RB Legals - July 23, 2020

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HEAP Crisis Program NP 8

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Beginning July 1, the Ohio Development Services Agency and The Adams Brown Counties Economic Opportunities Inc. will help income-eligible Ohioans maintain their utility service through the Home Energy Assistance Summer Crisis Program. The program helps eligible Ohioans pay an electric bill, purchase an air conditioning unit or fan, or pay for central air conditioning repairs. This year, the program will run from July 1 until September 30, 2020. “This year, we’ve extended the length of the program and expanded eligibility requirements so we can help more Ohioans

during this health crisis,” Lydia Mihalik, director of the Ohio Development Services Agency said. “We’re working with The Adams Brown Counties Economic Opportunities Inc. every day to help Ohioans in need.” In 2019 more than 314 families in Adams and Brown County were assisted through the Home Energy Assistance Summer Crisis Program. The Summer Crisis Program assists low-income households with an older household member (60 years or older), or households that can provide physician documentation that cooling assistance is needed for a

household member's health. Examples of conditions can include lung disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, asthma, etc. This year, households that were diagnosed with COVID-19 in 2020, have a disconnect notice, have been shut off, or are trying to establish new service on their electric bill are also eligible for assistance. Ohioans can visit energyhelp.ohio.gov to start their application prior to their required appointment. This year appointments can be held over the phone or in person at The Adams Brown Counties Economic Opportunities Inc. To schedule an

appointment call, 1-567268-1009. Eligible households can receive up to $500 if they are a customer of a regulated utility, or $800 if they are a customer of unregulated utilities such as electric cooperatives and municipal utilities. The assistance is applied to their utility bill, or to purchase an air conditioning unit or fan, or pay for central air conditioning repairs. Ohioans must have a gross income at or below 175% of the federal poverty guidelines to qualify for assistance. For a family of four the annual income must be at or below $45,850.00. Also new this year,

Ohioans enrolled in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus Program (PIPP) who meet the above criteria may be eligible for assistance towards their default PIPP payment, first PIPP payment, central air conditioning repairs, or may receive an air conditioning unit and/or fan. For more information about the features of the Summer Crisis Program locally and what is needed to apply, contact The Adams Brown Counties Economic Opportunities Inc. Additional information can also be found at www.energyhelp.ohio.gov or by calling (800) 282-0880.

CIVIL Midland Credit Management versus Jason Penney, case #20200330, filed 7-6-20, Action: Other Civil Tax Ease Ohio LLC versus Herbert Finley Sr., case #20200342, filed 710-20, Action: Foreclosures Amy Schafer versus Stephanie McCloud, Admin., case

#20200355, filed 7-1620, Action: Workers Compensation Portfolio Recovery Associates versus Heidi Mullinnix, case #20200343, filed 7-1320, Action: Other Civil Portfolio Recovery Associates versus Donald Skillman, case #20200345, filed 7-1320, Action: Other Civil Citibank N.A. versus

Patricia Richardson, case #20200346, filed 713-20, Action: Other Civil Ripco, LTD versus Franklin Holden, case #20200352, filed 7-1620, Action: Other Civil James Riley versus 1994 Chevy S-10, case #20200354, filed 7-1620, Action: Other Civil

town versus Joshua Laws, Mt. Orab, case #20200353, filed 7-16-

20, Action: Termination of Marriage.

Common Pleas


DOMESTIC Jessica Laws, George-

Cody Lewis, 22, Williamsburg, Rumpke, to marry Courtney McQuitty, 21, Mt. Orab, unemployed, filed 7-10-20 Brian Adamkiewicz, 35, Georgetown, Unemployed, to marry Brittany Hauser, 30, Georgetown, Unemployed, filed 7-13-20 Peter Stegbauer, 24, Lynchburg, Farmer, to marry Sarah Collins, 21, Fayetteville, Day Care Worker, filed 7-14-20 Joshua Raudenbush, 31, Batavia, Electrician, to marry Katie-Jo Dacey, 24, Batavia, Manager, filed 7-15-20 Brian Green, 50, Georgetown, Factory Worker, to marry Meagan Bradford, 47, Georgetown, Deputy Clerk, filed 7-10-20


