Cleverbox_Ofsted Checklist Update_January 2025

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For Academies, 16-19 Academies, Free Schools, Maintained Schools & FE Colleges

Ensure your website is Ofsted Compliant

Website Checklist 

For Academies, 16-19 Academies, Free Schools, Maintained Schools & FE Colleges must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations.

We’re all aware that Ofsted inspectors spend time before or during an inspection reviewing content on your school website. But with little notice of an impending visit, keeping your site up-to-date could save time and hassle during that all important Ofsted visit countdown!

In this guide you will find:

Essentials: A checklist of statutory information which is required to be present on your website

Desirables: A checklist of recommended content for your website

Perfection: Tips to enhance your school website

Update Summary 2023 -2024

24 October 2024

There have been updates to the following sections;

• Test, exam and assessment results

• Pupil Premium

• PE and sport premium

• Complaints policy

There has also been additional detail added to the ‘governance information' section

15 May 2024

The guidance was reformatted to improve usability. Updates were made to the following sections;

• Curriculum (included information on publishing a music development plan)

• Test, exam and assessment results

• A new section was added detailing ‘Pay gap reporting’

25 April 2023

Updates have been made to the ‘collecting and publishing governing board diversity data’ to clarify that information should be widely accessible to members of the school community and the public.

17 April 2023

A section on collecting and publishing governing board diversity data has been added.


Every Academy, 16-19 Academy, Free School, Maintained School and FE College must publish on the website.

 Accessibility Plan for Disabled Students Suggested Location

Schools must comply with the requirements under paragraph 3 of Schedule 10 in the Equality Act 2010 and publish (reviewed every three years) how the school is:

† Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school’s curriculum

† Improving the physical environment for the purpose of increasing the extent to which disabled pupils are able to take advantage of education and benefits, facilities or services provided or offered by the school

† Improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is readily accessible to pupils who are not disabled

 Admissions Arrangements

Academies, Trusts and Maintained Schools must publish a summary of the admissions process for the whole of the offer year (reviewed annually) including:

† Admissions procedure

† Information about in-year admissions

† Appeals procedure

Academy Schools admissions arrangements are required to comply with the school admissions code and school admissions appeal code (N/A for sixth form colleges)

FE colleges and 16-19 academies should publish their admissions arrangements including details of:

† Open days

† The applications process

† Priority applications

Policies / SEND

Suggested Location


 Annual Reports, Accounts and Financials Suggested Location

Publish the following financial information:

† Annual report (by 31 January each year)

† Annual audited accounts (by 31 January each year)

† Memorandum of association

† Articles of association

† Names of charity trustees and members

† Funding agreement

† Information on the number of school employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000

† A link to the School’s website page on the Schools Financial Benchmarking website (

Sixth form colleges should publish information on the following:

† Their instruments and articles of government

† Their annual members’ report and audited financial statement every year (and retain this for 2 years)

Gender pay gap reporting:

Academy trusts, academies and FE colleges with 250 or more employees must in line with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017:

† Report their gender pay gap information to the government via the gender pay gap service

† Report gender pay gap information prominently within one year of ‘snapshot date'

† Policy for behaviour including anti-bullying strategy (recommended to be reviewed annually)

 Careers Programme Information for Secondary Schools

Publish information about the school’s careers guidance to year 7 to 13 pupils including:

† Contact details including the name, email address and telephone number of the school’s Careers Leader

† Summary of the school’s careers programme, including details of how pupils, parents, teachers and employers may access information about the careers programme

† How the school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils

† The date of the school’s next review of the information published

† Circumstances in which providers of technical education and apprenticeships will be given access to year 8 to 13 pupils

† Secondary academies, 16-19 and FE colleges must publish a policy statement known as the ‘Provider Access Legislation’

/ Behaviour


 Charging and Remissions Policies Suggested Location

Publish the school’s charging and remissions policies (recommended to be reviewed annually) including:

† The activities or cases where the school will charge pupils’ parents

† The circumstances where the school will make an exception on a payment, which is normally expected to receive under the school’s charging policy

 Complaint’s Procedure

† Schools must publish their complaints policy in compliance with section 29 of the Education Act 2002.

† Schools must also publish the details of any arrangements for handling complaints from parents and carers about the support they provide for pupils with special educational needs (SEN). They must do this as part of their SEN information report.

