SGL Weekly Mag Issue 45

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SGL Contents

4 Editor’s Letter 5 Exclusive: Waddie Takes The World On 11 Movies 12 Music 13 What’s The T? The Entertainment Report


Editor’s Letter

Wow, I can’t believe that we have made it to our 45th issue this week. Each week and day I think of what I want to feature in the magazine. I continue to amaze myself with each issue. It is always a challenge to produce it a weekly bases. I get thousands of requests from people wanting to be in the publication and they always start with ―you should give me a cover‖. I know these are people who don’t read SGL Weekly, but they have seen one of their friends on the cover. You may ask how do you go about choosing the people for the covers? I choose each and every subject by, if you are doing something positive in our community. Not by you wanting to be on the cover of a magazine and wanting to be a celebrity. It is my goal to shine light on those who are trying to better our community. In this issue I sat down with Waddie G from the popular blog World Wide Waddie. Turn to page 5 to find out what he is up to in his life, career, and future. We also have new Movies on page 11, new Music on page 12, and our Entertainment section called What’s The T? on page 13. So enjoy the issue and tell a friend about us, also please send us your comments about the magazine Cordially, Cleavester , Editor In Chief



Waddie Takes The World On A Cleavester Brooks Interview Hello Waddie, How are you doing? I am great. I am on my grind in New York City, making moves in my quest for mainstream entertainment success. The Blog What is your blog World Wide Waddie about? The focus has changed recently to an entertainment blog for those music fans who enjoy R&B music. Because of the climate of the music industry where ―R&B singers‖ sound like rappers and pop music sounds like mechanical garbage by a bunch of lip-syncers, I felt it was time to solely dedicate a website to fans of those who enjoy music by real singers, great lyricists, deep songwriters and music that really represents a generation, a moment, an era and deep, emotional situations. Of all things, I am fan of music first. Before then, my website was about urban pop culture that was formerly named G-Magazine Now. I had thousands of daily readers since 2005; however, I have noticed several Black gay bloggers who once dedicated their websites to their personal diaries switching their style to mimic mine. I felt like it was time for a change. I incorporated celebrity interviews, GLBT news and also posted events and photos from GLBT events I attended or support. It is very important to me to be innovative and unique in my form of self-expression, especially when my work inspires others to do similar work. I have a major surprise for the urban gay/lesbian community online coming up in a few months. It’s an idea I have realized for the last two years, but it is time to unleash and unveil it. When did you start it? World Wide Waddie started in January 2010. Otherwise, I have been blogging on the GMagazine Now and ProfessorGQ brands since 2005. How much time do you spend on your blog? That varies. Per day, I might spend 30 minutes to three hours. I’m even been known to take lengthy breaks. The recent one lasted two months. Fortunately, I still received hundreds of hits. I am surprised. 6

am very guarded. I only hang out to network. My party days are behind me.

Where do you get your ideas from? I’m inspired by my passion behind music, urban pop culture and speaking my mind. My readers Where are you from? know that. I have to thank a former friend for I was born on a Naval base in Northern Califorintroducing me to the world of blogging. I fi- nia. I was raised in Kansas City, KS (and parnally realized an outlet for me to express myself tially in Chicago) by my loving Grandma. I to the world. lived in Chicago almost my entire adulthood with the exception of two years in Atlanta. What area do you want to expand into the future? What was life like growing up? I want to conquer TV and the music industry. I There was a lot of love from the person most am 33 years old now, so my plan is to make a important to me – my grandmother Luella big imprint within the industry very soon. With (Keys) Williams. She raised me to love knowlthe World Wide Waddie website, that may hap- edge, practice good health and increase my pen. Christian faith. I learned life’s most valuable lessons from her such as friendship, pride and faith. I also endured lots of pain by not growing Life Who is Waddie? up with either of my parents. I dealt with emoWaddie is private of all things. Believe it or tional and mental abuse and neglect by father, not. I love that many people think they know thanks to his wife. My dad’s sisters were me well, but only three close friends do. I am equally abusive towards me. In school, I was very creative. I love to expand my mind. I love very popular for two distinct and opposite reabrain games, especially Jeopardy. Most of all, I sons. Many people loved my intelligence, comam extremely passionate about the things I care petitive behavior and charming personality. about most: my Grandma, my few friends, crea- Others made it priority to tease me because I tivity, music, social behavior in Black America appeared effeminate in my walk and talk. Forand my faith. tunately, I had thick skin for the bullies. The With my creativity, I create my signature cock- teasing kept on until I knocked a guy out in my tail every year, find a new fashion trend to wear 7th grade and I arranged a couple guys to get annually and adapt a new set of jargon in my beat up during my high school years. Then, the conversations regularly. By the way, I love teasing was almost minimal because people great conversation with smart people – the few I learned I can be very vengeful. Ha. Despite the know. circumstances, I remained a sane and happy child who focused more about the good things I love to eat also. I cannot get enough of steak, in my life. Otherwise, I would have been a corhamburgers, sushi, pasta, salmon, bananas and rupt and hopeless loser like some of the haters. oranges. I love wine, vodka, cognac, orange I would never go back in time and change a juice and lemonade. thing because the good, bad and ugly situations shaped me into the strong individual I am today. I am exceptionally completive, mostly with my- One day, I will write a memoir about my life. It self. I often agonize myself into pushing my will guarantee to shock the heck out of everyone strategies and creativity further outside the box. who has known me in my entire life. Contrary to popular belief, I am a homebody What did you want to be growing up? and don’t hang out with lots of people because I 7

