‘To be able to dream about the future, while being inspired in the present to reach those dreams’ Dr. Russell J. Quaglia
The Aspirations Academies Trust The Aspirations Academies Trust (AAT) in England is a charitable organisation operating in association with the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations (QISA) and Aspirations Unlimited International (AUI). AAT academies benefit from QISA’s remarkable record of more than 30 years of research and experience working with students, educators and schools. All Aspirations Academies are committed to raising students’ aspirations so that all young people reach their full potential and achieve the success they want for themselves. Each academy challenges its students and staff to perform at their highest level within a creative culture of positivity, innovation and enthusiasm for success.
Welcome A very warm welcome to Magna Academy Poole, a thriving learning community in which students, staff and parents will work together to ensure outstanding outcomes for our young people. Few schools have the potential of Magna Academy Poole. The buildings and facilities are state of the art and provide a wonderful platform for the high quality education that will be delivered at the Academy. Magna Academy Poole is a new school for a new age. We will aspire to provide outstanding education for the young people of Poole and aim to ensure that not only our students but the people of Poole become proud of the Academy and its successes. We are passionate about excellence in education, giving students the very best start in life with a firm belief that excellent teaching transforms lives. As an Aspirations Academy, we aim to aid students to dream about the future and do something in their present in order to reach those dreams. Our core belief is that for all students to have high aspirations they must believe in themselves, be actively engaged in their learning and see the connection between what they learn today and who they want to become tomorrow. At Magna Academy Poole, we will provide a blend of traditional values within a very modern context. We will establish the traditional values of respect and selfdiscipline and our students will wear their uniforms with pride. At the same time, we recognise that what engages this generation of learners is very different from what may have engaged previous generations and so will provide an environment that mirrors their
lives and futures – one that seamlessly integrates today’s digital tools, accommodates a digital lifestyle and encourages collaboration and teamwork in physical and virtual spaces. By setting the highest expectations in terms of learning, behaviour, attendance and appearance, we will develop a sense of purpose and levels of selfesteem that naturally lead to aspiration, ambition and achievement. As a result, Magna Academy Poole will provide a happy, calm and confident environment in which students will make excellent progress and achieve strong exam results. Our Academy has a very exciting future, with an ambitious vision to become outstanding in every respect. To achieve this, we will place learning at the heart of everything we do, supporting and challenging one another to achieve our full potential. By providing an engaging curriculum, excellent teaching and a range of exciting opportunities beyond the classroom, we will promote a love of learning that benefits students throughout their lives. Our aim is for students to leave with the knowledge, skills and self-assurance they need to be successful at university or in their chosen career. We are committed to the relentless pursuit of excellence; we will embrace change and no matter what the starting point, we are committed to providing the very best for every child. I hope that this prospectus will inspire you to visit the academy to experience for yourself its vibrant atmosphere and caring ethos, with a view to making an application to enrol your child. I really look forward to meeting you. Richard Tutt – Principal
Magna Academy Poole
A Magna Education WHAT KIND OF EDUCATION WILL MAGNA ACADEMY POOLE DELIVER? Magna Academy Poole will aim to provide each individual student with the keys to a successful life, as well as to give them a distinct advantage over other young people. By the time they finish their education at the age of 18 each student at Magna Academy Poole will be expected to have: • Achieved their personal best possible qualifications • Developed skills relevant to success in today’s world • High aspirations: High levels of Self-Worth with the belief that they will have the ability to achieve academically, personally and socially. Active Engagement in their learning, showing enthusiasm, as well as a desire to learn new things and a willingness to take positive, healthy steps towards their future. A real Sense of Purpose with clear goals and the ability and drive to achieve them. The desire and attributes to be good citizens.
The New Building and Facilities Magna Academy Poole has benefitted from a £15 million rebuild project together with a £1.3 million investment in the IT infrastructure. The buildings and facilities are state of the art and will provide a wonderful platform for the high quality education that will be delivered at the Academy. A joint-use Sports Centre on site includes a large sports hall, all-terrain sports pitch and an all-weather running track.
The Academy will: • Continually improve results to ensure that each student achieves their potential
• Set targets and test regularly to encourage and support the progress of each student
• Combine excellence in teaching with enjoyment of learning
• Enforce high standards of behaviour and respect
• Develop a distinctive character that reflects the strengths of the local community • Deliver a curriculum rich with opportunities to develop literacy and numeracy • Encourage creative and curious minds
• Engender in each student high levels of Self-Worth, Engagement in learning and a Sense of Purpose • Provide each student with an excellent platform from which to move on to university, training or employment. At Post 16 from September 2014 Magna Academy Poole will also offer a wide range of A Level and Level 3 BTEC courses.
