CP Magazine 2010

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Fall 2010

Connecting Points

Connecting Points

A Personal Message from Pastor Steve Lambert

Welcome to a new semester of Connecting Points. This is our opportunity to Connect to God, Each Other,, and the Community. Look through this magazine and find places that you can “Connect�. Invite your friends, neighbors and co-workers to join you for a class or event. It could be life changing to them! Another opportunity for your friends and family is Growth Track. These classes have been very successful in helping people learn more about this church and providing opportunities for this body of believers to get involved. It is my desire that every person attend the Growth Track classes. Let me say thank you to everyone who is leading a Connecting Point. You are heros! It is my prayer that many lives are changed through these classes and events. May God Bless each of you!

For more information see the flyer in the Connecting Point Magazine or go online www.experience2010.org

Events &Classesfor


A Love Offering Recognizing Women in Missions Bereavement Dinners Fundraising Team Prayer Triads Bible Study Nurture by Lisa Bevere Woman to Woman Breakfast at ??? Newsletter Deck the Halls Women of Worshp Fall Breakaway WUG Leadership


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“A� groups deal with the study of God's Word. Connecting Points in this category will give spiritual instruction to every level of Christianity. This will include everything from new convert to leadership training for mature believers.


Ages: 18-30 Leader: Pastor Wayne Dery Location: Shell Hall Time: Tuesday | 7:00pm Synopsis: 3C is a time for Young Adults to learn about Christ, Community, and Culture. Join us for Worship, Teaching, and being with Friends!

3C First Hour Ages: Young Adult Leader: Various Location: Coffee House Time: Sunday | 9:30am We will have various interactive discussions on things we are passionate about relating to Christ, our Community, and Culture.

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Ages: 12-14 or 6 grade to 8 grade Leader: Philip Chevere/Pastor Nick Location: Shell Hall Time: 10:30am Date: Every Sunday Morning Synopsis: 678 is the middle school ministry of Oneighty (180). We are a youth culture that believes in having a life-changing experience that

honors God. Every Sunday Morning at 10:30am Middle school students come to Shell Hall. We come for fellowship, worship, and to hear the Word of God. You are an original masterpiece and you are unique. God doesn't make any mistakes! You matter to God and He wants to do great things in your life and through your life. So get connected with 678 and see what God will do in your life.

Becoming Ages: Girls 12-18 Leader: Traci Van, Rachel Croasmun, Kathy Wolfe Location: Monday | Coffee House Thursday | Hospitality Room Time: Monday | 7:00pm Thursday | 6:00pm Synopsis: Looking for a place to help you

better understand the Bible? This all girls bible study will help you better understand who you're Becoming in Christ. Children's First Hour Classes Time: Sunday | 9:15-10:15am Dates: August 29 - November 28



A Ages: Infants-3 years old Location: Nursery | First AG Campus Synopsis: To provide a nurturing environment for children.

Ages: 4-5 years old Discovery Kids Leaders: Mark and Patty Pereira Location: Discovery Room | First AG Campus

Surge Kidz Ministries Ages: 4-5 years old Location: Discovery Room | First AG Campus Ages: Grades 1-2 Leader: Cheryl Rice Location: Room D26 | First AG Campus Ages: Grades 3-5 Leader: Rachel Croasmun Location: Room D25 | First AG Campus

Children's Second Hour Classes Time: Sunday |10:30am Dates: August 29 - November 28 Synopsis: Children participate in hands-on learning activities, fun songs, games, and Bible Stories. Ages: Infants: Birth-walking Location: Nursery | First AG Campus Ages: Toddlers-1 year old Location: Farm Room | First AG Campus Ages: 2-3 years old Location: Train Room | First AG Campus

Ages: Grades 1-6 Leader: Pastor David Reneau Location: Wave House | First AG Campus Synopsis: Come join us for fun innovative kid's ministry that is Biblically based and Spirit driven. We focus on teaching our kids the important concepts children need to live a Christian life and lead the next generation of believers.

