PD Legals - March 4, 2020

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Adams County People’s Defender

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 B7



You are hereby notified that Estate of Willard Dean Lowe has on the 21st day of October 2019, filed a Complaint on the real property more fully described in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein. EXHIBIT “A” Situated in the Township of Franklin, County of Adams, and State of Ohio Military Survey Nos. 4176 and 7376. Beginning at a spike in the intersection of Cemetery Road and Swayne Road and a corner to Henry Brinker; thence with the centerline of Swayne Road for the next three scales, S. 35 deg. 37 min. E. a distance of 600.00 feet to a spike; thence S. 10 deg. 40 min E. a distance of 63.00 feet to a spike; thence S. 17 deg 27 min. E. a distance of 409.15 feet to a spike in said centerline; thence S. 36 deg. 29 min. W. a distance of 88.00 feet to a stone; thence S. 76 deg. 36 min, W. a distance of 428.90 feet to a stone in the line of Roscoe Griffith; thence with two lines of Griffith, N. 26 deg. 07 min. W. a distance of 778.90 feet to a spike in the centerline of Cemetery Road; thence No. 12 deg. 11 min. W. a distance of 926.65 feet to an iron pin, corner to Lucy Collier and Henry Brinker; thence with three lines of Brinker, S. 79 deg. 20 min. E. a distance of 144.75 feet to a walnut; thence S. 54 deg. 37 min. E. a distance of 118.05 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 25 deg. 36 min. E. a distance of 514.00 feet to a spike in the centerline of Cemetery Road; thence with the centerline, N 45 deg. 00 min. E. a distance of 90.00 feet to the beginning, CONTAINING 16.28 ACRES, more or less, being a consolidation of the premises transferred to Thomas W. Fultz in Vol. 199, pg. 106 and subject to all legal highways and easements. A survey of this property was made by Robert E. Satterfield, RLS No. 4238, West Union, Ohio, June 1973. SAVE AND EXCEPT: Situated in the Township of Franklin, County of Adams and State of Ohio Virginia Military Survey Nos. 4176 and 7367. Also being part of the 16.28 acres conveyed to David E. Michael as recorded in Vol. 222, pg. 376, Adams County Deed Records. Beginning at a spike set in the intersection of Frog Hollow Road (T216A) and Swayne Road (T251B); thence with the centerline of Frog Hollow Road for the next two calls, S. 46 deg. 27 min. 20 sec. W., 92.70 feet to a spike set, the spike being in the line of Russell E. Herdman, et al. (Vol. 280, Pg. 326, ACDR); thence S. 25 deg. 06 min. 31 sec. E., 776.43 feet to a stone found, the stone being a corner to John P. Fulton, et al. (Vol. 293, Pg. 144, ACDR); thence with John P. Fulton, et al. for the next two calls, N. 77 deg. 53 min 09 sec., 428.40 feet to an “X” marked in stone bank near creek; thence N. 37 deg. 15 min. 21 sec. E., 88.00 feet to a spike set in the centerline of Swayne Road; thence with Swayne Road for the next three calls, N. 16 deg. 15 min. 14 sec W., 309.15 feet to a spike found; thence N. 7 deg. 00 min. 55 sec. W., 63.03 feet to a spike found; thence N. 34 deg. 26 min. 15 sec. W., 599.01 feet to the point of beginning, CONTAINING 11.652 ACRES more or less, and being subject to all legal right of ways and easements of record. The Defendants, Donald L. Michael, Tina Michael, Deanne Michael, Jeff Michael and Bryan Michael, beneficiaries of David E. Michael; Donald L. Michael, the executor, administrator, or personal representative of the estate of David E. Michael address unknown, are hereby notified that they are required to answer this Complaint within twentyeight (28) days after the last publication, said publication to be published at least once a week for six (6) consecutive weeks beginning January 29th, 2020. If Defendants named above does not file an answer to said Complaint within 28 days after March 4th, 2020, the date of the last publication, service will be complete and the Court may grant judgment to the Plaintiff as requested. You are required to serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, David E. Grimes, 108 East Mulberry Street, West Union, OH 45693, a copy of your answer to the Complaint by April 1st, 2020. Said answer must be filed with the Adams County Court of Common Pleas, Adams County Courthouse, 110 West Main Street, West Union, OH 45693, within three (3) days after service upon Plaintiff’s attorney, David E. Grimes. Respectfully submitted, David E. Grimes (0067097) Attorney for Plaintiff 108 East Mulberry Street West Union, OH 45693 (937) 544-3900 PD 1-29-20, 2-5-20, 2-12-20, 2-19-20, 2-26-20, 3-4-20 ----------------------------------------