† Academy Trusts and FE colleges must publish details of their whistleblowing procedures Policies / Complaints Policy

 Contact Details

† School/College name

† Postal address

† Telephone number

† Name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public

Homepage / Contact

† Who to contact to request a paper copy of the information on the website (this must be supplied free of charge) Contact

† Name of Headteacher / Principal Welcome / Contact

† Name and address of the chair of the governing body (if applicable) Governing Body / Contact

† Name and contact details of the SENCo (N/A for sixth form colleges and special schools) Staff List / SEN

† The contact details of their academy trust and a link to it’s website, if applicable

Academies are required to publish details about the academy sponsor:

† If the school’s owner is an individual, publish their full name and contact details (address and a telephone number)

† If the school’s owner is a group or organisation, publish the address and telephone number of its office



 Curriculum Suggested Location

† The content of the school’s curriculum in each academic year for every subject including mandatory subjects

† How parents or other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum the school is following

† The names of phonics or reading schemes the school is using (Key Stage 1)

† A list of the courses available to pupils including GCSEs (Key Stage 4)

† How the school meets the 16-19 study programme requirements (Key Stage 5)

† Academies must publish their policy on relationships education or relationships and sex education

† Information to make parents and carers aware they have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE

† Alongside the content of their music curriculum, all academies are expected to publish information about their music development plan

† Academies must prepare an accessibility plan that sets out how, over time, they will increase the extent to which disabled pupils participate in the curriculum.


 Equality Objectives

Public sector equality duty

Academies and FE colleges must publish:

† Information of how the school complies with the public sector equality duty - updated annually

† The school’s equality objectives - updated at least every 4 years

† How the school is eliminating discrimination (Equality Act 2010)

FE Colleges must publish:

An annual equality, diversity and inclusion review, including data on protected characteristics at these levels:

† Board

† Executive Leadership

† Staff

† Student

† And the actions taken to address disparities

Policies / Equalities and Additional Intervention

 Ethos and Aims Statement

Suggested Location

† Statement of the school’s ethos and values Ethos and Vales

 FE Intervention

FE colleges in intervention must publish:

† The FE commissioner’s summary intervention report on their website, within 14 days of the report being issued and keep this on the website until the notice to improve is lifted

 Exam and Assessment Results

Display the most recent performance measures as published by the Secretary of State (2018 to 2019 performance measures until new performance measures are published). Schools are not required to publish exam and assessment results from 2019 to 2020 academic year.

Key Stage 2 Results

Display information from the primary performance tables and headline measures including:

† Progress scores in reading, writing and maths

† Percentage of pupils who achieved at least the expected standard in reading, writing and maths

† Percentage of pupils who achieved at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths

† Average ‘scaled scores’ in reading and maths

Key Stage 4 Results

Display information from the secondary performance tables and headline measures including:

† Progress 8 score

† Attainment in English and Maths - percentage of pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths

† Attainment 8 score

† Percentage of pupils that enter the English Baccalaureate (EBacc

† Average point score for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc)

† Percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 (pupil destinations).

Key Stage 5 Results (16-18)

Display information from the 16-18 performance tables and headline measures including:

† Attainment measures

† Progress measures

† Progress students have made in English and Maths

† The average grade students get at 16 to 19 study

† Retention Measures

† Destination Measures

Suggested Location


Suggested Location

Exams & Key Stage Results

Exams & Key Stage Results

Exams & Key Stage Results

 Governors’ / Trustees’ Information and Duties

Publish the Governors’ Handbook or the following information:

Schools should publish information about the structure and remit of the governing body and any committees, including the full names of their chairs.

Schools should publish, about each governor who has served at any time over the past 12 months:

† Their full names

† The date they were appointed

† Their term of office

† The date they stepped down, where this applies

† Who appointed them, in accordance with the governing body’s instrument of governance

† Their attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over the last academic year

Schools should publish governors’ relevant business, financial and pecuniary interests, including:

† Governance roles in other educational institutions

† Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff, including spouses, partners and close relatives

Schools should also publish this information for associate members, and whether they have voting rights on any committee they have been appointed to. DfE also encourages schools to publish easily accessible data about the diversity of:

† Their board

† Any associated committees

Board or committee members can opt out of sharing their information, such as protected characteristics, including after the data has been published. Schools must ensure that individuals cannot be identified, which may be a particular issue when board or committee member levels are low.

