We are committed to the highest standards of learning and teaching and aim to develop personalised curriculum routes for every student. A combination of challenge, praise, support and encouragement equips each student with the adaptability to succeed and fulfil their potential.
No-one can learn well unless they are in a secure and stable environment. All of our students say that they feel safe and cared for at Ringmer. Our House mentoring systems helps student to exceed beyond their expectations and also promote relationships built upon mutual respect.
We are a national leader in environmental and sustainable education. Students here have exceptional opportunities to contribute to their own and the wider community and take pride in their responsibilities, for example as eco representatives, serving on the school council and as peer mentors.
Welcome I would like to welcome you to our College. I feel extremely privileged to be the Principal of such a forward-looking and inspirational learning community. Ringmer sits at the foot of the Sussex Downs in a truly beautiful location. We are a relatively small secondary school which we see as a strength, as we can offer rigorous individual academic mentoring for all students here, including those in the 6th Form. All students also take pride in caring for one another, and promote the safe and supportive ethos of the College.
The students here are inspiring young people who relish being part of an innovative and challenging academic environment. They want to succeed, to be part of their communities and to make a real difference in the world. As an Academy, the Governors here are committed to ensuring that the ethos and size of Ringmer remains the same. We are determined to improve upon academic success each year but we want to protect the values we have here of respect; ambition; giving something back and valuing community and family.
resources for future generations. Over one third of our students are actively involved in this core initiative. Come and see for yourselves what we have to offer. Above all speak to our existing and past students and their families. Ask questions of our staff. They will be only too happy to tell you how rewarding it is to be part of the unique Ringmer Community. Kathryn Stonier, Principal
As the leading National Sustainable Academy, we value and respect the environment and we do all we can to protect our natural
“ As parents of two boys that have attended Ringmer Community College, I would like to say a really big thank you for looking after and inspiring our most precious assets our children. Both have had such a wonderful, life-affirming experience at Ringmer, which will hold them in good stead for their bright futures ahead of them both.” Parent PAGE 1
Challenging Students to Engage and Fulfil their Academic Potential The College was accepted as one of the first schools in the country to become an Academy and run itself, thanks to rising levels of academic success and a strong pastoral tradition. Our committed, specialist teachers always go the extra mile to deliver our extensive curriculum, ensuring that students are inspired and motivated to learn. We engage and challenge students with a range of active learning experiences. These include visual, aural and physical activities. We want to engender a sense of awe and wonder so that students leave Ringmer as life-long learners. We aim to give all of our students the appropriate challenge and support throughout their academic lives here with us. We recognise that students need careful guidance to ensure that their education provides them with diversity and the right pathways. We do this through rigorous tracking of progress throughout the College year and through our academic mentoring programme which may involve not only
your child’s mentor, but their House Leader; the Special Educational Needs Coordinator and/or senior staff. We work hard to ensure that parents are part of this partnership throughout your child’s time at the College. We are focusing upon personal learning and thinking skills in order to enable our students to work independently and transfer skills across subjects and to use them in everyday applications so that they are equipped with skills for employability as well as further education and university. We want our students to work independently and to always strive for excellence, to take risks, persist and display the determination and tenacity to succeed in their studies, extracurricular activities and in life in general. We aim above all to give them the motivation, enthusiasm and confidence to do this.
“ Our thanks to all of you who helped our son on his journey and supported him to develop his potential and his dreams and move towards a fulfilled and self-directed life.” Parent
“ My son has had a very positive learning experience at Ringmer where he has been given the opportunity and guidance to fulfil his potential.� Parent
“ Ringmer Community College is lucky to have so many wonderful teaching staff.” Parent PAGE 4
A Diverse Curriculum for the Individual Student
We provide an innovative curriculum that caters for all interests and abilities. In Years 7 to 8 we teach the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science together with subjects such as History, Geography, ICT and Modern Foreign Languages, and the enrichment subjects of Art; Drama, Dance; Music and Sports. In Year 9, students begin their GCSE studies in the core subjects. They have a wide choice in the Sciences, from Triple Science to Double Science and Environmental Studies in partnership with Plumpton Agricultural College. In Years 10 and 11 students are offered a flexible curriculum which leads to up to 10 GSCEs or other equivalent qualifications designed to suit all learners’ interests. They can also choose from a range of Vocational Qualifications including Hair and Beauty, Arts Awards and the Youth Award Scheme. We want everyone to excel at whatever they can and all young people to recognise talents in themselves and others. Extra provision is
made for students with special needs and for those with marked aptitudes. We have experienced departmental leaders who are aiming to ensure that all learning is supported by outstanding teaching in every lesson.
“ My son is happy, confident and making good progress. I am delighted with every aspect of the school and couldn’t ask for more.” Parent
The National Sustainable Academy “ Eco work is a major part of College life, it brings everyone together. Everyone wants to be proud of their school and with Ringmer. Having won all these prestigious awards for Eco work, you can definitely do just that.” Year 10 Student The College is the lead National Academy for Sustainable Education. Ringmer also has been awarded the Rural Dimension. Our sustainable and green journey started back in 2001.
