PD Legals - February 12, 2020

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Adams County People’s Defender

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

legals@peoplesdefender.com • www.peoplesdefender.com

COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ADAMS COUNTY, OHIO Case No.: CVH 20190386 Judge: SPENCER NOTICE OF PUBLICATION ESTATE OF WILLARD DEAN LOWE: Plaintiff -vsESTATE OF DAVID E. MICHAEL DONALD L. MICHAEL, et al. Defendant You are hereby notified that Estate of Willard Dean Lowe has on the 21st day of October 2019, filed a Complaint on the real property more fully described in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein. EXHIBIT “A” Situated in the Township of Franklin, County of Adams, and State of Ohio Military Survey Nos. 4176 and 7376. Beginning at a spike in the intersection of Cemetery Road and Swayne Road and a corner to Henry Brinker; thence with the centerline of Swayne Road for the next three scales, S. 35 deg. 37 min. E. a distance of 600.00 feet to a spike; thence S. 10 deg. 40 min E. a distance of 63.00 feet to a spike; thence S. 17 deg 27 min. E. a distance of 409.15 feet to a spike in said centerline; thence S. 36 deg. 29 min. W. a distance of 88.00 feet to a stone; thence S. 76 deg. 36 min, W. a distance of 428.90 feet to a stone in the line of Roscoe Griffith; thence with two lines of Griffith, N. 26 deg. 07 min. W. a distance of 778.90 feet to a spike in the centerline of Cemetery Road; thence No. 12 deg. 11 min. W. a distance of 926.65 feet to an iron pin, corner to Lucy Collier and Henry Brinker; thence with three lines of Brinker, S. 79 deg. 20 min. E. a distance of 144.75 feet to a walnut; thence S. 54 deg. 37 min. E. a distance of 118.05 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 25 deg. 36 min. E. a distance of 514.00 feet to a spike in the centerline of Cemetery Road; thence with the centerline, N 45 deg. 00 min. E. a distance of 90.00 feet to the beginning, CONTAINING 16.28 ACRES, more or less, being a consolidation of the premises transferred to Thomas W. Fultz in Vol. 199, pg. 106 and subject to all legal highways and easements. A survey of this property was made by Robert E. Satterfield, RLS No. 4238, West Union, Ohio, June 1973. SAVE AND EXCEPT: Situated in the Township of Franklin, County of Adams and State of Ohio Virginia Military Survey Nos. 4176 and 7367. Also being part of the 16.28 acres conveyed to David E. Michael as recorded in Vol. 222, pg. 376, Adams County Deed Records. Beginning at a spike set in the intersection of Frog Hollow Road (T216A) and Swayne Road (T251B); thence with the centerline of Frog Hollow Road for the next two calls, S. 46 deg. 27 min. 20 sec. W., 92.70 feet to a spike set, the spike being in the line of Russell E. Herdman, et al. (Vol. 280, Pg. 326, ACDR); thence S. 25 deg. 06 min. 31 sec. E., 776.43 feet to a stone found, the stone being a corner to John P. Fulton, et al. (Vol. 293, Pg. 144, ACDR); thence with John P. Fulton, et al. for the next two calls, N. 77 deg. 53 min 09 sec., 428.40 feet to an “X” marked in stone bank near creek; thence N. 37 deg. 15 min. 21 sec. E., 88.00 feet to a spike set in the centerline of Swayne Road; thence with Swayne Road for the next three calls, N. 16 deg. 15 min. 14 sec W., 309.15 feet to a spike found; thence N. 7 deg. 00 min. 55 sec. W., 63.03 feet to a spike found; thence N. 34 deg. 26 min. 15 sec. W., 599.01 feet to the point of beginning, CONTAINING 11.652 ACRES more or less, and being subject to all legal right of ways and easements of record. The Defendants, Donald L. Michael, Tina Michael, Deanne Michael, Jeff Michael and Bryan Michael, beneficiaries of David E. Michael; Donald L. Michael, the executor, administrator, or personal representative of the estate of David E. Michael address unknown, are hereby notified that they are required to answer this Complaint within twentyeight (28) days after the last publication, said publication to be published at least once a week for six (6) consecutive weeks beginning January 29th, 2020. If Defendants named above does not file an answer to said Complaint within 28 days after March 4th, 2020, the date of the last publication, service will be complete and the Court may grant judgment to the Plaintiff as requested. You are required to serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, David E. Grimes, 108 East Mulberry Street, West Union, OH 45693, a copy of your answer to the Complaint by April 1st, 2020. Said answer must be filed with the Adams County Court of Common Pleas, Adams County Courthouse, 110 West Main Street, West Union, OH 45693, within three (3) days after service upon Plaintiff’s attorney, David E. Grimes. Respectfully submitted, David E. Grimes (0067097) Attorney for Plaintiff 108 East Mulberry Street West Union, OH 45693 (937) 544-3900 PD 1-29-20, 2-5-20, 2-12-20, 2-19-20, 2-26-20, 3-4-20 ----------------------------------------