I wanted to be a judge, a teacher and any job that bossed people around. Ha ha ha!

Love When did you have your first kiss? Which talent would you most like to have? Wow. I don’t remember when it was because I I wish I could still sing. If I could be a great was in grade school when it happened. Wow, singer and dancer, I would love to be that artist I’m still thinking of when was the actual first that put Usher, Justin Timberlake, Janet Jack- kiss instead of how many kisses I’ve had. Let son, Beyonce, Chris Brown, Lady Gaga, me tell you about my worst kiss during those Madonna, Britney Spears, Ciara and others to days. It was so memorable because I only got shame…basically, fill in Michael Jackson’s and with this chick because she bought my things; MC Hammer shoes…they were the last two however, I kissed her right after she smoked a great entertainers – outside of Janet Jackson – cigarette. That was the worst kiss I endured unwho had great songs and real choreography and til last year. electrifying presence on stage. What do you look for in a mate? Physically, I love Black men. As far as appearTelevision What can we expect from your new show Wad- ance features, I do not restrict that criterion die G? much because it all depends on the total packThere is no show called Waddie G. There must age. Good hygiene is a must. Also, the guy be some misinformation about that. However, must be at least 5’9‖ and not overweight or there is a show in the works. The concept is skinny. I prefer around my age and older. unique and entertaining. It will debut in 2011. Other than that, I am more in tune with a perI have been approached by a few entities to cre- son’s character. It is important that we get ate a show for them, but my platform is too along well. As a true Virgo, I am very selective mainstream for those outlets because I’m not about whom I become close to. The guy must ―just a gay‖ character with ―just a gay‖ themed accept me for me. He must be self-secure. A show. I am a limitless person to a degree. Ad- non-pretentious man is ideal. Although I would ditionally, the business and arrangements were love to have a mate who has college education, dishonest and shaky from the start. Eventually, a career and goals, I love my ―real‖ men who I learned that people were trying to bank on my are not caught up with the tangible but uses popularity and following without giving me an common sense. Most importantly, that person incentive or goodwill to ensure that I will pro- has to really know me…really know me like my duce a great produce. three best friends Toya, Christopher and Lawrence. What do you hope to accomplish with your show? Describe a date with you? Great things. Trust me, people will wish they I’m not picky about dates. I require a great conhave come up with this idea already. Details versation, good hygiene and a creative way to will come soon. I am in pre-production stages. spend quality time that allows me to understand his personality. I won’t date someone who is What legacy do you want to leave behind in trying harder to impress me rather than being television? himself. People should love my personality, creativity and passion upon my appearances and speech. I Describe a relationship with you? plan to be a trendsetter for people on the screen. 8

