7.49Every Day with Jesus: Water for the Soul Selwyn Hughes
This one-year collection contains six classic, specially selected themes from Every Day with Jesus to encourage you in your Christian walk. Inside are 365 undated daily readings and prayers, along with suggestions for further study and discussion. The themes are: Staying Spiritually Fresh, Rebuilding Broken Walls, The Character of God, The Goodness of God, The Fruit of the Spirit, and Seven Pillars of Wisdom.
RRP: £11.99 | 9781853451287
At Home, and Out and About Gordon Giles
Across a year’s worth of weekly reflections, Gordon Giles focuses on objects, scenes, activities and places, drawing out spiritual insights to help us reflect on what we have learned as we venture out again after months of restriction, absence and anxiety. From Easter, through the changing seasons to the following Easter, we are led to consider: What is it like spiritually to stop wearing masks? How has Zoom affected us during lockdown and how do we now relate to technology as a medium of fellowship? Where is Christ amid our restrictions and our releases?
SAVE £1 £8.99
RRP: £9.99 | 9781800391154
52 Weeks in the Word guides you through God’s sacred Word, all while helping you organize and pause for deeper meditation. You’ll discover treasures—some old, some new—help for daily living, hope in times of suffering, and a deep abiding relationship with the God who loves you.
SAVE £4 £11.99
Broken by Love
After leading a very conventional life, a middle-aged Val told God she was available to be used by him. Moving to an inner-city church, God opened her eyes and heart to what was happening in Bristol, and so began a remarkable rollercoaster ride of love, compassion, burnout, determination, honesty, victories and defeats. Val worked with the female sex workers of Bristol, offering a listening ear, acceptance, support and a safe place to stay that has changed many lives. Her incredible story shows that it is never too late for God to work in your life and will encourage you to have the faith to step out and do what God has called you to do.
RRP: £10.99 | 9781788932868
Divine Disruption
Tony Evans, Priscilla Shirer, Chrystal Evans
Hurst, Anthony Evans & Jonathan Evans
We have all been through difficult seasons and times in life when it seems like the hits keep coming and you can barely catch your breath. The Evans family knows what this is like, as they’ve experienced the deep grief of losing eight loved ones in less than two years’ time, including the devastating passing of Lois Evans, the matriarch of the family.
In Divine Disruption, Tony Evans and his children pull back the curtain on their faith-shaking experiences, in order to provide biblical wisdom and practical encouragement for how to deal with the hard, unexpected things we all inevitably face.
RRP: £12.99 | 9780785241157
Not a Tame Lion
Terry Glaspey
One of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century, C. S. Lewis bridged literature, philosophy, and religion. He taught at Oxford and Cambridge, all the while communicating in a clear, winsome manner that ordinary men and women could comprehend.
In this fascinating biographical study Not a Tame Lion, author Terry Glaspey points out that Lewis’ life was as compelling as his work. Glaspey gives readers a glimpse of the character of this extraordinarily gifted man--who believed that our lives can be lived in light of eternity and can demonstrate the hope that endures, even in these shadowlands.
RRP: £13.99 | 9780802429131
From the bestselling author of Jewel of the Nile comes the thrilling tale of a woman who feels she has no future but soon discovers the fate of nations may rest in her hands. The beloved daughter of Jewish captives in Babylon, Keren is sold into Daniel’s household to help her family survive. But after a tragic accident changes the course of her life, Keren finds herself in a foreign country, charged with a mysterious task: teaching a shepherd boy how to become a lord. When she overhears whispers that hint at his true identity, she realizes she must protect him from the schemes of a bloodthirsty king.
RRP: £14.99 | 9781496458223
John Wycliffe Morningstar: Limited Edition DVD Box Set
In a land emerging from the Black Death, caught between a corrupt church and a brutal state, one ambitious priest comes to a new understanding which will change the world. John Wycliffe has been painted as both hero and villain; as saint and heretic. But who was the man behind the myth?
In addition to the main film, the box set contains an additional disc of bonus videos exploring the life and teachings of John Wycliffe where you will be able to hear further from our expert interviewees as they reflect on who Wycliffe was and what he believed. Also included is an exclusive, full colour booklet which reveals something of how Morningstar was filmed, and gives an overview of John Wycliffe’s legacy. RRP: £24.99 | 5065000399894
The Bible in One Year is a popular and effective daily Bible reading programme which makes reading through the whole Bible easier than ever. Featuring two-colour text design with Nicky & Pippa Gumbel’s commentary and reflections alongside each day’s Bible reading, with a ribbon marker to keep your place.
NIV Bible in One Year with Daily Commentary
Commentary by Nicky Gumbel
HB | 9781473677197 | RRP: £39.99
Also Available:
Imitation Leather | 9781399801331 | RRP: £54.99
‘My favourite way to start the day.’
Bear Grylls
The incomparable STUDENT LIFE APPLICATION STUDY BIBLE is a work of serious scholarship, exquisite design, and a resolve for Scripture application in your daily life.
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uses the clear and accurate text of the New Living Translation and is equipped with the Filament Bible app to help you go further in your reading and study of the Bible.
All special prices in this catalogue are valid until 31/3/23, whilst stocks last. Bringing glory to God by making Christian literature available to all nations so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ. Kingsway CLC Trust is a registered UK charity. (265612)