EBTC-Newsletter FEB 2012

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Promoting European Clean Technologies in India & Tackling Climate Change

NEWSLETTER February 2012/ISSUE 10 Editorial   Dear friends, supporters and colleagues, Welcome to the first issue of EBTC’s bi-monthly newsletter for 2012! We hope you’ve had as busy and as productive a start as we have. To start the year, we’ve primarily been focused on pragmatic efforts that compliment the EU-India policy dialogue with concrete on the ground efforts. Our activities over the past 2 months have included taking part in the Clean Coal Work Group, playing a role in developing the Strategic Research Action Plan, and participating in high-level discussions with the EU trade commissioner - Mr. Karel de Gucht. EBTC attended the EU-India summit a few weeks ago, with some reports from events surrounding the main discussions. EBTC is at the forefront of doing what at a policy level is ‘enhancing EU-India collaboration.’ The events that we organize are done in such a manner that it brings about real results. In a recent case, Satarem India met with CleanTech Region, Sundsvall, Sweden during the recent flagship environment mission held in Bengaluru in November. As a result of this delegation, the matchmaking and B2B meetings that surrounded the event, Satarem India was eager to travel to Sweden and visit Cleantech region Sunsvall. EBTC facilitated this relationship, and travelled to Sweden with Satarem India and now are on the path of collaboration towards bringing the technology to India. EBTC’s core competencies are being strengthened and the start of 2012 is also the start of a new era of expertise for EBTC due to a complete team of sector specialists on board, covering EBTC’s core areas of biotechnology, energy, environment and transport. They are as follows: Biotechnology - Mrs. Geetha M. Swamilingiah Energy - Mr. Vittal Kumar Dhage Environment - Mr. Monish Verma Transport - Mr. Dibyendu Sengupta For the rest of the year, EBTC has a full calendar of events planned (subject to change) which we hope will be of interest to you. From IPR workshops to a Biotech business and research delegation, from funding workshops to water, waste and green building missions, there’s something for everyone with an interest in clean technology business and research in India. Do drop us a line should you have any queries, questions or feedback. We welcome it! Yours sincerely

Poul V. Jensen Director European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC)

EBTC is a programme co-funded by the

European Union and coordinated by


EBTC Insight

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) in India: An upcoming business prospect


eing the prime mover of India’s economic growth, demand for energy is growing and so is investment in this important sector. An enormous source of energy, solar power is abundantly available in India.

In the coming decade, the CSP market is estimated to be worth over a billion dollars. With lucrative capacity addition under JNNSM, the CSP market in India is, and will continue to, attract many international players. Indian developers can bank on the fact that they would be reaping the benefits of CSP Research & Development and technological innovation from the EU.

In principal, solar power can satisfy India’s growing energy demands from a renewable, safe and clean resource. India’s potential benefits from solar power are numerous, from a reduced dependence on fossil fuels, to a cleaner environment. CSP is efficient, and whilst CSP technology is not new, it offers one of the most promising utility-scale, and sustainable technology options for meeting India’s energy needs from renewable energy (RE) resources.

Policy Many policy directions brought focus to the RE space boosting sustainable investments. At the Central / Federal Government level, RE focus began through the Electricity Act 2003, whilst the latest and most ambitious entrant is the Jawaharlal


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Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) – one amongst the 8 missions illustrated under broader Prime Minister’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). JNNSM intends to add 20 GW by 2022 and aims to promote ecologically sustainable capacity addition whilst addressing India’s energy security challenge. This has ignited the solar revolution in the country both in terms of technology as well as investment inflow. A plethora of schemes are announced under off-grid, grid interactive and many innovative promotions, subsidies, incentives as well as soft loans are offered to install RE solar projects. Notably, the Central Electricity Regulatory Authority’s (CERC) Solar component in Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO), and new Renewable Energy Certification (REC) regime increased traffic in solar power projects. Individual states, notably Gujarat and Rajasthan initiated their own state level policies thereby attracting technology and business investments. Thanks to the solar mission, solar photo voltaic (PV) has now become the second biggest contributor to the new capacity addition after wind industry. From a mere 10 MW last year to 482 MW grid interactive solar power plants till date is a quantum jump and many are announcing their plant commissioning on an ongoing basis. The total target for power generation under phase I of the solar mission (ending 2013) is 1,300 MW of both PV and Concentrating Solar Power (CSP). Solar PV and CSP power plants are proven and reliable technologies that will respond well for India’s National Solar Mission that intends to add 20,000 MW of solar power by 2022. CSP scores over PV when capacity needs to be scaled up and favoured due to its comparatively lower foot print almost half the land is required compared to a PV power plant as well as high capacity utilization factor of 22%.

