BORA P16 Prospectus

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sixth form

Welcome to the Bishop of Rochester Academy We are a mixed, 11-18 comprehensive Church of England school catering for all ability ranges.

Our ethos The Academy is a caring school with a strong Christian ethos and a commitment to life-long learning and high aspirations for all. We: • have a passion for excellence • affirm that each person is divinely unique • encourage everyone to achieve beyond their expectations • show love and respect for all • demonstrate that we are at the heart of the community At the Academy we seek to create an atmosphere in which students and staff feel able to explore and express their beliefs. There are opportunities for collective worship for those of all faiths, and none, and time for everyone to reflect on their opinions and spirituality.

aiming high Welcome Thank you for your interest in the Bishop of Rochester Academy Sixth Form. We are very proud to have created a mature, adult environment based on mutual respect and co-operation which also reflects the Christian ethos of the Academy. We are dedicated to promoting a culture of learning and personal growth so that all the students that study with us feel part of a community where they are both challenged and encouraged to achieve beyond expectations. There is a commitment to life-long learning and high aspirations for all in a setting that is innovative, vibrant, focused and supportive. Applications to the Sixth Form can be made direct to the Academy or through UCAS Progress on-line ( We look forward to hearing from you. Kuljit Rahelu Principal

why bishop of rochester Our Sixth Form is growing rapidly with an increasing number of students that consider it their first choice for post 16 education. We endeavour to provide a high standard of education in which all students can achieve their full potential. Many of the structures and protocols we have in place emulate those you may find in the workplace or in higher education establishments. As a young adult, you will be expected to take on additional responsibilities particularly in terms of developing strengths in self-discipline, self-reliance and independence through involvement in the opportunities provided by the Sixth Form.

“ Students are positive and are proud to belong here.� ofsted 2013


our Facilities “ We like the independence the facilities in the sixth form give us.�



The new amenities provided at the Bishop of Rochester Sixth Form Centre enhance the whole experience of Sixth Form life. We have a dedicated Sixth Form Library for private study, along with a common room with a kitchen area with snack and tea or coffee making facilities and an area for socialising and games: pool, chess and so on. The lounge provides a calm space for reflection, quiet conversation or reading, with a Sixth Form reception desk for any queries or support for students throughout the day. Access to ICT is paramount to successful study. Our Sixth Form students consequently have access to their own mobile tablet devices using the Academy wireless system. The Academy boasts excellent facilities for sports, including a sports centre, fitness suite and extensive playing fields. We have excellent facilities and equipment for media, music technology, product design and science, where students are able to meet the demands of a rigorous curriculum.



our curriculum Students with a good combination of GCSE grades A-C tend to study a two-year A and AS level programme. This enables them to study three or four subjects in depth.

Students must gain at least five A-C grades at GCSE to qualify for entry to AS courses. Students will be expected to take four AS subjects, (two if combined with a BTEC course). In the second year of study, students will take three of their subjects to A2.

“ The sixth form is good. It is rapidly expanding the courses on offer.”

BTEC courses are available at level 3 and are suitable for students who prefer continuous assessment to public examinations.


In general, students must achieve three A levels to be accepted to degree courses, and specific subjects are required for some subjects. If you are interested in a particular career or subject at degree level it would be important to check A level subject requirements before embarking on your A level course.

Students who do not achieve GCSE grade A – C in English and/or mathematics are expected to retake these exams during year 12.

We offer the following subjects: AS/A2 Level: • Art and Design • Biology • Business • Chemistry • Computer Science • Economics • English Literature • Government & Politics • History • Mathematics • Media Studies • Music Technology • Product Design

We offer the following additional courses: • Extended Project Qualification

• Philosophy and Ethics

• CACHE Level 3 Award, Certificate and Diploma in Child Care and Education (NQF)

• Physics

• Certificate in Financial Studies (CeFS)

• Psychology

• Diploma in Financial Studies (DipFS)

• Textiles

• The Football Academy

• Travel & Tourism

• The Dance and Fitness Academy – this is new for 2014

BTEC courses: • Applied Science • Art & Design • Business • Construction • Health & Social Care • Life Skills • Music • Performing Arts • Public Services • Sport Studies

The Football Academy This is a Partnership with Chatham Town Football Club to provide a two year programme of study, delivering football skills, coaching, refereeing and a broad range of complementary academic study. Students are required to pass a football trial as well as the five GCSEs at grade C or above.


“ I have learnt to be independent and more confident.” Simran Bupa-rai,Year 13

Developing Employability 06

The Sixth Form students are part of the broader community of the Academy and are expected to take a lead in Academy activities and act as role models for the younger students.

There are many opportunities for students to get involved and demonstrate leadership skills through the House System, clubs, trips and visits, and by representing the Academy at various events. These additional responsibilities not only develop individual strengths in self-discipline and independence but also help students develop positive, respectful working relationships with fellow students and members of staff. These are skills that are highly sought after in business and make students highly employable. Recent activities have included: • A coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support • Comic Relief and Sport Relief • National Citizenship Service (with Charlton Athletic) • Holocaust Ambassadors • Group and individual University visits • Enterprise Days with Business Partners • School Newspaper • Inter-house Sports • Music and Drama Productions • Career talks and conferences • Subject Prefects • STEM Ambassadors (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) • Reading and Numeracy Ambassadors • The City Challenge • Theatre and Concert trips

Mentoring & Achievement All students will find the step up from GCSE (level 2) to the demands of AS/A2/BTEC (level 3) noticeable. It is vital therefore that a close eye is kept on progress throughout the year. You will be set targets by which your work, effort, attitude and commitment will be monitored. At times you will take part in a review process called an Individual Progress Review (IPR) with your tutor and /or the Head of Sixth Form. This is a time to reflect on your progress, commitment and employability, and take positive steps towards achieving your goals. Study skills form an important part of student development and tutors will work on strategies to support learning during a daily tutorial. Careers guidance and applications for university, or apprenticeships and work take place during this time. Additional personal development courses are also provided; this includes enterprise days with our business partners and aspirational days revolving around individual career ambitions. Visits to universities and work places form an important part of this personal development. If you face financial hardship and may struggle with the costs of full-time education, you may be eligible for a Sixth Form bursary which can be used for course related costs such as books, meals, equipment, uniform, trips and transport.


moving on


Our Sixth Form students benefit from a joined up approach to preparation for adult life. We are totally focused on encouraging students to set their sights as high as possible in terms of employment or choice of university. Many students come to us already stating that university is their goal. Others are not so sure. Whatever your situation, our careers programme will help you research and guide you through the application processes, and ensure you are fully prepared to make the right choices for you.

“ Teachers go an extra mile to help students with their studies.� Jess Simran,Year 13

“ Teaching in the sixth form is… consistent and effective. Teachers have good subject knowledge, marking is thorough and students feel well supported.” Ofsted 2013

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The Academy is sponsored by: • Rochester Diocesan Board of Education • Canterbury Christ Church University • Medway Council This valuable support continues to assist the Academy in raising educational standards and creating opportunities for the young people of Medway to achieve their full potential.


Bishop of Rochester Academy

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Maidstone Rd

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Chatham Station

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