The Conversation: Making Sense of the Bible Ages: Men 18+ Leader: Oscar Robinson Location: Hospitality Room Time: Wednesday | 7:00pm Dates: August 29 - November 28 Synopsis: Conversations about creation, covenant, law, salvation, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and much more with Dennis Barnes, Bill Baker and others.

First Hour for Adults Time: Sunday | 9:30am Dates: August 29 - November 28

All About The Bible Ages: Adult Leader: Bill Baker Location: Sanctuary Synopsis: Different Bible Studies

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A First Hour for Adults cont’d Time: Sunday | 9:30am Dates: August 29 - November 28 Blueprints I: Foundations Ages: Adult Leader: Pastor Kevin Currie Location: Conference Room Synopsis: You will learn information on how to be a Christ follower.

Genesis - A Stepping Stone Approach Ages: Adult Leader: Tom Bayse Location: A-10 Upstairs Classroom Synopsis: A look at Genesis over an 8-10 week period highlighting key issues and figures. A considerable amount of time is spent on creation and the early stages of life described in Genesis Chapters 1-3.

God’s Wake Up Call Ages: Adult Leader: John Quiles Location: Small Chapel Synopsis: Reflection of 9/11. What it should still mean to us regarding “end time” events.

“Living Beyond the Ordinary, The Abundant Life” Ages: Adults 18+ Leader: Oscar Robinson and Terry Steen Location: Hospitality Room Synopsis: Clay Men's Ministry and Women’s


United Generation together sharing the good news in difficult times. “…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10.

Forever Aflame (Senior's ministry) Ages: 50+ Leader: Pastor Eddie Lamb Location: Small Chapel | Sunday Home Fellowship |Friday Time: Sunday 6.00pm | Friday 7:00pm Tuesday |11.00 am/monthly TBA Synopsis: Rich times of Fellowship, Worship and Ministry. There are also various special activities for the Seniors.

Ironman Ages: 12-18 Leader: Mike Bennett/Pastor Nick Location: TBA Time: TBA Date: Saturday | September 4 Synopsis: Ironman is our bible study for the guys of Oneighty. We will be learning what it means to serve God out of a genuine love for Him. The book we are going through is Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

No Limits - 3C Sponsored Ages: Any Leader: Lenny Alberts | Tyler Maraia Location: Various Starbucks Time: Sunday | 7:00pm Synopsis: We all have questions about life,





spirituality, the Bible. Lets meet to discuss questions from a Biblical view. Hope to see you there!

anticipating that we will walk away from this study restored, refreshed, and renewed as we open ourselves up to this anointed teaching.

Oneighty First Hour Ages: 12-18 Leaders: Oneighty Leadership Team Location: Oneighty Game Room Time: Sunday | 9:30am Synopsis: Life issues are explored through questions and answers along with accompanying videos and curriculum. We will be discussing topics that help teens make wise decisions that will honor God.

Women's Bible Study: Nurture by Lisa Bevere Ages: Women 18+ Leader: Debbie Robinson Location: Small Chapel Time: Wednesday | 7:00pm Dates: September 1 - November 17 Cost: $12.00 for the hardcover book and $12.00 for the workbook (scholarships are available) Synopsis: nurture (verb) 1. To give tender care and protection, 2. To encourage to grow, develop, thrive, and be successful. This beautifully describes what God's daughters so desperately need. Lisa explains how women of all ages must awaken and restore their capacity to give and receive nurture (excerpt taken from the book jacket). I can testify that the message will stir your heart as you define yourself, find your voice, and begin to fulfill God's purpose on Earth. I am looking forward to coming together with you on this journey. I am


Women’s Bible Study Wednesday’s 7:00pm


Jo i n u s at 6pm, Sundays!

See page A8


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Groups in this category are designed to address the practical side of the Christian life. These are the “How To� classes related to church. They can be as far reaching as finance and parenting classes to how to be an effective usher or greeter.

3C 2nd Anniversary Celebration

Altar Workers Training

Ages: Young Adults Time: 7:00pm Date: Tuesday, October 5 Synopsis: Come join us and bring your friends for a night of great music, free pizza, and Starbucks coffee.