CSP Development zones The Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) is very good in the western states of Gujarat and Rajasthan – about 6kWh/ m2/day, which explains the bulk of CSP projects being developed through enabling state solar policies. Other states catching up with this trend include Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, however in terms of large-scale projects; Gujarat & Rajasthan are the current key CSP development zones.


In India, the deserts of Rajasthan have the potential to house the largest solar power plants. High levels of available sunlight mean that CSP plants in Rajasthan could begin satisfying most of India’s energy needs in just a few years. At present there are four power plant projects in the state of Rajasthan are being constructed under JNNSM, based on parabolic trough power plants, Godawari owned by Godawari Green Energy Ltd., and Abhijeet owned by Corporate Ispat Alloys Ltd., each rated 50 MW. The third plant Lanco Solar Energy, rated at 100 MW, each of the two units of the Diwakar & KVK. A total rating of 470 MW of CSP projects intend to go on line by 2013 summer. States are continuing their share of capacity addition and recently Rajasthan announced bids for 2x50 MW new solar CSP projects.

Potential The projected market indicates that the CSP market can reach about 15.2 GW by 2022 under the optimistic scenario and 5.7 GW under a conservative scenario. Another estimate projects that in the coming decade, the CSP market is estimated to be worth over a billion dollars. With lucrative capacity addition under JNNSM, the CSP market in India is, and will continue to, attract many international players. As storage based CSP and related technological options are still evolving, costs may initially be driven up. But a large scale initiative is needed to make it more cost effective, and provides much scope for collaboration between the EU and India. Here Indian developers can bank on the fact that they would be reaping the benefits of R&D and technological innovation from the EU. Demand is driving costs down, the vendor base is already present with respect to the entire civil structure and supporting framework, however components such as mirrors, receiver tubes and heliostats are currently imported for the first round but have tremendous opportunity to be localized. The prospect for CSP plants is fast paced beyond 2015, and there are abundant opportunities for EU players to enter the Indian market and develop the supporting CSP ecosystem under the current enabling policy regime. For queries related to energy projects, please contact EBTC’s Energy sector Specialist, Mr. Vittal Kumar Dhage – dhage@ebtc.eu

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EBTC Events   EBTC Biotechnology Mission 2012

Virtual B2B matchmaking (May) & Business and research delegation to India, Bengaluru (October)

EBTC invites you to participate in one of the most exciting biotech networking events of 2012. This unique event will ensure effective and efficient networking between European and Indian businesses and researchers from the biotech sector looking to explore collaborative opportunities in India. We will do the ground work, and identify opportunities for you through ‘Virtual B2B matchmaking’ from the 14th-18th May 2012. This will give you ample time to explore relationships before you meet in person during the ‘Business a Research delegation’ to be held in India’s biotech hub of Bengaluru from 15th – 19th October 2012.

For further information please contact: In Europe Ms. Micol Martinelli EUROCHAMBRES - The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry E-mail: martinelli@eurochambres.eu Tel: +32 2 282 08 63 Mr. Gianpaolo Sarolli MILAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ITALY E-mail: sarolli.gianpaolo@mi.camcom.it Tel: +39 02 8515 5234 In India Dr. Geetha M Swamilingiah EUROPEAN BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY CENTRE, BENGALURU E-mail: swamilingiah@ebtc 2012 is set to be an eventful year, and EBTC has an exciting calendar of events planned. Please view the full calendar on page 12.


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EBTC News   ‘Revisiting our Common Future’ New Delhi, 10th February 2012

(L-R) Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri (Director General - TERI) & Mr. José Manual Barroso (President of the European Commission) during an interactive session on ‘Revisiting our common future.

