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Northern Hills Synagogue Deborah E. Lipstadt speaks at JCRC annual meeting to commemorate 50th on Jewish identity anniversary Fifty years ago, a group of young Jewish families who had moved into the Finneytown section of Springfield Township began meeting for social and religious activities. They formed the Northern Hills Jewish Couples Club, which became the Northern Hills Jewish Community. To better meet their needs they formed a synagogue, holding their first service on July 8, 1960 at the Keystone Savings and Loan building. From this service grew what is today known as Northern Hills Synagogue - Congregation B’nai Avraham. As part of a year of celebration, a special commemorative service will be held on Friday evening, June 25 at 6 p.m., followed by Shabbat dinner.

As part of the service and program, congregants who joined in the early days and members of multi-generational families will speak about their experiences and recollections. The Northern Hills Synagogue choir will participate in the service. The 50th anniversary celebration will conclude with a scholar-in-residence weekend Nov. 19-21, featuring Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. Rabbi Artson is one of the leading scholars in the Conservative movement, and one of its most sought after speakers. NHS on page 20

CINCINNATI — Before a crowd of over 200 people gathered at the Mayerson JCC for the 2010 JCRC annual meeting on June 8, Professor Deborah E. Lipstadt— acclaimed author and the Dorot Associate Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University in Atlanta— addressed the issues of anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism as factors in Jewish identity. Dr. Lipstadt— a historical consultant to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum— began by revealing to the audience that she herself had experienced a kind of turning point in her own feelings about the question of Jewish identity and how it is tied to anti-Semitic and anti-Israel senti-

ments, and she made an articulate case for how the Jewish community could respond in a more strategic way to these challenges. Lipstadt was chosen by the JCRC for her ability to provide a 360-degree view of the issues associated with her keynote topic. As an organization whose mission is dedicated to protecting Jewish security, outgoing JCRC president Arna Poupko Fisher believed it would be necessary to hear from a bona fide expert – not just on the threats from antiSemitism and anti-Israelism alone, but also about how addressing those challenges makes us grow and evolve as a people. LIPSTADT on page 20

Visiting the family of the Hamas terrorist who tried to kill my wife by David E.H. Gershon Jewish Telegraphic Agency PITTSBURGH, Pa. (JTA) — What should I buy for the children of the Hamas terrorist who tried to kill my wife? I’m sorry, some context is needed. Let me explain. In the summer of 2002 Hamas, targeting both Israelis and Americans, struck a cafeteria at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The blast, triggered by an innocuous-looking backpack, threw my wife, Jamie, across the bloodstreaked linoleum floor and killed the two friends with whom she was sitting. Years later, after returning to the United States, I embarked on a psychological journey that led to

eastern Jerusalem and the childhood home of the terrorist who set everything in motion. Not out of revenge. Out of desperation. It was never my intention to become a reconciler, to become one of those victims intent on meeting with the perpetrator. In truth, after the bombing — as Jamie was tortured by doctors treating the burns that covered portions of her body — I refused to face what had occurred at Hebrew University. In my mind it remained passive and impersonal, as though it was the inevitable consequence of some larger political struggle. It was safer that way. “Nobody tried to kill her,” I thought to myself. “It just happened.”

David E.H. Gershon, whose wife was injured in a 2002 bombing, visited the bomber’s family in eastern Jerusalem in a quest for closure and understanding.

This is the thought to which I clung as we rebuilt our lives in the United States, lives full of therapy sessions and mangled recollections. None of which allowed me to move on, to move beyond what had occurred. I was a mess. Then, one evening, while digging through archived news clips, engaged in a desperate attempt to overcome the terrorist attack by understanding it fully, I learned his name: Mohammad Odeh. And suddenly he was human, this murderer. And then I found something strange in an Associated Press article on Odeh’s capture by Israeli police in 2002: Odeh told investigators he was sorry for what he had done since so many people died in the university attack. Upon reading, I thought, “This is

a misquote, a typo.” Hamas terrorists are not remorseful. They are not sorry. They are programmed to hate. They are robotic, marching, guns raised in the air, faces wrapped by folds of dark cotton, chanting their drone-like mantras: Death to Israel. Death to the Zionists. May the martyrs be praised. And I knew one thing: I needed to learn if this was true, if Odeh had indeed expressed remorse. So this is the story: Five years after the bombing, I found myself slack-jawed in a Jerusalem Toys “R” Us looking at plastic squirt guns and Hebrew-talking Elmo figures thinking, “What do I buy for the children of the man who tried to kill my wife?”





Flotilla fallout becomes rallying cry for U.S. Jews

Exhibit at Schindler factory site recalls Nazi-era Krakow

12th Annual Dr. Samuel S. Rockwern Passover Delivery of Jewish Family Service

Noce’s New York style pizzeria – A new taste in town

VISITING on page 19


VOL. 156 • NO. 47 S INGLE I SSUE P RICE $2.00







Local Briefs Cincinnati attorney sentenced in estate fraud case A federal judge last week sentenced Cincinnati attorney Robert L. Schwartz—who pleaded guilty to keeping $2.5 million from an estate primarily intended for Hadassah Hospital—to serve four years in prison and to make restitution. Schwartz served as executor of the estate of Beverly W. Hersh, who died in 2005 with an estate worth approximately $12 million, according to federal prosecutors. He used more than $9 million for personal expenditures and purchases for family members, employees, friends and close associate, officials said. The attorney helped establish an estate plan and trust agreements for Hersh and he was supposed to make distributions from the estate upon her death, according to the

U.S. Dept. of Justice. Instead, Schwartz routed the majority of trust funds through accounts or entities he controlled, officials said. In addition to his sentence, U.S. District Judge Herman J. Weber of Cincinnati ordered Schwartz to pay $2.3 million in restitution to Hadassah and $935,217 to the IRS. JCC benefit concert highlights abilities, good acts In a performance that emphasized virtuosity despite a disability, a blind pianist from Israel performed to an audience of about 200 at a benefit concert June 1 at the Mayerson JCC. Sponsors of the event, JEEP— Jewish Education for Every Person—also recognized Gene and Elise Mesh for their support of the organization, which included helping an impoverished Jewish family in Price Hill access Jewish education for their children. The couple received the Rabbi Eliezer Silver Memorial Award at the event. The concert featured Jonathan Faber, who has been blind since age 14. Regarding outreach to the poor, Mesh said, “I was doubly


amazed that there could be Jewish people living in such conditions in Cincinnati.” Raber performed a variety of classical pieces and prefaced his performance with a story of his musical challenges and dreams. Later he was joined by well-known Cincinnati jazz master Eddie Felson of the Blue Wisp on acoustical bass and by Art Gore on drums for a medley of jazz numbers. Jazz harmonicist Sandy German also joined Faber for a duet. Class on mikveh scheduled A class on understanding the Halachic construction of Cincinnati’s new mikveh is scheduled from 6:15-7:15 p.m. June 26 at the home of Galit Benzaquen. Rabbi Hanan Balk, from Golf Manor Synagogue, will explain the system through which the mikveh has obtained its kosher status. It is anticipated that the new mikveh will be ready to open in the next two months as the final stage of the process is completed—filling the boros with rainwater, said Chaviva Randolph, mikveh board president. Further information is available from Rabbi Balk.

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Community dedicates Mason’s first unity torah

(Above) Sam Boymel Accepts Award for his leadership and support. (Middle) Sam Boymel Inscribes final letters to complete the Torah scroll with the Sofer [scribe]. (Left) Sam Boymel Dances with the Torah with Rabbi Yosef Kalmanson under the Chupah.

MASON – “Despite seemingly insurmountable odds, the Jewish People survive thanks to the Torah.” This truism is not lost on Mr. Sam Boymel, a renowned international philanthropist and a Holocaust survivor who escaped death as a child in Turijsk, Ukraine, when the town’s Jews were being marched by German soldiers to be slaughtered. That axiom was especially evident on Sunday, June 6, at the Jewish Discovery Center, Mason’s “Center for Jewish Life,” as close to 200 men, women and children from Warren, Hamilton and Butler counties turned out to celebrate the historic dedication of the community Torah. Rabbi Yosef Kalmanson, the center’s executive director, said that continuity means that the Jewish people are still studying the very same words as our parents, grandparents and ancestors have been studying for thousands of years. “From generation to generation, the Torah was safeguarded and revered before the eyes of all of Israel,” Kalmanson said. “Now, in Mason, too, we are able to celebrate this bond between the Almighty Gd and His people. From Europe to Mason, this scroll has connected the link of Judaism in our city.” To explain that link even further, a Sofer, or ritual scribe, detailed the process of making and writing a Torah scroll, Tefillin and Mezuzot by employing visual aids, including a goose feather quill, animal hide, and a preserved deer skin scroll recovered from Iraq. The ceremony honored Cincinnati residents Sam and Rachel Boymel, who were presented with a gift for their communal leadership and for dedicating the scroll to their parents, who perished in the Holocaust. Mr. Boymel accepted the award from Kalmanson at the event and recounted how his mother stressed the importance of continuity, even as she urged him to flee from certain death. “She yelled to me in Yiddish ‘run, my son, run away, but always remember from where you have come,’” Boymel said. Boymel has been instrumental in the founding of the Boymel Orphan Home in Jerusalem, the Nahariya/Givat Katznelson, as well as Boymel Yad Labonim and Boymel Community Center in Nahariya. He is a board member of the Children of Chernobyl Medical Relief Project, a project to aid children suffering from the aftereffects of the explosion at the Chernobyl facility in the 1980s. Locally, Sam and Rachel have been active supporters of Cincinnati Hebrew Day School, Rockwern Academy, RITSS High School for Girls and the Cincinnati Community Kollel, among others. Boymel has been honored by

many organizations, including State of Israel Bonds, which awarded him the Israel Peace Award, and the gates of Jerusalem Medal and Elie Wiesel Humanitarian Award. “I am pleased to be honored by an organization such as the Jewish Discovery Center which makes such a valuable contribution to the Jewish community, and is vital to Jewish continuity through its outreach programs and innovative educational opportunities,” Boymel said. “For many years, I have observed your dedicated work, always with admiration and warm feelings.” Kalmanson thanked Boymel for facilitating the momentous occasion. “You remembered your mother’s parting words as you ran for your life, and have never forgotten from where you have come,” he said. “As you have continued to heal from the past, you have made sure that the world knows about your experiences, about what happened in those dark days, and you have made it your mission to ensure the continuity of Jewish life all around the world. For that, we thank you.” Tony Terentowicz said the event was a poignant reminder of the Jewish people’s resiliency. “We’ve been oppressed in countries worldwide for thousands of years but our clinging to the Torah keeps us alive,” Terentowicz said. “Having a Torah dedication allows us to acknowledge and celebrate the source of our survival.” Upon its completion, Boymel carried the Torah outdoors under the Chupah Wedding Canopy, signifying the marriage between the Jewish people and the Torah. Community members danced with the new Torah scroll under beautiful blue skies, amidst much joy and accompanied by live music, torches and flags for the children. The Jewish Discovery Center’s Facebook page lit up immediately after the event with photos and comments. “My children and grandchildren will always have a Torah to hear in Mason thanks to the ever gracious Mr. and Mrs. Boymel,” posted Meredith Glassman. “[It was] an historic event that brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my heart!” Jeanne Aronoff posted: “I feel blessed to have been there to bear witness to [Mr. Boymel] passing on his love of tradition and Judaism to us!” “This was a landmark occasion of culture and history in Mason, and attendees literally wrote history,” said Kalmanson. “The Torah inauguration and the large turnout represent monumental growth for Judaism in the Mason area and is a testament to the great work and support of Sam and Rachel Boymel. The entire community owes them a debt of gratitude.”


