Nonsuch Prospectus

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Ewell Road, Cheam, Surrey, SM3 8AB Telephone: 020 8394 3400 Facsimile: 020 8394 3401

Headteacher: Mr P Gale BA, MA, NPQH

Nonsuch High School for Girls A Specialist School for Science and Languages

Designed & Produced by Cleverbox

Nonsuch High School for Girls

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Tel: 0208 466 7222

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The School Day Time





Period 1


Period 2


Morning Break


Period 3


Period 4


Registration (Sixth Form)






Period 5

Nonsuch High School for Girls Ewell Road, Cheam, Surrey, SM3 8AB Telephone: 020 8394 3400 Facsimile: 020 8394 3401

Headteacher: Mr P Gale BA, MA, NPQH Nonsuch High School became Grant-Maintained September 1991, Foundation 1999 and an Academy in 2011


Welcome to Nonsuch High School for Girls. The school opened in May 1938 and remains a selective school for girls aged between 11 and 19. It was named after the ‘unequalled’ Palace built 400 years ago by Henry VIII and stands on the edge of Nonsuch Park in 22 acres of grounds. Our historical connections and beautiful surroundings give Nonsuch a very special combination of heritage and progress; we are proud of our past while planning for an even better future. At Nonsuch, each pupil is valued as an individual and encouraged to reach her highest level of academic and personal achievement whilst remaining aware and respectful of the needs of others. We are proud of our consistently excellent examination results and the extensive range of opportunities that prepare the girls as confident and caring young women ready to make the most of their talents and equipped to fulfill their ambitions.

The wide range of creative, spiritual, cultural and sporting activities within the school and our close links with the local and wider community enhance the supportive and stimulating learning environment. We strongly believe that a close partnership with parents is central to your daughter’s progress through the school. Those new to the school settle quickly into our thriving multicultural community. Visitors are impressed by the vigour of the school, the happy confidence of its pupils and the commitment of our subject specialist teachers, who enjoy their work at Nonsuch. We hope you find the prospectus informative, but there is no substitute for a personal visit. We look forward to meeting you and sharing with you our enthusiasm for Nonsuch.

Mr Peter Gale, Headteacher

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Excellent facilities at Nonsuch support a high quality of teaching and learning across the curriculum. Subjects are taught in suites of classrooms. Recently completed developments include Science and ICT accommodation, an Astronomy Dome, the Sixth Form Centre and the Mathematics and Languages Departments. The new digital language laboratory has satellite access to televised foreign language broadcasts. We continue to extend our ICT facilities installing interactive whiteboards and digital projectors to support a range of teaching and learning, as well as using the well-equipped ICT suites. The Science department teaches in 11 modern laboratories with adjacent prep rooms to support practical work. In addition the woodland, meadow and pond ecology areas allow pupils to undertake fascinating fieldwork on site.

The modern technology rooms and airy Art studios provide superb opportunities for students to develop creative skills. Our two drama studios are equipped with versatile portable lighting and staging. Nonsuch is a centre of excellence for Music which is taught in the new suite above the Main Hall. All girls enjoy PE in the huge sports hall, on the all-weather floodlit hockey pitch, extensive playing fields, tennis and netball courts; they also have access to the indoor heated swimming pool within the David Lloyd Health and Fitness Centre. Study is encouraged in the library which uses a computerised system for loans and has multi-media, fully networked computers for independent learning and careers advice.


We are privileged to have a daughter at Nonsuch High School

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Pupil welfare is excellent; our daughter is blossoming in a friendly happy environment.


(Year 7 Parent)

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The Lower School

Most Year 6 pupils who gain places will be visited at their Primary schools and all are invited to an introductory day in July. The form groups get to know their tutors, each other and the school during the planned induction. In Key Stage 3 all pupils follow a broadly based course including the study of at least one foreign language. Activities available in Physical Education include athletics, dance, gymnastics, hockey, netball, rounders, volleyball, tennis and swimming. Technology incorporates food, resistant materials and textiles, whilst ICT is taught in separate lessons as well as being used across the curriculum. Classes are mainly taught in tutor groups with smaller numbers in Technology and some setting by ability in Mathematics and Science from year 8.

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The Sutton agreed syllabus for Religious Studies covers the major faiths with an emphasis on Christianity. The course also includes elements of personal, social, moral and citizenship education. Parents may withdraw their child from religious education and collective worship if they so wish, though in practice few do so. Details of alternative arrangements are available upon request.


The facilities here are extremely good and the lessons brought alive by the teachers (Year 7 Pupil)


Lower School Curriculum • English

• Mathematics • Science • Geography • History • At least one Foreign Language (from French, German, Spanish and Latin)

• Design and Technology • ICT • Art & Design • Drama • Music • Physical Education • Religious Studies •Tutorial Period

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The Upper School

At Key Stage 4 all pupils take the core subjects alongside their chosen GCSE subjects; a detailed booklet and a comprehensive programme of advice for pupils and parents are provided before options are finalised. Students study for GCSEs in all three sciences: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Core GCSE Curriculum: • English • English Literature • Mathematics • Physics, Chemistry and Biology • French, German or Spanish • Half course in RS • Tutorial Period • Supervised study period

If I could choose a school for my daughter all over again, this is the one I would choose (Year 10 Parent)

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Optional GCSE Subjects include: • History • Geography • Astronomy • Latin • French • German • Spanish • IT/Computer Science • Design Technology in • Resistant Materials • Food • Graphic Design • Textiles

• Art & Design • Music • Drama • PE • Photography • Ancient Greek • Half Course in RS to make up a full GCSE

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The Sixth Form

The Sixth form is a vibrant and intellectually challenging community. Year 11 students are advised individually before selecting their subjects. A formal induction programme supports all students – those already at Nonsuch and those joining from other schools – in making the transition between compulsory education and study at Sixth Form level. Entry requirements are published annually. Over 95% of our students go on to study university courses. Interview practice is made available and students are prepared for the additional entry tests for subjects such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science. The school has a very good record with Oxbridge applications and those keen to apply are given extra tuition. Sporting opportunities continue for Recreation and Leisure in a large number of activities. Students may also opt to take a Sports Leaders’ award, to stand for the local Youth Parliament or to undertake community service.