Ages: 18+ Leader: Bill and Wanda Bascom Location: Conference Room | First AG Campus Time: 7:00 - 8:00pm Dates: Wednesday | Appointments Includes: Handbook Synopsis: Learning the description and method of Altar Workers. For those interested in becoming altar workers. A brief class is offered followed, by on-the-job training. Please call the church (5855468) for an appointment.

A Love Offering Recognizing Women in Missions Ages: Women 18+ Leader: Marlene Kyees, WUG Leadership Team Location: Shell Hall Time: 10:00am Dates: Saturday | November 20 Cost: $5.00 for brunch; a love offering; 4 dozen homemade cookies for cookie exchange Synopsis: As we approach Thanksgiving, Women's United Generation will honor women in missions. The guest speaker will be a missionary who is home itinerating. In staying with the season, we will share a meal. Brunch will be served tickets are $5.00. We will also have a cookie exchange for those of you who would like to participate. Please bring 4 dozen homemade cookies to exchange. Tickets will be available in October.

Bereavement Dinners Ages: All Leader: Carol Weaver |Shirley Croasmun Location: Shell Hall Time: Various as needed Synopsis: We are looking to rebuild the base of volunteers who would like to bless families by providing a meal for those who experience the loss of a loved one. Needed are women and men for the following areas of service: -provide a covered dish that feeds 10 -set-up prior to the meal -serve -clean-up after the meal If you would like to assist in any one or all of theses areas,

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B please contact: Carol Weaver csw41@tampabay.rr.com or CLAY Men's Workday 727-808-7477 Ages: Men 18+ Shirley Croasmun chaz4shirl@tampabay.rr.com Leader: Oscar Robinson and Chris Wainscott or 727-539-8968 Church Office @ 727-585-5468

Bike for the Light 10 Ages: 12-18 or Grades 6-12 Leader: Oneighty Leadership Team Location: Seminole A/G Time: 8:30am -12:30pm Dates: October 16 Costs: Registration Fee is $5 and raise a minimum of $100 to Speed The Light Synopsis: This is a fun day. We will ride our bikes 25 miles on the Pinellas Trail going south, starting at Seminole A/G. Last year we raised over $500, and believing this year we can do more. Join us as we Bike for the Light.

Breakthrough Ages: 12-18 Leader: Charlie Croasmun Location: Oneighty Time: Monday & Thursday |5:00pm - 7:00pm Synopsis: If you can play an instrument or you've got killer pipes (that means if you can sing), please come to these practices. We believe that God has given each and every one of us a gift. Those gifts are not for our benefit but for Gods. So come out and join us as we give back what God has given you.

Location: Church Grounds Time: 8:00am Dates: Saturday | September 25, November 6 Synopsis: Join us as we care and beautify our Church property.

CLAY Outreach with Habitat For Humanity Ages: Men 18+ Leader: Frank Beardsley Location, Time, Date: TBA

CLAY Praise and Prayer Service Ages: Men 18+ Leader: Terry Steen Location: Shell Hall Time: 6:00pm Dates: Sunday, October 31 and November 21

Deck the Halls Ages: All Leader: WUG Leadership Team Location: First AG Campus Time: 9:00am Dates: Set up, December 4; Dismantle, January 8 Synopsis: A great way to begin celebrating the Birth of our Savior! This is your opportunity to prepare the church for Christmas and to contribute to outreach activities surrounding the Christmas message. Please sign up in the lobby.

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Friday Night Prayer

Ages: 12-18 Leader: Oneighty Leadership Location: Oneighty Time: Wednesday | 6:00pm Synopsis: We are all in communication with God. We have created a specific time and place where teenagers can come together and lift up the needs they have to God. Deeper is our prayer service that is every Wednesday night at 6:00pm in Oneighty.

Ages: Seniors 50+ Leaders: Pastor Eddie and Shirley Lamb Location: Various homes Time: 7:00 pm Dates: Every Friday Synopsis: Worship, prayer, fellowship. Call Nettie McKee 727-581-3445 for place or give Nettie your telephone number and she will call you on Tuesday.

