Aspire Summer 2018

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ASPIRE Connecting to a healthier you


MIND over Pain

Integrative medicine program for pain management goes beyond medications or surgery p. 4 BEAT THE


S p. 8








p. 7

Nan Thomas is starting a new chapter in her life, thanks to pain management techniques she learned at Longmont United Hospital’s SolutionFocused Chronic Pain Self-Management program.


healthycorner }

Dr. Joshua Taylor

Have a safe summer! Strategies for enjoying a healthy season at any age


Idle hours + snacking = summer pounds

Kids love summer: sleeping in, staying up later, eating more snacks, and getting more screen time. All of which may explain why kids gain weight in the summer. But James Sampson, NP, at CHPG Primary Care — Southwest Longmont, says there are strategies that might help prevent your little ones from packing on summer pounds, including: • Limit sugary drinks and fatty snacks • Maintain a schedule, and regular bedtime, even if it’s a little later than during the school year • Plan active family outings • Create realistic, enforceable rules for screen time

James Sampson, NP Whether you’re a toddler or a retiree, you’re never too young, or too old, to take care of your health. Here, Joshua Taylor, MD, family physician at CHPG Primary Care — Firestone, and James Sampson, NP, of CHPG Primary Care — Southwest Longmont, offer simple, practical steps to help you stay healthy at any age.

8,000 That’s how many kids visit emergency rooms every day in the U.S. due to falls. Here’s how to prevent the season’s most common injuries:

How kids get hurt

Keep them safe

Motor vehicle accidents

Keep older kids belted and younger ones in properly installed car seats.


Never leave little ones alone at a pool, or in the bathtub. Life vests or water wings are a must for nonswimmers.


Safeguard cleaning and other chemicals. Keep Poison Control’s number close: 1-800-222-1222.


Protect growing brains with helmets when biking, skateboarding, and rock climbing.


Keep young kids at a safe distance from ovens, campfires, and leftover fireworks.

Teens How old is too old to see a pediatrician? Your teen has graduated from Dora the Explorer to SAT prep courses. So, is he ready to move from a pediatrician to a primary care physician? Maybe, says Joshua Taylor, MD, family physician at CHPG Primary Care — Firestone. There is no fixed age for making the switch, so let your teen be your guide: When he’s no longer comfortable seeing a pediatrician, find a primary care physician (PCP). PCPs are experienced at caring for teens and addressing their specific health questions and needs.

ASPIRE is published four times annually by Longmont United Hospital. Executive editor is Kirsten Pfotenhauer. As part of Centura Health, our mission is to nurture the health of the people in our community. The information herein is meant to complement and not replace advice provided by a licensed health care professional. For comments or to unsubscribe to this publication, please email us at ASPIRE is produced by Clementine Healthcare Marketing. 1950 Mountain View Avenue | Longmont, CO 80501-9865



| SUMMER 2018


Don’t get ticked off

vaccines every college-bound teen needs They’ll be staying up late (studying, of course!) and living in close quarters. So, teens headed to college in the fall need more than a mini fridge. Protect their health with these vaccines: Meningococcal. Dorm living raises the risk for serious infections, including meningitis. HPV. If they haven’t already, teens — male and female — need to have all three doses of this vaccine that helps prevent cervical, anal, and oral cancers. Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis). Now’s the time for a booster to ensure teens are still protected. Flu. Make this an annual fall ritual.

The mountains, the outdoors — they’re the reason we love Colorado. Unfortunately, ticks love it, too. Every summer, ticks transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a potentially serious bacterial infection, which can cause complications if not treated with antibiotics. Protect yourself by keeping skin covered and using antitick spray. After being outdoors, check yourself, your kids, and pets. You also can dry clothes on high heat to kill ticks. Remove any ticks quickly. The longer they feed, the greater your chances of infection. See a doctor if you have symptoms: • Spotted rash • Fever • Headache • Light sensitivity • Muscle pain • Weakness • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea


6 10 out of


Middle Age

Sixty percent of falls involving seniors happen at home. Take these steps to reduce your risk: • Install rails on stairways and grab bars in the shower • Never leave books, papers, or other items on stairs or in high-traffic areas • Remove throw rugs, which can slip or trip you • Use night-lights in the bedroom, bathroom, and hallways

Take care of your

B-O-D An apple a day … … may keep the doctor away, but blueberries are the fruit of summer — and they are packed with life-preserving antioxidants. In addition to tossing them on your cereal or yogurt, try them in green salads or mash them with peanut butter for a healthy treat.

