East Village is London’s newest neighbourhood, and within it there is an outstanding academy, proud to support children throughout their education from Nursery and Reception to Sixth Form.
The Academy couples an astonishing campus with the guarantee of excellent education that is the hallmark of every Harris Academy.
Our academy is a wonderful place to learn. In the Nursery and primary phase, we have the privilege of working with the academy’s youngest students as they begin their journey through school and grow to become engaged and capable learners.
Our belief is that children thrive when they are consistently happy and safe at Nursery and primary school.
From the moment students begin their learning journey with us, we begin instilling our ‘ICHEER’ school values which the children will be encouraged to uphold until they leave the secondary phase.
ICHEER stands for:
• Inclusion
• Curiosity
• Honesty
• Empathy
• Excellence
• Respect
These are qualities we teach children to embody while in school and in the wider world.
I hope that you enjoy reading this prospectus. Please do come along to one of our Admissions Events if you would like to find out more. I very much look forward to meeting you and your children.
Ms Alice Hodgson and Ms Elin Gardner Primary Heads of School
Being able to stay in one school from Reception until university advantages students at all stages of their schooling, as well as being very convenient for parents with children of different ages.
Our primary children are given a head start in the curriculum, being taught Mandarin, music, PE and art by specialist subject teachers from the age of four. This is common practice at leading private primary schools but relatively unheard of elsewhere.
As they get older, Chobham Academy pupils have the stability of staying in the same school at age 11 – avoiding what for many children is a lost year of education as they adjust to new teachers and new surroundings.
While the whole Academy works together as one, we have built for our primary children their own entrances and exits, their own classrooms and toilets and their own playgrounds.
Chobham Academy is an independent school that is free to attend.
The Academy Nursery has an agreed admission number of 52 full-time equivalent pupils. The nursery school will be split into two sessions Morning and Afternoon.
At our Academy, we have hand-picked a team of outstanding teachers.
We engage our children fully in the fun and adventure of learning. Our state-of-the-art building has a lovely playground and excellent equipment and facilities.
Children have access to an amazing variety of extracurricular clubs and activities. With a programme brimming with music, drama and sporting activities, every child has the chance to find his or her special talents. All primary-age students attend compulsory, free enrichment every Thursday afternoon.
As children begin their education, we want to make their first school years as enjoyable as possible and develop in them a real enthusiasm for learning. This is the time in which we lay the foundations for a successful academic career, which means developing the core skills of reading, writing and numeracy.
Reading is taught through traditional phonics. All students are encouraged to read for pleasure and are able to take home story books from our well-stocked library.
Teachers combine the traditional with the modern to help students grasp the basics of mathematics. To embed numeracy skills, we create many opportunities for students to put what they have been learning in the classroom into practice.
The curriculum is well-rounded – with everything from STEM to art to DT to the whole range of performing arts – so that our pupils get a full and varied education that they all enjoy.
Teachers take the time to get to know and understand each child.
Whether they need to be challenged, supported or reassured, we always work to inspire the best in them.
There are six Chobham Academy ‘ICHEER’ values that define the way in which our students of all ages learn and behave:
• Inclusion
• Curiosity
• Honesty
• Empathy
• Excellence
• Respect
We believe that when a school gives its pupils the confidence to believe that they are capable of excellence, this is exactly what they go on to achieve.
We have the resources in place to make sure every child receives plenty of individual attention.
No pupil is ever allowed to fall behind and we take swift action whenever a child needs extra help or support –including through tutoring either on a one-to-one basis or in small groups.
We want parents to feel involved and informed about their children’s education. We therefore send home two reports during the year and host two parents’ evenings in the autumn and spring. Parents are always welcome to come into the academy to discuss any element of their child’s progress with their class teacher.
Children learn best when their school environment is safe, inclusive and welcoming.
We have a culture of mutual respect between pupils and staff and zero tolerance of bullying in any form.
To help promote a community environment, we have a House system. Children are placed into one of our six Houses, each of which is named for an inspirational person.
We run all manner of Inter-House competitions and pupils are encouraged to win points for their House through good attendance, excellent behaviour and positive contributions to Academy life.
We want our students to see themselves in the people after whom our Houses are named, men and women from all ethnic, faith and interest backgrounds.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – a Nigerian novelist.
Sir Roger Bannister – the first athlete to run a mile in under 4 minutes.
Rosalind Franklin – an English chemist who made key contributions to the understanding of molecular DNA.
Lubaina Himid CBE – a contemporary artist and curator.
Nelson Rohlilahla Mandela – a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary political leader and philanthropist who served as president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.
Srinivasa Ramanujan – an Indian Mathematician who lived in India under British Rule.
Our students are exceptionally lucky to see their specialist teachers in art, music, PE and Mandarin for an hour each week.
Our performing arts and sports facilities – particularly our full-size theatre – are fantastic.
There are lots of ways for children of all ages to participate in our specialisms including in the many music, drama and dance performances we have planned.
Our school lunches are healthy and nutritious as well as tasty.
We provide a free breakfast for every child at the Academy should they choose to claim this.
Students may bring in healthy packed lunches if they prefer.
Our main building is circular in shape and light, bright and airy throughout –often with floor to ceiling windows in classrooms.
Primary children at Chobham Academy love the area of the building designated for them. It is smart, modern and colourful with plenty of games and equipment in the playground to help make break and lunch-times fun and sociable.
The older our pupils get, the more they use the amazing array of facilities across our building. To encourage any budding young scientists, we take them on guided trips to our science laboratories. Children are also able to use our fabulous theatre, large sports hall equipped for everything from dance to basketball and our suite of music rooms.
Outside there are playing fields, tennis courts and playgrounds. With its location in the East Village, students, especially as they get older, have easy access to all manner of magnificent sports facilities in the Olympic Park.
We are accountable to an Academy Governing Body (AGB).
The AGB is an independent body and is responsible, with the Principal, for setting and monitoring the educational direction of the Academy and the targets to be achieved over time.
The AGB includes representation from the teaching and non-teaching staff, parents and the community.
The AGB is Chaired by Mr Ed Falzon, who has been supporting the Academy for many years and brings a wealth of experience to his role. To contact our Chair of Governors, please write to him via Chobham Academy – the address is at the back of this prospectus.
The Harris Federation is a not-for-profit charity with 55 academies in London and Essex. The founder and Chairman of the Harris Federation is Lord Harris of Peckham. His vision of delivering happy and successful education is brought to life by an excellent team of teachers and leaders.
In addition to the teachers and leaders at Harris primary academies, the Federation employs a team of senior primary professionals with the expertise to support our schools from the centre.
Our vision for all Harris primary academies is that every child is safe, happy and respected. The Harris Federation regularly tops academic studies and national league tables measuring performance.
The majority of Harris primary academies are judged ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted. There are around four applications from parents for every place available.
In addition to running schools, the Harris Federation provides high quality training and professional development for teachers throughout this part of England.
Follow @HarrisFed on to stay updated.
40 Cheering Lane, London E20 1BD
T: 020 3747 6060
E: info@chobhamacademy.org.uk www.chobhamacademy.org.uk