Harris Academy Chobham - Secondary Prospectus

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Since opening in 2013, Harris Academy Chobham has quickly established itself as an outstanding all through school serving families in its local community.

Chobham is a school where all students are recognised as individuals and appreciated for their own unique personality and talents. Everyone is encouraged to be the best they can be and given every opportunity to thrive.

At Chobham all of our staff team are dedicated to achieving high standards of excellence and to helping young people develop into active, articulate and conscientious citizens.

We are determined that all young people at the Academy should be entitled to the very best education, including:

• A personalised approach which recognises all students as individuals and provides for them accordingly

• Exciting lessons which engage students and enable them to do their very best

• An outstanding personal development curriculum that embodies our ICHEER values and prepares our students for success and happiness in whatever they do

• A focus on developing learning and social skills which will be of benefit to students in their lives at and beyond school

• Dedicated coaching on higher education and employment opportunities, motivating students and helping them to make the right choices

• The opportunity to join our amazing Sixth Form.

We really value our partnership with you as parents and want you to feel properly involved in your child’s education. To help achieve this, you will receive regular reports on your child’s progress as well as newsletters and invitations to Academy events.

I hope you are as excited and enthused as we are at the prospect of your child joining us at Chobham. The Academy provides fantastic facilities and a great atmosphere together with the excellent education that is the hall mark of all Harris Academies.

Please do come along to our next admissions event or contact us if you would like to arrange a tour.


Children learn best when their school environment is safe, inclusive and welcoming.

We are a richly diverse inner London community and a robustly comprehensive school. Difference is celebrated and everyone is welcome. Within our school community, no one is overlooked. Our house and tutor systems ensure that all students are known and their achievements recognised.

At Chobham, we believe that schools have a role to play in guiding young people to develop morals which help them to lead a healthy, happy life and through their actions to benefit others. Our assembly and PSHE programmes and the frequency and quality of day-to-day discussion between staff and students helps our students to think in a community-centred way.

Mutual respect and tolerance are integral elements of our school culture at Chobham and we are proud to have created an inclusive, welcoming environment in which everyone is valued. The Academy has a zero tolerance approach towards bullying.

We run a range of Inter-House competitions and students are encouraged to win points for their House through good attendance, excellent behaviour and positive contributions to Academy life.

To help promote a strong sense of community we have a House system. Students are placed into one of our six Houses.

Our Houses are named after leading figures from past and present who are able to inspire and motivate our students:

Rosalind Franklin – Scientist and DNA pioneer

Labaina Himid – Artist and creator

Chimamanda Adichie – Writer

Roger Bannister – Athlete and Doctor

Srinvasa Ramanajun – Mathematician

Nelson Mandela – Statesman


Harris Academy Chobham aims to maximise life chances through a broad, ambitious curriculum that fosters aspiration and opportunity.

It supports progression from EYFS to Year 13, addressing diverse backgrounds and promoting cultural capital. The curriculum promotes resilience, creativity, and the school’s core values of inclusion, curiosity, honesty, empathy, excellence, and respect.

It ensures deep subject knowledge, critical thinking, and independent learning, with a focus on retrieval practice and addressing misconceptions. Our approach challenges all students, regardless of prior attainment.

• A broad curriculum which recognises the equal importance of all subjects including English, Maths, Science, Languages, the Humanities, the Arts and sport

• A curriculum which recognises that young people are entitled to experience a wide range of subjects up to and including their GCSE studies

• A wide choice of A Level and vocational courses at post 16

• A curriculum which helps our students to ask questions and develop a wider awareness of the world around them

• A personalised curriculum which meets the learning needs and aspirations of all students

• An emphasis on Personal, Social and Health Education, Citizenship and Careers Education. These important subjects are regularly delivered through discrete lessons, our Values Days and through tutor time

• A curriculum designed to reflect the backgrounds, ambitions and interests of our students.

Interleaving and Spacing

We sequence learning to improve memory and application by interspersing related concepts. The spacing effect ensures content is revisited, promoting mastery over time.

Subject Support

Primary and secondary subject leaders collaborate to ensure continuity and high-quality teaching, with secondary specialists enriching the curriculum, particularly in non-specialist areas.