Peggy Chandler, Georgetown, case #20201127, DOD 1-1-20, filed 7-15-20

Rodney Gray, Felicity, case #20201126, DOD 5-13-20, filed 7-15-20

Ethel Duncan Naylor, Lynchburg, case #20201123, DOD 3-18-20, filed 7-13-20

Vivian Sawyer, Mt. Orab, case #20201125, DOD 5-6-20, filed 7-14-20

James Clifton, Russellville, case #20201122, DOD 3-23-20, filed 7-10-20

Property Sales Dutch Builders LLC to Corey and Lynnsey Lind, three lots in Lake Waynoka, filed 7-9-20, $255,000 Randolph Martin to Zachary Franklin and Alisha Pennington, three lots in Lake Waynoka, filed 7-9-20, $179,500 Douglas and Tracy Berry to Kevin and Tina Tkach, lot in Lake Waynoka, filed 7-920, $5500 Allison and Ronald Garbutt Jr. to Morgan Fischer, lot in Georgetown Village, filed 7-9-20, $105,000 Derek and Traci Kidwell to David Scott and Melissa Twine, 1.66 acres in Lewis Twp., filed 7-9-20, $270,000 Theresa Lefevers to Thomas Connor, lot in Georgetown Village, filed 79-20, $0 Ona Mullis to Cynthia Alford-Pringle, Richard Pringle and Rachel Jenkins, lot 466 in Lake Lorelei, filed 7-9-20, $2000 Ona Mullis to Cynthia Alford-Pringle, Richard Pringle and Rachel Jenkins, lot 467 in Lake Lorelei, filed 7-9-20, $2000 James and Sherry Slack to Derek and Destiny Peters, four lots in Scott Twp., filed 7-10-20, $14,000

William Moore, Winchester, case #20201124, DOD 4-29-20, filed 7-13-20

Adam and Kari McAfee to Carl Vineyard and Sheila Butler, lot in Mt. Orab Village, filed 7-13-20, $325,000 Matthew and Brenna Heller to Jennifer and David Franta, lot in Lake Waynoka, filed 7-13-20, $460,000 David Hammock to David Tucker, Jr., 1.45 acres, filed 7-13-20, $186,000 Evanchyk Hao to Kent Gray, 11 acres in Eagle Twp., filed 7-13-20, $56,000 Donna McChesney to Robert and Theresa Fee Marital Deduction Trust Agreement, filed 7-13-20, $8000 Gary and Heather Powell to Brenda and Francis Logan, lot in Pike Twp., filed 7-13-20, $316,000 Terry and Vickie Hirn to Tim Williamson, lot in Lake Waynoka, filed 7-13-20, $30,000 Michael Eng Trust to Joseph and Susan Hughes, two lots in Lake Lorelei, filed 7-14-20, $432,500 Clayton Garrett to Robbie and Tanika Mingua, 1 acre, filed 7-14-20, $11,986 The Dexter Group Trust to 125 Marketing LLC, .51 acres in Ripley Village, filed

7-14-20, $25,335 Helen Mains Trustee to Penny Bare and Tara Michelle, two lots in Aberdeen Village, filed 7-1420, $3000 Helen Mains Trustee to Billy and Nola Berry, two lots in Aberdeen Village, filed 714-20, $7000 Richard Cecil to Teresa and James Daugherty Sr., three lots in Lake Waynoka, filed 7-15-20, $137,000 Randall Cooper to Timothy and Sandra Grooms, two lots in Huntington Twp., filed 7-15-20, $30,000 Solomon Nutt to Joshua and Jennifer Walker, lot in Lake Lorelei, filed 7-15-20, $1400

Ripley Bee


Phone: (800) 404-3157 Fax: (937) 444-2652 E-mail: legals@browncountypress.com

NOTICE TO CROPLAND BIDDERS Bids will be accepted for cooperative cropland management on the Eagle Creek Wildlife Area, Brown County, Ohio no later than 8:00 A.M. July 31st, 2020 at the O.D.N.R. Division of Wildlife Indian Creek Wildlife Area, 4258 Snowhill Road Fayetteville Ohio 45118. Approximately 198 acres for hay in a 3 year agreement will be available. Additional information and bid forms may be obtained by contacting: Randy Morgan Indian Creek Wildlife Area 4258 Snowhill Road Fayetteville, Ohio 45118 (513) 875-2111 RB 7-16-20, 7-23-20 ---------------------------------------NOTICE TO BIDDERS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Columbus, Ohio Division of Construction Management Legal Copy Number: 200422 Sealed proposals will be accepted from pre-qualified bidders at the ODOT Office of Contracts until 10:00 a.m. on August 13, 2020. Project 200422 is located in Brown County, SR 125-00.00 Overlay and is a TWO LANE RESURFACING project. The date set for completion of this work shall be as set forth in the bidding proposal. Plans and Specifications are on file in the Department of Transportation.

RB 7-16-20, 7-23-20 ---------------------------------------NOTICE TO BIDDERS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Columbus, Ohio Division of Construction Management Legal Copy Number: 200423 Sealed proposals will be accepted from pre-qualified bidders at the ODOT Office of Contracts until 10:00 a.m. on August 13, 2020. Project 200423 is located in Brown County, SR 52-19.99 and is a SPOT SAFETY project. The date set for completion of this work shall be as set forth in the bidding proposal. Plans and Specifications are on file in the Department of Transportation.

RB 7-16-20, 7-23-20 ----------------------------------------


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