Tea Rebrand

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THU TRAN | 2015

table of content 1





Overview or mission statement




Observation & Assessment Visual Audit Brand Analysis


Design Development


Mind Mapping Concept and Strategy Symbol Development Type & Name Development Color Development Symbol & Wordmark Refinement Final Logo


Application Development


Primary Signage Packaging Merchandising Advertising Business Card User Interface





Introduction LCAD Design + Digital Media students in Dana Herkelrath’s Corporate ID course were challenged to develop the Tea Girl brand by extending its market to attract a middle-class, Western consumer.

Design Brief

Project Overview

Client Overview

The company base is in China and they are interested in

The company is the tea manufacturer and distributor located

countries, specifically in America.

fermented and exquisive dark tea, found in the remote areas

using tea to promote Chinese culture and history in Western

The project will be covering all possible aspects of branding including: wordmark/logo type, packaging, merchandising, advertising, and technologies.

in China. Their main product is Pu’erh tea, a variety of

in the mountains. Fermentation is a tea production style in which the tea leaves undergo microbial fermentation and oxidation after they are dried and rolled.

The company’s market focuses mainly in China, however,

they also want to understand the Western’s perspective on their product and brand as well as how the tea culture is perceived in the West.

The company is also interested in delivering a high quality of Pu’erth tea and at the same time making the product more accessible and affordable to people.



The U.S. market for tea has more than quadrupled during

In 2013, Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in

in 1990 to just over $10 billion last year—according to

of all U.S. households. It is the only beverage commonly

the past twenty-plus years—from just under $2 billion

the U.S. Tea Association. As a result, tea imports, to the benefit of major tea producing nations like China and

India, are soaring—they have grown by roughly 40 percent over the past 10 years, nearly 70 percent over the past 20 years, and more than 700 percent over the last 50 years,

the world next to water, and can be found in almost 80%

served hot or iced, anytime, anywhere, for any occasion.

On any given day, over 158 million Americans are drinking tea. This is due to the increase in the awareness of health improvement and cultural diversity.

according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Although the number of tea consumers is increasing

green tea.

millennials – ages 20 to 38 because they are the most

Most consuming tea in America is: black tea, fruit tea, and

each year, the most focused group would be from the racially/ethnically Diverse Generation.


Research Off-trade value sales of tea at constant 2014 prices are projected to increase by 7% over the forecast period and off-trade volume sales by 2%, to reach US$2.6 billion and 37,333 tonnes, respectively. Whilst the consumer base for tea is growing, it is still small compared to the consumer base for coffee. The popularity of coffee in the US is historical – an American staple in households

harking back to the “cup o’ joe” that US soldiers would have whilst serving in the armed forces as a caffeinated beverage to start

the day. Tea, on the other hand, although linked to a variety of health benefits, is not drunk as an everyday beverage in the same

way as coffee. Therefore, in order to promote awareness on tea in the U.S. market, it is important to understand the way coffee has been influenced the market.

Tea (75-100%) Tea (50-75%) Coffee (50-75%) Coffee (75-100%) No data

Observation & Assessment

• This map from The Economist (aggregating data on

• As Stanford University geographer Martin W. Lewis

International) clearly delineates the coffee and tea

drinks has changed markedly over the centuries. Places

79 countries from market-research firm Euromonitor blocs. Coffee predominates in the Americas and in

continental Europe, while tea is preferred in most of

Asia and the former Soviet Union. In the U.S., people drink three times as much coffee as tea; in Russian the ratio is almost exactly reversed.

notes on his GeoCurrents blog, the geography of hot

once so famous for coffee that they gave their names

to it (Java, Turkey, the Arabian peninsula) now favor tea or other stimulants, as do most of the tropical countries

that grow the world’s joe (with a few exceptions, such as Colombia and Brazil). Great Britain exported its love of

“Do for tea what Starbucks did for coffee.”

Dana Herkelrath, lecturer at LCAD.

