Jubilee welcome booklet (bilingual)

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Jubilee Presbyterian Church 长老会禧年堂 Welcomes You 欢迎您

About Jubilee Church Jubilee Church stands atop a small hill on Outram Road, overlooking the Tiong Bahru community. Founded in 1883, it was established to serve the Hokkienspeaking immigrant group living around the Hong Lim market area in Singapore. To accommodate our growing congregation over the years, we moved to our current premises in the 1970’s. Today, as we journey together through the 21st century, the faithful preaching of the Word of God and the administering of sacraments continue to be the foci of the church. At the same time, we are constantly re-evaluating the role of our church in the service of God and men in the midst of rapid social changes in Singapore. Our social outreach includes a kindergarten and a community service centre.

有关禧年堂 禧年堂竖立于欧南路的一座小山上, 俯瞰着中峇鲁区. 成立于一八八三年, 它的开始是为了牧养住在芳林巴刹一带 的闽南藉信徒. 随着会友人数逐渐的 增加, 我们在七十年代的时候就搬到 现在的会所. 如今, 我们一起走过廿 一世纪的同时,教会所关注的依旧是传 讲上帝的道并施行圣礼。与此同时, 我 们也不断地在思考教会在社会变迁中所 扮演的角色,以便更有效地事奉上帝、服 事人。我们的社区工作包括一间幼儿园 和一间社区服务中心。

Our Mission To be a spirit-filled worshipping community that attracts, witnesses, equips and blesses with God’s love.

我们的异象 成为一个圣灵充满的敬拜群体,借着神 的爱,吸引万人,见证基督,装备信徒, 祝福群体。

Our Beliefs We are a multi-generational bilingual worshipping community of the Reformed (Presbyterian) Tradition.

我们的信约 我们认定 我们要做一个多代同堂的双语教会,从 改革宗传统借光。

We are passionate about God’s Word and determined to pattern our lives according to that of Jesus Christ.

上帝的话语是我们的依归,让教会福音 化,信徒披戴基督。

We commit to build strong families and foster wholesome relationships.

教会需要同心建立坚固的家庭关系,培 养整全的人际关系。

Whatever stage of life you are in, ours is a community that you can belong, be nurtured and be a blessing to others.

无论你属于哪个年龄层,你都能在这 个信仰群体找到归属感,得到生命的滋 养,成为他人的祝福!



To better shepherd and administer to our church members, we are divided into 4 zones according to our area of residence, and each zone is headed by a zone pastor.

为了更好地牧养我们的会友, 我们照着 住处把众会友分成了四个区, 而每个区 都由一位区牧来带领. 现在就来看看你所属的区是哪个吧!

Check out which zone you are in!

Cell Groups There are numerous cell groups in every zone. Each cell group comprises 6 to 12 members and is led by a cell group leader. Through the sharing of the bible and our personal lives in the cell groups, we are able to foster close relationships with fellow members, who become our pillars of strength and support when we need them.

小组 每个区都有好几个小组. 每个小组都 有一个组长和六至十二个组员. 通过小 组里的查经和彼此分享, 组员们能建 立亲密的关系, 在有需要的时候成为彼 此的支柱和帮助.

Luke zone 路加区

Mark zone 马可区

postal code: 260001 - 370000 530001 - 590000 700001 - 830000

postal code: 120001 - 140000 590001 - 700000

John zone 约翰区 Matthew zone 马太区 postal code: 050001 - 120000 140001 - 260000

postal code: 370001 - 530000

Ministries 教会事工

Children Ministry Our Children Ministry reaches out to the kids through song and dance, storytelling and craft work. Led by a team of dedicated teachers, we introduce the children to bible stories, praise and worship and mission work. If you have children aged between 3 and 11, let them join us every Sunday for an experience of fun and love! We also have 2 children choirs where the young are given the opportunity to express their love for Christ with their angelic voices. We welcome all children who enjoy music and singing to join us at our practices every week. Last but not least, with 3 days of games and laughter, learning and fun, the annual year-end children’s camp is an event not to be missed. Do keep a lookout for it!

