Prayer Focus March & April 2014

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March 2014 1-2 Sat./Sun UK - London Shelley Webb, the CLC London deputy manager, takes over from Petra Nemansky as the new manager today, Saturday the 1st of March. Pray for her as she settles into a very demanding role. Pray too for Petra as she is on furlough and has an extended time with her home church in Amsterdam. Pray for her as she thinks and prays over what her next assignment should be. 3 Mon. Japan – Annual Conference Today and tomorrow, the CLC team in Japan will meet for their annual staff Conference. Among other subjects, the sales over the past year and related financial matters will be discussed. Mr. Satoru Nakano, the National Director, asks for prayer that God would give the team both wisdom and courage as they plan for the future and that the team will be kept in good health, both physically and spiritually. 4 Tue. Romania – Christmas Cheer An updated edition of CLC Romania’s children’s bilingual Bible was reprinted, at very short notice, just before Christmas. A large order for these books meant that it needed to be printed quickly – and the order also helped to pay for the printing costs! In addition, another large order came in for CLC Romania’s title Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray and the organisation ‘Mission without Borders’ ordered hundreds of books from CLC for their Christmas projects. Christmas sales were very good and Ronela Micula, the CLC Director, says they were ‘miraculous’. Praise the Lord for this much needed encouragement.

5 Wed. Korea – Bible Seminaries During the month of March, staff members from the Sales Department of CLC Korea will be visiting a number of Bible seminaries with a CLC publications bookstall. Please pray that this will be well received, and used, by students. CLC Korea works mainly with publications and their one bookshop is used almost exclusively for their own books. 6 Thu. CA2 – Ordering Books Please pray that we would be able to get another order of stock from Russia soon. It has been a long time since the last delivery, partly due to being short-staffed last year. At the time of writing, the Director and new bookshop manager were working on an order and the manager was learning about the ordering process at the same time. Please pray that our part of the paperwork will be done quickly, and that the religion committee would give permission to import the books without long delays as it can often take a year or more! 7 Fri. Antigua – Crime Concerns Arah Martin, the manager of the CLC bookshop in St. John’s, writes to ask for prayer for the island of Antigua. The crime

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