Tea and coffee consumption % of total, 2012 Source: Euromonitor International

tea to most of its former colonial dominions, and it’s no

make a cup, compared with 10 grams of coffee. As a result,

with close ties to the U.S. — are among the few Asian

cups of tea are drunk for every one of coffee.”

coincidence that South Korea and the Philippines — both nations to prefer coffee over tea.

• Although more green coffee is produced globally than tea — 8.5 million metric tons versus 4.7 million metric

tons of tea in 2011, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization — it takes only about two grams of tea to

as British geographer David Grigg wrote, worldwide “three

Observation & Assessment

• Most adult coffee drinkers said their lifelong habit

coffee shop owners will not forget to cater some of their

they began drinking coffee between 13 and 19. Another

• Coffee shop owners can find regular (weekly or more)

began during their teenage years. In fact, 54% said

22% reported their coffee cravings started between the

ages of 20 and 24. This means that 76% of adult coffee drinkers began drinking coffee by the time they were 24. So, despite the large amount of marketing and

advertising directed at the younger age groups, savvy

offerings to the adult and senior market.

customers in the younger age groups, particularly those in high school, college and the newly employed (first job).

• Parents are another important demographic segment to

coffee shop owners, particularly older parents rather than those with young children still at home.

“In the West, and particularly in urban centers of the United States, we’ve turned coffee into not just a daily habit, but a totem of conspicuous consumption.” Khoi Vinh, Vice President of User Experience at Wildcard and co-founder of Kidpost.

Visual Audit (Store)

• Sales of coffee dominate sales of hot beverages, making up 83.3% of the total hot beverage

market in the U.S. Coffee consumption is expected to increase through 2015 at an average annual

rate of 2.7%, while tea consumption is expected to

increase through 2015 at an average annual rate of 3.1%. Positive expectations for continued growth in

coffee sales, despite its “mature” product position in the market, are due to the innovations in premium

coffee products (pods, single-serving instants, etc.) • Despite the economic woes, 37% of total coffee consumed was classified as “Gourmet.” This

suggests consumers were set on drinking good

coffee and visiting their local coffee shop even in the face of an uncertain economy.

• Coffee Shop owners are also having some

success selling the instant serving pack, and there

seems to be considerable upside potential: only 2% surveyed reporting using the packs regularly, while 10% said they buy it infrequently.

• Packaged Facts also notes a increase in the

average price of coffee by 25% since 2007, owing largely to operators having to pass on commodity

price increases to consumers. This trend has eased after peaking in early 2011.

Visual Audit (Packaging)

• When it comes to packaging in the tea and coffee business, the medium is the message, and some-

times the “product” too. Packaging communicates, preserves, protects and sells. When it comes to

coffee, it’s packaging that distinguishes great beans from bad ones. Not only that, it ensures that the beans or grounds are fresh. It’s no wonder then

that the use of packaging is viewed to be almost as

critical as the selection of product and is treated with utmost confidentiality.

• The increased sophistication of the coffee drinker’s

palate means that coffee as a whole is moving away from the “Cuppa-Joe” image and towards a richer,

more complex drinking experience. So, as the trend toward single cup preparation at home is building

more and more momentum, packaging innovators are looking at how-to best present pods to these consumers on retail shelves.

• Besides the critical importance of pod packaging today, are issues surrounding the environmental

impact after they have served their purpose and been discarded or recycled. It is well known that issues of sustainability and environmental “friendliness” have particular impact when it comes to the marketability of coffee and tea products

Brand Analysis

• Yunnan is a province of the People’s Republic of

elevations in the northwest and low elevations in the

It spans approximately 394,000 square kilometres

of the province. In the west, the altitude can vary from the

China, located in the far southwest of the country.

(152,000 sq mi) and has a population of 45.7 million

(2009). The capital of the province is Kunming, formerly also known as Yunnan. The province borders Vietnam, Laos and Burma.

• Yunnan is situated in a mountainous area, with high

Southeast. Most of the population lives in the eastern part mountain peaks to river valleys as much as 3,000 metres

(9,800 ft). Yunnan is rich in natural resources and has the largest diversity of plant life in China.