The oldest English-Jewish weekly in America Founded July 15, 1854 by Isaac M.Wise VOL. 156 • NO. 47 Thursday, June 17, 2010 5 Tammuz, 5770 Shabbat begins Fri, 8:48 p.m. Shabbat ends Sat, 9:48 p.m. THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE CO., PUBLISHERS 18 WEST NINTH STREET, SUITE 2 CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202-2037 PHONE: (513) 621-3145 FAX: (513) 621-3744 HENRY C. SEGAL Editor & Publisher 1930-1985 MILLARD H. MACK Publisher Emeritus NETANEL (TED) DEUTSCH Editor & Publisher BARBARA L. MORGENSTERN MICHAEL McCRACKEN Assistant Editors ALEXIA KADISH Copy Editor JANET STEINBERG Travel Editor STEPHANIE DAVIS-NOVAK Fashion Editor MARILYN GALE Dining Editor MARIANNA BETTMAN NATE BLOOM RABBI A. JAMES RUDIN RABBI AVI SHAFRAN Contributing Writers LEV LOKSHIN JANE KARLSBERG Staff Photographers PATTY YOUKILIS JUSTIN COHEN Advertising Sales JOSEPH D. STANGE Production Manager CHRISTIE HALKO Office Manager

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Rubashkin acquitted of labor charges

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by Josh Nathan-Kazis Jewish Telegraphic Agency NEW YORK (Forward) — Supporters of former Agriprocessors executive Sholom Rubashkin are hailing his acquittal in Iowa state court of child labor charges, saying that the jury’s decision offers a measure of vindication for the embattled kosher slaughterhouse manager. Rubashkin, son of the founder of Agriprocessors and former chief manager at the company’s kosher meat plant in Postville, Iowa, was acquitted June 7 of 67 misdemeanor counts of child labor violations. Rubashkin is still awaiting sentencing in federal court, where he was convicted of bank fraud. “I would hope that this is at least one small step in terms of at least giving the public some pause when they reflect upon who Sholom Rubashkin is,” said Alyza Lewin, an attorney who is representing Rubashkin in an effort to appeal the federal conviction. “He was painted as public enemy No. 1, as a person who was really truly evil. And I think that this decision, this verdict, begins at least to show the public that that’s not who he was.” The appeal in the federal case has not yet been filed. The state court’s verdict is the latest development in a saga reaching back to 2006, when a report by the Forward drew attention to working conditions at the Postville plant. The controversy surrounding the Postville plant spurred an intense, and often contentious, Jewish communal debate over ethical standards in kosher meat production. In May 2008, federal immigration authorities mounted a massive raid in which more than 300 people were arrested, drawing national attention to Postville. Rubashkin was found guilty in 2009 of bank fraud in federal court. Charges against Rubashkin related to the employment of illegal immigrants at the plant were later dropped by federal prosecutors. The recent state trial stemmed from an investigation of the plant by the Iowa Division of Labor that was launched before the immigration raid. Rubashkin was eventually tried on 67 misdemeanor child labor charges regarding 26 minors, all illegal immigrants from Mexico and Guatemala and formerly employed by Agriprocessors. The misdemeanor charges included the employment of a minor at the slaughterhouse and the employment of a minor in the

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Sholom Rubashkin

vicinity of dangerous chemicals. In the case of those minors who were under 16 at the time of their employment, the charges also included the employment of a minor in the operation of powerdriven machinery and violations of the maximum allowable working hours per day and per week. The jury’s foreman, a member of the City Council in Waterloo, Iowa, where the trial was held, told the Forward that he believed that the workers had been underage when employed by Agriprocessors, but that Rubashkin himself had been unaware of their age. “We didn’t see any direct con-

nection that the defendant actually had a conversation about there actually being minors in the plant, and if there was conversation it showed that they were immediately being fired,” said the foreman, Quentin Hart. The chief prosecutor on the case, an Iowa deputy attorney general, Thomas Henry Miller, said the state’s contention had been that Rubashkin knew of the violations of child labor law. According to state law, Miller said, one cannot claim ignorance of something if a reasonable person would have inquired into it. RUBASHKIN on page 21


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Flotilla fallout becomes rallying cry for U.S. Jews

Rebecca Gardner / Baltimore Zionist District

Baltimore Jews rally in support of Israel, June 4, 2010.

by Uriel Heilman Jewish Telegraphic Agency NEW YORK (JTA) — The last time American Jews took to the streets in significant numbers to make the case for Israel’s right to defend itself, during Israel’s war with Hamas in early 2009, rockets were raining down on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. This time it’s a public relations war rather than a military one that has sent American Jews into the streets warning that a campaign is under way to wipe Israel off the map. In indignant statements to the media, in Op-Eds and at rallies around the country, American Jews jumping to Israel’s defense are casting the fallout to the flotilla incident — and the mounting opposition to Israel’s blockade of Gaza — as part of a campaign to delegitimize Israel’s right to defend itself. “Why did Israel even have to resort to blockade?” syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote. “Because blockade is Israel’s fallback as the world systematically de-legitimizes its traditional ways of defending itself — forward and active defense.” “If none of these is permissible, what’s left?” Krauthammer asked rhetorically. “Nothing,” he answered. “The world is tired of these troublesome Jews, 6 million

— that number again — hard by the Mediterranean, refusing every invitation to national suicide.” As with the Gaza war, and the Lebanon war of 2006, Israel’s defenders see in the global assault on Israel’s enforcement of the blockade of Hamas-run Gaza — a territory controlled by an organization committed to Israel’s destruction — nothing less than a threat to Israel’s existence. “Once again, my friends, Israel is under siege,” Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, declared at a pro-Israel rally in Los Angeles opposite the local Israeli consulate. Some 3,000 people showed up for the demonstration, including California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The international outcry against Israel is an attempt to delegitimize the Jewish state, Israeli Consul Jacob Dayan warned the crowd. “Enough of the campaign of lies spread by the defenders of terror,” Dayan said. “Those on the flotilla were not peace activists.” The precipitating incident occurred May 31, when Israeli commandos killed nine Turks upon encountering violent resistance to their effort to board a ship in international waters that was part of a Gaza-bound flotilla bearing aid materials and proPalestinian activists.

The incident became a rallying cry for pro-Palestinian activists, who held rallies across the country and around the world protesting Israel, including at some Jewish sites. In downtown Cleveland, some three dozen protesters stood outside the Jewish federation building chanting slogans and holding signs including “Stop

and held incommunicado ever since?” the main Jewish umbrella group, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, asked in a statement. The Jews countered with rallies of their own in communities across the country. In Baltimore, several dozen

“The world is tired of these troublesome Jews, 6 million — that number again — hard by the Mediterranean, refusing every invitation to national suicide.” Charles Krauthammer

Israel Pirates.” In Washington, activists flocked to the Israeli Embassy calling for it to be shut down. Many Jewish groups said the worldwide reaction to the flotilla incident smacked of hypocrisy. “Why did we not hear the same voices of condemnation raised as thousands of rockets poured down on Israel or on behalf of Gilad Shalit, who was kidnapped by Hamas more than four years ago

demonstrators stood at a busy intersection in 90-degree heat waving Israeli flags and placards calling for the release of Shalit, an Israeli soldier, and blaming Turkey for the flotilla incident. In New York, demonstrators gathered across from the United Nations and at other rallies scattered around the metropolitan area. In Philadelphia, some 250 pro-Israel demonstrators gathered last Friday across the street from the Israeli consulate at a

rally organized by the Zionist Organization of America, providing a counterpoint to the proPalestinian demonstration that had taken place three days earlier at the same site. To be sure, American Jews have not been uniformly supportive of Israel’s actions on the high seas. Some American Jewish groups questioned the wisdom of Israel’s blockade of Gaza and the way the flotilla raid was conducted. J Street, Americans for Peace Now and Ameinu all issued statements critical of Israel’s Gaza policies. “There wouldn’t have been a flotilla if Gazan children had enough food, had schools and clean water to drink,” Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, the left-wing pro-Israel lobbying group, told JTA. “This is not a hasbara problem,” he said, using the Israeli term for public relations. “For decades Israel and friends of Israel have complained about a hasbara problem. What they have is an occupation problem,” Ben-Ami said. “We can either complain about the way the world views Israel or change the way we behave.” While some American Jews and many Israelis said they support the blockade of Gaza in principle but disagree with elements of its implementation, and the way the Israeli Navy handled the flotilla interception, that nuance was not readily apparent in the pro-Israel rallies across the nation. Rather, the message at the demonstrations was kept simple: We stand behind Israel. One speaker at the L.A. rally, David Pine, West Coast regional director for Peace Now, tried to deviate from that message, saying, “Despite the way one individual military operation was handled, ultimately it will take a negotiated resolution that provides for a twostate solution.” He was drowned out by a chorus of boos. When the chairman of the local Jewish federation, Richard Sandler, tried to quiet the crowd, audience members continued to boo Pine, with one yelling out, “Traitor!” In Philadelphia, Steve Feldman, director of the greater Philadelphia district of the ZOA, summed up the approach he expected of supporters of Israel. “I would not be satisfied,” he said, “until every Jewish person in the Philadelphia area, every person of good conscious in the area, everybody who knows right from wrong in the area, will be out supporting Israel, because Israel is in the right.” (The L.A. Jewish Journal, the Cleveland Jewish News, the Baltimore Jewish Times and the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent contributed to this report.)




U.S. Jews, though reeling, preserve Turkish ties by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency WASHINGTON (JTA) — U.S. Jewish leaders talk in pained, hushed tones about the “red lines” in the Turkey-Israel relationship — the ones that they say the Turkish leadership has crossed, and the ones they say they won’t. The fragile consensus emerging from the Jewish leadership is that the relationship it has cultivated over the decades with Turkey is worth preserving – for now. “There are lines that mustn’t be crossed and we have seen over the last weeks those lines aggressively crossed,” said Jason Isaacson, the director of international affairs for the American Jewish Committee, a group that has taken a lead over the decades in outreach to Turkey. “The dilemma is to honor the legacy of Turkey’s hospitality and integration of its Jews in its society.” Isaacson and others referred to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s likening last week of the Star of David to a swastika. “It is going to be a challenge for them to walk back into a zone of responsibility — but they must, and we will continue to make that case very forcefully to our Turkish contacts,” Isaacson said. The Turkish-Israel alliance came to the breaking point on May 31, when Israeli commandoes raided the Mavi Marmara, a Turkishflagged ship that was part of a flotilla that aimed to breach Israel’s embargo of the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by the Hamas terrorist group. Nine Turkish passengers, including one Turkish-American, died in the subsequent melee. Seven Israeli soldiers were injured. Competing accounts — each backed by video outtakes — blame each side for starting the violence. Turkish-Israel tensions have been brewing since Israel’s 2009 war in the Gaza Strip. Erdogan condemned Israel’s invasion and upbraided Israeli President Shimon Peres at an economic conference in Davos, Switzerland in January of that year. Turkish state television subsequently ran a TV series that depicted Israelis as bloodthirsty. Daniel Pipes, a conservative who directs the Middle East Forum, says the roots of the crisis date to Erdogan’s election in 2003. Erdogan’s Islamist AKP Party is challenging the military, the redoubt of secularism in Turkey, Pipes said; when Israel is depicted in a negative light, the AKP weakens the mili-

tary. “It appears they no longer fear the military and they are now are unleashing their might,” Pipes said of the AKP. “We mustn’t give up on Turkey — AKP is the problem.” Turkey’s behavior also drew criticism from the left of the proIsrael spectrum, which had otherwise criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government for its handling of the raid. Turkey “has been too quick to try to make political gains for themselves at the expense of regional stability,” Jeremy Ben-Ami, who directs J Street, told JTA. Turkey is Israel’s oldest Muslim ally, and in recent years has buffered the Jewish state – and Western interests – against Iranian expansionism in the region. Israeli combat pilots are able to practice drills in Turkish airspace that would not be possible over Israel’s compact territory, and Israel’s navy counted on Turkey as an alternate harbor in case of all-out war. In return, Turkey has benefited from the deep, broad reach of Israel’s intelligence services, particularly relating to the activities of the PKK Kurdish terrorist group. It has also relied on the American Jewish community to make its case in Washington; the Turkish Diaspora has never matched its Greek and Armenian counterparts for sustaining nationalist passions overseas. A critical test for Turkey’s Jewish proxies in Washington has been their successful effort to quash recurring resolutions that would recognize Turkey’s Ottoman era massacres of the Armenians as a genocide, as most experts already do. The Armenia resolution is perhaps the only source of tension between Jewish lobbying groups, who stymie it to protect Israeli and U.S. interests in the region, and Jewish Congress members, who recoil at denial of a genocide. Now, however and speaking off the record, pro-Israel insiders say they are considering keeping their hands off the resolution. The version currently circulating in the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the Foreign Affairs Committee. It stands little chance of reaching the floor, however, as long as U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House; Pelosi has closely heeded directives from the Obama and Bush White Houses to bury the resolution as long as Turkey remains a key U.SA. ally in the region. TIES on page 21

American Action Network

Fred Malek, a former personnel chief in the Nixon White House, has been named chairman of Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell’s Commission on Government.