It is hard to explain since I have only been in two relationships and have dated a lot in the last five years. I will let you know when I’m in one; yet, I am really ―mums the word‖ when I date and engage in relationships. Sex Describe a romantic evening with you? Soft R&B music or instrumental lounge/jazz music playing in the background, glasses of wine, smiles, kisses inside a dimly lit room by candles or soft spotlights. What type of music do you play when you are getting your freak on? My favorite sexy song is Janet Jackson’s song ―Any Time, Any Place‖ (R. Kelly’s remix). I also have a playlist of ―baby making‖ songs on my iPod. What is your guilty pleasure? I don’t give that secret away. My potential mate should figure that out. That really impresses me. What has been your wildest or biggest sexual fantasy? I do not discuss my sexual preferences in this type of public forum. People who remember that more than anything else I discuss in this interview. So, I won’t cheapen my brand that way. In general, I am very passionate person. The Future Tell me something about you that your fans may be surprised to know? I pretend to be a ditz or vulnerable to find out people’s true colors when I feel like I’m being taken advantage of. That way, my retaliation comes to shock them in the worst way. I think my life is boring. Many have disagreed. I have had an open, long distant relationship for five years. We’re the best of friends now and are still in love. I have even dated a former NBA player and a popular NFL player…thankfully, my friends are very loyal in keeping those secrets about me under wraps…and yes, I am still in touch with both. Regardless, I am madly head over heels about one guy in particular. I remain hopeful that one day we will be together...for eternity, but now, I am too chicken to make that happen because I've been afraid of love (in particular, the bad). I’m related to a popular West Coast rapper and a NFL Hall of Famer. I have co-starred in a film with Bobby Blake. It's not much of a secret to most of those who have been in my company. I listen to Toni Braxton, Babyface, Mary J. Blige, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey and Brian McKnight on my iPod the most in that order. I also listen to smooth jazz and house music regularly.


What can we expect from you in the future? More White Parties. More Black Parties. More World Wide Waddie. How can the people get in contact with you? Visit for updates in new R&B and house music by independent and mainstream artists. There are also exclusive interviews and columns there. Do you have any special message for our readers? Be honest with yourself. Your life will be so much better. Also, the Black gays and lesbians need to know this. Quit working against each other! There is room for everyone to succeed. The people who should worry about competition are people who are insecure in their own entity of not delivering greatness and worrying about the next man’s output making you stepping up your game. Also, we cannot expect the white gays, the Black race and the conservative heterosexuals to respects when we are divided and fighting each other. Plus, throwing shade is queeny, childish and self-sabotaging. What do you hope to accomplish when this life is over? Whatever God has in store for me, I embrace. Thank you Waddie, for taking the time to do this interview.



The Lovers & Friends Show: Season 1 Meet the Lovers & Friends: Lisa, the newly out med student; Kai, the friend with a heart of gold (and a psycho ex-girlfriend); laugh riot Tori — involved with her boss; Yasmin, the activist with an unfortunate crush; Mercedes, the social climbing professional with bad boundaries; and Dre, the bad boy lady-killer! This hot new urban lesbian show focuses on six lesbians of color navigating through life’s obstacles, making new friends and experiencing new drama.

Fraternity Massacre at Hell Island What starts out as a fun and adventurous fraternity pledge night, turns nightmarish when a killer clown terrorizes the brothers and pledges of Zeta Alpha Rho, killing them off one-by-one! Locked down on a haunted gloomy island with no escape route, the ZAP pledges mysteriously disappear as a maniacal clown reaps personal revenge on the unsuspecting frat boys. Homophobia abounds as frat pledge Jack Jones (Tyler Farrell) must quickly formulate a plan to stop the devious clown, save his fraternity brothers, and find the courage to come out of the closet before the sun rises on doomed "Hell Island." 11


Glee: The Music, The Power of Madonna The cast of Glee is back with there 5th album deciated to Madonna songs 7 to be exact. Songs like ―Express Yourself‖,‖Vogue‖,‖4 Minutes‖, etc.

Unmistakable Love Jo Dee Messina's first release in 5 years! Here is the first in a trilogy of EP's to be released throughout 2010! Volume 1 is titled 'Unmistakable: Love' and offers seven new songs as well as live acoustic cuts of 'Because You Love Me' and 'Stand Beside Me.' 'Unmistakable: Drive' and 'Unmistakable: Inspiration' are expected later in the year.


