Inspiration Case 19: Migrant & Adult Education

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© Clear Village 2011

General Information Today’s education system is functioning effectively for most of the people in the developed countries. However there is still a certain group of people, who due to their age or their social, ethnical or physical differences do not fit in traditional schools. Special education institutions like our inspiration case Holyoke Community Education Project offers people in need an education system customized to fulfill their needs and to allow them benefit from the education as everyone else does.

Inspiration & Parametres for change a) encouraging the self-initiative in adult education Ecouraging adult people to go to school is not an easy task, especially not for those adults with different social and ethnic backgrounds. This example of a for the local community customised education system shows how such projects result in boosting people’s confidence and improve both their professional and social life. b) education un-age-limited Education must not be limited to the young people; often adults especially with migration or other different social backgrounds lack proper higher education are reluctant to come back to school and face social isolation and poverty. This example shows impressively how successful tailored adult education can be.

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INSPIRATION CASE 19: MIGRANT & ADULT EDUCATION Our inspiring example: Holyoke Community Education Project, US, 1991

© Clear Village 2011

The Holyoke Community Education Project is based in Massachusetts, USA and started in 1991 as an English as Second Language program based in the Latino community. It works towards social and economic justice by contributing to the development of a capable, informed, and self-determining Latino Community. CEP’s work is carried out through adult literacy and language education programs as well as through grassroots action initiatives. They teach the students to respect human dignity, live in solidarity with others, seek the well-being of all, value all forms of work and creativity and increase awareness about social and economic inequalities. Unlike other schools, the main target groups are people who feel academically or otherwise unprepared for college; first-generation college students; low-income people from all backgrounds; Puerto Ricans and other Latino communities; immigrants from all countries. How does Holyoke Community Education project work in detail? The Holyoke Community Education Project encompasses 3 different aspects to meet the diverse needs of its local community: In Adult Basic Education Classes CEP provides a variety of adult and family educational opportunities in the diverse Holyoke community. Today these classes include for example both Spanish and English lessons, preparing the students for a GED test. The Kimbombó Community Theater is comprised of CEP students, staff and other members of the Latino community and produces plays that address issues of importance to the Latino Community such as domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, and other social and health related issues. Kimbombó productions are presented to the public for free or small donation based on audience’s ability to pay. The College Transition Program is a free comprehensive program intended to build a bridge to higher education. It enables all members of the community to be prepared for colleges and at a later stage universities. The recruitment of candidates is conducted with regional Adult Basic Education organisations, community-based organisations and social services agencies. The Class provides a supportive community learning environment with qualified instructors in both English and Spanish. Students also receive free bus passes and assistance with financial aid and admissions applications.

What does this mean for the local community? Holyoke Community Education Project offers members of local communities with all different social or ethnical backgrounds a second chance for education. It gives them an opportunity to succeed where they failed before, encourages them to take action which will improve their lives and futures. Often this step is hard because of the lack of self-confidence and the presumably negative reaction of society. But the Community Education Project creates an environment where these people feel safe and taken care of to actively work for their own better future.

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