2023 Splash & Dash Athlete Guide

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May 26, 2023




We are so excited to have you as part of the 2023 USAT TRI Clear LakeTriathlonSplashandDash.

A Splash and Dash is a fun and fast-growing sport that combines swimming and running. The TRI Clear Lake Splash and Dash is a participatory event for kids ages 7-15 with an emphasis on creating afunfamilyweekendofmultisportandfitness.Asanofficialpartof the USA Triathlon Youth Aquathlon Series, every participant will receiveafinishermedalandaTRIClearLakevisor.

Parents are encouraged to cheer on their kids as they move through the course and finish under the same arch as the adult racers. CEOWardiereInc.

Wardiere Inc

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023

START END EVENT LOCATION 4pm 6pm Early Packet Pick-up Wellness Center 115 N 20th START END EVENT LOCATION 3pm 6pm Packet Pick-up Lakeview Room 5:30pm Transition Opens Transition 6:15pm Pre-race Briefing City Beach 6:30pm Senior Division Race Begins City Beach 6:40pm Junior Division Race Begins City Beach Post Race Finish Line Celebration City Park


Youth Splash and Dash Course

The kids will start the swim at City Beach and swim North along the shore until they reach the swim exit on City Beach. Seven-10-year- old's will swim 100 meters and 11-15-year-olds will swim 2 laps and complete a 200 meter swim exiting in the same location as the younger kids. Both courses will have numerous lifeguards in the water and safety personnel on site ensuring a safe and fun swim. Lifejackets are allowed.

Once the swimmers exit, they will enter the transition area where they can switch into their running shoes and to begin the run portion. Both Junior (ages 7-10) and senior (ages 11-15) athletes will run a lap around the Yacht Club. The Junior division will continue around City Park towards the finish to complete their 1K. Senior division will continue after the Yacht Club down North Lakeview Drive, turn around and back to around City Park to the finish line to complete their 2K. There will be volunteers along the course to help guide the athletes in the right direction All participants will receive finisher medals, a TRI hat and refreshments at the finish line.

Youth Splash and Dash Packet Pick-Up and Transition Information

Kids can pick up their race packet containing a shirt and swim cap at the Lakeview Room in City Park. Body marking will be done when the kids enter transition. The transition area will be divided into two sections, one half for kids 7-10 and one half for kids 11-15. Kids choose their own spot. Packet pick-up will begin at 3 p.m. on Friday, May 26. There will also be an early packet pick-up on Thursday at the Wellness Center (115 N. 20th St.) from 4-6pm.

Youth Splash and Dash Divisions and Distances

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Juniors: 7-10 years old – 100-meter swim | 1-kilometer run

Seniors: 11-15 years old – 200-meter swim | 2-kilometer run

RACE MAPS Transition

The transition area in a triathlon is the area for changing from one discipline to another. For this race it will be transitioning from swimming to running.



Juniors - 100-Meter Swim

Seniors - 200-Meter Swim

6:30 p.m. Senior division (11-15) starts (Athletes will line up and enter the water in pairs every 3 seconds).

6:40 p.m. Junior division (7-10) starts (This time is an approximation based on numbers. Athletes will enter the water in pairs every 3 seconds).



Juniors - 1K (0.621 miles)

Seniors - 2K (1.242 miles)



Swimsuit/swim trunks


Swim Cap

Triathlon Race Kit (Optional)

Swim-to-Run Transition:

Running shoes

Race shorts

Race top

Running socks


Water/Fluid replacement drink


Recovery of Gear

Following the race , you must be wearing your athlete wristband in order to enter transition to claim your gear.

Food and Beverage

Athletes will receive complimentary food and beverages as soon as they cross the finish line.


Each athlete at the finish line will receive finisher medals and a TRI hat.

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