Malek apology questioned by Debra Rubin Jewish Telegraphic Agency WASHINGTON (Washington Jewish Week) — Fred Malek again has apologized for counting Jews in the Nixon White House, but at least one Jewish group says the apology rings hollow. Another group, however, is standing firmly behind Malek, a controversial appointee as the chair of Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell’s Commission on Government. Malek was the White House personnel chief in the early 1970s when he counted the number of Jews working at the Bureau of Labor Statistics at the request of President Nixon, who was concerned about a “Jewish cabal” at the department making him “look bad.” “Over my five decades of career, I’ve made mistakes. That was the biggest one I have ever made in life,” Malek said while speaking to reporters last week in Richmond, Va. “I think I’ve apologized and atoned for it. I’ve learned from it and it’s time to move on.” Some of the employees were reassigned, although Malek has said he never knew any personnel changes were made based on his figures and would have refused to move employees if he had been asked. Recently released documents and transcripts, however, seem to tell a different story. For example, in one July 1971 memo, first reported by Timothy Noah of Slate, Malek recommends the transfer of five of the 13 Jews he has identified. That September, Malek followed up with a memo to White House Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman say-

ing that Harold Goldstein would be reassigned, and that Peter Henle and Leon Greenberg would be transferred. All three men were Jewish. Malek in 1988 had told The Washington Post that he did not take part in moving anyone out of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, saying that “If I had even been peripherally involved or asked to alter someone’s employment status, I would have found it offensive and morally unacceptable, and I would have refused.” Until the recent reports Ira Forman, executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, had accepted that apology. Now, however, he says it’s not enough. On June 4, prior to Malek’s apology that afternoon, the NJDC called on Malek “to truthfully apologize for his role” in providing Nixon with information on Jewish employees in the Labor bureau “because of suspected ‘disloyalty.’” The NJDC also urged candidates for public office to return or refuse money from Malek. Asked Monday about Malek’s latest apology, Forman remained firm. “As far as I can see, Fred Malek has never walked back from his earlier assertion that the role was limited,” Forman said. “He should apologize for that larger role.” Forman went on to say that Malek “should come clean on the total extent of his record, and then let’s move on.” Other Jewish organizational leaders took a softer stand. “There is the concept in Judaism of repentance,” said Ron Halber, the Jewish Community Relations Committee’s executive director. “He has apologized repeatedly, and actu-

ally has been involved in the Jewish community. At a certain time, enough is enough.” Halber also said that “If it’s true that he played a larger role than he indicated he has, he has to come clean.” Melanie Maron Pell, who directs the American Jewish Committee’s Washington-area office, said that defenses of Malek should not be minimized, yet “if there’s other information that’s been withheld, it needs to be acknowledged and discussed.” Abraham Foxman, the AntiDefamation League’s national director, may be Malek’s strongest defender in the Jewish organizational world. In a statement released by the ADL, Foxman said that “Fred Malek has been deeply supportive of the Jewish community, and there is nothing in his record of the last 39 years to suggest that we would have any reason not to accept his apology.” Neither the ADL nor a spokesperson for Malek would say if Malek contributes to the organization. Malek sits on the American Israel Friendship League board. A Virginia lawmaker who is Jewish and has vocally opposed Malek’s appointment since McDonnell announced it more than a month ago takes a stand similar to Forman’s. “His apology is meaningless,” Del. David Englin, a Democrat, said in an interview. “If he would come forward and openly admit the full scope of his activities in government, then we could move forward.” Malek spokesman Mark Corallo dismissed the criticism as “the politics of personal destruction.”




Obama says Gaza ‘unsustainable,’ pledges $400 million by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Obama said the situation in the Gaza Strip was “unsustainable” and that he would budget an additional $400 million to improve conditions there and in the West Bank. Obama and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in a meeting here Wednesday discussed the aftermath of Israel’s deadly raid last week on a Turkish-flagged ship ferrying aid and activists to Gaza Strip in order to break Israel’s

blockade of the strip. Israel maintains the blockade to keep weapons out of the hands of Gaza’s Hamas rulers, and also to squeeze Gazans into withdrawing support for the terrorist group. “The situation in Gaza is unsustainable,” Obama said in a joint appearance with Abbas. “I think increasingly you’re seeing debates within Israel recognizing the problems with the status quo. And so President Abbas and I had very extensive discussions about how we could help to promote a better approach to Gaza.” Among other measures, Obama said he would soon announce an

additional $400 million “for housing, school construction, business development — not only in Gaza, but also in the West Bank.” The United States currently supplies about $500 million in assistance to the Palestinians. Any funds disbursed in Gaza are administered through nongovernmental organizations vetted for any ties with Hamas. Obama had planned the meeting with Abbas to talk about advancing from U.S.-brokered proximity talks with Israel to direct talks, which both the United States and Israel would prefer. Abbas said he was willing to

advance to such talks once the proximity negotiations had “progressed,” although he did not outline what would constitute progress. Obama said he continued to press the sides to recognize each others’ advances. On the Israeli side, he said success means “curbing settlement activity and recognizing some of the progress that has been made by the Palestinian Authority when it comes to issues like security. It means on the Palestinian side — and I was very frank with President Abbas that we have to continue to make more progress on both security as well

as incitement issues.” Abbas said the Palestinian Authority had “nothing to do with incitement against Israel.” The PA government has dismissed hundreds of teachers and preachers who peddled anti-Israel invective, but there are reports that its official media continues to occasionally feature inflammatory rhetoric and images. Abbas was set to meet Wednesday evening with leaders of U.S. Jewish groups. Obama is planning to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the end of the month.

Question in Italy: How do we reach non-Orthodox Jews? by Ruth Ellen Gruber Jewish Telegraphic Agency ROME (JTA) — The years-long battle that ended recently with the dismissal of the chief rabbi of Turin, Italy, highlights a 21st-century identity crisis afflicting the oldest Jewish community in the Diaspora. Rabbi Alberto Somekh, who like all recognized rabbis in Italy is Orthodox, had served as chief rabbi in Turin since 1992. But critics said he had antagonized a sizable segment of the city’s largely non-observant 900-member Jewish community with a confrontational personal style. His ouster last month marked the first-ever dismissal of a chief rabbi in an Italian Jewish community. It focused attention on the challenges facing Italian Jews, ranging from intermarriage, falling birth rates and budget woes to factionalism, political infighting, and sharp divisions over religious practice and Orthodoxy. In particular, some have become disaffected by what they say is a lack of pluralism and increased Orthodox rigidity in the official community, alienating many. “Italian Jewry was always nominally Orthodox but it accepted everybody, observant or not, under one umbrella,” Daniele Nahum, 27, the recently elected vice president of the Milan Jewish community, told JTA. “Now, however, the rabbis here have been adopting a more conservative mentality, and this has pushed some people toward Reform or Chabad.” The Jewish presence in Italy dates back to ancient Roman times. Approximately 30,000 Jews now live in the country, but only about 25,000 are formally affiliated with Italy’s official Jewish communities in cities such as Turin, Milan and Rome — and the number dwindles from year to year. Most Jews live in Rome, with about 12,000 affiliated, and Milan, with about 6,000 affiliated. Italy has no national chief rabbi,

Ruth Ellen Gruber

Rabbi Elia Richetti, the president of the Italian Rabbinical Assembly, mingles with tourists outside the Jewish Museum in Venice.

but the post of chief rabbi exists as a tenured position in some of the 21 communities linked under the umbrella of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, or UCEI. The UCEI leadership serves as the official political representative of Italian Jewry. About three years ago, when the community’s lay leadership initiated attempts to oust Somekh from the Turin post, Turin Jewish community president Tullio Levi accused Somekh of “attitudes of ill-

concealed or even open contempt” for less observant members of the community, as well as a “serious lack of sensitivity and consideration” for their problems. Community leaders formally ordered Somekh’s dismissal in early 2009, but rabbi appealed — his appeal was rejected last month. While Rome Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni said the decision had nothing to do with Somekh’s Orthodoxy or alleged rigidity, Somekh had become a symbol of the lack of openness to

non-Orthodox Jewish practice. Somekh himself declined to comment about the issue, but told JTA he “feels good” and is moving on. Orthodoxy historically has been the only recognized Jewish stream in Italy, and the Somekh incident illustrates tensions between the official Orthodox establishment and parts of the broader Jewish population. “The leadership of the Italian Jewish community is very concerned that it continues to be recog-

nized by the Israeli rabbinical establishment as being Orthodox,” said Lisa Palmieri Billig, the American Jewish Committee’s representative in Rome. “But the fact is that a very large section of Italian Jews behave as Reform or Liberal Jews would in other countries, or are totally secular. At the moment, a feeling of belonging to an emotionally cohesive, culturally unified ‘ethnic’ group is lacking.” QUESTION on page 22




Exhibit at Schindler factory site recalls Nazi-era Krakow by Patti McCracken Jewish Telegraphic Agency KRAKOW, Poland (JTA) — In January 1994, an American tourist stepped out of a taxi into a cold, drizzling rain and entered the Jarden Jewish Bookshop at the far end of the square in the Jewish quarter of Krakow. On the counter he splayed a weeks-old copy of The New York Times before bookshop owner Les Zdzislaw. “The man was pointing to photos of sites that were in ‘Schindler’s List’ and demanded to know where they were,” Zdzislaw recalls. “But what he didn’t understand is that the movie had not yet premiered in Europe. We ourselves didn’t know where many of these locations were.” The debut of Spielberg’s film in December 1993 sparked a stunning flood of tourists to Krakow that still continues. Many come on a pilgrimage to pay homage to Oskar Schindler, the war informantturned-Nazi who daringly saved more than 1,000 Jews. Seventeen years after the film brought fame to the factory, the facility will open as a museum on June 11. The Historical Museum of the City of Krakow has transformed the site into what it calls a “memory factory,” the city’s first permanent exhibit of Nazi-occupied Krakow. “The world already knows about Schindler,” says Marta Smietana, a museum spokeswoman. “Now we can show what all of Krakow was like when the Jews were working for him.” The $4.3 million renovation took three years to complete. “Krakow Under Nazi Occupation: 1939-1945” will showcase life during the war for Poles and Jews, concentrating at least some of its narrative on the disruption of Polish-Jewish relations against the backdrop of Nazi brutality. The project wasn’t without controversy — some were displeased that Schindler had to share the spotlight with the war-era city. “Since the renovation, the factory seems to have lost some of its character,” Zdzislaw said. “I think having it devoted to the German occupation doesn’t do Schindler and others like him justice. They are two separate things.” Others argued that Schindler was one among many heroes of the Holocaust in Poland, and a museum devoted solely to a man made famous by a Hollywood movie would distort history. “If you focus on one person, what about all the other heroes?” asked Jonathan Ornstein, director of the Jewish community center in Krakow. “When you talk about people

who saved Jews on Polish soil, he’s not the only one. Take, for example, the Polish teachers and orphanage workers who saved 2,000 Jews. There are many, but the world just doesn’t know about them.” The Emalia Factory, where Schindler manufactured tinware, sits on a broad stretch of a bending road among many plants and workshops in the industrial zone of Krakow. As one of the largest, it has a commanding presence. After the war, the liberating Soviet forces nationalized the factory and turned it into a telecommunications equipment manufacturer. But eventually the facility was abandoned and fell into receivership, which is when the city bought it in 2005. Tourists for nearly two decades have been wandering out to Lipowa Street to see the factory. Tourist trolleys would trundle through the heavily commercial zone just to draw up to the unmarked gates and then turn back, sightseers standing on tip toes and madly clicking their cameras. At the new museum, modern exhibits are intended to take visitors back in time include life-size photo murals, voiceovers, digital displays and multimedia touch screens. The museum also will feature a Hall of Choices, a sculptural installation highlighting ethical dilemmas faced by citizens during the war. Some visitors may be shocked by the black-on-white, swastikalike floor tiles in one of the rooms. The company that produced the tiles refused to do so without first receiving assurance from the government that it would not be committing a crime if it went through with the order, since Nazi symbols are banned in Poland. “We used the swastika symbol because it says so much about the occupation,” Smietana said. “At first you think how banal it is, then you start to understand how dangerous it is.” The exhibit is meant to provoke, as in the case of the floor tiles, but to many the “memory factory” will be about the memory of Schindler. “A couple of months ago, an Israeli woman came to me and wanted to know if it was true that it was her grandfather who sold the factory to Schindler,” said Zuzanna Mistal, project director for the new museum. “I was able to tell her yes. It was a beautiful feeling, and it was the first time I understood how important my work is.” Bookshop owner Zdzislaw is unlikely to hurry out to the museum when it opens, preferring instead his own memories of generations of Schindler survivors — the ones he has watched grow up, traipsing in and out of his store year after year, and now bringing their own young ones with them. “To me,” he said, “Oskar Schindler is like a god.”

Patti McCracken

(Top) Schindler museum materials are being finalized for exhibition. (Above) The factory in which Oskar Schindler used Jewish slave labor during World War II has been turned into a Holocaust museum. (Left) Oskar Schindler’s office and desk are on display in the Schindler museum.