Keeping climate change at the heart of the EU-India summit, EBTC attended an open dialogue held between Mr. José Manual Barroso (President of the European Commission) and Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri (Director General, TERI) where subjects such as low carbon growth, reducing our resources and ecological footprint, and inclusive development were discussed. Climate change is at the core of development, and neglecting it will be a huge cost to the global economy. Barroso highlighted that in such testing economic times, sometimes these issues are not given the importance they should be, and it is the duty and responsibility of the global community to keep such issues high on the agenda.

Green and growth can go together: Quite the contrary to conventional thought, green policies are not opposed to development. E.g. Europe’s most competitive countries are also the most resource efficient. Emissions fell by 17.4% between 1990 and 2009. At the same time, GDP grew by 38%. In addition to this, European eco industries have grown on average by 5% per year since the year 2000.

Resource efficiency: Food, buildings and mobility account for 70-80% of all environmental impacts. Some areas of action include: 1. Treating waste as a resource. By providing economic incentives to reinforce markets for secondary materials and induce demand for recyclable materials. 2. Create more supply and demand for green products. E.g. reward green products with eco labels or creating green public procurement. 3. Governments are also invited to phase out subsidies that hold industries back from investing in green technologies or lead to higher levels of fuel consumption. A study from the UK government found that around £23 billion a year of potential savings to UK businesses from resource efficiency. However, within the EU, water efficiency between countries defers widely. In Spain, up to 34% of water is lost before it reaches the consumer, however in Denmark this is only 7%.


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“What’s going to happen if we don’t take action?” We’re facing a race against time for many of the impacts of climate change. It will affect human health, the availability of water, rising sea levels, causes problems for communities in low lying areas or small island states. Some important findings from a special report by TERI released about 2 months ago conclude that heat waves are on the increase and will increase progressively in the future. Heat waves that used to occur once in 20 years will occur once in 2 years by the end of this century, and the intensity of these will also go up. Extreme precipitation events are on the increase. Rainfall, snow, and other precipitation will take place to a greater extent in smaller periods of time. A global population increase would be manageable if we were using sustainable means of production, whereby we were not imposing a heavier footprint on the ecology of the planet. But if we’re an extremely consumer demand orientated economy, requiring more resources, then how many planets would be required? Our choices are now limited, and we probably can’t afford to continue ‘business as usual.’

Changing behavior and creating choices: The real problem is for those with the minimum. It’s not because they are overspending, but because they don’t have the minimum to satisfy basic needs. The population of India living in poverty is still large, and sustainable development can’t be achieved in such a context. Choices need to be created for those who are currently outside the system which denies them choices today. That means education, better services to improve their quality of life, their human capital, and so on. Some are better prepared than others against the impacts of climate change. Some (of the poorest) societies are the most resilient. However if actions aren’t taken and behaviors changed, this capacity will be exceeded. Europe is sensitive to these issues. The journey is an ambitious one. It’s about changing the behavior of producers and consumers, by moving to a low carbon and resource efficient economy. The causes are global, and so must be the solutions. Europe’s eco innovations strengths lie in R&D, market related schemes, and a regulatory framework with green economy policies and practices that aim to reduce the pressure on limited resources. In addition to these strengths, other areas for collaboration between EU-and India include studies on resource efficiency.

6th EU-India Clean Coal working group New Delhi, January-Feb 2012 EBTC was a part of the workshop for 6th EU-India Clean Coal Working group, the main focus of which was the upgrading and efficiency improvements of coal combustion and conversion technologies. All different coal combustion and conversion technologies for existing and new build power plants, emission reduction issues and perspectives for new clean coal technologies were covered. EBTC is also on the search for an EU company that can take up testing of carbon capture technology developed at the Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun with a possibility of testing the developed technology at a test centre in Mongstad (Norway.) EBTC is an important entity in B2B cooperation and will play a key role in steering EU-India cooperation in Clean Coal Technology transfer.


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EBTC and EBG welcome the EU Trade Commissioner, Karel de Gucht New Delhi, 9th February 2012

Mr. Karel de Gucht giving a speech during the cocktail reception held on his behalf by EBG and EBTC.

