A Church of England School
WELCOME Our vision Achieving Excellence by Unlocking Potential At Raine’s Foundation School we believe in: • Providing a caring school community based on morals and values that safeguards the welfare of all. • Providing high quality teaching and learning to enable all children to maximise their potential. • Creating a stimulating, rich and engaging curriculum tailored to meet the needs of the individual. • Creating a successful partnership with parents, carers, and the local community. • Encouraging students to participate in decision making – enabling them to become responsible, compassionate and empathetic. • Supporting students’ personal development through their journey to higher education and employment.
“ The effectiveness of leadership and management is outstanding.” Ofsted
“I fully understand how important it is to you as parents and carers to select the right secondary school for your son or daughter. You will want the school to provide your child with opportunities to develop socially and academically in an environment which is challenging, caring and supportive. Raine’s Foundation School is able to offer these opportunities.
Raine’s offers something different. We are a smaller than average secondary school where pupils are taught on two separate sites. This means pupils are recognised as individuals which enables support to be tailored to their needs. Raine’s is truly comprehensive and fully inclusive. Years 7 and 8 are educated at the lower school, Years 9 to 13 are educated at the upper school. Having Years 7 and 8 together in their own ‘minischool’ removes many of the challenges that face pupils when they transfer to secondary school and makes the transition easier. Raine’s Foundation School is one of the oldest schools in London, we have played an important role in the east end for nearly 300 years. Developing a sense of community is pivotal to the schools ethos, as we move further into the 21st century we are developing our community spirit to ensure Raine’s Foundation School is a school for local children, just as it was when the school was established in 1719. We are also developing our links beyond our immediate neighbourhood with links and visits to Europe, America the Middle East and China. I look forward to welcoming you to our school and invite you to visit us at one of our open evenings.” John Bradshaw, Headteacher
HISTORY OF THE SCHOOL Raine’s Foundation School was founded in 1719, nearly three hundred years ago, by Henry Raine.
When the school opened England was in a state of dramatic change. Robert Walpole was about to become the first Prime Minister of England (1721 – 42) and he would become the architect for the prosperity and stability of England following years of war. Henry Raine was a successful businessman who used his wealth to educate the under privileged boys and girls of East London. As we approach the schools 300th anniversary Henry Raine’s inclusive vision, lives on. page 2
Raine’s in the 21st Century Standards at Raine’s are high and we continue to provide our pupils with a wide range of extracurricular activities. We have recently moved into our new multi-million pound upper school development. The new building has carefully utilised the existing space and created a four storey building larger and more spacious than the original.
“ The good curriculum provides alternative provision for higher-attaining students and for students with special educational needs and/or disabilities.” Ofsted
Developing the whole child At Raine’s we believe that education should not just be about qualifications. Pupils are encouraged to participate in the schools enrichment programme which includes, residential trips, art, music, drama and sporting activities. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is very popular and the school’s drama and music departments produce high quality performances. We value everyone’s opinion at Raine’s, especially the pupils. We believe that the pupil voice can make a real contribution to the development of the school. Most recently pupils have made a significant contribution to the schools Behaviour Policy and our Vision Statement. Our Vision Statement, can be found on the inside front page of this brochure.
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Sixth Form What makes Raine’s unique
Our Sixth Form grows year on year welcoming students from across Tower Hamlets and beyond.
The welcome we offer to our ‘new’ students is a key to our success. We have high aspirations for all our students, we aim to blend tradition with a forward thinking approach to learning as we support their transition into adulthood. We combine our ambitions for academic attainment with an emphasis on personal growth. Community cohesion is regarded as a strength of the school; maintaining close links with parents and carers is integral to the success of our students.
“ Students enjoy harmonious relationships with each other and show considerable respect, tolerance and understanding for each others’ religious beliefs, backgrounds and ethnic origins.” Ofsted
The Curriculum At Raine’s, our curriculum is broad, relevant and varied.