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS DIVISION OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS ADAMS COUNTY, OHIO CASE NO. DRB20190419 NOTICE OF SERVICE MARCUS CALLAHAN Plaintiff -VSTIFFANI CALLAHAN Defendant To Tiffani Callahan whose last known address is 1068 Independence Road, Independence, KY 41051. Please be advised that on November 18, 2019 in the Court of Common Pleas, Division of Domestic Relations, Adams County, Ohio, located at the main courthouse in West Union, Ohio, Marcus Callahan filed a Complaint for Divorce. The object of the Complaint is that Plaintiff be granted a divorce, as well as any other relief, whether at law or equity, which this Court shall deem proper and just. Plaintiff attempted to serve you 1068 Independence Road, Independence, KY 41051. This publication shall be posted for six weeks beginning on February 5th, 2020 and ending on March 11th, 2020. If no answer is filed by you within 28 days from the last date of posting, the Plaintiff shall proceed with this action and seek the relief stated above. An answer can be made by filing a response to Plaintiff, Marcus Callahan’s Complaint for Divorce with the Clerk of Courts, Adams County Domestic Relations Court, Main Courthouse, West Union, Ohio, 45693 either by mail or in person between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday. Val E. Lewis (0071157) Attorney for Plaintiff 108 S. High St., P.O. Box 467 Mt. Orab, OH 45154 937-444-2563 PD 2-5-20, 2-12-20, 2-19-20, 2-26-20, 3-4-20, 3-11-20 ---------------------------------------Liberty Township Accepting Mowing Bids Liberty Township Board of Trustees (Adams County, OH) will be accepting sealed bids for the 2020 mowing contract. The bids will be opened on 3/10/20 at 7PM at Liberty Township Hall, 8688 St Rt 136, West Union, OH 45693. The bid packets are available via email request to liberty_twp@yahoo.com or contacting Justin Ross at 937217-1562. Applicants may submit a sealed bid for all or one location on bid form supplied within bid packet. The bid(s) will be for following: Kirker Cemetery, Hale Cemetery, Liberty Schoolhouse Lot, Chapparal Cemetery, Brier Ridge / Lonesome Road Cemetery, Liberty Township Hall Lot, and Kirker Covered Bridge Area. Sealed bids can be mailed to: Liberty Township Mowing Bids, 3468 St Rt 125, West Union, OH 45693 or bring bids to the 3/10/20 meeting. Sande Staggs, Fiscal Officer PD 2-26-20, 3-4-20 ---------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE Sale of Real Estate Adams County Foreclosure Auction. Case# CVE 20150410. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association successor by merger to Chase Home Finance, LLC vs Rodney Westheider, aka Rodney A. Westheider, et al. The description of the property to be sold is as follows: Property Address: 358 CEDAR FORK LANE, Peebles, Adams, Ohio, 45660; Legal Description: Full Legal Listed on Public Website; Parcel Number:069-00-00009.002 Bidding will be available only on www.Auction.com opening on 03/17/2020 at 10:00 AM for a minimum of 7 days. Property may be sold on a provisional sale date should the third party purchaser fail to provide their deposit within the allotted time. Provisional Sale date: 03/31/2020 at 10:00 AM. Sales subject to cancellation. The deposit required is $5000.00 to be paid by wire transfer within 2 hours of the sale ending. No cash is permitted. Purchaser shall be responsible for those costs, allowances, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover. To view all sale details and terms for this property visit www.Auction.com and enter the Search Code CVE 20150410 into the search bar. PD 2-19-20, 2-26-20, 3-4-20 ---------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE O.D.N.R. Division of Parks and Watercraft recovered abandoned kayak on Brush Creek below State Route 348 and 125 in Adams County. Unable to locate owner information due to not being registered. Please contact #ODNR or 614-799-9538 in reference to O.D.N.R. report number 19NR0002679. Owner must have proof of ownership in order to retrieve vessel. PD 2-26-20, 3-4-20 ----------------------------------------