SHERIFF SALE OF REAL ESTATE General Code, Sec. 11681 Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26 THE STATE OF OHIO, ADAMS COUNTY. No. CVE20180292 THE HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK Plaintiff vs. DANIEL BROCK, et al. Defendant In pursuance of an Order of Sale in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, south door of Courthouse in West Union, Ohio, in the above named County, on Monday, the 24th day of February, 2020, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, situate in the County of Adams and State of Ohio, and in the Township of GREEN to-wit: A copy of the complete legal description can be found in the Adams County Recorder’s Office, OR Volume 043, Page 112 SHORT LEGAL DESC: ACRES: 6.79000TR # 1 2 3 3669 O RIVER S. SCOTT TERMS OF SALE: Property cannot be sold for less than twothirds of the appraised value. If the Judgment Creditor is the purchaser, no deposit is required. All third party purchasers deposit(s) shall be made in accordance with the guidelines as set forth in Ohio Revised Code Section 2329.211. TERMS OF SECOND SALE: Property to be sold without regard to the minimum bid requirement subject to payment of taxes and court costs; deposit requirement same as the first auction. PREMISES COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 264 Mouth Hollow Road Stout, OH 45684 PERMANENT PARCEL NUMBER: 178-00-00-033.000 “A Title Commitment showing The State of Title to this Real Estate is available for viewing by anyone in the file of this case in the office of the Clerk of Courts of Adams County” Said Premises Appraised at $40,000 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. TERMS OF SALE: $5,000.00 down, balance due upon delivery of deed. If said property does not receive a bid at the first sale, it shall be offered for sale at south door of Courthouse on Monday, the 9th day of March, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Kimmy Rogers Sheriff Cheryl Copas, Clerk Adams County, OH C. Scott Casterline Attorney PD 1-29-20, 2-5-20, 2-12-20 ---------------------------------------PUBLIC NOTICE The regularly scheduled meetings for the Winchester Union Cemetery Board for 2020 will be held at the Winchester Agri Business Building at 2035 Tri-County Rd., Winchester, OH 45697. All meetings are open to the public and start at 6:00PM. Jan. 6 Feb. 3 Mar. 2 Apr. 6 May. 4 Jun. 1 Jul. 6 Aug. 3 Sept. 7 Oct. 5 Nov. 2 Dec. 7 Ashley Rosselot, Fiscal Officer Winchester Union Cemetery Board PD 1-29-20, 2-5-20, 2-12-20 ---------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE The Winchester Union Cemetery Board is accepting bids for mowing the Winchester Union Cemetery for the 2020 mowing season. Sealed bids need to be submitted by mail to: Winchester Union Cemetery Board, PO Box 5, Winchester, OH 456970005 no later than March 2, 2020. Bids will be opened and reviewed at the meeting that evening at 6:00PM. The board reserves the right to accept or reject all bids. The contractor will be responsible for mowing and trimming around the headstones as directed. The markers and headstones will be blown off after mowing as directed. The contractor will provide their own mowing/trimming equipment, blowing equipment, fuel, and personnel (and/or subcontractors) at his/her own expense. The Winchester Union Cemetery Board, Winchester Township, or the Village of Winchester will not be held liable for any damage to equipment or medical issues to the contractor or the personnel/subcontractors. The contractor must provide proof of liability insurance. The contractor must also avoid damage to any foundation and headstone/markers. PD 1-29-20, 2-5-20, 2-12-20 ----------------------------------------