儿童事工 我们的儿童事工通过歌舞, 故事和手工 来牧养孩子. 我们有一群充满热忱的 老师, 每个星期都会把圣经故事, 敬 拜和宣教带到小朋友们当中. 如果你有 年龄三到十一岁的孩子, 就让他们每个 礼拜天与我们一起享受欢乐和温暖的 时光吧! 我们也有两个儿童诗班, 让孩子们以美 丽的歌声来赞美主. 欢迎所有爱唱歌, 热爱音乐的小朋友们来参与每个礼拜天 的练习. 最后, 一年一度的年终儿童营 给孩子们的是三天的玩乐和学习, 所以 你绝对不能错过啊!

Youth Ministry We welcome everyone aged between 12 and 19 to join our Jubilee Youth Ministry held every Sunday at 12pm. Here, we follow a comprehensive 8-year curriculum that takes the youth on a journey spanning the old and new testaments of the bible, Christian doctrines, spiritual formation, and life issues. Our youth are split into cell groups where they will always have a listening ear, and someone to guide them as they make the transition into adulthood. Here, they are also given many opportunities to serve in church, and in the community through mission work. One of the highlights of the Youth Ministry is undoubtedly the annual yearend youth camp where for 5 days, the youth play, pray, bond and grow together. It is a fun-filled time of camaraderie and fellowship, so don’t miss it!

青少年事工 我们欢迎年龄介于十二到十九岁的会友 来参加每个星期天中午十二点的青少年 事工. 这里, 我们实施了一个八年的 课程把圣经的新, 旧约, 基督教教义, 属灵操练和生活课题一一的讲解给年 轻人. 我们也把青少年们分成小组, 以让他们在成长的过程中得到关怀与辅 导. 此外, 他们也有许多在教会里服 侍, 以及在社区里做宣教的机会. 青 少年事工其中一项最吸引人的地方莫过 于年终的青年营, 一个让年轻人在五 天里一起玩耍, 一起祷告, 一起成长 的时间, 是个充满情谊, 互相扶持的 时机, 所以千万不能错过哦!

Senior Ministry Age is no barrier when it comes to praising the Lord. Here at Jubilee, our Senior Ministry is active and vibrant, coming together once a week on Wednesdays to worship, pray and fellowship. We also organize celebrations during festive occasions, regular health talks, and movie screenings. And best of all, every senior ministry gathering ends with a lunch cum chit-chat. Now, who says that older folks don’t know how to have fun!

乐龄事工 一起来敬拜主时, 年龄绝对不是问题. 禧年堂的乐龄事工是又活跃又充满活 力, 每个星期三一起聚会, 一起敬拜, 互相代祷. 我们也举办佳节庆祝会, 健康讲座和电影播放. 更棒的是, 每 次周三的聚会都会为大家供应午餐, 让 每个人一起享用并彼此聊天, 建立感 情. 我们年纪较大, 但玩起来决不输 给年轻人!

Adult Ministry

Sister Ministry

Our Adult Ministry caters to the fellowship and spiritual needs of middleaged adults through talks, events and gatherings. It also serves as the bridge that connects all church members, regardless of age, through church-wide events and outings. Everyone is welcome to experience all that the Adult Ministry has to offer.

Our Sister Ministry reaches out to the community through love-gifts to parachurch institutions, outings and visitations to nursing homes, and through their participation in the Presbyterian Synod’s Women’s Working Committee. Ladies, come on now and join the Sister Ministry to enjoy the fellowship and bonding!



成人事工借着讲座和团体活动给予中年 会友们所须的团契与灵修. 它也是教会 里的一座桥梁, 通过郊游和全教会活 动, 让每个人无论年龄都可以彼此勾 通和参与. 让我们一起体会成人事工 所给予的这一切吧!

我们的姐妹事工通过对外奉献, 郊游, 探访老人疗养院以及参与长老会妇女 委员会来向教会以外的群体做出贡献. 姐妹们, 现在就参加姐妹事工, 感受 一下团队里的温暖吧!



