Copthall celebrates excellence
sixth form
The school supports us to learn and be the best we can be. Sixth Form student
welcome The Sixth Form of Copthall School offers girls the opportunity to fulfil their academic potential and enjoy a range of enrichment activities within a calm and inclusive community. Through excellent teaching and pastoral support, our students achieve strong examination results, enabling almost all to proceed to university, with a number gaining places at Oxbridge and other Russell Group institutions. We rank consistently as one of the leading schools locally in terms of academic success at Key Stage 5 and the progress of our Sixth Formers has been recognised by Alps, the independent organisation that measures ‘value added’. Year 12 and 13 students rise admirably to the challenge of being role models for younger girls. Through their commitment to their studies, leadership responsibilities and community service, they are excellent ambassadors for Copthall. Sixth Formers are encouraged to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities that not only provide enjoyment but also develop the well-rounded character that universities and employers find so attractive. With a broad curriculum, great facilities and a true sense of community, Copthall’s Sixth Form helps to raise girls’ aspirations, deepen their knowledge and enhance their employability, providing them with a firm foundation for future success.
I arrived in the Sixth Form quite nervous; now it is difficult to remember being anywhere else. The school supports us to learn and be the best we can be! Sixth Form student
The range and quality of pastoral care is impressive. Ofsted
Jane Beaumont BA, NPQH Head Teacher
Academic success A broad curriculum, challenging targets and dedicated teachers combine to enable Sixth Formers to achieve beyond their expectations.
Very happy with the school. I wish she had come here from Year 7. Parent (of Sixth Form student, who joined in Year 12)
Not only is students’ development in literacy, numeracy and information and communication technology skills outstanding, but so is their understanding of leadership skills and financial capability.
With a wide range of courses at AS and A2 levels and a selection of industry-recognised vocational qualifications, Sixth Formers are able to tailor their studies at Key Stage 5 to suit their abilities and interests. Our curriculum is designed to provide rigorous academic challenge and to develop a range of transferable skills that will help to prepare girls for life beyond Copthall. Our experienced staff are passionate about their subjects and deliver high-quality teaching in a lively and engaging classroom environment. When combined with high expectations, close monitoring of progress and an excellent rapport between students and teachers, the result is excellent achievement. Girls are given regular feedback to help improve their work, with parents and carers being updated through termly assessments, including two interim progress checks, an annual written report and a parents’ evening.
Good progress is made by students‌ as a result of good teaching and early intervention ofsted
community spirit With a welcoming atmosphere, excellent pastoral support and an ethos of service, Copthall has a palpable sense of community. All girls entering the Sixth Form – whether they are continuing their education at Copthall or joining from elsewhere – have an individual meeting, along with their parents, to discuss their course choices and future options. Our induction programme also includes a day of team-building activities. The fact that girls arriving from other schools settle quickly is testament to the inclusive and friendly nature of Copthall. Each Sixth Former is part of a tutor group, with her Form Tutor responsible for her progress and wellbeing. As the tutor groups are a mix of Year 12 and Year 13 students, older girls can provide invaluable advice and support for the younger ones. In addition to guidance from their Form Tutor, girls also have access to our trained counsellor to discuss any issues. Sixth Formers play an active role in the life of the school through mentoring of younger students, participation in sporting and other competitions, helping with extra-curricular clubs and supporting special events. They also get involved with the local community through work with local primary schools, assisting the elderly with their computer skills through the ‘Silver Surfers’ programme and charitable fundraising.
The school is a thoroughly cohesive and harmonious community. Ofsted
Students make a highly positive contribution to the school; for example, through mentoring younger students and through the school council. ofsted
Challenge and responsibility Enrichment and travel opportunities help to raise aspirations, increase confidence and develop a global outlook. Sixth Formers have exclusive use of their common room, where they can relax and enjoy time together or undertake quiet study. They are encouraged to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, showcasing their musical, sporting, artistic and dramatic talents. Many girls choose to enhance their initiative, teamwork and perseverance, which hones their entrepreneurial skills by taking part in Young Enterprise activities, through which they collaborate with other schools and receive guidance from local business people. We invite speakers from many walks of life – including the arts, science, business, sport, politics and charities – into school to share their insights and broaden students’ horizons. Day trips for Sixth Formers include visits to universities and participation in seminars and other special events. Every other year, girls travel further afield to take part in a World Challenge expedition. The opportunity to trek, camp and undertake some community work in a developing nation – recent destinations include Sri Lanka, Morocco and Malaysia – proves to be both challenging and inspirational.
Our Sixth Formers demonstrate real maturity in leadership roles within the school. Through acting as a Prefect, a Junior Sports Leader or a member of the Sixth Form Executive Team, girls enhance their communication skills and grow in confidence.
Students are well prepared for future life. Ofsted
Students want to contribute to the life of the school and take pride in contributing to their community. Ofsted
A bright future We support Sixth Formers as they decide their next steps in life, helping them to develop the skills and independence required for success in higher education and the world of work. Girls benefit from ongoing careers guidance from our own trained specialist, as well as from visitors who represent higher education establishments and respected companies. Every Year 12 student completes a week of work experience, takes part in a CV-writing workshop and participates in mock job interviews, conducted with the help of local employers. With an emphasis on independent study and self-motivation, our Sixth Form prepares students well for higher education. We arrange progression evenings, designed to help girls and their families to understand the routes available in further or higher education and employment, and all students attend a higher education event at a University. For those girls wanting to progress to university, we provide a special UCAS evening, a one-to-one interview to support their application and feedback to enhance their personal statement.
Students leave the Sixth Form as well-rounded individuals who are well prepared for future life.  ofsted
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