Humphrey Perkins P16 Prospectus

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Humphrey Perkins School

sixth form

Honesty Integrity & Professionalism

Welcome If you want exceptional teaching, guidance and support throughout your Sixth Form years then Humphrey Perkins School is the perfect place for you to study. Combine this with outstanding extra-curricular opportunities and you’ll not only enjoy yourself and make long lasting friendships, but you’ll also have the best possible foundation for life beyond school. We offer each pupil: • A New Dynamic - Sixth Formers are trusted with leadership and privileges as they fulfil their responsibilities to the school and community. • Guidance - Bridging the gap between school and university with extensive UCAS support, pastoral care and daily contact with a form tutor. • Soaring Standards - We expect high academic standards at every level throughout the school. Our target for grades A*-C at A Level is 95% in 2017. • World Travel - As part of our work with 'Free The Children' there will be opportunities to visit many different countries as well as the range of trips and visits made as part of academic study. • Life Opportunities - Sport, music, drama, writing for publication, the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, Cadets, We Day, Free the Children, voluntary work, Young Enterprise, the Year Book and more.


Guidance and Support Our pupils’ attainment reflects the investment we make in each young person. The aim of Sixth Form life at Humphrey Perkins School is for Sixth Formers to develop as useful, contributing members of society; to be responsible, considerate, self-disciplined, reliable, creative, curious and innovative. Our Sixth Form balances a measure of pupil freedom with a high level of support and guidance, vital at this crucial stage of education. A-Level studies demand that pupils take a much greater responsibility for their own learning, whilst introducing a degree of specialisation of study which is very different from the broad range of subjects taken at GCSE. In addition, the UCAS application system and the university lifestyle which many of our Sixth Formers will shortly be embarking on requires considerable personal and intellectual challenge. The support offered to Sixth Formers is designed to guide them through this transition, increasing their skills and confidence in preparation for university and subsequent employment. Humphrey Perkins School maintains clear links to Cambridge and the University of the Arts London as well as local Universities. Our business style dress code for pupils in the Sixth form is part of our preparation for success within both Higher Education and employment. Humphreys Sixth admits 150 pupils across Year 12 and 13 enabling smaller group sizes for a more personalised experience. Pupils have daily access to support in the form of their Mentor. Small mentor groups of around 14 pupils meet each day and are lead by a mentor who is based within the department of one of their A-Level courses. In this way, advice can be sought and problems dealt with as swiftly as possible. The progress of all Sixth Formers is regularly assessed and reviewed.


Half-termly effort grades are issued in addition to twice-yearly reports and a Parents’ Evening each year. A few weeks into the first term of Lower Sixth there is an Information Evening for parents and pupils, whilst later on in the Lower Sixth year a Higher Education Evening is held. At each stage the Head of Sixth Form takes a close interest in the progress and welfare of every pupil.



Choosing your subjects Subject choice merits careful attention. Genuine interest, career considerations and ability are the three essentials. Pupils are advised to consult as widely as necessary before settling on their options. Specific career advice is available from the Head of Sixth Form and our Careers Coach during Year 11 and again in Year 12 when deciding the choice of final A-Levels. There are particular subjects that are required for entry to certain degree courses. For example, medicine requires Chemistry and usually Biology (and GCSE Physics); engineering usually requires Mathematics and Physics. However, some degrees have no specific subject requirements. Details of subjects required can be researched using information available from the Head of Sixth Form, Careers Coach, our linked Universities, other university websites/prospectuses, and the main UCAS website. Cambridge University publishes a list of subjects that may be preferred for application by the more selective universities. They are: English Literature, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Classical Civilisation, Geography, Economics, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Languages. The Russell Group of universities also publishes a list of what they call 'facilitating subjects'. These are: Maths, Further Maths, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Languages. All courses studied at Humphreys Sixth give an excellent preparation for employment or higher education. Our curriculum is designed to prepare pupils for life in the broadest terms.


Leadership and Responsibility Sixth Formers are entrusted with leadership, with which comes responsibility. A number of positions which are fundamental to the smooth running of the school are open to Sixth Form pupils. Head Boy and Head Girl, as well as deputies and prefects, engage in regular dialogue with the Headmaster, and take up various duties at lunchtime. The Head Boy, Head Girl, and deputies are chosen from among the prefects by interview. House Captains are appointed at the end of the Lower Sixth. House Captains are responsible for organising inter-house competitions, sports events, and the administration of assemblies. ‘Mentor Friends’ help Year 7 pupils to settle into life at Humphrey Perkins School. Each Year 7 mentor group has a number of Friends attached that visit the mentor group and are generally available when needed by pupils.


Many pupils take on a responsibility in the community as part of our ‘Free The Children’ Programme. Service to the community is also required to fulfil the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. To obtain the Award, pupils are required to undertake training and activities which correspond to 4 elements: Skill, Physical Recreation, Service and Expedition. The Award can be entered at Gold Level in Sixth Form without any previous experience.


Privileges Our Sixth Formers are granted privileges. Humphreys Sixth Common Room is available for the sole use of Sixth Formers for private study and socialising.


The Perkins CafĂŠ is open during the day for Sixth Formers to purchase refreshments and light snacks. Pupils are timetabled 4 independent study periods in Year 12 and 4 periods in Year 13, the use of which is determined by the individual pupil. If a pupil has no timetabled lesson then they may leave the school site.

subjects Our curriculum builds on the Humphrey Perkins Baccalaureate that has been followed up until the end of Year 11. There are opportunities for further study in each of the 8 areas of learning in the main school. Area of Learning



English Language, English Literature


Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Economics


Biology, Chemistry, Physics


History, Geography


French, Spanish, Latin


Art, Music, Dance, Drama


Computer Science, Sociology, Psychology, Religious Studies


Physical Education

Leadership / CV

Duke of Edinburgh Award / Extended Project Qualification / Elective


Humphrey Perkins School sixth form Mr Peter Nutkins – Headmaster 74 – 78 Cotes Road Barrow Upon Soar Loughborough Leicestershire LE12 8JU Tel: 01509 412385 Fax: 01509 620902 Email:

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