NOTICE TO PUBLIC The annual financial report for Adams County Family and Children First is now complete and the report is available for viewing at the fiscal office of the Adams County Department of Job and Family Services, 482 Rice Drive, West Union, Ohio, Monday through Thursday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm and Friday 7:00 am to 11:00am. PD 3-4-20 ---------------------------------------NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of West Union of West Union, Ohio, passed on the 9th day of December, 2019, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the Primary Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 17th day of March, 2020, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of West Union Village for the purpose of Providing and maintaining fire apparatus, salaries, appliances, building, or sites therefore, or sources of water supply and materials, therefore, or establishment and maintenance of lines of fire alarm, telegraph or the part-time or volunteer fireman, firefighting or EMS companies to operate the same. Tax being an additional tax of three and one-half (3.5) mills at a rate not exceeding three and one-half mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to thirty-five cents ($0.35) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for Five (5) years, commencing in 2020, first due in calendar year 2021. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Adams County, Ohio. Dated 12/19/2019 Carol Knauff, Chair Stephanie E. Lewis, Director PD 3-4-20, 3-11-20 ---------------------------------------The following matters are the subject of this public notice by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. The complete public notice, including any additional instructions for submitting comments, requesting information, a public hearing, or filing an appeal may be obtained at: http://www.epa.ohio.gov/actions.aspx or Hearing Clerk, Ohio EPA, 50 W. Town St. P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216. Ph: 614-644-3037 email: HClerk@epa.ohio.gov Draft NPDES Permit Renewal - Subject to Revision Kingfisher Development LLC - JM Stuart Station 745 US Rte 52, Manchester, OH Facility Description: Wastewater-Power Plants Receiving Water: Little Threemile Ck Discharge Canal ID #: 0IB00049*QD Date of Action: 02/28/2020 PD 3-4-20 ---------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE Resolution 2020-7 authorizing the Village Administrator to apply for, accept and enter into a water pollution control loan fund agreement on behalf of the Village of West Union for the construction of Phase 3- Crackel Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project; and designation a dedicated repayment source for the loan. Resolution 2020-8 authorizing the Village Administrator to bid, award and execute a contract for the construction of the Phase 3Crackel Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project for the Village of West Union sanitary sewer system. The remainder of these resolutions may be viewed or copy obtained at the Village Clerk's Office at: 33 Logans Lane, West Union, Ohio 45693. Tanya Johnson Village Clerk PD 3-4-20, 3-11-20 ----------------------------------------

Please be sure your Legal Notices are in by deadline, to ensure they run in the required issues. People’s Defender

Legal Notice DEADLINE Fri. - 12:00 noon

Send your legal notices to:

legals@peoplesdefender.com Please add the number of weeks and billing address.