Israeli sarcasm, building bike trails, avoiding Turkey

Israeli grass-roots effort fights flotilla fallout by Dina Kraft Jewish Telegraphic Agency TEL AVIV (JTA) — Two days after last week’s flotilla incident, with Israel weathering a hailstorm of international condemnation, a group of young Israelis hunkered down in a Tel Aviv recording studio to produce a satirical music video they hoped would become a weapon in the battle for world opinion. “We Con the World,” a spoof of the 1985 Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie song “We Are the World,” was promptly e-mailed, Facebooked and Twittered around the globe, becoming an instant YouTube phenomenon. To date it has received some 2 million hits. The lead singer, dressed in the white hat of a ship’s captain and given the name “Captain Stabbing” (a reference to Captain Stubing of the TV show “Love Boat” fame) opens by crooning in a thick mock Turkish accent, “There comes a time when we need to make a show, for the world, the web and CNN.” Singing in a Jackson-style falsetto, another character later picks up the tune, “We’ll make the world abandon reason. We’ll make them all believe that the Hamas is Momma Theresa.” The video is one of several grass-roots Israeli efforts to put out a pro-Israel message to the world in the wake of the confrontation aboard one of the ships on the Gaza-bound flotilla that left nine Turkish activists dead and several Israeli Navy commandos injured. The confrontation has stoked worldwide anger at Israel. In a bid to redirect that anger and lay the blame where they believe it should lie — the Turkish activists who they say provoked the confrontation at sea and the anti-Israel terrorist organization that controls the Gaza Strip, Hamas — some Israelis are mounting their own citizen responses to make the case for Israel’s enforcement of the blockade of Gaza and tough line toward Hamas. These Israelis, many of them young, have established new groups on the online social networking site Facebook and built new websites to promote Israel’s perspective on the flotilla raid as well as on the blockade of Gaza. One student group even plans to launch its own flotilla — a fleet of boats it hopes will humiliate Turkey by calling attention to the plight of the Armenians and Kurds, who are known to be suffering under the Turks. Israel maintains it was acting in self-defense after passengers on one of the Gaza-bound ships in the

by Marcy Oster Jewish Telegraphic Agency JERUSALEM (JTA) — Here are some stories over the past few days from Israel that you may have missed. Israeli researchers invent sarcasm detector. Really. It’s no joke: Hebrew University researchers have invented algorithms that can detect sarcasm in text loaded into a computer.

The sarcasm detector is about 77 percent accurate. The research was presented last week at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence conference in Washington. A patent is pending for the algorithms, called RevRank. Detecting sarcasm could help consumers assess reviews of products and political opinions. The algorithms were tested in English, German and Chinese. ISRAEL on page 20


A scene from the video satire “We Con the World,” which mocks the outpouring of condemnation of Israel’s flotilla raid.

flotilla attacked Israeli commandos boarding the ship with clubs, knives and even two pistols stolen from the soldiers. Critics of Israel’s actions have promoted a different narrative of the May 31 raid, painting Israel as the aggressor against an aid shipment in international waters. Just two hours after the flotilla incident, Dan Illouz, 24, said he created a Facebook group called “The Truth About Israel’s Defensive Actions Against the Flotilla.” A recent Canadian immigrant to Israel and law school graduate, the group soon took off and now has more than 70,000 members. “I saw there was no response from the government and I wanted to get something out there,” he said. “I know people from the Navy and I knew stories on the news made no sense, and I wanted to get a group of people together to spread the story once it was available.” Illouz also formed a new Web site, Israelflotilla.weebly, to accompany the Facebook page. He can track who views and forwards his posts, and through the Web site he has formed a group of some 200 volunteers who use his talking points in letters to newspaper editors and their elected officials. “It’s not the first time Israel has been attacked, and every time we see a lot of media bias,” Illouz said. “There is a need out there to train Israel advocates in social media, a new generation of leaders who understand this sort of communication.” The Israeli branch of the advocacy group StandWithUs, which works mostly with university and college students, also was quick to form its own online messages, creating a website called Flotilla Facts. “The idea of websites is a multiplier,” said Michael Dickson, the Israel director of StandWithUs. “The messages and images and

videos we find most effective we put in bullet-point form that can be understood and re-sent. We also have them in Tweet form to be sent out on Twitter,” read the online messaging service. The site is viewable in 14 languages, including Turkish. Dickson said readers from Turkey represented the fifth largest group visiting the site. One of the videos the site helped circulate was “We Con the World.” Karni Eldad, 36, a music producer, helped produce the “We Con the World” video. “It struck a chord because people know that the media coverage was one-sided,” she said. “Nobody wants to hear more about the fighting, but when you talk in a funny way you get a laugh. And you get the truth.” Eldad, whose father is Knesset member Arieh Eldad of the rightwing National Union Party, said that “So many people have watched it; it’s unbelievable. I am proud it’s made an impression, that it’s had an effect.” Arieh Eldad praised the work of his daughter who, together with friends, runs a political satire group called Latma led by Jerusalem Post Deputy Managing Editor Caroline Glick. “It shows how individuals and civilians feel something wrong has been done to the State of Israel by the international community, and this is a way to stand up and expose that hypocrisy,” Arieh Eldad said. “It’s a very efficient tool for doing that.” Shlomo Balas, the director of the Latma Web site, told the Israeli daily Yediot Achronot that he decided to strike back with satire the day of the raid. “The blood was boiling in my veins,” he said. “I immediately called the site editor, Caroline Glick, and said to her, ‘We have to do something.’”

Israel approves Gaza flotilla inquiry panel by JTA Staff Jewish Telegraphic Agency JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel’s Cabinet unanimously approved a commission of inquiry into the interception of a Gaza-bound flotilla that left nine passengers dead. Two foreign observers were named to the commission. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a meeting to approve the independent public commission that its establishment “will make it clear to the entire world that the State of Israel acts according to the law, transparently, and with full responsibility.” “I am convinced that the commission’s uncovering of the facts will prove that the goals and actions of the State of Israel and the IDF were appropriate defensive actions in accordance with the highest international standards,” Netanyahu said. The commission will set its own schedule and protocol, and will determine whether its meetings will be open or closed, according to the Prime Minister’s Office. Retired Israeli Supreme Court Justice Jacob (Yaakov) Turkel will head the commission, it was announced. The other members of the committee are international law professor Shabtai Rosen, winner of the Israel Prize for jurisprudence and the Hague Prize for International Law; and Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Amos Horev, a former Technion president. Two foreign observers with experience in the fields of military law and human rights also were named to the commission: Nobel Peace Prize laureate Lord William David Trimble from Northern Ireland, and international jurist Ken Watkin, former judge advocate general of the Canadian Armed Forces. The Obama administration said

the commission, as outlined by Netanyahu, has the potential to fulfill its earlier demand for a “full and credible” probe, but added that it was reserving judgment until it saw results. “Israel has a military justice system that meets international standards and is capable of conducting a serious and credible investigation, and the structure and terms of reference of Israel’s proposed independent public commission can meet the standard of a prompt, impartial, credible, and transparent investigation,” a White House statement said. “But we will not prejudge the process or its outcome, and will await the conduct and findings of the investigation before drawing further conclusions.” The statement also called for prompt and transparent results. “While Israel should be afforded the time to complete its process, we expect Israel’s commission and military investigation will be carried out promptly,” it said. We “also expect that, upon completion, its findings will be presented publicly and will be presented to the international community.” The commission will be entitled to call the prime minister, defense minister, other government ministers and the Israeli army’s chief of staff to testify. It also can request military documents and summaries of investigations currently being undertaken by a military investigative team headed by former National Security Council head Maj.-Gen. Giora Eiland. The commission will not interview soldiers. Israel waited to announce the commission until after talks with the Obama administration and several European countries in order to ensure that the inquiry’s scope and the committee’s makeup were acceptable.



R E F UA H S H L E M A H Frieda Berger Fraida bat Raizel

Pepa Kaufman Perel Tova bat Sima Sora

Rozlyn Bleznick

Mina Kamkha Malka bat Baila

Rachel Boymel Rochel bat Pesia Fruma Daniel Eliyahu Daniel ben Tikvah Mel Fisher Moshe ben Hinda Edith Kaffeman Yehudit bat B’racha Roma Kaltman Ruchama bat Perl

Murray Kirschner Chaim Meir ben Basha Andrea Lavine Chana Sara bat Esther Enya Alan Schwartzberg Avraham Pesach ben Mindel Ravid Sulam Ravid Chaya bat Ayelet Edward Ziv Raphael Eliezer Aharon ben Esther Enya





12th Annual Dr. Samuel S. Rockwern Passover Delivery of Jewish Family Service With the help of over 120 volunteers of all ages, the 12th annual Dr. S a muel S. Rockwern Passover Delive ry of Jewish Fa m i ly Service delive red 439 Passover meals Sunday, M a rch 28 to families experiencing financial difficulties. Volunteers ranged in ages from preschool children to adults in their eighties.

Betty Moscove

Brian (14), Melissa (12), Jennifer (9) and Karen Goodman

Debbie, Greg, Ethan (9), and Ben (12) Cohen

Diane and Bob Steele

Don Seltz

Elliot Heldman (8), Felicia Zakem, Sydney Heldman (6)

Gabe(17), Jacob (10), Shep, and Lila (13) Englander

Herschell Levine

Howard, Hannah (11) and Sarah (8) Kaplan

Jeff and Susan Harris

Jessica, Rebecca (14) and Ethan (12) Kahn

Larry and Joan Lindner

Michael, Abby (8), Samantha (11) Schwartz

Nick, Sophia (11), Sheri, and Matthew (8) Kroscher

Nathan (9), Rick, Claire (12), and Lilly (14) Lefton

Phil Weintraub, Bruce Lazarus

Skip Greenberg

Tom and Ethan (11) Glassman

Ronn Mervis

Valerie, Michael and Pamela Lasko

Michael Edelheit(11) Carly Edelheit(15), Barb Schwartz, Jami Edelheit




Noce’s New York style pizzeria – A new taste in town by Marilyn Gale Dining Editor There’s a new taste in town— direct from New York—Noce’s New York style pizza. There are three locations spread throughout Greater Cincinnati, with another in the works in the West Chester area. They are popping up everywhere and demanding notice. I had the pleasure of checking out Noce’s on Montgomery Road. Managed by one of four partners, Elridge White, a native of Cleveland, wants to make customers happy. With large portions, fresh taste and reasonable prices, White succeeds at his goal. Walking inside this restaurant the primary colors hit you. The large black, gray and white mural of the Rat Pack—timeless characters personified by Dean Martin, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis, Jr. and the ultimate icon, Frank Sinatra—covers one entire wall. These larger than life fellows were well-known heroes to the baby boomer’s parents. Memories are nicely triggered and the ambience inside is friendly and familiar for all ages. The wall painting was designed by local artist, Mary Beth Humphry. What is the philosophy, I ask, behind this endeavor; why a New York style pizzeria in the heart of the Midwest? Four partners—Jay Noce, Michael Licari, Richard Goldberg, and White—with diverse ethnicity, have come together; their bond is the love for Italian food, especially pizza. Another common denominator is multiple years in the restaurant industry. Sounds like a dynamite recipe for a tasty business. With shared skills, they have created a family-friendly, high quality Italian eatery, catering and take out. “We offer the best pizza that money can buy. Our biggest advertiser is word of mouth,” said White. Simple as that. The poster hanging on the wall reads: “There’s a big difference between the big chains and the independent pizzeria and you can taste the difference right here.” “What is the difference?” I asked. White told me that New York

Matthew Branham, general manager, and Elridge White, owner, in front of the Rat Pack mural.

pizza is based on three things: dough, made fresh daily, sauce that is “just right,” not too sweet nor tangy, and 100 percent whole milk mozzarella cheese. To be authentic New York style pizza, it must be hand tossed and baked in

stone ovens. “We cater to people who want a fresh product at a reasonable price; no short cuts, nothing frozen and no preservatives,” he added. Indeed they do, and although they offer the traditional pizza com-

Luscious cannoli—sure to please your sweet tooth.

binations, the vegetarian options are innovative and tempting. The white dream pizza, with its hand-tossed crust and toppings of garlic, oil, mozzarella, ricotta, tomato, broccoli and basil, will only get better during the summer months with the peak ripeness of tomatoes. Try pairing it with a Greek salad or antipasto for a satisfying supper. Or just order what a New Yorker might, good old fashioned cheese pizza. Consider adding an extra topping of ricotta, or feta, provolone or Romano to increase the richness of the cheese pie. A 16-inch large cheese pizza is only $12.99. Prices for specialty pizzas range from $3.50 a slice, to $19.99 for a large. White is also proud of Noce’s chicken wings, a high protein finger food where it is hard to stop at one. Lots of choice for sauces, the spicy garlic intrigued me, and the price once again was quite reasonable—you can get 24 wings for $15.99, a bargain. You can also order them in smaller quantities.