• Recently, farmers from village around Yunnan are

responding to the quest of harvesting some ancient tea

roses (Pu’erh tea) that are of thousand years old and

• Tea girl is known as a distribution model for the ancient

trafficking and all kinds of difficulties in term of geography.

knowledge about tea to help educate people about their

haven’t been made available in the market due to drug • The process of packing the tea is very fascinating,

beginning with fermentation, then the tea will be dried

under the sun, after that they will be compressed using

rounded shape stones, and finally being wrapped up and sealed with paper before shipping out to the market.

Pu’erh tea. The company employs young girls who have products and promote tea culture.


Design Development The design development started by creating mind maps on popular baverages in America, especially on tea and from there, combining a list of key words to explore different concepts and strategies for the tea project. Next step was to move on to different rounds of sketches and refinements for the logo ranging from constructing symbols to type experimentations to colors development. Final step was to refine the wordmark and introduce the final logo.

Mind Maps

5 key words for coffee:

• Network

• Addicted

• Moment

• Compulsive • Fast

Mind Maps

5 key words for green tea:

• Process

• Culture

• Relaxing • Craft

• Temperature

New Position

As consumer demand has grown, frequent innovation

• Green tea, once nearly impossible to find in supermar-

top-of-mind for consumers. Many companies have started

other specialty teas are more available than ever, in both

and the marketing of new products have helped keep tea developing interesting new tea products and marketing tea in new and unique ways.

• Established bottled water and soft drink companies have expanded product lines to include ready-to-drink tea.

kets, is now widely available; even Oolong, White and supermarkets and standalone shops.

• Millennials, more so than older generations, are

seeking innovation and variety when it comes to current

tea offerings. Start-up companies addressing this desire are pouring into the marketplace.

Concept and Strategy

The tea market continues to move heavily toward premiumisation, as tea drinkers become more

focused on quality and bold flavours. Many tea

drinkers, especially younger ones, are embracing

more expensive tea brands, like Teavana, that have unique flavours like acai blueberry or watermelon mint. This interest in premium has consequently

led to an increase in speciality loose-leaf tea, which

increased by 6% in off-trade value in 2014 to US$62 million. The loose-leaf format is also popular in

green tea, fruit/herbal tea and other tea. An increasing number of tea manufacturers are producing tea products in loose-leaf format for sale in supermar-

kets and hypermarkets because they are generally perceived as higher quality than bags and can be sold at higher price points.

• The emergence of new categories of tea products,

Act of 1896) is finding its way into the American market.

ice cream and other foods fortified with tea, continue to

and herbal blends.

including tea-infused waters, tea energy drinks, tea-based drive interest in tea.

• New versions of tea-infused alcoholic and malt beverage specialties, such as Hard Tea, have opened an entirely new, young market.

• The long-banned Pu-erh tea (under the Tea Importation

• Traditional packers of black tea now offer specialty teas • Single Serve Cups are now estimated to be ~ 13% of the Traditional Tea Category.

Symbol Development

Sketching is an excellent way to quickly explore concepts. Sketching for one or two hours and work out multiple possible solutions to the design problem at hand. This is an essential step in the design process. It will save time to work through

concepts on paper before going to the computer. While it is possible to build sketches on the computer, it’s not as fast as sketching multiple concepts on paper.

These symbol sketches explored different aspects of China from the tea culture, to architecture, pattern, nature, animals, and landscapes.

slim joe A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Big John A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



Type & Name Development

Different typefaces were used from serif to san-serif; from thick to thin fonts to experiment with the feel and look of the brand.






Big John Slim Joe





partea PARTEA partea

Big John Slim Joe









Big John Slim Joe










Slim Joe

Big John







CMYK: 81/51/47/22 RBG: 54/94/104 HEX: #365E68 PMS: 8762C

CMYK: 100/0/43/60 RBG: 0/89/88 HEX: #005958 PMS: 7476U

Color Development

CMYK: 20/64/100/6 RBG: 195/109/10 HEX: #C36D0A PMS: 8963C

CMYK: 45/54/69/24 RBG: 123/99/77 HEX: #7B634D PMS: 8620C

CMYK: 30/30/60/10 RBG: 168/153/110 HEX: #A8996E PMS: 873U

Symbol: this symbol is inspired by the top roof architecture of the temples in China. Slim Joe

Slim Joe

Big John



Higher Penna



SymbolHigher & Wordmark Refinement

Big John







Workmark: After many trials, the font “HIGHER” is chosen due to its modern and very geometric shapes.