The College has an Eco Coordinator who implements a programme of introducing renewable energy sources and engages staff and students in a programme of environmental awareness.
We have won numerous awards including the International Green Flag; The Ashden Award; The Specialist School and Academies Trust Chairman’s Award and the regional Teaching Award for our sustainable/eco work.
Our Students have been key to the success of the project. Their interest and commitment has ensured that the whole college feels part of the entire process. A group of 8 senior "Eco Reps" work on a day to day basis with the Eco Coordinator to keep the project on track. These students apply for the post and are only appointed following interview by other students.
Our Principal has met HRH the Prince of Wales and has discussed our work with him. On Tuesday 13 May 2014, HRH The Duchess of Cornwall also visited the college to see our sustainable work. She spoke with our Senior Eco Reps and toured our Eco Building.
Students continue to regularly give presentations at national conferences and seminars on the work at Ringmer and their part in the process.
“ Ringmer’s strengths are everywhere and at all levels. The college aims to present itself as an Eco school throughout its campus – in the same way as a faith school is recognisably such – and succeeds triumphantly in doing this. I have never seen an Eco-Code so pervasive within a school – not to mention the variety of signage encouraging the little actions which add up to environmental awareness. Ringmer has an outstanding reputation and national profile as an Eco School and centre for environmental and sustainable education, which is entirely deserved.” Eco Award Assessor
Impact and Benefits We now have 220 Eco Reps in the college who undertake extensive recycling, energy monitoring as well as reminding teaching staff to reduce paper usage and energy waste. We have solar panels, a wind turbine; ground source heat pumps and a biomass boiler all providing us with sustainable energy. The college currently recycles around 110 tonnes of material a year which includes paper, cardboard, cans, plastic, vegetable oil, phones, ink cartridges and even our lost property.
In the last 2 years the college has been visited by schools and colleges from all over England and by one from France! Substantial cost savings have been made in our energy and waste budgets. Sustainability and environmental responsibility are now introduced throughout our curriculum. Perhaps most importantly pupils have a better appreciation of their responsibility to the environment and understanding that we simply can't carry on regardless.
At Ringmer we still have plenty to improve on but feel that it is it should be an essential part of secondary education to ensure that young people are aware of their place in the world and that the environment is not some intangible place where you can find polar bears. It's where you are, be it the classroom, playground or your bedroom. Having respect and an understanding that the world is not solely a place of entertainment to provide whatever we want endlessly is an important part of being a young person in the 21st century.
“ It’s no longer uncool to care for the environment.� Year 11 Student
“ Thank you again for all the support, encouragement and opportunities you gave our daughter. She was a very different person when she first started at the college and we find it genuinely moving to see her performing with the confidence and poise she has acquired through music. An A for GCSE Music isn’t bad either!” Parent PAGE 8
Growing Creativity
Our Arts Specialism performances and exhibitions of student work in the arts each year. Music is extremely popular at Ringmer. We have several instrumental and singing groups. Over half of our students learn instruments and perform in our many concerts. Our orchestra, groups and choirs have performed overseas in America; Germany and Australia in the past. High quality drama productions are a regular feature of College life and we have strong links with the University of Brighton’s dance department. We offer a very wide range of visual arts including Fine Art; Textiles and Fashion; Ceramics; Photography, Graphics and Media Arts.
As an Academy we have decided to celebrate our strengths in the arts and name this as a specialist area. We are fiercely proud of our tradition of providing discrete teaching and learning in all arts disciplines from Year 7 into the 6th Form. Creativity is the key to independent learning and we encourage this to flourish across the
college. It challenges students to think and behave imaginatively and improves selfesteem and motivation. Participation in the arts builds visual literacy and communication skills; encourages team work and displays very often individual perseverance when learning and perfecting a new skill. The college puts on over 20
We have specialist accommodation for all of our arts disciplines including a dance studio; darkroom; photographic studio; music recording facilities; Apple Mac production suites for graphics and film editing and art studios in our 6th Form, which are also used by GCSE examination groups.
Embracing Technology It is really important for our students to embrace and understand the ever-changing world of new technologies and here at Ringmer we make extensive use of ICT whilst maintaining a firm emphasis on Internet and ICT safety. As a specialist college we have developed excellent ICT facilities and teaching programmes. In addition to our ICT Suites, we have radio linked notebook computers that enable IT to be used flexibly and purposefully in all subject areas. We offer a variety of Technology courses including ICT, Computing and Business from year 7 right up into the 6th Form. Our bespoke creative and media and STEM facilities include two Apple Mac suites, a TV/radio recording studio, a dance studio, an Engineering suite, art studios and a dedicated textile studio. Design and Technology prepares students to take part in the development of tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. Teachers within technology actively seek opportunities that allow students of different abilities the chance to work independently and creatively. The subject encourages young people to become
autonomous and creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team. It enables them to identify needs and opportunities, to respond by developing ideas, and eventually making products and systems. Through the study of design and technology, they combine STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) and art skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as of functions
and industrial practices. This allows them to reflect on and evaluate past and present design styles, their uses and impacts. Design and Technology at Ringmer is one of the most successful subjects, which regularly achieves high results and we are also a centre of excellence for Engineering. We have close links with Brighton University and support the training of their graduates.