Subjects available include: • Art • Biology • Textiles • Chemistry • Computing • Critical Thinking • Drama • Economics • English Language and Literature • English Literature • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) • French • Geography

• German • Government and Political Studies • History • Latin • Mathematics • Further Mathematics • Music • PE • Photography • Physics • Psychology • Religious Studies • Spanish

A lovely environment in which to have spent the last seven years

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We are motivated to work to our full potential

Homework is set throughout the school to encourage good study skills and to support the curriculum. All pupils in Years 7 to 11 are issued with a homework timetable which is taken home. Pupils in Years 7 to 9 have homework diaries which parents are encouraged to see and sign weekly. The Upper School students use Planners which are available from the school shop.

I have enjoyed my time at Nonsuch and will miss it when I leave

(Year 13 Student)

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Extra-Curricular Activities

These include: Amnesty International, Arts Award, Astronomy Society, Cheerleaders, Conservation Club, Dance, Debating, Drama, Philosophy and many more. During the lunch-break and after school, pupils can join in many sporting activities and may be selected to represent the school in teams at a variety of levels. Year 9 may train to be ball girls at the Aegon Tennis Championships. Musicians choose from our three orchestras, band, flute ensembles, instrumental groups and several choirs, all of which perform at concerts, local and national functions. Over 250 students have music lessons with peripatetic teachers offering all orchestral instruments, singing, guitar, keyboard and theory. Many educational and cultural visits take place each year, providing the opportunity for pupils to travel both in this country and abroad: to America, Switzerland, Spain, France, Germany and Italy. Field courses, conferences, theatre and museum visits support curriculum studies and enable girls to widen their intellectual horizons.

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Her confidence and initiative to do things have increased. Her teachers are brilliant and motivate her to excel


School Community Every individual pupil is cared for: Heads of Year, and normally form tutors, remain with their groups throughout KS3/4. Opportunities for active citizenship abound; a representative from each form attends the School Council which discusses issues of current importance. Each tutor group forms one of our six Houses and competitions are organised in sport, music and other popular activities such as the Talent Show. Pupils can also gain House Points for their work. Sixth Formers appointed as School Officials or prefects, and those elected to the Sixth Form Students’ Association or serving on committees play a vital role in the life of the school as a whole. Up to the end of Year 11, all pupils wear School uniform purchased from the school shop. Self-discipline is encouraged and pupils are expected to contribute to the School Community and to show consideration for other people.

They participate in fund-raising events, weekly collections for charity and voluntary social work. School assemblies are based on the Christian religion but pupils of non-Christian faiths are encouraged to participate, acknowledging their own religion. All pupils attend afternoon assembly unless parents wish to withdraw their daughters on religious grounds. Each form has the opportunity to devise and lead assemblies. All pupils from Years 7 to 11 remain on the school premises during the lunch-break. They may bring a packed lunch or eat in the school canteen where an excellent, cashfree cafeteria with an emphasis on healthy food operates.

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Parents & the School

Parental involvement with the school is much appreciated as an essential part of the welfare and achievement of pupils. In addition to evenings specifically for guidance, there are Parents’ Consultation Evenings for each year. Interim progress summaries and reports are written for all pupils. Parents are elected to the Governing Body and play an active role in the governance of the school. We are keen to develop further electronic communication with parents who may consult the school website In addition a regular newsletter is sent by email.

Parents are asked each year to contribute to the School Fund, which is used to subsidise extra-curricular activities, school occasions and visits, to purchase extra equipment and to cover subscriptions to magazines, curriculum associations and fees of visiting speakers. A system of covenanting operates which has many benefits for the School.

All parents are asked to sign a Home-School agreement. If there are concerns, parents are consulted as soon as possible. For more serious issues there is a complaints procedure established by the Governors. This and other policy documents are updated regularly and all, including the Policy Note on Special Educational Needs and the report on the school by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) are available upon request.

Admission Arrangements

All parents and friends are encouraged to be active members of the Parents, Staff and Friends’ Association so that they may enjoy the many successful social and fund-raising occasions.

Each year, in conjunction with other local schools, arrangements to view the school are made for parents of children due to transfer to Secondary Education in the following September. Criteria for entry to Nonsuch are published separately; details are enclosed.

Alumni Nonsuch Alumni warmly invite all former pupils to become members and join their meetings and reunion suppers.

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The School Day Time





Period 1


Period 2


Morning Break


Period 3


Period 4


Registration (Sixth Form)






Period 5

Nonsuch High School for Girls Ewell Road, Cheam, Surrey, SM3 8AB Telephone: 020 8394 3400 Facsimile: 020 8394 3401

Headteacher: Mr P Gale BA, MA, NPQH Nonsuch High School became Grant-Maintained September 1991, Foundation 1999 and an Academy in 2011

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Ewell Road, Cheam, Surrey, SM3 8AB Telephone: 020 8394 3400 Facsimile: 020 8394 3401

Headteacher: Mr P Gale BA, MA, NPQH

Nonsuch High School for Girls A Specialist School for Science and Languages

Designed & Produced by Cleverbox

Nonsuch High School for Girls

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Tel: 0208 466 7222

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