Final Logo

The logo is designed with the image of a Chinese’s temple in mind and the core values of the temple, which is where people would come to meditate, to find peace of mind, and to reflect on their lives.

Tenzin means the “upholders of Buddhism” or the “upholders of teaching” which is perfectly express the meaning of the

brand. The typeface representing the columns that hold up the temple structure with the top roof designed as symbol. The rich and contrast colors convey the heritage quality of China’s temple architectures.

Tenzin Tea gives consumers a unique opportunity to experience history, culture, and good health in every cup. Tenzin™ Tea offers the best quality of Pu’erh tea that’s harvested in rural China. Targeted to the health conscious consumer between the ages of 30-40, Tenzin Tea provides a sense of relaxation and stress relief.


Application Development After finding the solution to the logo, the next step is to apply it to a varierty of mediums in a cohesive way, from storefont to packaging, merchandising, advertising, and user interface. The look and feel of Tenzin must translate to multiple surfaces while mainting the brand’s values and guidelines. The applications must also keep the target audience in mind.

Primary Signage


The packaging is built in 3D software Maya and the wooden set including 1 tea bottle, 1 purified water bottle, and 2 tea

capsules. The design engages people to an exclusive tea experience and encourages them to seek inner peace and share it with the others. By creating eco-friendly and reusable packaging, Tenzin Tea keeps sustainability in mind.


The packaging is designed so that customers can reuse them in different purposes after finishing. The tea capsules contains loose leaf tea for two time refills and after that they are meant to be used for travel and can hold a vial of scented oil, which is poured onto a small wooden diffuser which can be easily set on any surface.






“There are few nicer things than sitting up in bed, drinking strong tea, and reading” - Alan Clark






Business Card






Yunnan is a province of the People's Republic of China, located in the far southwest of the country. It spans approximately 394,000 square kilometres (152,000 sq mi) and has a population of 45.7 million (2009). The capital of the province is Kunming, formerly also known as Yunnan. The province borders Vietnam, Laos and Burma.













50ºF 68ºF


Humidity: 70% Wind: 10.28mps Pressure: 1005hPa

Yunnan is situated in a mountainous area, with high elevations in the northwest and low elevations in the southeast. Most of the population lives in the eastern part of the province. In the west, the altitude can vary from the mountain peaks to river valleys as much as 3,000 metres (9,800 ft). Yunnan is rich in natural resources and has the largest diversity of plant life in China. Of the approximately 30,000 species of higher plants in China, Yunnan has perhaps 17,000 or more.[5] Yunnan's reserves of aluminium, lead, zinc and tin are the largest in China, and there are also major reserves of copper and nickel. the province at the end of the 2nd century BC. It became the seat of a Tibeto-Burman-speaking kingdom of Nanzhao in the 8th century AD. Nanzhao was multi-ethnic, but the elite most likely spoke a northern dialect of Yi. The Mongols conquered the region in the 13th century, with local control exercised by warlords until the 1930s. As with other parts of China's

You have 1 reward to redeem You can choose to enjoy one of these options or share them with your friends

Tea capsule Tea bottle


User Interface

Tenzin™ Tea app will provide the users with backgrounds and photos of the tea locations, and the detailed temperature of the areas which will help inform customers on the origins of the products. Also, Tenzin™ Tea keep track of customers’ purchases and will reward them with free products which can be used to forward to their friends as gift.


Conclusion The convergence of the health benefits with the convenience, availability and versatility of tea has helped create a new consumer experience, all while keeping the product offerings fresh and unique. These trends are positively effecting the industry as they serve to make tea more readily available, convenient and interesting to millions of potential consumers. More importantly, these changes are useful in raising top-of-mind awareness among consumers. My attempt to rebrand the Tea Girl is to make them more accessible in the Western market in term of price range and the overal look of the brand.

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