Rachel Young, Broker/Owner 937-725-9334 Debra Rigdon - 937-725-7182 Rebecca Setty - 937-205-0401 Ethan McCarty - 513-267-4638 Trent D. Arey - 937-798-1731 Heather J. Purtee-Smart 937-217-4656


#1640374-$134,900-Peebles-Nice home in a quiet neighborhood. This home offers a spacious yard, an above ground pool, garage space and a finished basement. The basement includes three additional rooms that could be used as bedrooms or as office/study space. Remodeled rooms throughout the home with refinished hardwoods. Offering alot for a great price!! #1639604-$99,500-Peebles-This charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath home nestled on 1.948 acres is conveniently located near SR 32 and only minutes from the town of Peebles. Features of this property include a covered front porch with porch swing included, a back deck, and a natural spring on the land! Property includes a wood burning fireplace as well as a new HVAC system. #1642136-$90,000-West Union-10 Acres and one bedroom cottage only minutes from West Union and the Ohio River. Nice open yard and some hardwoods and cedar, creek running on the edge of the property. Perfect for hunting, recreational or permanent living! Home is only 5 years old! #1644713-$299,900-Stout-REDUCED-Offering incredible country views, this cozy 1901 Farmhouse is nestled in the beautiful hills of Adams County adjoining nature conservancy! Property also offers great hunting land and acreage on both sides of the road. House needs some work and is being sold AS IS, with a little TLC could be your dream get away or full time peaceful residence. #1646662-$119,900-West Union-Two story home situated on a nice corner lot within walking distance to post office, courthouse & stores. Home still features original woodwork, wood floors under carpet, wood cabinets & has been in the same family for 73 years! 3 bedrooms plus a room for an office, 1 1/2 baths, wood fireplace, new roof & vinyl last 5 years, 2 gas furnaces. Detached garage/workshop. #1649819-$179,900-West Union-New Listing-Very nice 1800 sq. ft. home only 12 years old! This home sits on 4.325 Acres

and is only a few miles outside of West Union. 3 Bedrooms, 2 full baths, hardwood floor, ceramic tile in bathrooms, kitchen has alot of cabinets, a breakfast nook & dining area. Patio & fire pit for entertaining! One car detached garage. Must see! #1647898-$57,500-Monroe Twp-New Listing-3 Bedroom 2 Bath Manufactured home sitting on 1 Acre in the country. Very

nice attached sunroom looking out to the woods. This home is only a mile from the Ohio River! Very affordable! #1650877-$24,900-Manchester-New Listing-Priced Right! This home is ready to move into other then some small cosmetic work! Affordable living and close to the Ohio River! 2 Bedrooms,

1 Bath, adorable home, drywall, newer kitchen cabinets,"appliances included. This property would require very little down & cheap payments!" #1651862-$69,900-Blue Creek-New Listing-3 Bedroom home situated in a country setting away from it all!! This home is metal construction and was built for a working crew, large open area with kitchen and living

room, 3 oversized bedrooms and large bath with stalls but could be converted to a 2 bath. Don't miss this, alot of house for the money! #1651498-$163,900-Peebles-New Listing-3 Bedroom 2 Bath Ranch Home on nice size town lot, attached garage, inground

pool, nice well built home that is waiting on your personal touches! #1649819-$174,900-West Union-New Listing-Very nice 1800 sq. ft. home only 12 years old! This home sits on 4.325 Acres and is only a few miles outside of West Union. 3 Bedrooms, 2 full baths, hardwood floor, ceramic tile in bathrooms, kitchen has alot of cabinets, a breakfast nook & dining area. Patio & fire pit for entertaining! One car detached garage. Must See! #1651046-$189,900-West Union-New Listing-Don't miss this nice large, 1900+ sq. Ft. Home sitting a few miles out of West Union, great location surrounded by woods and walking distance to Adams Lake! 5 Bedroom, 2 Bath, vaulted ceilings in the living room, new HVAC, some new flooring, new countertops, 2 car attached garage, must see! #1650160-$279,900-Peebles-New Listing-Stunning views & seclusion! 27+ Acres, gorgeous home that has been completely updated. Mostly woods with about 4 acres open, some fencing,

oversized detached garage with horse stall in back. This home can not even be described, you must see this one! This will not last!

Moore and Others Public Auction Saturday, March 7, 2020 9:30 A.M.