Fundraising Team for Women's Ministries Fall Breakaway: BRING IT Ages: Women 18+ Leader: Debbie Robinson | Cheryl Rice Location: Sarasota Dates: Thursday-Saturday |Sept 30-Oct 2 Cost: $60.00 by Sept 6; motel room Synopsis: Please register online @ www.penflorida.org. Call Debbie Robinson to let her know you will attend 727-439-4369. This is one gathering you won't want to miss! So pack up all your excuses, and all the things that weigh you down and bring them to the foot of the cross, because God is bringing His power to change everything including you! Experience the great exchange, what you bring for what He brings! The program includes: Worship Leader Belinda Womack; Speaker and Director of Women's Ministries PenFlorida Marsha Wooley; Medina Pullings; and Season Russo with Daughters by Design.

Ages: Women 18+ Leader: Beth Tassillo and WUG Leadership Team Synopsis: Become involved in raising funds with Beth and the team for girls' ministries, events such as the Annual Celebration Tea, special events, scholarships and missions. Please call Beth to join her or if you have any questions at 727-488-8076.

Fusion Youth Convention Age: 12-18 | Grades 6-12 Leader: Oneighty Leadership Team Location: Rosen Shingle Creek Orlando Dates: November 19 - 20 Cost: TBA which includes; Dinner on Friday, Saturday's Breakfast, Registration, Hotel, Transportation Synopsis: This weekend is tailored made teens. It is a great experience for this age group to get together, meet God, and worship Him with one voice. With Guest Speaker: Allen Griffin Worship by: Ricardo Sanchaz

Growth Track Community 101 This class is an introduction to the vision and ministry of First Assembly and will help you understand church membership. Community 101 is held once a month on the first Wednesday night.

Grow 201 This class develops the essential habits that every believer needs to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Grow 201 is held once a month on the second Wednesday night.

Discovery 301 This class will help you discover your personality, gifts, and purpose in life, and see how God combines them for the best fit in ministry. Discovery is held once a month on the third Wednesday night.

Dream Team 401 Attend an orientation or training session in the ministry area of your choice to learn more or to join the Dream Team. Dream Team 401 is held once a month on the fourth Wednesday night.

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B Mpact Girls Regional Training Meeting Ages: 18+ Leader: Pastor David Reneau Time: 2:30 - 6:30 pm Date: September 19 Cost: Free Synopsis: It's time to train our leaders! Girls Ministries leaders from all over our region are coming here to gain essential training in leading girls in their Christian walk. Watch for more details.

National Girls Ministries Time: Wednesdays | 7:00 - 8:15pm Daisies and Prims Ages: K - Grade 2 Leader: Lidia Treu Director: Brenda Nantz Cost: Supplies as needed Synopsis: Darcy, Diana, and Dorie (paper dolls) help Daisies make life applications from the Bible stories and principles they learn. Megan, Carmen, Kim, and Tonya guide Prims through life-application stories as the girls learn biblical principles.

serves as a guide for the Titus 2 principle of godly women mentoring girls. Rainbows Club Ages: 3-4| Girls and Boys Leader: Shirley Croasmun Location: D26 Cost: Offering Synopsis: Noah's Ark provides an exciting theme for the Bible stories, crafts, full-color activity pages, and games for this preschool club. Stars Club Ages: Grades, 3, 4, 5 | Girls Leader: Tracy Beardsley Location: Room D25 Cost: $40.00 for book and T-shirt Synopsis: Girls earn badges in the four worlds; are involved in Community projects; and study the Word with scripture memorization. The four worlds are: The World About You, The World Around You, The World of Truth, The World Within You. The ultimate goal is to become an Honor Star.

Ninja Team Friends Club Ages: Grades 6-8 year old girls Leader: Debbie Wolfe Location: Resource Room Cost: Supplies as needed Synopsis: Bible- and discussion-based curriculum for girls in middle school that

Ages: 12-18 Leader: Oneighty Leadership Location: Oneighty Time: Wednesday | 5:30pm Synopsis: First impressions are most important in a teen's life. We want Oneighty to be ready to give the best impression we can possible. The

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B ninja team will make sure that we are ready to do just that. We start with prayer then we are preparing Oneighty for the students that will come that night.