EBTC works closely and complimentarily to the European Business Group (EBG), and on the eve of the EU-India summit, EBG in collaboration with EBTC organized a cocktail reception to welcome the EU Trade Commissioner, Mr. Karel de Gucht on the 9th of February 2012. The event provided the ideal opportunity for informal networking between EU and Indian delegates from a range of industries and organizations. The evening began with a speech by Mr. Gucht, where he touched on the prospects and possibilities of an agreement that would be a breakthrough for both the India and the European Union. More than ever before, a deep and comprehensive ‘Free Trade Agreement’ (FTA) looks likely, with real value addition for all parties. He highlighted that traditionally, FTA focuses on tariffs for goods, for the non-agricultural market nexus, and agriculture, which constitutes 90% of all FTA’s. On the other hand, a great part of the value for forward looking economies, is in services. Services constitute 3/4th of the European economy, and services play a very important role for India as well. Breathing new air into business is not only important for a European business, but also important for the Indian business community. Opening up this economy to all new perspectives at the level of the continent, and at the level of the planet at large.

North-East Initiatives EBTC Kolkata is taking special steps to explore north east and other eastern region states. It has developed its initial touch points with all the states with further plans to initiate business development activities especially in the north eastern states of India from the forthcoming months.


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EU delegates visit the EBTC Delhi office This month the EBTC New Delhi office had the privilege of being visited by Alessandro Barberis, (President of EUROCHAMBRES,) Martyn Pellew (President of the British Chambers of Commerce,) as well as Roland Johansson (Asian & Pacific Dept India, Nepal, Bhutan - European External Action Service,) and Serafin Gonzalez Sanchez (Policy officer, International Affairs, EC Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry.)

(L-R) Martyn Pellew (President - British Chambers of Commerce) and Alessandro Barberis (President of EUROCHAMBRES), alongside Micol Martinelli (Senior Advisor International Affairs EUROCHAMBRES), and Poul V Jensen (Director - EBTC)

(L-R) Serafin Gonzalez Sanchez (Policy officer, International Affairs - EC Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry), Poul V Jensen (Director - EBTC), Roland Johansson (Asian & Pacific Dept, India, Nepal, Bhutan - European External Action Service), and Luis Lueder (Head of Operations - EBTC)


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The real cleantech deal EBTC is facilitating cooperation between the Swedish municipality of Sundsvall, and Bangalore based Satarem India on a waste to energy project. Satarem India (Bangalore) is a part of Satarem AG (Switzerland) that is involved in heavy engineering industries with core interests in the clean energy and environment sector. Having been awarded two concession agreements to produce electricity from waste in Bangalore (1000 tons/day) and Chennai (2000 tons/day), Satarem India had been seeking technology, process management and financing partnerships from Europe with a specific interest in collaborations with Swedish technology. During the recent EBTC Environment mission in Bengaluru, Mr. Venkatesh Sivaraman, Executive Director of Satarem India met with the CleanTech Region, Sundsvall, Sweden representative, Mr. Ramani Nagarajan. As a result of these initial discussions, Satarem India became interested in the integrated waste to energy project operated by the Sundsvall Energi and was keen to collaborate with them to bring the technology and process to India. The main objectives being to manage and treat the waste, produce electricity, reduce land filling and emulate EU emission control standards in an Indian waste management project. CleanTech Region, Sundsvall, represents several clean tech companies and initiatives of this very innovation region in mid-Sweden. CleanTech Region was encouraged to explore business opportunities in India by EBTC partner, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute. CleanTech region, IVL and EBTC organized the visit of Satarem India with Sundsvall Energi that included a detailed presentation of the project, performance and costs, including a site visit to the plant to witness the highly professionally managed facility that converts 200,000 tons/ year of municipal waste to heat and electricity with grate incinerator technology, including flue gas treatment. Participants were impressed by the systematic operations and management of the plant.

(L-R) Carina Jonasson (Bacteria Shield Sweden AB), Philip Wilhelmsson (Winova Technology AB), NiIs-Erik Jonasson (Bacteria Shield Sweden AB), Venkatesh Sivaraman (Satarem), Ramani Nagarajan (CleanTech Region Solutions), and Leena Pishe Thomas (Regional Manager - EBTC)

Photo courtesy: Lars Ling, CleanTech Region Solutions


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Satarem also met with IVL Swedish Environmental Institute in Stockholm to discuss technology and financing collaboration with Swedish entities. In the next few weeks, the discussions between the aforementioned will continue to explore the parameters for a win-win collaboration. In this entire process, time and speed are given high importance as the projects in India are planned to break ground in 6 months. It was clear that this hub of innovation has a lot to contribute for the sustainable growth of businesses in India. While technology benefits were discussed, a lot of emphasis was made on developing profitable joint businesses tapping Swedish technologies for Indian markets. In real time, companies from a European cluster and hub of innovation were introduced to the benefits of doing business in India and India-specific business models.

