Woman to Woman In prayer, in spirit, in worship, in fellowship March- May 2008 Published Quarterly
Volume 1, Issue 1
A Publication of Women’s United Generation First Assembly of God Clearwater, Florida
United! Ephesians 4 Our Mission A Women’s United Generation
Calendar of Events Section 8 Brunch 9:30 am in Shell Hall
Women of Worship 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Girls Wanna Have Fun 6:00 pm in Shell Hall
Walk for Life Two-Mile Walk for Life
Annual Celebration Tea 6:00 pm in Shell Hall
Mother’s Day Message Pastor Steve Lambert
Beach Walk Women of Worship 6:00 pm/Indian Rocks Beach
Pen Florida Has NeW Women’s Ministries Director See Page 2 for details
Mandate/Foundation Ephesians 4 Vision Statements •We desire to enhance the lives of all women through discipleship, fellowship, creativity, and nurturing relationships with God and each other in our local fellowship and beyond. •We desire to make any woman within our church and community feel connected by presenting and providing consistent opportunities and activities in a safe environment. •This will be accomplished through prayer, passionate worship, effective and creative promotion, sharing of responsibilities, and the recruitment of volunteers from the local fellowship where they will operate in their gifts.
Leadership Team Debbie Robinson Hannah Barnes Mindy Currie Joyce Kriever Jasmin Martinez Marsha McArthur Brenda Nantz Karen Paule Cheryl Rice Lisa Rountree Shelly Strouse Cindy Thomas Carol Tryon Carol Weaver Patty Alifraghis These ladies are serving the ministry needs of the women of the church. There are many areas to serve in. You may contact any one of them to find your place not only in the women’s ministry, but other ministries of the church. You are invited to participate in fellowship, prayer, and worship. You are invited to serve in the ministry. There is a place for you.
Therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have bee n called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. —Ephesian 4:1-3
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Looking for a Coach!! then we have a great place for you to help those women interested in capturing their athletic talents amongst their friends. Do you have a passion for the “game”. Do you love being outdoors? How about competition? If you can answer yes to any of those questions,
Women’s United Generation is looking for a woman’s intramural sports coach. There is an interest expressed by a group of women who enjoy bowling,
softball, kickball, volleyball, etc. who need a coach. There are opportunities to create leagues or intramurals We’re waiting to hear from you, coach!
We Need You in ???????????????????
Women’s United Generation
Meet Marsha Wooley (from page 1) On April 5, Section 8, Women’s Ministries will hold the first Celebration Brunch at First Assembly in Shell Hall. The new director for PenFlorida Women’s Ministries will be introduced. Marsha Wooley will share her vision for the women of Assemblies
of God. She is the daughter of missionaries and has an awesome testimony of how God brought her and her family through many situations not only in her childhood, but also in her married life. Don’t miss this “Get Acquainted” brunch with Marsha
on Saturday, April 5, in Shell Hall. Call the church office 727.585.5468 to make a reservation. We are expecting a good crowd. Join women from across our section.
There are many opportunities to Serve . Please call Debbie for information 585-5468
Coming Events Summer Time The Leadership Team has been busy planning summer events for the women of the church. Watch for the Summer Event Calendar to be published the beginning of May.
Fall Breakaway With Judy Jacobs. October 24, 2008. Begin planning your trip to the Florida Hotel and Conference Center at the Mall in Orlando. An exciting time is planned for all ladies of Pen -Florida with nationally known speaker Judy Jacobs of His Song Ministries.
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Women’s United Generation Presents A Celebration of Women II Girls Wanna Have Fun! Friday, May 9 6:00 pm Women and Girls All Ages
Worship Service Mother’s Day May 11
Annual Celebration Tea Saturday, May 10 6:00 pm Guest Speaker: Jasmin Martinez We will honor WM leaders of the past and present, mothers, daughters, aunts, grandmothers, women we call friends and family.
10:30 am in the Sanctuary
Registration for All Events Begins April 20 In the Lobby
The WALK FOR LIFE is a 2- mile, family fun celebration of life! The Pregnancy Center cares about families! It is our prayer that you will partner with us by giving one hour of your time on a Saturday morning to save and change lives. WALK FOR LIFE 2008 Date: Saturday, May 10, 2008 Mother's Day Weekend WalkerCheck - In:8:00am Walk begins: 9:00 am
Women’s United Generation
A Publication of Women’s United Generation First Assembly of God, Clearwater, Florida 727.585.5468
Mark your calendars for an important Section 8 Women’s Meeting Meet PenFlorida’s Newly Appointed Women’s Ministries Director Marsha Wooley See Page 2 for Details!
Women’s United Generation First Assembly of God, Clearwater 1739 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave. S. Clearwater, Florida 33756