A Strong Sense
of Community Cohesion
“ Students take pride in their responsibilities, for example as eco representatives, serving on the school council and as peer mentors.” Ofsted “ The promotion of equality and the elimination of discrimination is at the heart of the school’s work and the school has had a significant impact on community cohesion both within the school and beyond. The impact of this work is seen in students’ strong moral, social and cultural development and the extent to which students are proud of their school.” Ofsted
At Ringmer there is a positive culture of contributing. Every student uses their talents or develops their personal skills by taking on roles of responsibility or by offering help to others. This is a school where showing care for others is encouraged. We do this within our community and also on a national and international level. The ONESIE Organisation is a student led group who raise funds for charities and the college. They also raise awareness of local and global charitable organisations.
The student voice is strong and much valued here. The Student Council helps shape college life, feeding the views of students to staff and governors in assemblies and meetings. Students in the upper school apply for the positions of Head Boy and Girl of college and as Heads of Houses. They take on more responsibilities for the running of and the promotion of the college. Our OASIS Group is particularly active and peer trained mentors work to support other students with bullying or self-esteem issues. We nurture strong relationships with parents, who are in regular contact with their child’s mentor and help set academic targets. Their input and support is essential to ensure our young people achieve their goals. We have an experienced and supportive governing body who help shape the strategic direction of the college.
Supporting & Caring
We promote a strong sense of family and caring throughout the College. Ringmer has a warm, open atmosphere and students feel secure and confident. They are aware of the high standards of behaviour we expect, but also know our staff will offer genuine help and support. Students are placed in one of four Houses. They are also part of a small mentor group of 18 students, which guarantees individual care and attention. Mentors, alongside House leaders, keep a careful track of academic and personal progress. Mentor groups are made up of students from all year groups, which enables students to support each other and make friends from other years.
“ Being a Senior Student gives you a strong sense of responsibility and achievement. Being able to represent the College and help your peers is a great aspect of the job.” Year 10 Student
“ I settled in quickly to Yr 7 and made some great friends. I found the mentor system a great help as I knew older people in the school.” Year 7 Student
Excitement, Awe & Wonder Beyond the Classroom
“ The college generates a wealth of enrichment activities which are imaginative, stimulating and give students wonderful and varied opportunities beyond their lessons.” Ofsted PAGE 14
We are passionate about educating the whole child. At Ringmer opportunities abound for students to enjoy and improve their skills in their interests beyond the classroom. These opportunities give students the time to grow emotionally, creatively, physically and socially. They can learn to work as part of a team and experience successes and failures. All departments run extra-curricular activities and we offer an amazing range of clubs and after school sports from rugby and astronomy to aerobics, dance and public speaking. We are very fortunate to have such dedicated staff, who give very freely of their time. Sport at Ringmer is thriving thanks to our enthusiastic and dedicated staff and to wonderful facilities, which include extensive playing fields, gymnasium, swimming pool, tennis courts. We have teams in all year
groups who regularly play other local schools and some of our talented sportspeople gain national recognition for their endeavours. The normal curriculum is enhanced through enrichment days and activities. All students have the chance to participate in enrichment days which in the past have included Personal Finance; Enterprise; Water Aid; Trips to the Imperial War Museum; the BBC, to name but a few. We have a varied programme of cultural and study trips in this country and abroad. Our Most Able programme includes trips to Cambridge Trinity College and Sussex University and events such as an Archaeology workshop; sculpture competition and The Apprentice. All students aged 14 plus have the opportunity to join the Duke Of Edinburgh Award Programme.
Admissions & Travel to the College
“ As a father of three whose children have experienced both private and state education, I was incredibly impressed by the students at Ringmer Community College. All of those I came across were extremely polite and very considerate. It just goes to show that good manners are a reflection of how a school is run and not what it costs to attend.” Visitor to the college All school buses are run by the County Council. Many students also use public service buses. The 28 bus between Tunbridge Wells and Brighton, for example, stops right at the school entrance and runs every hour. Buses from Hailsham also run a late service so that students can take advantage of after school activities. We run admissions according to the DfE Admissions Code and a full copy of our policy can be found on the College website and at the College in paper form, upon request. We accept applications from students from a very wide catchment area. Students travel to us from as far as Eastbourne; Brighton and Forest Row. If you live within a certain area you may qualify to have your child’s travel to and from college paid for by the local authority.
If you pay for transport the college operates a unique scheme whereby you can pay us in instalments according to a plan which suits you. Our Finance Office will be happy to discuss this with you.
This prospectus can be made available in a variety of formats, please contact the College to enquire.
Ringmer Community College and Sixth Form Lewes Road, Ringmer, Lewes BN8 5RB T. 01273 812220 F. 01273 813961 E.