Noce’s offers daily pasta specials, hoagie sandwiches, calzones and dinner size salads. I sampled the eggplant parmesan sub—tender eggplant smothered in the sweet, tangy tomato sauce with a blanket of thick melted mozzarella cheese. The portions were mammoth, painless to share. Since most diners take home leftovers, White suggests reheating them in a 400 degree oven to retain the same fresh taste as the day it was prepared. Don’t let calories or too much pizza stop you from ordering dessert. Like a proud papa, White displayed the cannoli (pictured below) which I dutifully tasted. The flaky traditional Italian sweet is stuffed with a cool creamy ricotta cheese filling prepared in the restaurant, drizzled with chocolate sauce and heavily dotted by chocolate chips and powdered sugar; a bargain for $2.99. Noce’s fine food is also available for catering. They provide quality meals for hospitals, schools and festivals. Although the restaurant is new to the Cincinnati area, it is already winning awards. At the 2010 Cincinnati Italian Festival, Noce’s received honors for the best cheese and best veggie pizzas. White had a big smile on his face when he described the family friendly atmosphere. There is a kid’s menu for the child who won’t be satisfied with a slice of pizza. Options include chicken fingers and spaghetti, served with French fries and a drink, for $3.99. Noce’s encourages children to sit at the counter and watch staff prepare the pizzas, as the kitchen is open and easy to view. The activity in there is a bustle of hand tossing and twirling, sure to captivate even the most active child’s eye. So c’mon down to this unique, neighborly, casual pizzeria in the suburbs of Greater Cincinnati. Take the family, bring home the leftovers, and enjoy good Italian food at sensible prices. And please treat yourself to the cannoli, you won’t regret it. Noce’s New York Style Pizzeria 9797 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45232 513-791-0900

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Point of View


by Rabbi James A. Rudin

(RNS) — And God created a gulf filled with swarms of living creatures and winged birds of every kind that fly above the earth. And God saw the fish, the birds, and all the living things in the gulf and on the shore, and God said it was good. And some people said, “The world desperately needs the precious black liquid that lies below the gulf. Come, let us build a steel platform atop the gulf, and let us place workers upon it and they shall labor mightily and we will gain the gulf’s treasure and we shall become very rich.” And the people added, “Come let us build a towering drill and aim it far below the waters of the gulf, and we will make a name for ourselves.” And they drilled deeper and deeper and deeper and, lo, the precious black liquid spurted upward like dark milk and sticky honey. And the people who had done all this were exceedingly pleased with themselves. In time, the huge drill and the steel platform on the gulf became more precious than human life itself. Whenever the drill slipped or whenever a piece of the platform fell, the people wept, but when a person fell and died, no one paid much attention. The leaders of the drill and platform became arrogant, believing their achievements were comparable to God’s. They worshipped their technology and drilled ever deeper into the floor beneath the gulf. And the people said it was good. They saw it as a sign of their brilliance, evidence of their magnificent conquest of nature. And many, covered with riches the black liquid had brought them, reveled in self-love, corruption and hubris — falsely believing it was they, not God, who were the

(Rabbi Rudin is the American Jewish Committee’s senior interreligious adviser.)

Do you have something to say? E-mail your letter to

Dear Editor, Quote Washington Examiner 06/02/10 5:51 PM EDT “Former Weather Underground leaders William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, as well as Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, helped organize the Free Gaza Movement, which launched the six-ship flotilla from Turkey to Israel that ended in a violent clash with Israeli Defense Forces, reported. In January, the trio were spotted in Egypt attempting to stir up crowds on the streets with 1,400 other leftwing activists after the Egyptian government refused to allow Free Gaza Movement members to enter the Gaza Strip. About 100 marchers were eventually allowed to cross the border, where they were met by former Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh.” William Ayers (weather underground terrorist), was an organizer for the Obama campaign, and an insider with the current Obama administration. Dohrn (Ayers’ coconspirator in the police department bombing during the “peace marches” of the ‘70s), and Evans, founder of Code Pink, are also insider advisors to the Obama administration. Are we blind? Does anyone have any doubt as to why USA and Israeli relations are at an all time low? Led by, sellout to his own people Rahm (General Benedict Arnold) Emanuel and Davey Boy Axelrod, the Palestinian terrorists have their best

friends now in office in the White House. Some of the finest antiSemites from the ‘60s and ‘70s now have the ear of Uncle General Rahm and Davey Boy. Wake up fellow Jews! After the Holocaust we said “Never Again.” Now we turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to a resurgence of anti-Semitism from nothing less than the leader of the free world. He is surrounded by self hating Jews who want to prove to the world that they can “keep the rest of us Jews under control.” Korach needed General Rahm and Davey Boy. My gentile friends are absolutely aghast by your misguided support and lemming following of the anti-Semites in and around the White House. Paul Glassman Deerfield Twp Dear Editor, All members of the Organization of American States should strongly condemn the latest incendiary remarks on Israel by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Chavez declared in a speech broadcast live on Venezuelan national television: “Israel finances the Venezuelan opposition, the counter-revolution. There are groups, even Israeli terrorists, the Mossad, that are after me, trying to kill me.” He accused Israel of committing “a massacre” against “a group of pacifists that were taking a

humanitarian load to the Palestinian people who are in Gaza surrounded from every side by Israel. They don’t even allow them water!” Chavez’s accusations are dangerous. He obviously doesn’t know that Egypt also borders Gaza, and that Israel consistently has delivered to the people of Gaza basic humanitarian aid, including food, clothing and medicine. Chavez frequently demonizes Israel. More than a year ago, Venezuela expelled Israel’s ambassador and severed diplomatic relations. At the same time, Chavez has developed increasingly close ties with Iran, which funds Hamas and other Middle East terror organizations that violently oppose any efforts to achieve IsraeliPalestinian peace. President Chavez’s remarks also raise concerns about the security of his country’s Jewish community. In January 2009, a synagogue in Caracas was desecrated in an overnight attack. In December 2007, and earlier in 2004, Venezuela police raided the Hebraica, the Caracas complex housing the Jewish community center and school. No one has been apprehended in connection with any of these attacks. AJC monitors developments closely in an effort to help ensure the well-being of Venezuela’s longestablished Jewish community. Sincerely, John M. Stein President, AJC Cincinnati

T EST Y OUR T ORAH KNOWLEDGE THIS WEEK’S PORTION: CHUKAS (BAMIDBAR 19:1—22:1) 1. Was Aaron punished for a specific sin, that he passed away in the desert? a.) Yes b.) No

a.) Seven b.) Thirty c.) Twelve months 4. Where was the land of Sichon a.) Midian b.) Philistine c.) Moab

2. Who took over for Aaron as High Priest? a.) Moshe b.) Joshua c.) Elazar d.) Pinchas 3. How many days did the Children of Israel mourn for Aaron? 4. C 21:26 Sichon was an Emorite, but he conquered Moab. Hashem commanded the Children of Israel not to oppress the Moabites, therefore Hashem had Sichon conquer Moab, then the Children of Israel took it from him. Rashi 5. A 21:29 Kmosh was the idol of Moab. Rashi

And God saw the gulf, and saw that it was very bad

true “Masters of the Universe.” But it came to pass on the 20th day in the fourth month of the year that a great fire and terrible explosion erupted on the steel platform. And many people rushed from the shore to quench the fire, but they were too late, for they saw smoke rising from the platform like the smoke of a kiln. And 11 men died amidst the flames as the once-sturdy platform fell into the gulf and sank beneath the waves. But the weeping was mostly for the loss of their idol, the towering drill that had dug deep beneath the gulf; their tears were not for the humans who had perished. And the angry gulf belched forth the black liquid in great measure with no end in sight. Fish, turtles and birds became covered with slime, and many died. And the fishermen who had once gone out on the gulf were forbidden to sail their boats and cast their nets in the filthy water. And even after 50 days, the people still lied about the dangerous flow of black poison that reached once pristine shores; poison they could not contain. And the people said to one another: “What have we done? We built a towering drill that made us haughty and proud, but we never built a way to stop the flow from under the gulf.” And millions of angry people expressed savage fury against those who had brazenly dug so deep and cared only about the black liquid. And people sought the cause of the destruction that had come upon them. They asked: Is it the deceptive and supercilious people who built the steel platform and the towering drill alone who are guilty? Or is it the leaders of the states and nation who, overconfident in their belief that any fire or destruction could be stopped, permitted the drill to be built? Or is it ourselves, who looked the other way when the drill was being built? Is it we who only wanted the black liquid and falsely believed we had triumphed over God and nature? And seeing the destruction, God said: “My children have done far worse than my ancient flood when Noah was alive. That was only forty days of water. But this — this is bad. Very bad.”

5. Who is the nation of “Kmosh”? a.) Moab b.) Ammon c.) Og d.) Midian ANSWERS 1. A 20:10-12,23,24. 2. C 20:26 It was considered fortunate that Aaron saw his son fill his position in his lifetime. Rashi 3. B 21:29


Written by Rabbi Dov Aaron Wise



Sedra of the Week


by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin



Daily Minyan for Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv, Shabbat Morning Service and Shalosh Seudas.

NUMBERS 19:1 — 22:1

Kiddush follows Shabbat Morning Services

Efrat, Israel: “This is the inscribed statute (hok) of the Torah which the Lord has commanded saying ‘Speak to the Children of Israel and they shall take for you red heifer…’” (Numbers 19:1,2). The strange and mystical nature of the ritual of the Red Heifer is a hok, one of the commandments we follow not because they are rational, logical or moral, but only because they are Divinely commanded. The very notion of the priest purifying an individual who has been defiled by contact with a dead body by sprinkling the ashes of a red heifer mixed with spring waters upon him seems irrational. The ritual is even paradoxical because those priests involved in preparing this mixture are themselves defiled by it. How can a substance with the capacity to purify the defiled simultaneously defile those who are pure? The Red Heifer ritual described in the first half of this week’s portion is not simply one more hok among all the other hukim of the Torah. Rather it is the archetype of all the Torah’s hukim. This is indicated by the words which introduce it, “zot hukat haTorah – This is the decree of the Torah,” conveying a lesson far beyond the specific ritual of purification. Indeed, were the ritual of the Red Heifer limited to its function as a ritual of purification, it would belong in the Book of Vayikra (Leviticus) with the Biblical portions that concentrate on impurities and purification. Why then does the Torah place it in the Book of Bamidbar (Numbers) right after the rebellion of Korah and immediately before the transgression of Moses at the rock? Perhaps this positioning of the law serves as an introduction to – and explanation for – Moses’ sin of striking of the rock which prevents him from entering the Promised Land. The portion of Hukat is read near the time of the passing (yahrzeit) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the greatest Jewish leader of the 20th Century. Since there is always a connection between the portion of the week and the timing of the death of great Jewish leaders, the Red Heifer ritual provides a fascinating insight and commentary on the life of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The people of Israel is eternal, and the Torah of Israel is eternal; G-d is identified with both the nation and its Torah. When G-d

threatens to destroy Israel for forsaking the Torah and worshipping the Golden Calf, Moses chooses to “break” the Torah Tablets and preserve the nation. His action is a direct commentary on the question: which is more important, the Nation of Israel, or the Torah of Israel? The Kohen-priest is our teacher and guardian, our religious inspiration and guide; his special garb reflects his unique vocation (Exodus 28: 12-38). On the one hand, the shoulder strap of his apron (ephod) and the breast plate (hoshen mishpat) worn next to his heart bear the names of the 12 tribes of Israel, demonstrating his love and responsibility for the nation. On the other hand, inscribed on the head-plate placed on his forehead, seat of the mind, are the words, “…sacred unto the Lord,” expressing his commitment to the intellectual study, understanding and propagation of Torah. Clearly, both the nation and the Torah are essential. But which is foremost? For nearly 300 years, Eastern European Jews had two models of religious leadership; the Lithuanian Rosh Yeshiva and the Hassidic Rebbe. The former devoted most of his attention to the priestly head-plate (tzitz), the intellectual pursuit of Torah, while the latter dedicated most of his attention to the priestly breastplate and shoulder strap, the pastoral concerns of the flock. I’d like to suggest that the priestly role of sprinkling the Red Heifer’s ashes indicates the correct approach in determining priorities. The Torah teaches that the very mixture which purifies those defiled, defiles the Kohen-Priest performing the purification. But is this really paradoxical? If my friend falls into a mud-pile, will I not become sullied and muddied in the process of helping him out? Built into the very enterprise of purifying the defiled is the idea that the purifier himself must be touched by some of the impurity! This is precisely why the Kohen must bless the nation “out of love;” when the Kohen-leader truly loves every Jew, he assumes a new level of responsibility. In his desire to rescue a fellow Jew from contact with spiritual death, he willingly sacrifices some of his own comforts and even some of his spirituality (mesirat nefesh). A loving leader must be ready to leave the ivory-tower kollel bet midrash and make his way to the furthest and darkest hinterlands to infuse them with the light of spirituality. In effect, this is what G-d tells Moses at the time of the

