Case Study: Steadily Improving TAVR Quality and Efficiency
Parkwest Medical Center takes a deep dive into ongoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) program, finding ways to improve care and patient satisfaction while lowering length of stay. At some point after successfully establishing a TAVR program, hospitals should step back and examine program performance. This scrutiny helps determine whether or not a program is achieving the best clinical outcomes for patients and if it is operating as efficiently as possible. An effective way to do this is to study key data that can highlight opportunities for improvement and point to specific changes that may help the program achieve its goals. This case study describes the efforts of Parkwest Medical Center, a community hospital in Knoxville, Tenn., to assess and improve the clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and efficiency of its TAVR program. These efforts have enabled changes that benefit patients first and foremost, while also ensuring good stewardship of the health system’s investment in TAVR. Forging a Strong Foundation Parkwest’s TAVR program started on solid footing in June 2012, thanks to the work of the original TAVR Team: Thomas Pollard, MD, Nicholas Xenopoulos, MD, and Thomas M. Ayres, MD, and due to the vision of the administrative leadership at both Parkwest Medical Center and Covenant Health. Administrative support of the heart team concept and adoption of new technology has been crucial to the program’s success. As a result of the commitment to the TAVR program, Ayaz Rahman, MD, a structural heart fellow from Emory University, was added to the heart team in July 2014. Parkwest has performed over 200 TAVRs since the
beginning of the program through the fall of 2015. For a medium-sized community hospital in a medium-sized market, this volume is a testament to administration for investing in the program and also providing the right infrastructure for the program to be successful. Cardiothoracic surgeon Thomas Pollard, MD, credits the administration for having vision and playing a key role
ospital administration “could see this H was going to be something that would change the face of certainly aortic surgery if not all of cardiac surgery.” – Thomas Pollard, MD Cardiothoracic Surgeon Parkwest Medical Center
in the success by ensuring the program had the needed staffing and facilities. “They could see this was going to be something that would change the face of certainly aortic surgery if not all of cardiac surgery.” Improving Performance Two years into the TAVR program, things were going well. However, the leadership team realized it was time to start thinking about optimization. A decision was made to have the analytics team at Covenant work with Parkwest’s TAVR team to compare their program to other successful TAVR centers. The idea was to examine performance using a few key factors. The program needed to improve at providing excellent care throughout the entire TAVR patient journey but in a way that was also fiscally responsible.