Magna Academy Poole
Individuality, Support and Growth We believe that when students feel good about themselves, they can achieve anything. We set them challenging, personal targets and provide the support they require to exceed them. Each child has a Tutor, who is supported by a Student Support Manager and Assistant Principal, so there is always someone on hand to meet a student’s needs. With a focus on allowing individuality to flourish and nurturing personal development, students feel empowered to achieve their goals. Magna Academy Poole will provide a fantastic environment for children to develop as learners and to grow as individuals. Each student will have an Individual Learning Plan, which will help direct and support each child to achieve their learning aims and aspirations. Each student also has at least one adult who is purposefully in tune with their learning preferences, learning interests and social connections. We set high standards of behaviour and expect students to take pride in their uniform and their academy. By cultivating an ethos of mutual respect and thoughtfulness, we achieve an orderly and safe environment in which bullying is not tolerated. Our house system fosters a sense of community, where each child can make a contribution through activities such as sports contributions and charity fundraising. Effort and success in all aspects of Academy life are celebrated through a range of rewards and events. Magna Academy Poole holds listening to student voice and involving students in positions of leadership with meaningful responsibility central to its philosophy. Students are powerful agents of change at Magna Academy Poole. When students have a voice, are leaders and have responsibility it helps build their self-worth, fosters engagement in learning and empowers them to develop a sense of purpose where they make a positive difference for others. Our values reflect our desire for Magna Academy Poole students to be outstanding citizens who have the conviction to make the right decisions for themselves and their families, now and in the future.
Magna Academy Poole
Enterprise,Creativity and Success We want our young people to be actively engaged in, and enjoy, their education as this leads to excellent exam results. To this end, we offer a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum that focuses not only on acquiring knowledge, but also on developing critical skills. Our innovative and dynamic curriculum provides a wide range of very high quality academic and vocational courses. Our experienced teachers provide students entering Key Stage 4 and the sixth form with careful guidance in their choice of traditional and vocational subjects, so that each student’s personalised learning programme suits his or her interests and talents. We provide three years, rather than two, for students to achieve their GCSE exams, enabling them to attain the best possible grades and preparing them for the increased challenge of the sixth form. Through first class links with local firms, national businesses and the community, students benefit from opportunities to experience the world of work and appreciate the value of initiative, perseverance, teamwork and integrity.
Enriching Opportunities and 21st Century Skills Opportunities abound at Magna Academy Poole and all our young people are encouraged to engage fully with the tremendous range of experiences available. There is a vast range of extra-curricular sporting activities –such as football, netball, trampolining, athletics, tennis, rounders, volleyball, basketball and dance – as well as drama and music clubs, plus homework and revision groups. Numerous day visits and residential trips locally, nationally and globally, such as our Year 13 visit to NASA Space Centres in Houston and Cape Canaveral, form an important part of the Magna Academy Poole experience. We are dedicated to ensuring that all students develop the digital literacy, life skills and global outlook required to thrive in today’s fast paced world. Through the use of interactive whiteboards, laptops and netbooks in classrooms and the academy’s Virtual Learning Environment, we use technology to engage students in their learning and help them to develop independent thinking and study skills.
Magna Academy Poole
Working in Partnership We know that high achievement is much more likely if relationships between students, parents and the Academy are strong. This is why we foster an excellent rapport between students and staff and why we want to work closely with families. Clear and frequent communication helps parents and carers to understand how their children are progressing. We send a report home every half term and we hold regular events – including information evenings targeted at specific year groups – that enable families to understand the demands upon students at various stages of their education. Personal study away from the Academy, in the form of homework or revision, is an essential component of successful learning. In addition to giving parents and carers the opportunity to support their children, it helps students to develop research abilities, independent thinking and self-motivation, all of which are crucial skills for higher education and the workplace. Magna Academy Poole is an inclusive community and listening to the views of families and students is very important to us. We have an opendoor policy, encouraging parents and carers to contact staff to discuss any issues or concerns, while the views of students are represented to the academy’s Leadership Team and Governors via the many student voice and student leadership opportunities.
Magna Academy Poole
Ashdown Close, Canford Heath, Poole, Dorset BH17 8RE Tel: 01202 604222 Email: office@aatmagna.org www.aatmagna.org @MagnaAcademy