Nearly 100 attended the Quarterly Coffee on June 16 at the Surf Ballroom & Museum, where they received updates from Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Stacy Doughan; Clear Lake Community School District Principals Chris Murphy and Mike Lester; Clear Lake City Administrator Scott Flory and North Iowa Corridor Economic Development Corp President and CEO Chad Schreck
Plus, new employees and new members were introduced, upcoming events were shared and business accomplishments were celebrated Miss the event? Find the full video online here, and mark your calendars for our next one on Sept 15!
Thursday, June 22 | 6-9 p.m.
Thursdays on Main
Downtown Clear Lake
A fun, family-friendly weekly festival featuring live music, food and retail vendors and more on Main Avenue For additional dates and the entertainment schedule, visit https://clearlakeiowa com/events/thursdays-onmain/
Thursday, June 29-Wednesday, July 5 July 4th Celebration Downtown Clear Lake
Thursdays, July 13, 20 and 27 | 6-9 p.m. Thursdays on Main Downtown Clear Lake
Fridays, July 14, Aug. 11 & Sept. 8 | 10 a.m.
Monthly Senior Chamber Coffee Chamber, 205 Main Ave
Friday, July 28 | 10-11 a.m.
Membership 101 Chamber, 205 Main Ave
Learn how to maximize your member benefits, optimize your business directory listing, and more RSVP to stacy@clearlakeiowa.com.
Friday, July 21 Golf FUNdraiser Veterans Memorial Golf Club
9:45 a m Happy Hour/Registration at Club House
10:45 a m Rules Meeting
11 a m Shotgun Start
4 p m Social Hour with Hors d'oeuvres
Cost: $240 for a four-person team Register online here: https://bit ly/3Ye0CmL
Thursdays, Aug. 3, 10 and 17 | 6-9 p.m.
Thursdays on Main Downtown Clear Lake
Tuesday, Aug. 24 | 4:30-6 p.m.
Business After Hours
Clear Lake Arts Center, 17 S 4th St Hosted by Service Master by Rice Beverages and light appetizers will be provided
Friday, Sept. 15 | 7:30 a.m.
Quarterly Coffee Surf Lounge, 460 N. Shore Dr. New hire, promotion, award, recognition or event you'd like to share? Email ashley@clearlakeiowa com to get on the agenda
Educators Appreciation Breakfast
Thursday, Aug. 17 at 7:30 a.m. Clear Lake Middle School
The Educators Appreciation Breakfast is the business community's opportunity to honor Clear Lake Community School District teachers and staff for their dedication to our children Sponsoring a table allows us to purchase a large, hot breakfast for all school district employees on their first day back from summer break As a sponsor, you’re also asked to provide 8 or 12 gifts depending on the number seated at your table The breakfast will be followed by a brief program recognizing event sponsors Interested in sponsoring this event? Reach out to stacy@clearlakeiowa.com.
June 2023 Newsletter
How to Promote Your Clear Lake Event
Whether you’re a seasoned event planner or considering starting a new event, big or small, we are here to help!
Fun-Filled Days at the Lake
These are the memories that make up the blueprint of our lives We’re lucky we live in a place that offers the possibility to make them. So enjoy!
Unticketing Cerro Gordo
Clear Lake Police Department, Mason City Police Department, Cerro Gordo County Sheriff's Office and Iowa Highway Research Board are teaming up to reward motorists in our county for doing good things while driving
The mission of the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is to be the champion for business success and quality of life, creating a thriving destination and driving community prosperity, and one of the ways our organization does that is by connecting you, our members, to resources that matter to you
One of the resources our members value the most is the relationships they build with individuals, businesses and organizations through opportunities the Chamber provides, and there are plenty of them!
Want to give back to this beautiful community while getting to know other people and having fun? Volunteer at Bingo during the July 4th Celebration or sign up to help with next year’s TRI Clear Lake
Looking to connect with other members in a more intimate setting? Reach out and ask about our next Membership 101 or Business After Hours
Want to become more engaged and familiar with your community, its local businesses, institutions, and leaders? Inquire about our 2024 Lake Leadership program
Enjoy coffee, treats and catching up on the latest and greatest updates in Clear Lake? Ask about our Senior Chamber Coffee and our Quarterly Coffee events
Looking for something fun to do with your family or friends during the week or weekend? Head on over to our events calendar at clearlakeiowa com/events/calendar There is so much to enjoy here!