Here at Jubilee Church, we believe in equipping every member with the knowledge and skills essential for living a full Christian life. Our 2 milestone courses, Course A and Course B, will take you through the essential message of the gospel and Christian living. Feel free to speak to your Zone Pastor to find out more!

在禧年堂, 我们深信每个会友应有充 足的知识与技能以便充分地活出一个基 督徒的生命. 我们的两个里程碑课程, 福音课A 和福音课B, 会让你更了解 福音与基督徒生活. 若你想知道更多, 就快紧联络你的区牧吧!

Outreach 社区工作



Jubilee Church reaches out to the wider community in three different areas, namely, Jubilee Community Service Centre, Chinese Kindergarten and overseas mission work.

禧年堂的社区工作从三方面着手 禧年社区服务中心, 星洲幼稚园 和海 外宣教.

Jubilee Community Service Centre aims to serve the local community, specifically through the building of strong family relationships and providing care and concern to the elderly. We also offer professional counseling in individual, spousal and family issues.

禧年社区服务中心 的设立是为了服侍群 体, 特别是从建立良好的亲子关系和 对长辈给予关怀双方面着手. 我们也可 以帮助那些有个人, 夫妻和家庭问题的 人, 给予他们专业的辅导.

Chinese Kindergarten is the oldest kindergarten in Singapore. Founded in 1921, the kindergarten today uses an integrated curriculum of academic learning and enriching play to provide pre-school children with a holistic program that promotes their healthy development and growth. 星洲幼稚园 是新加坡的第一间幼稚园. 成立于一九二一年, 现今的幼稚园在 课程里综合了学术和娱乐来给予儿童所 须的学前教育. 我们相信采用这种全方 面的课程可以促进孩子们的健康成长. 人, 给予他们专业的辅导.

Jubliee Church also does outreach through overseas mission work . For instance, one of Jubilee’s key mission fields overseas is to organize the annual camp for the youth living at the mountainous region of Da Gu Di in Northern Thailand. 禧年堂也通过海外宣教 来做社区工作. 其中一个主要的海外宣教工作就是为泰 北大谷地山区的青少年举办每年一次的 青年营.

Visitor’s Form 访问表格

Jubilee Church Visitor’s Form 长老会禧年堂 访问表格 date 日期 : Purpose of visit: 访问目的:

to attend mandarin service 参加华语崇拜

to attend bilingual service 参加华英崇拜

others: 其他:

I am invited by 我是应他的邀请到访 relationship: 关系:

family / friend 亲戚 朋友

Name (Mr / Mrs / Ms) 姓名 (先生 / 女士 / 小姐) email 电邮 Contact number 联络号码 Address 地址 s( Please indicate your home church if you are a christian 若是友堂会友,请注明

Please  the appropriate options: 请在适当的选择上打 :

I would like to know more about Jesus Christ. 我愿意认识耶稣。

I would like to attend church worship service. 我愿意参加教会崇拜。

I would like to join a cell group / senior ministry meeting. 我愿意加入教会的家庭小组 / 乐龄聚会。

I would like to speak to a pastor. 我想与教牧谈话。


Service timings Mandarin

Sun 10:00 am

Main Sanctuary (Level 4)

Mandarin / English

Sun 10:00 am

Auditorium (Level 4)

Children ministry

Sun 10:00 am

Timothy Room (Level 5)

Youth Ministry

Sun 12:00 pm

Auditorium (Level 4)

Huayuan fellowship

Sun 12:30 pm

Classroom (Level 6)

Senior Ministry

Wed 10:30 am

Auditorium (Level 4)

(3 - 11 yrs old)

(12 - 18 yrs old)

崇拜时间 华语崇拜









(3 - 11 岁)

青少年事工 礼拜天中午十二时正




(12 - 18 岁)






Contact Us 联络方式 Address 地址

256 Outram Road Singapore 169053

tel 电话

+65 6223 5203

Fax 传真

+65 6227 2671

email 电邮


website 网址



Jubilee Church Singapore





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