//oneighty. Ages: 12-18 Leader: Pastor Nick |Oneighty Leadership Team Location: Oneighty Time: Wednesday | 7:00pm Cost: Offering Synopsis: Oneighty (180) is the youth ministry of First Assembly. We are a youth culture that believes in having a life-changing experience that honors God. Middle and High school students come to Oneighty for fellowship, worship, and to hear the word of God. You are an original masterpiece and you are unique. God doesn't make any mistakes! You matter to God and He wants to do great things in your life and through your life. So get connected with Oneighty and see what God will do in your life. For more information go to www.180clearwater.com

Oneighty Christmas Party Ages: 12-18 Leader: Oneighty Leadership Location: Oneighty Time: 7:00pm Date: December 15 Synopsis: Every year we have our Christmas Party. We give gifts, play games, eat food, and learn the real reason for Christmas.

Prayer Triads Ages: Women 18+ Leader: Debbie Robinson Location: Small Chapel Time: 7:00pm Dates: August 18 and 25, 2010 Synopsis: As a means of connecting to God, to each other, and to the community, women are encouraged to form prayer triads. The goal of a prayer triad is to prayerfully support your partners; the support is intentional and continuous. The women's leadership team will equip the leaders of the triads as needs arise. Creating groups of three (you and two friends) and communicating with each other by phone or by computer supports busy calendars and schedules. There is no need to meet unless you desire to do so. Please meet with me and those who have already “signed up� to get started or call me 727.439.4369.

Royal Rangers Time: 7:00-8:00pm Dates: Wednesdays Ranger Kids Ages: Grades K, 1, 2, - Boys Leader: Charlene Alfonso Location: D24 | First AG Campus Cost: Supplies as needed Includes: Vests, badges, lessons Synopsis: Introduces boys to the great outdoors through a non-camping program that encourages indoor and outdoor field trips

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B and day camps. The quarterly advancement patches lead to the yearly trail awards of the Elk, Wolverine, and Cougar. These trails feature exciting crafts, skills, and advancement activities. Bible memory verses, and many opportunities for boys to grow and mature.

camping, Junior Leadership Training, and an opportunity to become part of the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF). The Adventure Rangers merit-based advancement trail culminates with the Gold Medal of Achievement the highest award a boy can earn.

Discovery Rangers Ages: Grades 3, 4, 5 Boys Leader: TBA Location: D21 | First AG Campus Cost: Supplies as needed Includes: Shirts, badges, lessons Synopsis: Boys will experience a variety of indoor and outdoor activities and events that include an introduction to camping. The Discovery advancement trails introduces boys to a skill and Bible merit advancement system which leads to their highest award: the Gold Eagle. The boys will also have the opportunity to attend training camps to develop leadership skills.

Expedition Rangers Ages: Grades 9 - 12 Leader: Rob Alfonso Location: D20 | First AG Campus Time: 9:00-10:15am | Sunday's Cost: Supplies as needed Includes: Uniforms, badges, lessons, gear Synopsis: Expedition Rangers is the exciting ministry for older youth. It has four primary categories: Achievement, Leadership, Service, and Activities. Each of the four categories is linked together with the “Spirit Challenge� which is a weekly Bible Study. There are also over one hundred different silver merits providing options to learn different skills, participate in sports, and youth ministries.