Testimonial: Venkatesh Sivaram, Satarem India “We from Satarem had the pleasure of being a member of the team to visit Sundsvall Sweden. EBTC coordinated the trip in short notice and we had seven meetings organized apart from meeting the Municipal heads and councillors. Ms. Leena Thomas had taken efforts to co ordinate with four agencies, the Sundsvall municipal Mayor and other heads of the companies to organize all the meetings in reference to Municipal waste-to-energy and allied industries. We had meetings, met and discussed in two days and it was a good eye-opener. It was purposeful that Ms. Thomas could be there in Sweden at the same time to get all the meetings as per schedule.�

India MSME Summit Kolkata, January 2012 The focus of the India MSME summit organized by FISME and FOSMI,was on the revival of Industries in West Bengal – preparing ground. Mr. Partha Chatterjee, Minister in Charge, Department of Commerce and Industries, inaugurated the session. He mentioned about reviving sick and closed units. The revival of such units will go a long way to address the revival of the industries and also address land issues for manufacturing. It is recognized by the government that the MSME units forms the backbone of the economy and its sustainable growth will be beneficial for the inclusive growth of the state. The topics covered included the development of hard and soft infrastructure in MSME clusters, new financing options for fast growing MSMEs and an institutional framework for revival of sick units and new opportunities for MSMEs. Mr. Suman Lahiri (Regional manager, EBTC Kolkata) spoke during a session on new opportunities for MSMEs chaired by the Executive Director, EEPC India. EBTC is playing an important role in EU-India collaborations from providing business as well as research inputs for policy making to implement intensive joint ventures at the implementable levels. West Bengal (and the eastern region at large) is increasingly becoming more attractive as a destination of EU investment considering the strategic geographic location for international business amongst other location factors for international competitiveness.


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The 99th Indian Science Congress Bhubaneshwar, January 2012 EBTC Kolkata participated in the 99th Indian Science Congress held in Bhubaneswar in January 2012. Inaugurated by Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, on the 3rd January 2012 at the KIIT University Premises, he underlined some of the important objectives of the 12th 5-year plan that includes an increase in investment in the research and development, the creation of a new innovation eco system, aligning the science and technology sector with India’s inclusive development, expansion of basic infrastructure, and greater collaboration with international and national research institutes, amongst others. The women’s science congress and children’s science congress was also a part of the 99th Indian Science congress. The participants in the Indian Science Congress included scientists from research institutes, academic institutes, national laboratories, government departments, industries across India as well as from the international science and research community across the continents. There was an exhibition that had a mix of both research institutes, government departments as well as the Industry. National Institutes like CSIR, Central Water Commission, Karnataka State Biofuels Boards, Indian council of Medical research, and more were amongst the exhibitors. The public session was largely focused on broad issues such as food security, research and innovation, ICT and medical sciences, the plenary session covered healthcare, climate change and food security, frontiers in atmospheric sciences, diseases, green buildings, clean energy from renewable sources, biotechnology, pharmaceutical sciences, rural livelihoods and water security amongst others. The special session witnessed oral presentations of research papers in the area of chemical sciences, earth systems, engineering sciences, management and conservation of natural resources, material sciences, mathematical sciences, medical sciences, physical sciences, plant sciences, etc. EBTC gathered new knowledge and used the same as input for a strategic policy document for joint EU-India research activities. This provided the ground to understand the research capability of the Indian Science and technology sector and networking with key persons involved in research and development.