Golden Calf: “Get down from the supernal heights of Mount Sinai and go down to the errant Jews worshipping the Golden Calf; the only reason I bestowed greatness upon you, Moses, was for the sake of the nation Israel; if your nation is sinning, what need have I of you?” (B.T. Berakhot 32a) In the beginning of his ministry, Moses was completely committed to his people. When he killed the Egyptian taskmaster to defend an Israelite slave; he sacrificed his position as a prince in Pharaoh’s empire and risked his own life. However, the endless carping, ingratitude and insurrections of the Israelites finally wears him down, so that eventually, he calls the Israelites “rebels,” striking the rock instead of speaking to it, which we understand to be an act of displaced anger against his stiff-necked nation. Here lies the connection between the two parts of our Biblical portion, the ritual of the Red Heifer and Moses’ sin and punishment. Once a leader loses even the smallest amount of his capacity to love his people, even if his feelings are justified by the shabby and derelict way they have treated him, he can no longer continue to lead them. The Lubavitcher Rebbe was a great and profound scholar, but he devoted the lion’s share of his time and energies to the nation. The style of Lithuanian religious leadership could not survive the holocaust. Hassidut in general, and Chabad in particular, did survive and, amazingly enough, are stronger today than they were before Hitler’s devastating destruction. The timeless and constant message of Chabad is love; the empowerment of love, the divinity of love, and the eternity of love; “Be among the disciples of Aaron, love humanity, and with that love, you will bring everyone close to Torah” (Ethics of the Fathers 1: 12). In the final analysis, the preservation of the eternal Torah requires a people strong enough and determined enough to devote their lives to it. And so the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson ztz”l raised an army of emissaries (shluchim) whose love and commitment to our nation is so great that they readily leave bateimidrash, their families and communities for the farthest recesses of the globe to bring Jews back to their Parent-in-Heaven. Shabbat Shalom Shlomo Riskin Chancellor Ohr Torah Stone Chief Rabbi — Efrat Israel


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3100 LONGMEADOW LANE • CINCINNATI, OH 45236 791-1330 • Richard Shapiro, Interim Rabbi Marcy Ziek, President Gerry H. Walter, Rabbi Emeritus June 18 6:00 pm Shabbat Nosh 6:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service to honor Rabbi Rick and Lynn Shapiro

June 25 6:30 pm Shabbat Evening Service followed by picnic dinner

June 19 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service

June 26 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service

Mazel Tov To: Hal and Elaine Brown on the birth of their great grandson, Naftali Yigal Blumenthal Denny Riedmiller and Wendy New on the marriage of their daughter Beth to Mike Morgenstern Sincere Sympathy To: Kitty Kohn and Marilyn Hachen Berke on the death of their brother and brother-in-law, Rabbi David S. Hachen



Jewz in the Newz by Nate Bloom Contributing Columnist THE RETURN OF REX AND THE POTATO HEADS The animated film, “Toy Story 3,” opens on Friday, June 18 (in 3D in some theaters). As the story begins, the toys are anxious now that Andy, their human companion, is grown-up and going off to college. The toys somehow end up in a room full of unnamed tots who all want to take one or more of the toys home. Panic ensues as the toys, including the Barbie and Ken dolls, try to stay together. Rex, the green toy dinosaur, and the often-nasty, wisecracking Mr. Potato Head are back for their third movie. They are voiced, respectively, by WALLACE SHAWN, 66, and DON RICKLES, 84. Mrs. Potato Head, who first appeared in “Toy Story 2,” is back again and voiced by ESTELLE HARRIS, 82 (Mrs. Costanza in “Seinfeld”). Mrs. “P” likes to give motherly advice like: “Don’t talk to any toy you don’t know!” MS.“CAN WE TALK?” Like Don Rickles, JOAN RIVERS, 77, is often described as a sharp-tongued comedian. She’s the subject of a documentary which opens in some cities on June 18, so you will see reviews in national media outlets. However, it doesn’t open in Cincinnati until July 16. Entitled, “Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work,” the film shows Rivers’ life over the course of a year. The press release says: “[it] peels away the mask of the iconic comedian and exposes her struggles, sacrifices, and joy of living life… an emotionally surprising and revealing portrait.” The film explores the controversies surrounding Rivers’ humor and highlights her extensive live touring schedule. Most nights she is doing a stand-up gig somewhere. Rivers recently discussed these things in-depth with NPR’s TERRY GROSS (“Fresh Air”). Rivers told Gross that her biting satire is healthy because it brings into the open sensitive subjects people should discuss and even laugh about. Most of the time, I believe, Rivers is correct in her opinion of her own humor. However, sometimes, I think, she crosses the line into satire that is simply cruel and not cathartic. There isn’t any question, however, that Rivers was a pioneer for women comedians and remains, for the most part, a genuinely funny comedian. Her satire is far sharper and focused than, say, the scattershot insults of Don Rickles, and so when she is cruel, her

humor cuts much closer to the bone and is far more offensive than Rickles’ over-the-top insults. Most of the time, however, Rivers doesn’t cross the “cruelty line” and overall she is a lot more funny and insightful than most satiric comedians, including Rickles. Rivers told Gross that she works constantly because she loves performing and because she wants to remain quite wealthy. Rivers acknowledges, however, that her constant travel usually prevents her from partaking in the luxurious lifestyle that most people in her tax bracket indulge in. Her workaholic habits have other sources, as she admits. In Feb. 1987, her TV talk show was cancelled and three months later, her husband, EDGAR ROSENBERG, committed suicide. After these events, she says, she couldn’t get any work for 18 months and was near bankruptcy. She re-built her career by taking any stand-up job, anywhere. The fear of not working again and not having money is totally “in her bones” and helps keep her on the road. KIWI JEWS The third season of the TNT original series, “Leverage,” starts on Sunday, June 20. The show finally has established itself well enough that TNT will air a full season of 16 weekly shows without any long break between new shows. “Leverage” stars Tim Hutton as a former insurance agent who leads a band of modern-day Robin Hoods, pulling elaborate scams aimed to bring down the greedy and corrupt. Hutton, by the way, is the ex-husband of actress DEBRA WINGER, 55, and their son, NOAH HUTTON, now 23 and a documentary filmmaker, was raised in his mother’s faith. GINA BELLMAN, 43, costars as Sophie Devereaux, a Brit actress and scam artist who employs her many accents and one-on-one charm to draw the team’s target into the con. Bellman was born in New Zealand, the daughter of English Jewish parents of Russian and Polish Jewish ancestry. The whole family returned to England when Gina was 11. Bellman co-starred in a number of hit UK TV shows before “Leverage.” In 2005, she had a co-starring role in the original stage production of “Two Thousand Years,” a play about a contemporary English Jewish family written and directed by MIKE LEIGH, 67, the prolific six-time Oscar nominee. Leigh cast only real-life Jewish actors as the family members.


FROM THE PAGES 100 Years Ago Mr. Louis Bloom and Miss Amy Baer were married Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride’s parents, 944 West Court Street. Dr. Grossmann officiated. The betrothal of Miss Teresa Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Rice, 542 W. Ridgeway Avenue, to Mr. Clifford Stricker, has been announced. Both these young people are well known in local society. Mrs. Eugene Adler, 1844 Kinsey Avenue, East Walnut Hills, on Tuesday, June 7th, gave a stork shower in honor

of Mrs. Sam Greenwold, of 1704 Fairfax Avenue. The guests were entertained by Miss Eunice Schullman, elocutionist, and Miss Zelda Grusd, pianist. Mrs. Greenwold was the recipient of many appropriate presents. Mr. R.T. Drucker has been elected vice president of the newly organized Walnut Hills High School Alumnal Association, which made its debut on the occasion of a banquet at the Zoo, which was attended by 500 graduates. A feature of the occasion was the singing for the first time of a school

song composed by Miss Elsa Weihl and Mrs. Goldenburg. Mr. Claude G. Montefiore, one of the most distinguished Jews of England and one of the best-known Jewish philanthropists and scholars in the world, is now visiting this country. He will be in Cincinnati on the 21st day of June and a dinner will be tendered to him on the evening of that day under the auspices of the board of Governors of the Hebrew Union College, whose guest he will be during his stay in Cincinnati. — June 16, 1910

75 Years Ago Miss Regine Elaine Altman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Altman, has chosen Sunday, July 7th as the date of her marriage to Mr. Daniel M. Cohen, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Cohen. Mr. Cohen has chosen his father as best man. Mrs. Dan A. Cohen will act as matron of honor. Misses Louise Appel, Louise Biederman, Amy Schottenfels and Elsie Schloss will be the bridesmaids. Senator Overton Jackson, Messrs. Dan A. Cohen, Sigmund M. Cohen, Herman Godfried, Howard Altman and Harry C. Weiss, brother-inlaw of the groom will be ushers.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dine (Eunice Cohen), N. Crescent Avenue, a son, Sunday June 16th. Among the youthful Cinicinnatians who will leave the end of this month for vacation summer camps for girls are: Camp Agawak Minoewa, Wis.: Mrs. Ruth Greenfield will be music director of this camp. Going from Cincinnati are Marion Cronbach, Muriel Mayer, Betty Steinharter, Joan Waldman, Dolores Bien, Joan Klein, Jacqueline Mosler. Joining the party will be Ruth Fishgrund, of Canton. Camp Acamak, Maine: Cecile

and Claire Heiler. Camp Wildwood: Betty Jane Heldman, Susie Reis, Marjorie Kiefer, Harriet Striker, Betty Menderson, Barbara and Ann Henry, Helen and Phyllis Trounstine, Marion Jonap. Camp Pinemore Wis.: Susie Bloch, Mary Ann Sickle, Martha Alice Fechheimer, Ernestine Blumenthal, Margery Frank. Camp Fernwood: Betty Wolf, Phyllis Mills. Camp Tripp Lake, Maine: Lois Ann Kriegman, Jane Hoffheimer. — June 20, 1935

50 Years Ago Arden Wander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wander, was chosen valedictorian of Western Hills High School. He was one of nine outstanding seniors to compete for this honor by presenting a speech to the faculty panel. Dr. Aaron S. Weinstein will complete his residency in radiology at General Hospital here and will go to Yale University Medical Center, New Haven, as instructor in radiolo-

gy July 1. Dr. and Mrs. William Kuby invite their relatives and friends to worship with them at the bar mitzvah of their son, Mark Benjamin, at Wise Center Friday, June 17 at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. Winifred Reis, the Belvedere apartments, passed away Wednesday, June 8. She was 75 years old. She is survived by: three sons, Gordon Reis, Jr., Thomas J. Reis and

Robert W. Reis; one sister, Mrs. May Henly; a brother, Henry Mosler, from Los Angeles and nine grandchildren. Max Sirkin, 8548 Gwilada Drive, passed away Saturday, June 11. He was 50 years old. Survivors include: his wife, Mrs. Rebecca Sirkin; his daughter, Arleen; a son, Alan; his sister, Mrs. Max Wolfson; and three brothers, William, Bernard and Albert, all of Cincinnati. — June 16, 1960

25 Years Ago Jay Kenneth Costantini, son of Drs. Helena and Joseph Costantini, graduated cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania in May. He received his bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering. Jay will attend the University of Pennsylvania again this fall to work toward his Ph.D. and M.D. degrees. Dr. Edward H. Saeks, local physician, surgeon and civin leader, was recently elected to the board of directors of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.

Also elected were: David C. Phillips, managing partner of Arthur Andersen and Company; Nelson Schwab, III, president of Kings Entertainment Company, and Myron L. Dale, an attorney with the firm of Frost and Jacobs. They will begin three-year terms. Dr. Saeks is also past president of Isaac M. Wise Temple, and has been a board member of the Jewish Community Center, Jewish Family Service, the Jewish Community Relations Council and bonds for Israel.