As you age, hitting your daily vitamin quota gets harder. Supplements can give you an extra boost. In your 70s, think B-O-D: B12 boosts brain function. The Institute of Medicine advises adults over 50 get 2.4 micrograms daily of B12 from supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids promote blood flow, brain cell growth, and enhanced memory. Recommended dose: 1,000 milligrams per day. D vitamins protect against illness and infection, so shoot for 800 international units daily of vitamin D3.

Looking for a family doctor?

These primary care practices are accepting new patients: CHPG Primary Care — Berthoud: 970-532-4644 CHPG Primary Care and Pediatric Health — Firestone: Pediatrics: 303-925-4870 Primary Care: 303-649-3450 CHPG Primary Care — Longmont: 720-652-8400 CHPG Primary Care — Southwest Longmont: 303-649-3500 303-651-5111 | LUHCARES.ORG


n i h t i w m o r f n i a p g n i s a E

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| SUMMER 2018



Using the pain management strategies she learned at Longmont United Hospital, Nan Thomas has a more positive outlook on life and can enjoy her favorite activities again. 303-651-5111 | LUHCARES.ORG


To schedule a chronic pain consultation with Valusek or learn more about the chronic pain program at Centura Health Integrative Medicine, call 303-651-5188.


Acid Test Is it time to take your heartburn seriously?

occasional discomfort, antacids can usually ease the symptoms of overindulging. But when heartburn occurs several times a week, and is ongoing, it’s time to see a doctor, says Elliot Morris, MD, gastroenterologist at CHPG Gastroenterology Longmont. The technical name for that discomfort is gastrointestinal esophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD occurs when stomach acid leaks into the esophagus, where it doesn’t belong, and it occurs more often in people who are: • Overweight • Pregnant • Taking certain medications, including some asthma medications, calcium channel blockers, antihistamines, sedatives, and antidepressants • Smokers

Dr. Elliot Morris

THE TRUTH ABOUT PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS Recent studies have linked long-term use of proton pump inhibitors, which are widely used to relieve GERD, to an increased risk of bone fracture in older women, as well as other side effects. Morris says for most people, the medications are safe. “No drug is 100 percent safe,” Morris says. “It’s a question of balancing risk and benefit.” For him, the benefit outweighs the risk. “I take them every day,” he says.



| SUMMER 2018

Put out the fire

In addition to over-thecounter and prescription medications, to tame heartburn and other GERD symptoms, cut back on: Fatty foods Spicy foods Tomatoes, citrus, and other acidic foods Mint Chocolate Onions

Could it be Barrett’s? Many people think that because symptoms can be relieved with over-the-counter medications, acid reflux is no big deal. But Morris says it can lead to more serious conditions. “The lining of the esophagus is not designed to deal with acid. Over time, it can damage the esophagus.” One condition that can result from prolonged GERD is Barrett’s esophagus, in which tissue similar to the lining of your intestine replaces the tissue lining your esophagus. Risk factors include: • Chronic heartburn and acid reflux — having GERD that doesn’t get better when taking medications known as proton pump inhibitors or having GERD that requires regular medication can increase the risk of Barrett’s esophagus • Older age • Being male • Being overweight • Smoking Barrett’s esophagus has been shown to increase the risk of esophageal cancer. That’s why Morris strongly recommends anyone with chronic GERD get checked, and possibly have an endoscopy to look for Barrett’s esophagus. If diagnosed, patients are treated for Barrett’s esophagus and carefully monitored to make sure cancer is not developing.

Coffee and other caffeinated beverages Carbonated beverages

If heartburn is a chronic problem, schedule an appointment with Dr. Morris at CHPG Gastroenterology Longmont by calling 720-652-8650. LONGMONT UNITED HOSPITAL


It’s hard for many people to imagine getting through life — or a big, spicy meal — without heartburn. For

Watch Your Back Whatever your favorite activity, take steps to prevent back injury

Dr. Alan “Tripp” Nanney very summer, it seems most of Colorado gets outside, running, biking, and enjoying the benefits of Rocky Mountain life. But when activity causes back pain that ice and ibuprofen can’t fix, many wind up in a doctor’s office. Longmont United Hospital spine surgeon Allan “Tripp” Nanney, III, MD, sees plenty of back injuries, but he says only about 5 percent of his patients end up needing surgery. “We try physical therapy first,” he says. “Then, if necessary, steroid injections.” Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guides those injections, which helps ensure that relief is directed to the exact source of the pain. Also, by clearly identifying the pain’s source, if surgery does become necessary, he knows exactly where repairs are needed. But if you’re looking for an excuse not to exercise, keep looking. “I never discourage anybody from exercise because they’re worried about their back,” Nanney says. The physical, psychological, and cognitive benefits are just too great, he says.