Support the mission of the Chamber and want to be a part of its governing board or welcoming crew? Reach out to learn more about the process to join its Board of Directors or First Mates
There are plenty of ways to get involved with the Chamber, make connections, and grow your business within our community Please don’t hesitate to reach out I can be reached at ashley@clearlakeiowa com or 641-357-2159
As a member of the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, share job openings at your business or organization on our jobs board at clearlakeiowa.com/jobs/. It's one of our most viewed webpages and it's easy to use! Visit the page and select the blue (+) in the top right corner and fill in the details about your opening before submitting for approval The openings on the jobs board as of noon Friday are shared on the Chamber's Facebook page over the weekend
Meet Our Exec Committee
ItallowedmetheopportunitytoworkandcollaboratewithindividualsthatImayhavenevermethadInotbeen involvedwiththeChamber
Ireallyenjoythe4thofJulycelebration ThiseventisoneIrememberasachildmyself Itallowsmetospend timewithmykidsandsharemymemoriesoftheeventandwhathaschangedandwhathasnotchanged Ihope theycherishthememoriesaslongasIhave
LakeLeadershipismyfavorite Iparticipatedmyselfin2016andsatontheadvisoryboardthroughMayof2023 The7yearsinvolvedwiththiseventhasallowedmetomeetandinteractwithsomanyindividualsindifferent industriesthatIamcertainIwouldhavenevermetifnotforthisprogram Istillrunintoclassmatesofminefrom the2016-2017classandwehaveaconnection Nottomention,itisabigeye-openerofhowmuchourNorth Iowacommunityhastoofferfrombothabusinessandpersonalandhistoricalstandpoint
TheChamberbringsaconnectiontothebusinesscommunityandotherbusinessleaders TheChambercreates networkingopportunitiestonotonlypotentialcustomersbuttobetterunderstandtheirbusinessandtheir businessneeds
What’s your favorite part about being on the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors?
The people! I have connected with so many interesting and fun individuals through my involvement on the Chamber board that I wouldn’t have otherwise.
What is your favorite Chamber community event and why?
This is a tough one but I would say the 4th of July Celebration. So many choices of fun things to do and always just blows away family and friends that come to visit us during that weekend.
What is your favorite Chamber business event and why?
The Annual Meeting at the chamber at the Surf this past year was my favorite. The event was so well-planned and really enjoyable! The interactive trivia we played on our phones was such a good way to get everyone involved.
What value does the Chamber bring to you and your business/organization?
The Chamber brings value to me as well as First Citizens Bank as it provides endless opportunities for involvement in the community which in turn then helps to strengthen relationships with other leaders. Also, the Chamber is just a lot of fun!
What’s your favorite part about being on the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors?
Interacting with and getting to know other Clear Lake professionals and community leaders.
What is your favorite Chamber community event and why?
TRI Clear Lake of course!!! Triathlon is my passion and I am in awe of how the Chamber and community pours their hearts into making it so amazing. Harvest Festival is my second favorite event – love serving on this committee and the cozy and happy atmosphere at Harvest Fest is so special!
What is your favorite Chamber business event and why?
Have to say after the past few years, the Annual Meeting. I enjoy seeing deserving Chamber members be honored and having so much of the community there to celebrate them!
What value does the Chamber bring to you and your business/organization?
Carrie Tysdahl Past Chair American Solutions for Business
The Chamber provides so much professionally and personally to me – it is a great way for me to network and I am also eternally grateful for the work they do to make this the best place in Iowa for my family to live!
What’s your favorite part about being on the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors?
My favorite part of serving on the Board are the relationships that I have developed. I would not necessarily interact with some of the others who serve on the Chamber Board in my day-to-day business dealings, so serving on the Board has expanded my network. Further along this line, the relationships have led to opportunities to “pick the brains” of other leaders and has resulted in my gaining skills, ideas, and insights.
What is your favorite Chamber community event and why?
My favorite event is TRI Clear Lake. I love to volunteer as a course marshal and cheer on the athletes. I love to see their hours of training lead to their completing the triathlon – whether they're 1st or 100th.
What is your favorite Chamber business event and why?
My favorite Chamber event is the Quarterly Coffee. I appreciate meeting new Chamber members who present, I enjoy connecting with other Chamber members in attendance, I love to hear the updates from the City and North Iowa Corridor. It’s a great way to stay connected with what’s happening.
What value does the Chamber bring to you and your business/organization?
One Vision receives tremendous value from our Chamber membership. We always have staff participate in Lake Leadership – its such a great opportunity for them to learn about the community and build relationships with others; the Advertising & Marketing reach of the Chamber is phenomenal and a great value for our General Store and TimberCrest Apartments; and as I noted above, for me as the CEO, I connect with other businesses and leaders and bring that back to the organization in the form of knowledge, partnerships, etc.