FE colleges and 16-19 Academies must publish:

† Their submitted annual accountability statement (part 2) within 3 months of the start of the academic year –that is, by 1 December

† Regular reviews of how well the education or training provided by the college meets local needs, in particular, those related to employment

† A statement in their annual report on the development of governors and governance professionals

† A summary of the outcomes of their external governance review and the associated action plan (at least every 3 years, with updates following the annual governance self-assessment)

† Information on governor recruitment (selection of procedures and the work of any search committee)

† Instrument and articles of government

 Ofsted Reports

† Copy of the school’s current Ofsted report or a link to the report as published on:

Suggested Location

Governing Body

Suggested Location

Ofsted Information

 PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools Suggested Location

Schools that receive PE and sport premium funding must publish, by 31 July each year:

† The amount of premium received

† A full breakdown of how it has been or will be spent

† The impact seen by the school on pupils’ participation and attainment in PE and sport

† How this improvement will be sustained

By 31 July each year, schools are required to publish the percentage of pupils in their year 6 cohort who have met the national curriculum requirement to:

† Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres

† Use a range of strokes effectively – for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke

† Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

 Performance Tables

† Link to the school’s DfE Performance tables as published on:

 Pupil Premium

Schools that receive pupil premium funding must publish a strategy statement on their school website by 31 December each year. It must explain:

† How the academy is spending the pupil premium funding

† The education outcomes which disadvantaged pupils are achieving

Schools must publish the statement in the DfE template provided on the pupil premium guidance page. DfE recommends that schools plan their pupil premium spending over 3 years. If they do so, they must still update their statement annually to reflect:

† Their spending activity for the current academic year

† The impact of pupil premium in the previous academic year

 Remote Education

† Publish information about the school’s remote education provision. An optional template is available on providing remote education information to parents on

 Request for Paper Copies

† If a parent requests a paper copy of the information on the school’s website, this must be provided free of charge

 School Opening Hours

† School opening and closing times, with the total amount of hours required per week (including breaks but not after school activities)

 School Uniform

Publish your school uniform policy (this can be in the form of a download or a text page on your website) and ensure the following is included:

† Any differences between required and optional items of uniform

† If a piece of uniform has to be branded (for example, a jumper with your school logo) or if a generic item can be worn

† Whether a piece of uniform should be worn in specific weather conditions (for example, summer and winter clothing)

† If any uniform that can only be purchased via a single retailer (ensure to provide the contact details for said supplier)

† Where secondhand uniform can be purchased

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Publish the school’s annual policy for pupils with SEND (reviewed annually).

The policy must be updated to reflect any changes made throughout the year. The Policy must comply with:

• Section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014

• Schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014

• Section 6.79 to 6.82 of the SEN and Disability code of practice 0 to 25 years

The Policy must contain the following information:

† The arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils

† The steps the school has taken to prevent disabled pupils from being treated less favourably than other pupils

† The facilities the school provides to help disabled pupils to access the school

Suggested Location

Parents / About Us

Suggested Location

Key Information / Parents

Suggested Location

Policies / SEND

Desirable content for your website

At Cleverbox we suggest the following content to enhance your school website.

 Desirable content checklist

† Data protection

† Protection of biometric information of children in schools and colleges

† Register of pupils’ admission to school and attendance

† School Information published on a website

† Capability of staff

† Early career teachers (ECTs)

† Staff discipline, conduct and grievance (procedures for addressing)

† Single central record of recruitment and vetting checks

Suggested Location

† Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff Policies

† Child protection policy and procedures

† Children with health needs who cannot attend school

† Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children

† Early years foundation stage (EYFS)

† Supporting pupils with medical conditions

† School exclusion

† Health and safety

† A supporting narrative to explain the gender pay gap with an action plan that sets out how to address it

† First aid in schools

† Premises management documents

 General Suggested Location

† British values

† Facilities hire

† Staff list Information

† Safeguarding and child protection Policies

† School prospectus Admissions

† Staff vacancies Vacancies

 Governors Suggested Location

† Dates for meetings

† Attendance records Governors

 Students

† Year 6 transition information

† Code of conduct

† Links to educational sites

† Links to emotional support sites

† After-school clubs / extra curricular activities

† Exam information

 Parents

† Attendance and punctuality

† Assessment and reporting

† Safeguarding and online safety

† Pupil exclusion information

† Letters home (downloadable)

† Uniform list and suppliers (downloadable order form)

† Lunch menu (menu, cost, free school meals)

† Information about the PTA / Parents Forum

† Parents feedback page

 News and Dates

† News articles

Suggested Location


Suggested Location


Suggested Location

† Newsletters News

† Calendar events Calendar

† Term dates Calendar / Parents

 Sixth Form Sixth Form

† Alumni

† Dress code

† How to apply Calendar


Top tips to make sure you have a great school website:

Top Tips

† Remove out of date information/external links and hide ‘under construction’ pages

† Keep main navigation sections to a minimum using clear titles

† Avoid long drop down menus, instead, keep information in subsections

† Keep all news up to date - we suggest weekly posts

† Avoid making viewers download a document for a small piece of information, copy it into the web page

† Offer downloadable versions of information where possible

† Keep the font, text sizes and heading styles provided consistent throughout the website

† Avoid typing in CAPITALS

† Avoid underlining text, as it may be confused with a hyper-link

† Use high resolution photography

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