Renovating the Riviera NEWS
Ripley Bee
“My third great grandfather used to be a member of that Masonic Lodge. My family has been there since the 1850s,” revealed one commenter. Meanwhile, some other civil servants were sharing their talents, helping Bailey apply for – and win – a development grant. “I’ve never done anything like this before, so I know where my limitations are,” Bailey began. He ex-
plained how his talent for networking will be one of his greatest assets throughout this project. He has enlisted the help of a restoration company that has done work in Portsmouth and Cincinnati, an architect and university professor, and many Ripley residents. “It’s funny, every time anybody here’s anything about it they just want to get involved, want to do whatever they can. It’s just
Gary Bailey
Ripley Library Talk
Hi everyone. We’re making our first stab at opening. This week we will be testing the waters—as with many other libraries around the
Phone: (800) 404-3157 Fax: (937) 444-2652 E-mail:
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Separate, sealed bids for each of the requirements set forth below will be received at the Office of the Treasurer of the Board of Education of the Southern Hills Career and Technical Center, 9193 Hamer Road, Georgetown, Ohio 45121 until: 3:00 p.m. – local time May 13, 2020 and will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter at the usual place of meeting, and a report thereof made to the board at their next meeting. Said work consisting of asphalt pavement repair at Southern Hills Career and Technical Center. The Contract Documents are available for purchase from: Key Blue Prints Inc., 411 Elliott Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45215, 513-8212111 Documents will be forwarded at bidder's expense. Bids shall be submitted on the form furnished with each set of bid documents or on a photographic copy of that form. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid guarantee meeting requirements of Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. Said guarantee may be in the form of a bond (ORC 153.571) or a certified check, cashiers check, or letter of credit meeting requirements of 153.54. Bids received after the time and date set for bid opening will be returned to the bidder unopened. The said Board of Education reserves the right to waive informalities, and to accept or reject any and all, or parts of any and all bids. No bids may be withdrawn for at least 60 days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. The probable construction cost estimate for this work is: $110,000 base bid Board of Education – Southern Hills Career and Technical Center By: Kari Barnes, Treasurer RB 5-7-20, 5-14-20 ----------------------------------------
state, we are beginning with pick-up only—in other words, call ahead, and if we have what you need, we’ll have it in a bag with your name on it waiting. If you don’t know for sure what you want, call and we’ll pull an assortment for you. Only open Tues-Friday this week. Ripley’s pick-up will be in the meeting room vestibule, Russellville just inside the front door, Aberdeen just inside the front door. Limited hours Ripley 104 937-392-4871, Russellville 10-2 p.m. 937-377-2700 Aberdeen 124 p.m. 937-795-2534 Please check in for the schedule next week—we will be adjusting hours as we go—I apologize for this, but some things are out of ‘my’ control!
Memorial Day changes
The American Legion Post 367, Ripley Ohio will not be holding any Cemetery Ceremonies for Memorial Day weekend. Cemeteries will still be decorated with flags. For more information please call 937-392-6023.
a really neat project.” “It’s a very big project and it’s very expensive,” continued Bailey. He relayed his vision of the Riviera as a central watering hole, a family-friendly environment to eat, drink, and enjoy the view, with the third floor operating as a rental unit available on Airbnb. “I got the building, I got the liquor license. Immediately we put a new roof on the building... We’re going in now to stabilize the brick on the front of the building. We’re going to open up two windows facing the river, and a door, and hopefully convince the town to let us do patio seating there as well. So that will be the new entrance that faces the river. We were hoping to be up and running by this fall, its most likely going to be
next spring.” “This building could serve as the beginning of revitalization for downtown Ripley,” he envisioned. “If that’s not essential, I don’t know what is.” Gary Bailey thanked Joanne Morgan, Jane Zachman, and Mayor Dallas Kratzer for their assistance and support.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
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