Dr. Roselyn Touff Epstein of 5300 Hamilton Avenue passed away June 4. Prior to her retirement, Dr. Epstein was a staff member of the Veterans’ Administration Hospital for 25 years, serving as women’s personnel physician and chief of out-patient medicine. She was the wife of the late Dr. Elias L. Epstein, chairman of the Committee on Graduate Studies at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. — June 13, 1985

10 Years Ago “Amy Alcott, member of the LPGAHall of Fame, will be our special guest at the Cedar Village Golf Classic,” announced Jerry Horowitz, chairman of the event, which is August 21 at Shaker Run Golf Club. “She will give a golf clinic at 11:45 a.m. and will play one hole with each foursome throughout the afternoon,” said Horowitz. Marcie and Bill Maxwell are pleased to announce that their son, Edward J. Maxwell, received his doctor

of medicine degree from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, on May 29, 2000. Henry P. Cowen, 91, passed away on June 3. Mr. Cowen was born in Milwaukee, Wis., to the late William and Malvine Cowen. Mr. Cowen’s wife, Dorothy G. Cowen, predeceased him. He is survived by his children: Peggy Davis and her husband Daniel Schultz of Silver Spring, Md.; and Richard H. Cowen, of San Diego, Calif. Surviving

grandchildren are Sarah and Natalie Davis. Mr. Cowen was reared in Cincinnati, where he graduated from Walnut Hills High School in 1926. In 1930, he graduated from Cornell University. His professional career included his serving as president of McGregor Sporting Goods, which he owned in partnership, and as vice president and director of the Brunswick Corporation. — June 15, 2000



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VISITING from page 1 A visit had been arranged with the Odeh family by my Palestinian translator, Mariam — the family had invited me to their home in East Jerusalem, which is why I was wandering the aisles. I needed an offering, something to demonstrate that I was not coming for revenge. When Mariam picked me up, I was holding a Rubik’s Cube and a stencil set. She eyed them and smiled. “Not necessary,” said her expression as I opened the door to a silver Peugeot. What she didn’t know is that I was also carrying a knife. And though I had told myself, while placing the knife in my pocket, “Not necessary,” I had brought it anyway. Just in case. When we arrived at the house, I was served spiced tea. With Odeh’s mother, brother and children watching, I took a sip, ceremoniously burned my tongue and smiled. Mariam nodded. They wanted me to speak. “I’m not here for revenge,” I said. “I’m simply here to meet you and try to understand what happened. That is all.” There was silence. And then, suddenly, a flurry of Arabic as Mohammad’s mother and brother began speaking simultaneously, Mariam doing her best to keep up: “His mother says, ‘We didn’t know what he was doing, we would have stopped him if we only knew.’” “His brother says, ‘He broke. He would watch Palestinians

being beaten on the news. He used to sit in front of the TV for hours.’” “His mother says, ‘When they told us what Mohammad did, we were in trauma. We didn’t believe it.’” And then, the words I had come for appeared as Mariam turned to me and said, “Mohammad has told them he is sorry, that if he could turn back time and change everything, he would.” I nodded internally, understanding nothing as his brother looked at me and said, “We don’t understand why you have come without a gun. Why don’t you have a gun? If it were me, I’d be angry.” “This may sound cliche,” I said, “but I’m sick of the violence. I’m sick. I just want understanding and, perhaps, peace.” “I want peace, too,” he said. “We all do.” As he spoke, a toddler — his daughter — plucked a photo album from my backpack. She began flipping pages, giggling at pictures of my daughters as the Odeh family squawked for her to return my property. I pulled out an orange rubber ball, rotated it before her eyes and gently pulled the album from her grip as she grasped the toy. The family clapped. And I realized, I would never get my ball back. (The author has written a memoir about his experience titled “Shrapnel.”)




Filmmaker features UC professor’s book on Greek Jews’ revolt They are hungry, tortured, abused, sick, ailing, armed only with an ingenious plot and self-made guns, against the Empire of the Third Reich. Dimitri Vorris

NHS from page 1 “Northern Hills, since its beginning in 1960, has a unique heritage. The majority of its members are not native LIPSTADT from page 1 Lipstadt described a new brand of anti-Semitism which is “escalating, global, sophisticated— and toxic.” In the past, Lipstadt explained, anti-Semitism came mostly from the right — and targeted housing, school and ways to discriminate against Jews in the workplace. Now, the so-called “new” anti-Semitism seeks to deny Jews the right and ability to live as equals throughout society. This form of anti-Semitism is not individually directed, but rather directed more at Jews as an entity— as a state. Lipstadt observes that this new anti-Semitism emanates more from the left and from within civil societies…manifested in public commentary and social policies. “It has potential to be lethal,” said Lipstadt. “Because it seeks to prevent Jews from living ISRAEL from page 10 Detecting sarcasm in Arabic is complicated, Professor Ari Rappoport of Hebrew University’s Institute of Computer Science told the Jerusalem Post. Believe it or not, Hebrew is even more complicated. Rabbi rules on game show The rabbi who became the first winner of Israel’s adaptation of the

An independent filmmaker at the Cannes film festival has bought the option of a University of Cincinnati professor’s book on Greek Jews during WWII and their concentration camp revolt. Steven Bowman, professor of Judaic Studies, said his book, “Agony of Greek Jews,” chronicles the actions by about 135 Greek Jews from Salonika, whom the Nazis deported to the AuschwitzBirkenau concentration camp in Poland. There these Greeks were part of a special unit of Jews who were forced to work in the crematoria, the “Sonderkommando.” In October 1944, the Jews revolted and one of the crematoria was destroyed and a second disabled. Filmmaker Dimitri Vorris will collaborate with Bowman in the film presentation. This is the professor’s second book on this era. “This is one of the most heroic pages of humankind history,” said filmmaker Vorris in a press

Filmmaker Dimitri Vorris options Steven Bowman’s book depicting “one of the most heroic pages of humankind history.”

release. “The world forgets not only that Sephardic Greek Jewry suffered during the Holocaust too, but that Greek Jews were brave enough to revolt and fight under the most hopeless circumstances. The filmmaker draws a comparison with ancient Greece. “These historical events have striking similarities with Leonidas and the 300 Spartans who fought the Battle at Theromylae,” he said. “The major difference is that, in this film, you don’t have an elite army fighting an Empire, but imprisoned, entrapped, everyday people in a termination camp. They are hungry, tortured, abused, sick, ailing, armed only with an ingenious plot and self-made guns, against the Empire of the Third Reich. They are performing the ultimate sacrifice for their fellow man and woman.” Bowman said he will work with the filmmaker as a historical consultant.

Cincinnatians. Neither my wife nor I are from Cincinnati, but we have always felt NHS-CBA is our home. Families that have joined recently feel that heritage and quickly become part of the

NHS family,” observed Karroll Miller, president of Northern Hills. “As president, I look forward to many more years surrounded by the warmth a volunteer driven synagogue provides.

The 50th anniversary commemorative service is an exciting milestone for us. We look forward to seeing all our friends and supporters there.” The service and dinner will

be held at the synagogue, located in Deerfield Township. To make reservations for the dinner, or for more information, please contact Northern Hills Synagogue.

among the nations.” But perhaps most disturbing of all, Lipstadt contended, is the willingness of the world to explain antiSemitic proclamations away and insist that the perpetrators don’t really mean it. “When antiSemitism becomes apparent anywhere in the world, history behooves us to take it seriously,” she said. “Our reaction to it should not be one of hysteria; but rather one of analyzing who is saying it and what is being said. Respond with facts. Respond with information. Do not respond that we are victims.” Lipstadt told those gathered that the rise in the new anti-Semitism creates “…a fight that needs a lot of energy. But in doing so, don’t speak of Jews as object—speak of Jews as subject. It’s not about what was done to Jews—but it’s about what Jews do.”

Lipstadt also discussed the recent parallel rise in anti-Israel rhetoric. She went on to remind the audience that, although the model of the Jewish state is not, as its detractors would have it characterized, the colonial paradigm —it is also not perfect or without problems. She emphasized forcefully that Israel is not an outgrowth of the Holocaust. Jews have been connected to Israel for 3,000 years, and the ancient literature expresses this yearning. The shared language of the Jewish people—a Semitic language with roots in the Middle East—connects all Jews. Israel is part of the heritage and tradition of the Jewish people— and part of the foundation for Jewish identity. “It does not help to try to engage young people to identify as Jewish when we think of ourselves as victims,” she said. “Avoid any message that says this is the reason to identi-

fy as Jews. Instill in them not the ‘oys’; but rather the ‘joys’ of being Jewish.” The JCRC annual meeting also included the report of the nominating committee, remarks by incoming president Gary Greenberg, as well as final observations by Poupko Fisher, who emphasized the JCRC’s role as an organization that looks after the parochial needs of our community while maintaining an “acute moral and ethical attentiveness” to the needs of other communities. Materials at the event highlighted the JCRC’s accomplishments of the past year, including assisting in the sale of Jewish Hospital, responding to delegitimization of Israel, and strengthening ties between Cincinnati and Israel. JCRC director Brian Jaffee and Jewish Federation CEO Shep Englander presented Poupko Fisher

with a gift of appreciation for her tenure as JCRC president—a book of the Zohar, the foundational work in the literature of mystical thought. Englander and Jaffee praised Arna as a person of precise intellect and total commitment with a sense of principle and sensitivity to others. Poupko Fisher introduced Gary Greenberg, describing the incoming president as an individual of exceptional dedication. “He is disciplined in his thinking,” noted Fisher. “And his desire to ‘get it right’ never wanes.” In his remarks, Greenberg noted that “Pikuach Nefesh”—the saving of human lives and those in jeopardy, will become the watchwords of his presidency. “We will stand with our neighbors against any threat,” Greenberg said. “And we will stand against the delegitimization of the State of Israel. These are our highest priorities.”

“1 vs. 100” game show doesn’t even have a TV. Moshe Abu Aziz of Or Akiva, a high school teacher, became the first winner of the million shekel game-show prize on June 6. Contestants on the show must eliminate 100 opponents by answering trivia questions. Created in the Netherlands, “1 vs. 100” has been replicated in countries around the world, includ-

ing the United States. Abu Aziz, wearing a large yarmulke and a plain black suit, peppered the banter between questions with Bible quotes and could be seen mumbling a prayer under his breath as he waited to find out if his answer to the final question was correct. Asked what he would do with the prize money, Abu Aziz told host Averi Gilad, “I have eight children to marry off.”

Abu Aziz’s family lives in a 2 1/2-bedroom apartment and does not have a television. Abu Aziz said he reads five newspapers and learns Talmud daily.

Association said about 100,000 of the 150,000 Israelis who had planned to vacation in Turkey during the summer have canceled their trips. “Even tourists who had planned to fly to other destinations via Turkey have asked to fly through other countries,” Yossi Fattal, the group’s director, told Reuters.

Nix to Turkey trips By the thousands, Israelis are canceling planned summer vacations to Turkey. All direct flights to Turkish resorts have been canceled. The Israel Travel Agents’

ISRAEL on page 21



RUBASHKIN from page 5 “We felt it was unreasonable for the CEO of a slaughterhouse, who received accusations of child labor from senior employees, supervisors, from the Iowa [Division of Labor], and directly from his own eyes when walking the plant — given all three sources of very obvious notice to him that he had children working in his plant … under those circumstances it was not reasonable for anyone in his position not to inquire as to the fact of the matter,” Miller said. But Hart pointed to defense testimony that sought to establish the difficulty of determining the ages of the minors, referring to testimony by an immigration official who had been unable to identify minors in a series of photographs of people arrested during the federal raid of TIES from page 7 Passage would be disastrous said Soner Cagaptay, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy who tracks Turkey; Erdogan would be able to make his Islamist, anti-Western case to the Turks with an “I told you so” argument. “We would lose the Turks,” Cagaptay said. “And we have not lost Turkey – we have lost the steering wheel.” Already, the relationship is fraught: Turkey canceled planned joint military exercises with Israel

the plant. Hart called that line of argument “very, very critical to the case.” Miller disagreed that the ages of the minors were inscrutable. “We flatly reject the notion that was repeatedly urged to this jury, that white adults should not be expected to judge the age of brown children,” Miller said. F. Montgomery Brown, who represented Rubashkin in the trial, said that he “never used the word ‘brown children.’ ” But he said that he did argue that the ages of the workers were impossible to establish simply by looking at them. “We certainly did make the argument that large numbers of Latino workers essentially was a curtain,” Brown said. “Their ethnicity was a factor in helping them infiltrate the plant.” Miller said that Judge Nathan

Callahan had barred his team from arguing that Rubashkin’s employment of illegal immigrants made him necessarily culpable for the hiring of minors. “Our intention was to present that evidence and point out that when the only evidence of age is the date of birth on a document that you reasonably know to be a forgery, that you are at least willfully blind as to the age of your workforce,” Miller said. Miller added that he was not criticizing the judge, but that the ruling had damaged the state’s case. Meanwhile, Rubashkin’s defenders called the acquittal a victory. “I don’t believe that Mr. Rubashkin wanted minors in the plant, not only because it was illegal but because it served no finan-

cial benefit,” Brown said. “And I believe that the verdict does reflect some form of vindication that he didn’t intentionally want minors in his father’s plant.” Lewin said the acquittal could have an impact on Rubashkin’s sentencing in the bank fraud case, which is scheduled for June 22. “She’s allowed to consider not only the case that’s before her but any and all other allegations and issues that may have been raised, proven or unproven,” Lewin said of the judge in that case, Linda Reade. Rubashkin’s defenders have argued that federal prosecutors are seeking a sentence that is disproportionate to the crime of which he was convicted. Six former U.S. attorneys general had signed onto a letter harshly criticizing federal prosecutors’ initial

request that Rubashkin be sentenced to life in prison. Since then, prosecutors have revised their request downward and are currently seeking a 25-year sentence, a penalty that Rubashkin’s defenders say is still unfair. Meanwhile, state investigations are continuing into what happened at the Agriprocessors plant. Miller said that most of the 26 former Agriprocessors employees who were witnesses at Rubashkin’s trial will return to Guatemala and Mexico. That could be a problem for any prosecutions stemming from investigations of alleged extortion and sexual abuse at the Agriprocessors facility. The suspects in those investigations are currently fugitives, Miller said, but he added that he does plan to prosecute the cases if he has the opportunity.

in the wake of the flotilla raid, and on Monday, dismissed Israel’s planned query into the incident as a sham. With the exception of the Zionist Organization of America, which has called for an investigation into Turkey’s role in the fiasco, pro-Israel groups in Washington are not willing to take commensurate leaps and directly target Turkey. Instead, they are targeting the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, or the IHH, the charity with ties to Erdogan’s AKP that helped fund the Mavi Marmara excursion. In the House, U.S. Rep.