Literacy Development

Literacy is central to our curriculum, with a focus on reading, writing, and oracy to promote social mobility. Explicit vocabulary teaching and disciplinary literacy is embedded across all subjects.

Transition for New Students

Each year, we are pleased to welcome about 120 new students into our Year 7 who join 90 children from Chobham Primary. We ensure smooth transitions for those from other schools through induction, baseline testing, and tailored support for learning gaps or new subjects.


We recognise that equipping our students with the best possible examination results is one of our most important jobs.

All Chobham staff are dedicated to ensuring that our students are well qualified and able to compete successfully for their desired university courses and careers.

Chobham has established a reputation for excellent performance in GCSE examinations. We have appeared in the top 20% of schools nationally for GCSE performance in most years since the Academy opened.

At post 16, we have an outstanding record of assisting students to gain places at the prestigious Russell Group of universities.

Lessons at Chobham are fast paced and engaging. We want our students to be excited by learning and to make rapid progress. Our teachers are committed and are well qualified subject specialists.


We believe that having the highest expectations of behaviour and good manners help create a positive atmosphere for learning and a pleasant and secure environment throughout the school.

Excellent behaviour for learning is an absolute priority for us, ensuring that lessons are always productive and that students understand the importance of supporting one another.

Around the Academy, students are expected to be calm and courteous, being kind to one another and to adults.

Students are encouraged to be proud of themselves and of the school. Uniform must be worn immaculately. Homework is regularly set and must be completed to a consistently high standard.

Chobham students are also very clear that they are representatives of the Academy in the local community as they make their way to and from school.


Enrichment lessons are a core part of every student’s curriculum at Chobham.

Each week, students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of enrichment activities that take place before school, at lunch time and at the end of the school day.

Our enrichment programme is constantly added to and updated and can be found published on our website on a termly basis. It’s an impressive provision that spans cooking, languages, sports, theatre, politics, music and much more.

Chobham also offers students the opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme as well as the chance to attend an impressive range of trips. These include the opportunity to visit China or New York as well as more local activities taking advantage of the cultural locations and events London has to offer.


Chobham is a state funded, comprehensive Academy which is free to attend.

There are 210 places in Year 7 and we welcome applications from boys and girls of all backgrounds and abilities. 90 of our Year 7 places are reserved for our own Year 6 students who automatically transfer from the primary to the secondary phase.

Our Admissions Policy and details of how to apply for a place at Chobham are available on our website.


If you would like to know more about Harris Academy Chobham then please take a look at our website www.harrischobham.org.uk

You can also contact the Academy at info@chobhamacademy.org.uk


We want all of the young people entering Year 7 at Chobham to stay with us for seven years, completing both their GCSEs and post 16 studies here.

The Chobham Sixth Form is a great place to study, combining the structure and support of an excellent school with the greater freedom and responsibility young people expect in Years 12 and 13.

Our Sixth Form offers a wide range of A Level and vocational courses and is based in fabulous accommodation, comprising fantastic study and social spaces.

Chobham Sixth Form is the natural place for post 16 study for our Year 11 students and for the many young people who join our Sixth Form from other schools.

You can view our Sixth Form Prospectus on the Chobham website here.


The Harris Federation is a not-for-profit charity with 55 academies in London and Essex. The founder and Chairman of the Harris Federation is Lord Harris of Peckham. His vision of delivering happy and successful education is brought to life by an excellent team of teachers and leaders.

Harris Academy Chobham is one of three all-through academies in the Harris Federation. The majority of Harris primary and secondary academies are rated ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted.

The Harris Federation regularly tops academic studies and national league tables measuring performance. There are around four applications from parents for every place available.

We send many of our sixth formers to Oxford, Cambridge and other Russell Group universities – winning places on these prestigious courses at a rate of more than twice the national average – as well as top apprenticeships and competitive vocational courses. We are immensely proud of the role that our alumni are now beginning to play in the world and of what we believe our current generation of pupils will go on to achieve.

In addition to running schools, the Harris Federation provides high quality training and professional development for teachers throughout this part of England.

Follow @HarrisFed on to stay updated.

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