Located: Cherry Fork Community Center Cherry Fork, Ohio State Route 136, Winchester, Ohio

Offering: Monies, Local Art painting, totem pole, guns, hand tools, fishing poles, hand crafts, furniture, treadmill, early magazines, Indian artifacts, silver-ware, collectables, Auto Totem Pole - handcrafted unique 8 ft tall cedar the best one ever, appalachian art, hand carved large wooden mask, toy cedar canoe, barrel, 2 tall carved mask bird houses, carved canes, black walnut realistic anvil , beautiful rustic wild cherry bench, blanket chest, hand painted signs (rustic), early carpenters chest, nail caddies, wooden boxes, early steel wheel barrel Auto: 1999 Chevrolet Suburban 205,000 miles, nice ride- good condition Oil paintings by Lonnie Moore, 7 ft tall silhouette painting of the rare (big foot) Sasquatch, Buzzards Roost, Red Rock, Graham's crossing swimming hole, making hay stack, Big foot trying to break in a truck, The odyssey of Homer Baldwin Guns and things: Sign of Art of American Arms, high quality gun books, SAN Ruger 45 long colt birds head revolver with extra gripps, Colt police positive special 32/20 Winchester powder horns (nice)hunters horn Coins: 7 pieces of gold (Mexico), 1892 $10 gold piece, 1878 2 1/2 dollar gold piece, 36 silver dollars (Morgan and peace mixed dates, walking liberty silver halves, Mercury dimes (silver), 1 oz silver eagles, 1 oz silver bars, several 1 oz rounds, 4 paper silver cert. 1.00, 1965 Red seal $2, $2 bill 1976, 2 - 1963 Star note $5, wheat pennies mexican gold pieces 90% gold 10% copper $2 pesos, 1877 seated liberty half, 3 Ike dollars, old foreign coins, buffalo nickels, tokens Several fishing rods & reels, different makes some old Tools: Numerous shovels, rakes, post hole diggers, hammers, tool boxes, wrenches, bench vise, propane space heater, wood working clamps, 026 Stihl chain saw, battery booster packs, Brush chipper, snow blower, small trailer needs a bed 5 X 8 approx., Wash tubs round and oblong oval, new model reel lawn mower, moveable platform step ladder nice 6 ft, 7 ft disc early 1 row cultivator, single gran disc, lawn mower, snow blade, metal shelving, wood totes, lots more, hoes, tamps, black smith vise, extension cords, log chains, nails, 2 - 55 gal steel drums, flower pots Miscellaneous: Dolls, girls bicycle new, iron skillets, wash stand, chairs, pottery, dishes, stereo, end tables, toys, knick knacs, clocks, signs, baskets, concrete goose, glasswares, records, coolers, gas imitation/Brick stone hearth working nice, treadmill, concrete draft horses, pressure cooker, handicap merchandise, school chairs, gentleman's dressing chair, early pictures, coal bucket, signs, fresh eggs, no parking, Blacksmith livery, antiques, silverware, office chair, tobacco sticks Antiques: Stone grind wheel, Early wooden carpenters tool box, cross cut saw, platform store scale, press tobacco knives & spears and splitter and several oil cans, tea pot, blue jars, jumbo peanut butter Quality Books: Smithsonian Great Battles of the Civil War, Touched by fire of the Civil War, Photograph History of the Civil War, Wild Animals I have known, The Go ahead boys, Two little savage boys, Beatles books, History of Dick and Jane, History of Aviation, Gun Books and more Indian Artifacts - Good stone axe, other pieces, jars of fossils Note: Just a dang nice Auction with a broad variety of items something for everyone. Visit Auction Zip.com #7367 for photos - short listing, held inside for comfort will have a few things outside, dress for the weather auto-coins, guns selling 10:30 Ring 2 food on site Upcoming: 5 more Auctions

Auctioneers: Sam Bolender, Gary Wilson, Mike Ames 545 W Fourth Street Seaman, Ohio 45679

(937) 725-5076

Terms: Cash or check with proper I.D. Accepting Credit cards w/small convenience fee. Statements made day of sale take precedence over previous advertising.

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