(L-R) Dr. Manoj Kumar Chakrabarti (General Secretary, Membership Affairs, 99th ISC), Prof. Geetha Bali (General President, 99th ISC), Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh (Hon’ble Union Minister of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences), Shri. M. C. Bhandare (His Excellency The Governor of Odisha), Dr. Manmohan Singh (Hon’ble Prime Minister of India), Shri Naveen Patnaik (Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha), Shri Ashwani Kumar (Hon’ble Union Minister (State) of Planning,Science & Technology and Earth Sciences), Prof. A. S. Kolaskar (VC, KIIT), and Dr. Vijay Laxmi Saxena (General Secretary Scientific Activities, 99th ISC), and other esteemed dignitaries at the inauguration of the 99th Indian Science Congress. (Source: http://www.kiit.ac.in/photo_gallery/99isc/inauguration/#&panel1-2)


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Events Calendar 2012 High-level Workshop on Public Procurement for best practices from Europe


New Delhi

Apr / May



New Delhi

Biotech Business & Research Delegation - virtual matchmaking

14-18 May


Water, Waste-treatment and Green Building Mission

end May / Jun

New Delhi, Kolkata

Workshop on funding facilitation of projects with relevant and demanded EU technologies in India


Mumbai, Bengaluru

Seminar on utilisation of mini-grids, off grid energy solutions


New Delhi

EBTC Smart Grid event



15-19 Oct


7-9 Nov

New Delhi



Transport Business & Research Delegation to the Urban Mobility Conference cum Exhibition

3-6 Dec

New Delhi

Workshop and Roundtables joining energy and climate change issues with sustainable transport strategies

3-6 Dec

New Delhi

Seminar on Sustainable Solutions for Jatropha-based Biofuels in India

11-12 Dec

New Delhi

Workshop on IPR

Workshop on Renewable Energy - Research to Business

Biotech Business & Research Delegation - event Energy Business & Research Delegation to Renewable Energy World Conference and Expo

Environment Business & Research Delegation

Contact us at delhi@ebtc.eu or ebtc@eurochambres.eu for any additional information


Contact Us Please direct Media / Information Enquiries Ananya Roy (Communications Executive) | E-mail:  roy@ebtc.eu Please note our new head office address: EBTC New Delhi (Head Office) DLTA Complex, South Block, 1st floor, 1, Africa Avenue ,New Delhi 110 029 Tel: +91 11 33 521 500  |  Fax: +91 11 33 521 501  |  E-mail:  delhi@ebtc.eu EBTC Mumbai Balarama Bldg., 5th Flr., Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051 Tel:  +91 22 4241 5750  |  Fax:  +91 22 4241 5799  |  E-mail:  mumbai@ebtc.eu EBTC Bengaluru Prestige Meridian Tower-2, 9th Flr., 30, M.G.Road, Bengaluru 560 001 Tel:  +91 80 4090 9670  |  Fax:  +91 80 4090 9669  |  E-mail:  bengaluru@ebtc.eu EBTC Kolkata ICC Building, 6th Flr., 4, India Exchange Place, Kolkata 700 001 Tel:  +91 33 4017 2500  |  Fax:  +91 33 4017 2599  |  E-mail:  kolkata@ebtc.eu EBTC Contact in Europe EUROCHAMBRES Chamber House, Avenue des Arts, 19 A/D, B-1000 Brussels Tel:  +32 2 282 08 59  |  E-mail:  ebtc@eurochambres.eu | Website: www.eurochambres.eu Stay up to date with the Eurochambres activities by subscribing to the monthly Eurochambres newsletter. Website: www.ebtc.eu Join, follow, discuss and share with us @ The European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC) support EU clean-technology companies and researchers on their market entry to India, offering hands-on support in the early stages of expansion. Through its offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Kolkata, EBTC offers complete end-to-end solutions to cleantechnology companies who want to enter and ensure success in the Indian market. EBTC’s efforts focus on the 4 key sectors of Biotech, Energy, Environment and Transport – all of which offer vast scope for closer EU-India collaboration – be it in business, science or technology. As the connecting platform between business and government, EBTC ensures that European players are able to compete fairly in the fast growing Indian market by feeding through potential market access issues into the political EU-India dialogue. Some of the services offered by EBTC:

Market Intelligence

Connecting EU and Indian Business & Research Communities

Supporting Services

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the European Business and Technology Centre and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. Copyright © 2012 European Business and Technology Centre. 120217_NEL

EBTC is a programme co-funded by the

European Union and coordinated by

the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry

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