Ron Klein (D-Fla.) wrote Hillary Rodham Clinton, the secretary of state, asking her to list IHH as a terrorist group because of its alleged affiliation with Hamas. Five House members from New York on Monday accepted a petition demanding the same action that had been organized by Jewish Community Relations Council of New York and that had garnered 20,000 signatures. The Senate leadership of both parties is gathering signatures for a letter to President Obama asking him to consider such a designation.

Placement on a terrorist list freezes a group’s U.S. assets and makes it illegal to fundraise in the United States. By not targeting Turkey directly, Jewish groups want to avoid antagonizing the entire Turkish political establishment; Erdogan may yet be vulnerable because of his mishandling of the important U.S. relationship, among other reasons. And there are still redoubts of friendship to Israel, in the military and foreign ministry. Another factor is Turkey’s Jewish community. “American

Jews who have been longtime supporters of Turkey must keep alive the people-to-people dialogue, considering that over 20K Jews live in Turkey today,” said a lobbyist who has represented both Jewish and Turkish interests and who still travels frequently to Turkey. Cagaptay warned that the relationship — while worth salvaging — would never be the same. “The days of Turkey watching Israel’s back in a tough neighborhood, and of Turkey counting on Israel to represent its interests in Washington are over,” he said.

the ashtrays, then empty and return them, according to Ynet.

Ancient cultic vessels dug up Archeological excavations in northern Israel have turned up ancient cultic vessels that are fully intact, including some brought from Greece. More than 100 items purportedly more than 3,500 years old were discovered in a natural hollow in the bedrock during excavations before the installation of a natural gas pipeline in Israel’s North. Among the finds that were recovered: a cultic vessel that was used for burning incense; a sculpted face of a woman that was part of a cultic cup used in dedicating a libation to a god; goblets and bowls with high bases; and tableware that was intended for eating and drinking. Other vessels that were found had been brought from Mycenae in Greece, including a storage vessel for precious oils — evidence of the ancient trade relations that existed with Greece. Archaeologists Uzi Ad and Edwin van den Brink, who are managing the dig for the Israel Antiquities Authority, say it is an extremely rare discovery. Ad and van den Brink said it is obvious that considerable time and thought were invested in the placement of the vessels in the rock hollow, as evidenced by the different kinds of vessels that were buried separately.

ISRAEL from page 20 In 2008, 560,000 Israelis vacationed in Turkey. Israel’s National Security Council’s counterterrorism bureau has issued a travel warning against unnecessary travel to Turkey. The Israel Defense Forces also has instructed its soldiers not to travel to Turkey for any reason. Pedal to the metal Thousands of miles of bike trails will be constructed across Israel as part of a multimillion-dollar, fiveyear plan to bring more biking tourism to the Jewish state. “The development of a national cycling infrastructure will contribute to enriching the range of tourism products in the periphery and generate momentum for small and medium businesses while creating new jobs,” said Israeli Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov. About 80 percent of the cycling paths will be developed in the Negev and Galilee. “It’s important to note that creating this infrastructure will also make Israel an attractive destination for cyclists from around the world,” Misezhnikov said. The international cycling tourism market is worth billions of dollars a year, and Israel’s Tourism Mininstry says it has high growth potential.


Hamad Almakt / Flash 90 / JTA

Bicycle riders in Israel, like this one on a trail on Mount Hermon, soon will have thousands of more miles of bike trails in the country.

Lighting up less The number of Israelis who smoke cigarettes has decreased. Some 22.8 percent of Israeli adults polled told an Israel Centers for Disease Control survey that they smoked in 2009, down from 24.2 percent the previous year. The poll found that 31.3 percent of Israeli men smoke and 16.6 percent of Israeli women smoke. The results were part of an annual report on Israeli smoking released by the Health Ministry in advance of World No Tobacco Day. The report is required by law. Though smoking decreased among Israeli adults, the number of Israeli teenagers who smoke

has risen, according to the report. The number of smokers in the Israel Defense Forces also has risen, according to the report. In 1970, the smoking rate was above 40 percent. The data was gathered as part of a follow-up study of Israeli soldiers conducted by the IDF. Meanwhile, public stands at Tel Aviv beaches have begun to offer beachgoers cone-shaped blue ashtrays to prevent the sand from being littered with cigarette butts. The ashtrays are sponsored by the nonprofit organization A Country without Cigarette Litter. Beachgoers are encouraged to use

Thin isn’t in An Israeli government committee has endorsed a bill to try to block advertisements featuring stick-thin models. The Knesset’s Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs approved a proposal for a law that would prohibit images of female models whose body mass index is below 18.5. The bill was authored by Kadima Party lawmaker Rachel Adatto, a doctor who specializes in health issues among young women, and proposed by Adatto and Likud Party lawmaker Danny Danon. The idea is to prevent young people from aspiring unhealthily toward impossible body-image goals. The bill would require models to provide an official medical document indicating their body mass index is normal. Fines for ignoring the ban would range from $19,500 for an individual model to $57,000 for a campaign featuring underweight models. Adatto also wants to prohibit the use of computer software to digitally alter photographs of models to make them appear thinner.




A private ceremony and inurnment has taken place at The Memorial Mausoleum Solarium at Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio. Memorial contributions may be made to The Madeleine Gordon Gift of Life Foundation, helping deserving couples with infertility care, P.O. Box 6945, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206.

HIRSCH, Paula Ross, age 84, died on May 15, 2010; 2 Sivan, 5770. HACHEN, Rabbi David Solomon, age 82, died on May 29, 2010; 16 Sivan, 5770. COHEN, Joy D., age 82, died on June 4, 2010; 22 Sivan, 5770.


PRITZ, Benjamin L., age 89 died on June 6, 2010; 24 Sivan, 5770. GOODMAN, Ph.D., Stanford M., age 71, died on June 11, 2010; 29 Sivan, 5770.

OBITUARIES HIRSCH, Paula Ross Paula Ross Hirsch was born on December 12, 1925 in New York City and died on May 15, 2010 in New Orleans. She was the mother of Madeleine (Mady) Hirsch Gordon, the sister of Norma Ross Feingold and the daughter of the late Michael Ross and Regina Mason. According to her daughter, Mady Hirsch Gordon: “Mother I will dust off some memories of when we were young together and you were happier. You laughed out loud; you floated with grace


Paula Ross Hirsch

as you walked, you ran nimbly for paddle balls and tennis balls, you were graceful and ethereal on the dance floor, you were my first dancing partner, you knitted my first hat and my first sweater, you held my hand when I rode my first wave, you turned heads wherever you went. You were blessed with a rare and great physical beauty and you were further blessed with the depth of my father’s love for you, your childhood sweetheart and husband, Ted Hirsch. I thank you for giving me life and for helping me better define the woman I would become. May G-d welcome you and keep you in peace on this your last journey. With love from your daughter, who also tried to do the best that she could do.”

Joy D. Cohen, age 82, of Hamilton, recently passed away of natural causes. Joy was the daughter of immigrants, Mary and Jake, whose families fled Poland at the turn of the last century. Born and raised in New York City, she summered in Cynthiana, Ky. with close relatives. After graduating from Bryant College, Joy married Daniel Cohen, who preceded her in death. She lived in Hamilton for 60 years loving and supporting her husband of 49 years. She raised three sons, Jack, Doug and Harvey and devoted much of her time, energy and resources to all three becoming lawyers interested in the world. Mrs. Cohen highly prized education, patronized the arts and had a passion for learning and volunteerism. She taught high school, read and gardened avidly, served on the Board of the Lane Library and actively participated in synagogue life. Joy was also a devoted mother-in-law to Laura, Stacey and Jane and grandmother to Andy, Cassie, Claire, Alina, Dena, Ari and Trevor. She was a supportive and close friend to many. Services were held Sunday, June 6, 2010. Please direct donations to Beth Israel Synagogue, 15 North 6th Street, Hamilton, Ohio 45011. Online condolences can be made to SPRITZ, Jean Kaufman Jean Kaufman Spritz passed away at the age of 83. Mrs. Spritz was a devoted wife and mother. She married Dr. Gordon Block, a urologist, in 1946. They had two children, Dr. Lee Block Hamill, of Oxford, Ohio and Mr. James Lloyd Block of Parkland, Fla. In 1956, she married David Henry Spritz and had two children, Susan Spritz Myers of Glencoe, Ill. and Sally Spritz of Chicago, Ill. Jean and David were married for over 54 years. Mrs. Spritz was a tireless volunteer, counseling low income mothers about family planning on maternity wards. She served as President of the local chapter and on the National Executive Board of Planned Parenthood as well as contributing at the State and Regional levels. She particularly enjoyed her work in fund-raising and finance. She served on sever-

Jean Kaufman Spritz

al national accreditation teams and nominating committees. She was a founding member of the Valley Temple and served as a principal of the Religious School. Mrs. Spritz was an avid golfer QUESTION from page 8 One especially painful controversy in a country where the rate of intermarriage is high stemmed from rabbinical decisions over the past few years that have barred or sharply limited the conversion of young children of non-Jewish mothers in mixed marriages. “In Venice 30 years or so ago, it was sufficient to say to the community that you wanted your child to be Jewish,” Anna Vera Sullam, a Venice Jewish community leader, told JTA. “Now it’s much stricter. Child conversion doesn’t exist anymore.” Others see the problem differently. More than 250 people, for example, joined a Facebook group set up to support Somekh after his dismissal was made final. “It’s clear that a great part of the community has lost the intellectual tools to comprehend the role of a rabbi according to Jewish tradition,” one member, Paolo Schiunnach, wrote on Facebook. “Rabbis are not just salaried functionaries, with merely pastoral and preaching roles,” he wrote. “The rabbi is a scholar who has received smicha and is authorized to decide on community needs and general and particular halachah,” or Jewish law. Dario Calimani, a member of the UCEI council, said inconsistency and lack of communication in the Italian Rabbinate itself is part of the problem. “In Italy there is no national mark for kashrut, there is no unified policy on conversion, there is no halachic coordination in general or synergy in the cultural field, there is no agreed policy regarding relations with the Catholic Church,” Calimani wrote in a recent edition of the Turin Jewish magazine Ha Keillah. “In a community as small as that in Italy, coordinated solutions should be sought,” he said. “Instead, we see kashrut treated as a purely

and loved her garden. She believed a perfect summer day was breaking 90 on the links and spending the late afternoon working in her garden. Mrs. Spritz is survived by her husband, David Spritz; her children, Lee (Jim) Hamill, Jim (Joy) Block, Susan (Alan) Myers, and Sally Spritz; her grandchildren, Abby Gray, Greg Landsman, Brian and Lauren Block, Jacob and Sarah Myers, and Cecily and Cyndi Hamill; her great-grandchildren, Zoe Gray and Maddie Landsman; and her sister, Peggy Stricker. She was preceded in death by her sister, Mary Tobias. Services have been held. The family would appreciate memorial contributions to Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio, 206 East State Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215; 614-224-2235. commercial question, and conversions that provoke communal crises or are resolved outside the rules.” Rabbis themselves recognize many of these problems. “Kashrut is an issue,” said Rabbi Elia Richetti, the chief rabbi of Venice and newly elected president of the Italian Rabbinical Assembly. “And we need training for kosher butchers and mohelim. We also need closer contacts among the rabbis around the country.” In this regard, he added, “I think it would be helpful to create a website for the Rabbinical Assembly.” Italy’s Jewish establishment also appears to lack a strategy on how to deal with the small new Reform congregations that have cropped up over the past few years in Milan and a few other cities. Though not recognized or funded by the UCEI, several of them offer increasingly broad services, including conversion, and they reach out to intermarried Jews and others who feel alienated by official communal institutions. Chabad, meanwhile, has been a well-established presence in Italy for more than 50 years and is very active in Rome, Milan, Venice and other cities. But it, too, operates outside the official Jewish establishment. In an attempt to tackle at least some key problems, the UCEI has mandated an overhaul of the official statute that governs organized Jewish communal life. A special UCEI commission was charged with the job, and in recent months its work has generated considerable debate in the community. Much of the statute reform targets organizational issues, but also under discussion are relations between rabbis and their communities, including possible term limits for chief rabbis. Jewish central institutions must “open themselves to an external society that is ever more complex, globalized and multi-ethnic,” UCEI president Renzo Gattegna said in an official report in 2008.

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