Adventure Rangers Ages: Grades 6 9 Boys Leader: Bill Adels & Matt McElroy Location: D20 | First AG Campus Cost: Supplies as needed Includes: Uniforms, badges, lessons, gear Synopsis: Boys will continue to participate in indoor and outdoor activities which will include camping and non-camping activities, personal and life skills development, advance

UFO Saturday Volunteer Team Ages: All Leader: Phil Kyees Location: United Family Outreach (UFO) Time: Saturday mornings Date: One Saturday per month Pay: Eternal Synopsis: Here is your opportunity to bless

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B needy families. You need only volunteer once a month, or even less, depending on the response. On Saturday mornings we pick up food from 6 grocery stores, then stock the shelves at the UFO store. Then later, on Mondays and Tuesdays, a different team, led by Sally Bentley, councils with needy families and permit them to shop for basic needs. If you are on the driving team, the entire process, including stocking, only takes about 2.5 hours! If you are on the stocking team only, the time requirement is always less than an hour. Call Phil Kyees at (727) 392-0026, or email pkyees@floridakyees.com to get more information and see how you can bless those in need.

UFO Volunteer Team Ages: All Leader: Sally Bentley Location: United Family Outreach (UFO) building on Church Campus Time: 9:00am-12:00pm | Monday & Tuesday Synopsis: This is a wonderful, fulfilling opportunity to bless needy families. You will enjoy the company of fellow volunteers and the amount of time you contribute, whether weekly or monthly, will have a direct impact on those families. Volunteers include all ages from 9 to 90. On Mondays and Tuesdays, we gather at 9am and prepare the store for receiving. Then, at 10am, we gather with the clients for corporate prayer and lifting up individual needs. Then, volunteers fulfill various slots to

ensure each family is permitted to shop for the amount of food allotted. Time commitment generally runs from 9am to Noon. Call Sally Bentley at (727) 531-3166, or email sbentley@tampabay.rr.com to get more information and see how you be a part of this rewarding ministry.

Women’s United Generation Leadership Age: 18+ Leader: Debbie Robinson Location: Various Time: Call for a conversation (727.439.4369) Date: We will schedule during our conversation Synopsis: Ladies, if you are interested in an opportunity to serve your church, minister to women, and develop your gifts and talents, give me a call. There is a place for you in women's ministries built on the foundation of Ephesians 4.

Woman to Woman Newsletter Ages: Women 18+ Leader: Lewellyn Ippolitto Synopsis: Join this team if you love to write and/or publish to the web. E-mail lewllynfl@yahoo.com today!

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B Women of Worship

You Are Loved

Sponsor: Women's United Generation Ages: 18+ Leader: Cheryl Rice Location: Sanctuary Time: 6:00pm Dates: Third Sunday | September 19 and October 17 Synopsis: This is a special opportunity to come together with the women of the church for a night of worship and prayer. Testimonies will be shared by your sisters in Christ. Invite your friends to join us.

Ages: All Leader: Nettie McKee Synopsis: Visitation for people in homes, ALCFs, hospitals, etc.

Worship Arts Band Ages: 16+ Leader: Pastor Kenny Philebaum Location: Sanctuary Synopsis: For more information, please call or email Pastor Kenny to set up a meeting time.

Worship Arts Choir Rehearsal Ages: 16+ Leader: Pastor Kenny Philebaum Location: Choir Room Time: Thursday | 7:00pm Synopsis: Join this group for a great time of singing, building relationships, share prayer time, and learn new music. This group participates in leading the people in worship on Sundays.

You Are Loved II Ages: All Leader: Nettie McKee Location: Largo Family Restaurant Time: 8:00 am Dates: Last Tuesday of the month Cost: Be Nettie's guest! Synopsis: Have breakfast and fellowship.

Recess! Family Nights


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These groups go outside the walls of the church. “C” groups serve as the tentacles that reach into the community as well as provide fellowship to those in the church. Some “C” groups are instructional and helpful, and some are just fun.

Breakfast @ ????

CLAY Men's Events

Ages: 18+ Leader: Debbie Robinson Location: Various Time: Saturday | 9:00am Dates: August 28, September 25, October 23 Synopsis: Won't you join me for breakfast at great family restaurants around Pinellas County. Locations will be announced in the bulletin. A time for “girlfriends” to get together and have some great conversation and maybe some window shopping . Downtown Dunedin will be our first stop. Any questions or suggestions of a restaurant, please call me 727-439-4369.

Ages: Men 18+ Leader: Chris Maraia Location, Date, Cost: TBA Synopsis: A Paintball event and a Night of Fishing Off the Pier event have been planned. Stay tuned for details!