What’s The T? The Entertainment Report Martin Lawrence Confirms Bad Boys 3!

As we originally reported way back in August, it looks like Martin Lawrence confirmed to MTV News yesterday- Bad Boys 3 is officially on with Lawrence and Will Smith! If you remember a couple of months ago, we placed a story stating that we heard Hollywood execs were trying their best to bring back Will Smith and Martin Lawrence for a third installment of the Bad Boys films action franchise. Well, as of today's news it seems that we were right- officially. Lawrence confirmed that Columbia Pictures is under way with the new film, and we discovered they have commissioned writer Peter Craig to begin work on a new screenplay. Also as Lawrence and Smith had hoped for it seems the studio is close to signing on Michael Bay (of Transformers fame) and producer Jerry Bruckheimer back on board, both who were involved in the previous two films. The original Bad Boys release hit cinemas in 1995, grossing a conservative $141 million worldwide, while Bad Boys 2, the sequel released eight years later, was a global box office smash, taking profits of $273 million. Jamie Foxx & Affion Crockett New Sketch Show Adds New Cast Members! 13

It looks like the new sketch comedy show from Jamie Foxx and Affion Crockett is shaping up to look more and more like FOX's former hit show In Living Color. As with the new untitled project about to premiere from FOX, the new show- like In Living Color- is casting some sketch comedy vets for their new show. We hear that the new series regulars added Erica Ash (of MadTV fame), Eric Andre, Kyle Dunnigan (of Reno 911! fame) and Dana DeLorenzo. As we previously reported, the show is the brainchild of Foxx, Crockett and MadTV creators Fax Bahr and Adam Small. As of this writing we also discovered that the cast should be rounded out in the next couple of days. New Book on Infidelity: ‘So He Cheated, Now What?’


Cleveland says, ―This book is to help couples rebuild love and trust. It’s a process to restoring You can’t turn on the news without being bom- a marriage, but well worth the effort.‖ barded with headlines about celebrity marriages dealing with infidelity, betrayal and ending in ―So He Cheated, Now What?‖ can be purchased divorce. Regardless of which situation, the pub- at or lic asks the same questions: Should the unsus- pecting spouse stay or walk away? Whose fault Grace Jones: Lady Gaga, a Copy Cat was it? Nicole Cleveland

Five days after their third child was born, Nicole Cleveland found out her husband had an affair and was leaving the family. She thought this couldn’t happen to them because they were heavily involved in the church – he was in the ministry, she served on various auxiliaries and they paid their tithes and offerings regularly. As a wife, mother and employee that was used to living on two incomes, she was suddenly faced with living on one income and providing for three children. In ―So He Cheated, Now What?‖ Cleveland shares her personal story of raw emotions, tears she cried from not understanding, loneliness she felt because there was no family around and even embarrassment. ―So He Cheated, Now What?‖ is a guide to overcoming an affair in your marriage or relationship. Cleveland says, ―Taking him back was the easy part. Rebuilding the trust after the affair, took a lot of work.‖ She says, ―couples should stop sweeping their issues under the rug; only dealing with them firsthand will allow true healing to begin.‖

Grace Jones Lady Gaga is catching heat these days from her pop star peers, British rapper, M.I.A. and singer Grace Jones, saying the strange, eclectic New York native is jocking their style.

In the midst of her pain, Cleveland found her Recently M.I.A. spit some hot words about the purpose. Her mission now is helping others by artist, calling her a good mimic and that her sharing her testimony. Women, families and style was ―not progressive.‖ lives are shattered everyday due to adultery. Her mission is to let others know they aren’t alone Jones feels the same way. In a recent interview, as victims of adultery and perhaps her experi- the singer expressed some similar feelings. ence, can make a difference with someone else. ―Well, you know, I’ve seen some things she’s ―So He Cheated, Now What?‖ provides action worn that I’ve worn, and that does kind of piss steps to restoring a broken marriage. me off,‖ the singer said. 15

When asked if she would ever work with the overnight pop star, she simply said ―no.‖ According to Jones, Gaga asked to collaborate, but she said she would never take it into consideration. ―I’d just prefer to work with someone who is more original who is not copying me, actually.‖ Jones also shared that Gaga does not occupy space in her mind, telling reporters she’d never attend a live performance.


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