Potential Poor posture can cause back injury your lumbar spine to flex or pull up, resulting in lower back strain. Arching your neck can strain your neck and upper back.

A full swing twists the spine with force, which can strain structures in the lower back.

Your joints and discs take a pounding with every stride. Connected muscles, such as hamstrings and iliotibial bands, may tighten and contribute to back pain.

Every forehand and backhand shot twists the trunk and spine. Serving hyperextends your lower back and can compress lumbar discs.

Potential • Adjust your bike to fit prevention your body • Use proper form — distribute weight to your arms and keep your chest up; shift positions often • Periodically lift and lower your head to avoid neck strain

• Learn proper form and posture • Warm up with smooth, easy swings • Get a stand for your golf bag so you don’t have to bend over to lift it • Always bend at the knees to pick up a ball

• Whenever possible, run on softer surfaces, such as grass, dirt, or a treadmill • Invest in cushioned, properly fitting running shoes • Lead with your chest, keeping your head high while running

• Bend at the knees and tighten abdominals • Use a racquet that fits your hand to reduce stress on your elbow, which can cause improper swing

5 ways to prevent back injury



Strengthen your core.

Avoid twisting your spine.

3 4 Bend and lift with legs.

Walk regularly.

5 Stand whenever possible during the day.

? How do you know if you need back surgery? Learn the answer and more about spine surgery with Dr. Nanney in a series of videos where he answers common questions by going to 303-651-5111 | LUHCARES.ORG






1950 Mountain View Avenue Longmont, CO 80501-9865




This course is designed to bridge the gap between Western medical practices and integrative medicine, helping to set new standards and expectations for integrative medical care, and demonstrating how massage can substantially impact patient care. This course is open to massage therapists with proof of graduating from an accredited 500-hour massage therapy school or current students of an approved 500-hour massage school who have successfully completed a minimum of Swedish massage. When | Aug 8-12, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Where | Longmont United Hospital Cost | $575 Registration |


Bleeding Control Basics is a course designed to teach bleeding control principles to first responders and civilians. The course covers identification and recognition of life-threatening bleeding and how to control or stop the bleeding. When | Thu, Aug 23, 6-7:30 p.m. Where | Longmont United Hospital Cost | $25 per family Registration | 303-485-4184


A scheduled tour of the BirthPlace is offered several times each month. This allows expectant parents, support people, siblings, and grandparents to view labor and delivery rooms, the mother-baby area, and the newborn nursery. If you have more than five people in your party, please call the Resource Center at 303-485-4184 to register for a tour. Only one registration needed per family. When | Dates and times vary by month. Please call for specific dates and times. Where | Longmont United Hospital Cost | FREE Registration | 303-485-4184


To learn more about Longmont United Hospital Foundation or to donate — or to play or sponsor a hole at the September golf event — visit or call 303-485-4190.

Longmont United Hospital is part of Centura Health, the region’s leading health care network. Centura Health does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, religion, creed, ancestry, sexual orientation, and marital status in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. For further information about this policy, contact Centura Health’s Office of the General Counsel at 303-673-8166 (TTY: 711). Copyright © Centura Health, 2018. ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 303-485-3439 (TTY: 711). CHÚ Ý: Nếu bạn nói Tiếng Việt, có các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí dành cho bạn. Gọi số 303-485-3439 (TTY: 711).


ne of the most popular “families” at Longmont United Hospital has innumerable health problems. They sweat, they cry, suffer seizures and heart attacks, and “Mom” gives birth frequently. Fortunately, they aren’t real people. They are high-fidelity simulators — mannequins that are part of the Innovative Learning Center at Longmont United Hospital, where employees receive state-of-the-art training. This family of mannequins, funded by the Longmont United Hospital Foundation, is used to help train nurses and other caregivers on how to properly perform various tasks and manage a wide range of medical emergencies. “This family and the Innovative Learning Center are part of the collaboration and teamwork the foundation participates in to support the hospital,” Foundation Director Cindy Noble says. For nearly 40 years, donors and hospital associates have funded the foundation, which works with local nonprofits to support health and safety in the community. In partnership with Longmont Meals on Wheels, the foundation also provides five free meals for patients discharged from area hospitals through a program called Project Homecoming. The Longmont United Hospital Foundation is hosting a golf event on Sept. 17, 2018, at The Fox Hill Club in Longmont, with proceeds benefiting the Innovative Learning Center.

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