Welcome Welcome to the next exciting stage of your school journey. At Ruislip High School we are very proud of our students. The Sixth Form plays a crucial role in ensuring students are confident, independent, flexible thinkers and learners. The self-contained Sixth Form centre within the school building, which opened in 2011, provides the perfect combination of independence and support – students have the opportunity to study and socialise in an area dedicated to them whilst still being part of the school as a whole. In many ways this encapsulates the spirit of the Sixth Form at Ruislip High School; students become self-motivated learners whilst being supported, encouraged and cared for by the school and its staff.
Ethos & Aims Ruislip High School aims to provide a Sixth Form which truly meets the needs of all its students. We strive to provide courses and subjects which match the skills, needs and interests of our students as well as many opportunities to develop as individuals within the school, community and the world beyond. The Sixth Form is built upon hard work, dedication and a love of learning. Students are expected to commit to their studies fully and staff, in turn, are wholly committed to ensuring every single Sixth Former fulfils his or her potential both academically and personally.
“You are treated more like an adult when you are in the Sixth Form and so there is a stronger bond with the teachers.� Joshua Rimell, Sixth Form student
Why you should join our Sixth Form Continuing with studies at a Sixth Form centre is a very wise choice: doing so at Ruislip High School is an excellent choice! The buildings and facilities here provide an environment conducive to success and enjoyment. The Sixth Form centre is welcoming while dedicated classrooms and study areas mean students can always have somewhere pleasant to work independently or with their class. The outside decking area provides the perfect spot to complete essays or lesson preparation whilst enjoying the fresh air. More important than buildings, however, is the teaching and learning in the Sixth Form. Experienced staff maintain the extremely high standards in teaching seen throughout
the school through their excellent subject knowledge and innovative approaches and, as a result, students’ learning is thorough and prepares them for public examinations, higher education and the workplace. As well as the support of subject teachers, Sixth Formers at Ruislip High also have a dedicated team of tutors who are specially trained to provide guidance to their tutees regarding their next steps, such as applying to university. Although students are encouraged to take full responsibility for their own learning in the Sixth Form, parents still, of course, play a vital role in the school – home partnership and the tutor is the contact for any parental concerns or queries.
“I have been impressed with both the quality of the teaching and the care which staff show towards the Sixth Form students. Staff feedback at Parents’ Evening demonstrates that students are known individually to their teachers and my daughter has had fantastic support throughout her time here.” Year 13 parent
Sixth Form Courses
Choosing the right courses to study in the Sixth Form is crucial. Students who know what they want to do when they leave school should research that pathway and find out what subjects are needed. Students who are unsure about their future plans are advised to choose subjects that they enjoy and do well in. There is a great deal of work outside of lessons so it is essential students are motivated to study independently. Ruislip High offers a wide range of traditional AS and A Level subjects as well as BTEC courses. These qualifications are complemented by tailor-made additional studies to support learning and develop key skills. For full details of subjects offered see the Additional Information booklet or visit the school’s website (www.ruisliphigh.com).
Student Voice The student voice is clear and powerful throughout the school and particularly so in the Sixth Form. Sixth Formers run their own Sixth Form Association modelled on a university style Student Union. Every year a Senior Head Boy and Senior Head Girl are appointed through a student vote. The Sixth Form at Ruislip High has been created for its students and by its students and will always reflect their needs and priorities.
“I am encouraged and supported to achieve my very best whilst being given the opportunity to create a legacy for young adults at Ruislip High.� Soila Apparicio, Sixth Form student and member of the Sixth Form Association
Enrichment Whilst the Sixth Form is a time of hard work, there are also plenty of opportunities for extra-curricular activities. Sixth Formers are encouraged to take a leadership role in extra-curricular activities for younger students. Time is dedicated every week to enrichment for Sixth Formers which include a wide range of sports both on and off site; creative activities and volunteering in the lower school or local community. There are also annual trips for Sixth Formers to support their studies and provide cultural stimulation.
“Sixth Form teaching is really stimulating. It is exciting to see the students rise to the challenges of independent analysis and enquiry that is expected of them at this level.� Marie-anne Poultney, Sixth Form teacher
Responsibilities Sixth Formers at Ruislip High are leaders within the school and ambassadors in the local area; they are afforded the privilege of representing the school and can apply for the post of Head Boy or Head Girl. As well as these roles there are many others which contribute to the success of the rest of the school. Sixth Form Prefects support younger students with various aspects of school life such as literacy, numeracy, sports or even friendship issues. Ruislip High School Sixth Form provides students with the opportunity to develop the skills and gain the experience sought by many employers and universities. The quality of teaching and learning enables students to achieve their full potential and the pastoral support ensures they are fully prepared for whichever path they choose to follow after Year 13.
Sidmouth Drive, Ruislip Middlesex HA4 OBY T: 01895 464064 F: 01895 675331 E: office@ruisliphigh.com www.ruisliphigh.com Headteacher: Martina Lecky