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In Years 7, 8 and 9 students get regular lessons of resistant materials, textiles, graphics and art. Over many years we have had an excellent reputation for first class delivery of PE. Curriculum time is dedicated to developing the whole child with our extensive provision of preparation for adult life and drama. To support all areas of our curriculum we have state of the art ICT equipment. Students currently study ICT through discrete lessons, with ICT applications used to enhance learning in all other subjects.
Key Stage 4
We strongly believe that the courses we offer motivate all students to achieve their best and prepare them for life in the 21st century.
Key Stage 3 Year 7 brings exciting new lessons for students. For example they will study a modern foreign language and also experience real science experiments in specialist laboratory conditions. We believe that the core areas of English and maths are essential and aim to ensure progress is made by all students which will support learning in all curriculum areas. Our students achieve well in a broad range of subject areas including technology and humanities subjects.
In Years 10 and 11 we offer a curriculum that meets every child’s individual needs. Students are able to pursue triple science courses as well as computing in addition to their option choices. We offer a wide range of traditional GCSEs whilst also providing a number of high value modern vocational courses. By delivering success for our students in these courses, they are well prepared for further study at our Sixth Form.
Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form) In our highly respected Sixth Form we continue the process of making sure all students achieve their personal best. Our Sixth Form offers many AS and A2 (A Level) qualifications as well as a host of advanced level BTEC courses. We offer courses which build upon GCSE subject knowledge as well as subjects which students first are able to study in the Sixth Form. For more information on the Sixth Form contact the school for the Sixth Form Prospectus.
“ Relationships between teachers and students are supportive and expectations are high.” Ofsted
Pastoral Care At Raine’s Foundation School, we offer a great deal of support to ensure that all children achieve their best. Every pupil has a personal form tutor who provides daily guidance and encouragement. Every year group has a Head of Learning who provides oversight for their learners. All pupils benefit from four common assessment entries each year in every subject, regular detailed reports and Parents Evenings. These measures ensure that parents and carers are kept fully informed of progress. For pupils requiring additional support, Raine’s has a successful Learning Support Team which assist pupils both in lessons and in small group sessions. Pupils who require extra academic support also benefit from mentoring and after school revision classes. Our links with ‘Greenhouse’ in Table Tennis and Basketball and ‘Think Forward’ have both been successful in motivating our learners.
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Assessment At Raine’s we believe that getting to know each and every pupil as an individual is of the utmost importance.
• Communicate the results of each assessment with parents and carers via letter and our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
A vital part of this is having an understanding of how well each pupil is progressing in their respective lessons. In order that we are familiar with each pupils’ progress we put a lot of emphasis on assessment and will do the following: • Set challenging, yet achievable targets for every pupil, in every subject in every year group. • Carry out, on a yearly basis, at least 3 formal assessments of each pupil.
• Have a parents evening where parents and carers will get the chance to meet with subject staff to discuss progress and other matters. • Closely monitor progress so that if a pupil falls behind their target grade we are able to put in place measures to support that pupil. • Have staff at different levels available to meet with parents and carers to discuss progress at any time in the year should this be desired.
As this prospectus can only provide a taste of opportunities we offer, we warmly invite you to our open days / evenings or you can arrange to look around the school at a more convenient time. The governors welcome 150 pupils for the next school year. All children of transfer age may apply for a place wherever they live. (Please see school’s website for further details). Pupils are admitted to Raine’s Foundation School without reference to their aptitude or ability. For further information please telephone the school on: 020 8981 1231 email at: success@rainesfoundation.org.uk or go to our website: www.rainesfoundation.org.uk
Lower School (Year 7 and 8) Old Bethnal Green Road, Bethnal Green, London E2 9RQ Tel: 020 8709 5029 Fax: 020 7613 2658 Upper School (Year 9 -13) Approach Road, Bethnal Green, London E2 9LY Tel: 020 8981 1231 Fax: 020 8983 0153 Headteacher: John Bradshaw E-mail: success@rainesfoundation.org.uk