PUBLIC NOTICE Elko East LLC, 1822 Trout Rd Albany, OH 45710 has submitted a Surface Industrial Mineral Mining Permit Application OA # 10574 to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mineral Resources Management. The proposed permit application area is comprised of 21.0 acres and is located in Adams County in Virginia Military Survey(s) 4176, 7367, Franklin Township. The proposed application area is located on the Jaybird 7 1/2 minute USGS Quadrangle map, approximately 1 mile southeast of Locust Grove, Ohio. The application is on file at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mineral Resources Management Regional Office located at: 29371 Wheelabout Road, McArthur, OH 45657 for public review and inspection. Written comments or objections concerning this application may be sent to the Chief of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mineral Resources Management, 2045 Morse Road, Building H-2, Columbus, Ohio 43229-6693 within thirty (30) days of the last date of publication of this notice. PD 2-5-20, 2-12-20, 2-19-20, 2-26-20 ---------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE Ordinance 2020-2 Annual Budgeted Revenue and Appropriations for 2020 Resolution 2020-6 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement between the Village of West Union and the Adams Commissioners for the acquisition of the county owned state road 125 sanitary system by the Village of West Union. The remainder of this resolution and ordinance may be viewed or copy obtained at the Village Clerk’s office at: 33 Logans Lane, West Union, OH 45693. Tanya Johnson, Village Clerk PD 2-5-20, 2-12-20 ---------------------------------------IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ADAMS COUNTY, OHIO Case No. CVE20200015 Judge Brett Spencer LEGAL NOTICE JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Plaintiff, vs. John Doe(s) Name(s) Unknown, the Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Earl L. McFarland, AKA Earl McFarland and their unknown spouses and creditors; and, the unknown spouse of Earl L. McFarland, AKA Earl McFarland, et al. Defendants. John Doe(s) Name(s) Unknown, the Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Earl L. McFarland, AKA Earl McFarland and their unknown spouses and creditors; and, the unknown spouse of Earl L. McFarland, AKA Earl McFarland, whose last known address is Unknown, will take notice that on January 10, 2020, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association filed its Complaint in the Adams County Court of Common Pleas at 110 W. Main St., West Union, OH 45693, assigned Case No. CVE20200015 and styled JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association vs. John Doe(s) Name(s) Unknown, the Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Earl L. McFarland, AKA Earl McFarland and their unknown spouses and creditors; and, the unknown spouse of Earl L. McFarland, AKA Earl McFarland, et al. The object of, and demand for relief in, the Complaint is to foreclose the lien of Plaintiff’s mortgage recorded upon the real estate described below and in which Plaintiff alleges that the foregoing defendant has or claims to have an interest: Parcel number(s): 117-43-03-003.000 Property address: 9657 State Route 125, West Union, OH 45693 The defendant named above is required to answer the Complaint within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication of this legal notice. This legal notice will be published once a week for three successive weeks. Melissa N. Hamble fka Melissa N. Meinhart Manley Deas Kochalski LLC P.O. Box 165028 Columbus, OH 43216-5028 614-220-5611 mnm@manleydeas.com PD 2-5-20, 2-12-20, 2-19-20 ---------------------------------------All kinds of government information are just a click or call away.


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F E D - I N F O

ADAMS COUNTY REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Adams County, Ohio is interested in procuring Engineering, Architectural services for The Adams County Training Center. The County is requesting qualification statements from interested professional engineering, architectural, and planning firms to provide professional engineering, design, and other related services. Please provide the firm’s experience. All responses will be evaluated in terms of experience, quality of work and capacity to perform. Qualifications and Experience Statements must address the following factors, which will be used as evaluation criteria for selection: 1. Anindication of which area or areas you are requesting consideration of pre-qualification. 2. Abrief history of the Firm. Please include information pertaining to major areas of expertise of the company. 3. Past record of performance in relation to architectural and engineering services on federal, state and local programs. 4. Professional qualifications of key personnel of the Firm, resumes of key personnel, and experience with administration, etc. 5. Firm’s representative project experience include summary of services provided, client and contact information. 6. Identification of public authorities that have deemed the Firm qualified. 7. Adescription of the Firm’s approach to managing workload, project scheduling, and deadline adherence. Include a list of available qualified personnel, equipment, and facilities to perform the services. 8. Provide any further information that may be helpful to the County in determining the qualifications of the Firm. Please submit two (2) copies of the qualification statement. Any statement that does not include all of the requested information will not be deemed responsive. Adams County has the right to interview any or all consultants and select the firm based upon review and analysis of the qualification statement. Adams County will enter into a contract with the responsible offeror or offerors whose qualifications will be most advantageous to the specific project and subject to negotiations at fair and reasonable compensation with the responsible offeror. The maximum amount of any contract with the consultant will be limited to the amounts governed by the Board of County Commissioners. Multi-year contracts will not be possible. Adams County reserves the right to request additional supplemental statements as it deems necessary. Professional firms must submit an update of its Qualifications Statement to modify its qualification status with the County. This request does not constitute a commitment on the part of Adams County to award any contract to any pre-qualified firm. Submit Statement of Qualification to: Holly Johnson, Director, Adams County Economic and Community Development, 215 N. Cross Street, Suite 101, West Union, OH 45693 by February 18, 2020 at 12 noon. PD 2-9-20, 2-12-20, 2-16-20 ---------------------------------------The following matters are the subject of this public notice by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. The complete public notice, including any additional instructions for submitting comments, requesting information, a public hearing, or filing an appeal may be obtained at: http://www.epa.ohio.gov/actions.aspx or Hearing Clerk, Ohio EPA, 50 W. Town St. P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216. Ph: 614-644-3037 email: HClerk@epa.ohio.gov Final Issuance of Permit-ToInstall and Operate The National Lime & Stone Company 24464 U.S. Route 52, Rome, OH 44085 ID #: P0127869 Date of Action: 02/06/2020 General permit for paved and unpaved roadways (MGP 5.2) and all material storage piles, including load-in, load-out and wind erosion activities for nonTitle V facilities with a maximum production of 3,000,000 tons/year and a maximum storage pile surface area less than or equal to 15 acres (GP7.3). PD 2-12-20 ----------------------------------------