CLAY Golf Outing Ages: Men 18+ Leader: Terry Steen Location: Chi Chi Rodriguez Golf Course Time: 8:00 am Date: Saturday October 23 Cost: TBA

Business to Business Ages: 21+ Leader: Rob Gray Location: Shell Hall Time: Saturday | 9:00am - 10:00am Dates: September 11, October 9, November 13 Synopsis: All professionals looking for a Christian networking group. Our goal is to bless others and to be blessed by providing referrals and having a pool of resources in business.

Come and Dine Ages: Adults Leader: Becky Ray and Al McCloskey Location: Various restaurants in the area Time: 7:00 pm Dates: Fridays - September 17; October 15; November 12; December 10 Cost: Price of your meal Synopsis: We'll go out to eat at different restaurants in the Tampa Bay area covering different price ranges. NOTE: If you have a restaurant suggestion, please let Becky know!

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C Dinner and a Movie

Family Nights with Pastor David & Liz

Ages: Adults and children with parents Leaders: Phil and Marlene Kyees, Ed and Cyda Spence Location: Kyees Home 9670 90th Ave. Seminole, FL 33777 Time: 7:00 pm Date: First Friday September 3, October 1, and November 5 Cost: Bring a dish to share Synopsis: Fun evening with theme dinner and then a movie in a large home theater. Movie title will be jointly selected. Event will be held at Kyees home at 7:00 pm on the first Friday each month. Contact Phil and Marlene Kyees at (727) 392-0026 or email at optim@tampabay.rr.com to RSVP.

Ages: All Ages Leader: David and Liz Reneau Location: Various Locations Time: 7:00 pm Date: Friday | October 1; November 19; | Saturday, December 4 Cost: Varies Synopsis: Bring your family to have a great time with Pastor David. We will come together throughout the semester for some family friendly fun! It all starts with the fan favorite of Planet Jump for a time of fun, pizza, and fellowship on Friday, October 1. Next we will go bowling at Liberty Lanes on Friday, November th 19. Finally on Saturday, December 4 we will have a free movie night in the Wave House. Watch for details as the events approach.

Everyone's An Artist Ages: All Leaders: Kim Rudolph and Laura Sebold Location: East Bay Dr. Time: 6:30 pm Date: First Monday of each month Cost: $7.00 firing fee plus cost of pottery Synopsis: Paint pottery. Get as creative as you like. Many pieces to choose from. All supplies are included. Anyone can do it! Paint something for yourself or a gift for a friend. Call Kim at 727-647-1365 or Laura at 727-421-8337

Filling The Canvas Ages: All Leaders: Laura Sebold | Cynthia Hedgepeth Location: Kim Rudolph's house Time: 7:00 pm Date: Third Monday of every month Cost: Bring your own art supplies Synopsis: Bring a canvas and paints, or drawing paper, and enjoy creating a work of art. No experience necessary just come and have fun. Call Laura at 727-421-8337 or Cynthia at 760224-4748 for more information.

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C Game Night Ages: All Leader: Ryan and Jessica Anderson Location: Home, 1400 Gandy Blvd Apt 1203, St. Pete, FL 33702 Time: First Sunday of Month | 7:00pm Synopsis: A time of fellowship and fun while meeting new people. Bring a snack to share. Questions? Call Ryan 608-7841 or Jessica 7434639

Halo Nights Ages: 16+ Leader: David Reneau Location: 1736 Tioga Ave #A Time: 7:00 pm Date: Every other Monday beginning Sept. 20 Cost: Free Synopsis: Calling all Halo addicts! Tired of playing online and never getting to smack talk in person, wish you had someone to beat into oblivion, or maybe you want to sharpen your skills to finally make that long coveted rank? This is the place. Be there or risk ultimate defeat.

Insight Ages: 18-32 Leader: Chelsea Carter | Traci Van Location: Various Restaurants (give us your phone number, so we can let you know the location)

Time: 6:30pm Date: First Sunday of every month Cost: Cost of your own meal! Synopsis: A good time for young adults to

meet with Pastor Lambert and gain some wisdom and insight of life values. Also, it's a great opportunity to hang out with one another and get to know different people in your age group!