Mark Dodd Vice Chair of Legislative Affairs One Vision
TheAnnualMeetingismyfavoriteasithighlightsthecommunityandvolunteersthathelpmakeourcityagreat placetoliveandbeapartof.
TheChamberbringseveryonetogetherinanefforttoimproveourcommunityandbusinesses.Itshinesasa beaconofcommunitythathelpsusthrivebothasbusinessownersandcitizensofthetown.Wetrulyhavethe bestChamberandIamluckytobeapartofthecontinuedsuccessthattheyaidinbringingtoClearLake.
June 2023 Newsletter 05 / 08 www.clearlakeiowa.com
Kent Thoe Chair MBT Bank
Chair-Elect/Treasurer First Citizens Bank
Robert Barber
Vice Chair of Tourism Cabin Coffee Company
"This'll be the day... you cache Clear Lake" wins Iowa Geocachers Organization's Award
The Iowa Geocachers Organization (IGO) recognized Clear Lake Tourism's geocache, titled "This'll be the day you cache Clear Lake," with the Most Creative Mystery Cache Award at its People's Choice Banquet in April in Clear Lake
Clear Lake Tourism unveiled a new series of geocaches in May 2022 The series began with "Welcome to Lake Life," featuring a beautifully designed custom postcard that geocachers could take as a cherished memento. This initial cache was met with enthusiasm, prompting Clear Lake Tourism to include a postcard in each subsequent cache in the series, ensuring that every search becomes a memorable experience
"The goal for our series of caches is to encourage visitors to explore Clear Lake in a new way,” said Libbey Hohn, Director of Tourism at the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce “It is so fun to read the logs and hear how people have discovered a feature or learned something new about our community "
"This'll be the day you cache Clear Lake" has captivated geocachers with its intriguing theme, garnering over 124 logs and an impressive 32 coveted "favorite points" within just one year. The cache is associated with the three fallen stars and has received positive feedback from enthusiasts:
flowers22: "Very well-presented cache... great code for the lock & the postcard was a real treat. TFTC (Thanks For The Cache)"
Team Io-Honu: "We came over after visiting the Buddy Holly crash site. I did use the interactive selections at this site to listen to some of the music. A very appreciated memorial. TFTC" muggy80: "One of the nicest ones I've seen!"
Allow us to provide the clue for "This'll be the day... you cache Clear Lake": The cache is located at the site of a former gas station, which the City transformed to commemorate Clear Lake's significant role in American music history. Interact with the site's interactive feature for a complete experience. Once you find the cache, make sure to spin the lock back in time to the year known as "the day the music died." As you close the lock, rotate the numbers, preparing it for the next cacher.
Clear Lake Tourism launched the third cache in its series, titled "Main Street, USA," which has already garnered positive feedback from geocachers.
To discover more about their geocaching series, visit geocaching.com and search for user ClearLakeIowa.
06 / 08 www clearlakeiowa com June 2023 Newsletter
07 / 08 www clearlakeiowa com June 2023 Newsletter NewMembers The Legacy Golf Course at the 19 3331 19th St SW Mason City, IA 50401 Schooley Mitchell of North Iowa Mason City, IA 50401 ZenBusiness 5511 Parkcrest Dr Suite 103 Austin, TX 78731 Estelle + Will Children's Boutique Clear Lake, IA 50428 Elly's Lounge and Elly's Loft 12 South Shore Dr Clear Lake, IA 50428 Clear Lake Adventure Rentals 712 U.S. Highway 18 E. Clear Lake, IA 50428 Lucky Wife Wine Slushies Clear Lake, IA 50428 Fairway Independent Mortgage Mason City, IA 50401 Papa's Place By The Lake CL 14958 Maple St Clear Lake, IA 50428 Hiatt Properties dba Central Gardens Victorian 809 2nd Ave N Clear Lake, IA 50428 Cosmic Smash Burgers Nora Springs, IA 50458 Vonderohe Bees Mason City, IA 50401 Portside Plannng LLC Clear Lake, IA 50428 SplitSeas Lake View Cottage 3416 N Shore Dr Clear Lake, IA 50428 Chick-fil-A Tri-State Food Truck Rochester, MN 55904 Mindful Methods LLC 507 Main Ave. Clear Lake, IA 50428 Champion Investor Thanks to our President's Level Members
641-357-2159 info@clearlakeiowa.com 205 Main Ave Clear Lake, IA 50428 08 / 08 www clearlakeiowa com June 2023 Newsletter