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS DIVISION OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS ADAMS COUNTY, OHIO CASE NO. DRB20190419 NOTICE OF SERVICE MARCUS CALLAHAN Plaintiff -VSTIFFANI CALLAHAN Defendant To Tiffani Callahan whose last known address is 1068 Independence Road, Independence, KY 41051. Please be advised that on November 18, 2019 in the Court of Common Pleas, Division of Domestic Relations, Adams County, Ohio, located at the main courthouse in West Union, Ohio, Marcus Callahan filed a Complaint for Divorce. The object of the Complaint is that Plaintiff be granted a divorce, as well as any other relief, whether at law or equity, which this Court shall deem proper and just. Plaintiff attempted to serve you 1068 Independence Road, Independence, KY 41051. This publication shall be posted for six weeks beginning on February 5th, 2020 and ending on March 11th, 2020. If no answer is filed by you within 28 days from the last date of posting, the Plaintiff shall proceed with this action and seek the relief stated above. An answer can be made by filing a response to Plaintiff, Marcus Callahan’s Complaint for Divorce with the Clerk of Courts, Adams County Domestic Relations Court, Main Courthouse, West Union, Ohio, 45693 either by mail or in person between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday. Val E. Lewis (0071157) Attorney for Plaintiff 108 S. High St., P.O. Box 467 Mt. Orab, OH 45154 937-444-2563 PD 2-5-20, 2-12-20, 2-19-20, 2-26-20, 3-4-20, 3-11-20 ----------------------------------------

People’s Defender Legal Notice DEADLINE Friday 12:00 noon

SHERIFF SALE OF REAL ESTATE General Code, Sec. 11681 Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26 THE STATE OF OHIO, ADAMS COUNTY. No. CVE20190337 FIFTH THIRD BANK Plaintiff vs. ROBERT STEWARD, et al. Defendant In pursuance of an Order of Sale in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, south door of Courthouse in West Union, Ohio, in the above named County, on Monday, the 9th day of March, 2020, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, situate in the County of Adams and State of Ohio, and in the Village of WEST UNION to-wit: EXHIBIT A Legal Description: Situated in the Village of West Union, County of Adams, and State of Ohio: Being Lot Number Seven (7) and Eight (8) in the Rainwater Subdivision to the Village of West Union, Adams County, Ohio as said Lots are known and designated on the recorded Plat of the Village. Parcel Number(s): 117-32-02-019.000 Property Address: 701 Ronald Avenue, West Union, OH 45693 Deed Reference Number: dated June 20, 2006, filed August 3, 2006, recorded as Official Records Volume 277, Page 816, Adams County, Ohio records. “A Title Commitment showing The State of Title to this Real Estate is available for viewing by anyone in the file of this case in the office of the Clerk of Courts of Adams County” Said Premises Appraised at $60,000 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. TERMS OF SALE: $5,000.00 down, balance due upon delivery of deed. If said property does not receive a bid at the first sale, it shall be offered for sale at south door of Courthouse on Monday, the 23rd day of March, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Kimmy Rogers Sheriff Cheryl Copas, Clerk Adams County, OH Melissa N. Hamble Attorney PD 2-12-20, 2-19-20, 2-26-20 ----------------------------------------

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