Quilting Group Age: 13+ Leader: Lewellyn Ippolitto Location: Small Chapel Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Dates: Saturday | September 11, October 9, and November 6 Synopsis: We will learn to sew and tie baby quilts and lap quilts for the community. Bring your own sewing machine if you have one. Even if you don't sew we have other things to be done and you can be a part of this group. For more information email: lewellynfl@yahoo.com

Recess! Random Fun Events Ages: 18+ Leaders: Matt Croasmun, Lisa Van Kenny Philebaum Location & Time: Check Facebook: Recess! Date: Weekends Cost: Depends on event Synopsis: Dodgeball, Disco Bowling, Beach Volleyball, etc. Check out Facebook: Recess! for upcoming events.

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C Recess! Softball Cheering Section

Retro Night

Ages: 18+ Leaders: Matt Croasmun, Lisa Van, Kenny Philebaum Location: Eddie C. Moore Fields, Clearwater Softball Field Time: Friday | 6:45, 7:45 or 8:45pm Dates: September - November Cost: Your meal Synopsis: Come watch the “Recess” Coed Softball team play then join us after the game for some food at a nearby restaurant.

Ages: 16+ Leader: David Reneau Time: 7:00 pm Date: Monday, October 25 Synopsis: Remember 8-bit Mario, or that feeling you get when you get the golden gun on 007 or the endless collection of rings on Sonic? We're bringing it all back for our annual Retro Night! Come join Pastor David at his house for a night of video games old school style. A sampling of systems is NES, SNES, N64, and maybe even a Sega Genesis. You don't want to miss it!

Recess! Turkey Trot Ages: 18+ Leaders: Matt Croasmun, Lisa Van, Kenny Philebaum Location: Clearwater Date: November 25 Register: www.tampabay.com/turkeytrot Synopsis: Walk, Run 5K or 10K, get a free t-shirt. Then breakfast at TBA. See Facebook site: Recess! For more information.

Recess! Ultimate Frisbee Ages: 18+ Leaders: Matt Croasmun, Lisa Van, Kenny Philebaum Location: Largo Central Park Time: Monday | 4:30pm Cost: Free 99 Synopsis: Ultimate Frisbee. Check out Facebook site: Recess! for specifics.

Single Adult Ministry/Beginning Ages: All Single Adults Leader: Pastor Bruce and LaDon Van Location: Hospitality Room | First AG Campus Time: 6:30pm Date: Saturday, September 25 Synopsis: The Lord has placed in our hearts the desire to begin a “Single Adult Ministry”. If you are interested in becoming involved please join us. Bring your favorite snack to share!

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keletons in My Closet

Ages: Adults Leader: Phil & Marlene Kyees Location: Largo Public Library Time: 6:00pm Date: September 7 Cost: Free Synopsis: Discover your family history. We will use various websites & software to build our family trees. There is a multitude of information online from the U.S. Census, State & Local databases and individuals. We will use our own laptops or the libraries computers. These sessions can be addictive. Contact Phil and Marlene Kyees at (727) 392-0026 or email at optim@tampabay.rr.com to RSVP.

SYATP - See You At the Pole Age: 12-18 Grades 6 - 12 Leader: Oneighty Location: Your Schools Flag Pole Time: 30 minutes before school starts Dates: Wednesday | September 22 Synopsis: Every year students around the world gather together at their schools flagpole and pray.

Themed Potluck Ages: Married Couples Leader: Cary and Dell Anderson Location: Anderson's Home - 1676 El Tair Trail, Clearwater FL 33765 Dates & Time: TBA Synopsis: Italian Night, Southern Night, Mexican Night and a BBQ. Join us for fun, food, and a great time with friends.

AllAbout the Bible Girls Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:30 in the sanctuary

First Assembly of God 1739 S MLK Jr Ave Clearwater, FL 33756 727-585-5468 www.clearwaterag.com

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