Bishop Thomas Grant School Sixth Form
Developing the learners of today into the leaders of tomorrow
“ My time at BTG has been simply the best and I would highly recommend this school to you.� Year 13 student
welcome to bishop thomas Grant Sixth Form Dear Parents, Bishop Thomas Grant School enjoys the status of being an oversubscribed, successful Catholic co-educational community of learners from 11-18. We are committed to providing every student with a safe, happy, peer pressure free environment where a student’s pastoral needs are always met. Our school is a community and a family and it is important to us that we prepare students for the next stage of their education, careers and their futures. We want our students to achieve excellent qualifications and to be the very best in everything that they aspire to achieve. We are a Catholic school and in the Sixth Form, we are a multi-faith community welcoming all other faiths and those who have no religion. All that we ask is that Sixth Form students respect our beliefs and traditions. The vast majority of our students choose to continue their studies with us in the Sixth Form and we welcome new students in Year 12 who wish to join a school which provides an enriching and rewarding experience. All students enjoy outstanding Sixth Form facilities in our £1.4 million Sixth Form Centre which complements the facilities available to students in the school. Sixth Formers have their own classrooms, ICT suites, study areas, two common rooms and a Sixth Form Canteen. We offer the independence of being in the Sixth Form as well as the benefits of being part of the wider school community. Joining the Sixth Form at Bishop Thomas Grant is an enriching and rewarding experience. We succeed in making newcomers part of our community and recognising them for their talents as well as what they can develop in our school. We offer a wide range of courses that provide the bridge to university, further education or employment. At Bishop Thomas Grant, we successfully enable our students to develop in all areas of the curriculum in order to secure outstanding progression and opportunities for all students. We support our students and are proud of the young men and women who leave us ready for the next chapter of their lives. Yours sincerely Mr Louis Desa Headteacher
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Celebrating our Catholic Community Bishop Thomas Grant School has an established and esteemed tradition, spanning over fifty years, of service to the Catholic population of South London. Students are given many opportunities for moral and spiritual reflection.
Sixth Form students are encouraged to support liturgical events, assemblies and to participate in the Catholic life of the school. Across the Sixth Form, students will participate in the General Religious Education Programme which includes opportunities for retreat as well as five days of reflection in Year 13 which positively promote the moral and spiritual development of every student. Year 13 is a year of transition, the conclusion of school based education and development and a stepping stone to either the academic rigours of university or the demands of the world of work. As an essential part of our students’ moral, spiritual, ethical and educational formation, we run a series of Special Days in the General Religious Studies Enrichment Programme. The aim of these five days is to raise the awareness of global ethical issues, knowledge of which is essential when accepting an adult role in an often compromised society. Students need to have knowledge, understanding and principles, and to be able to debate, articulate and uphold complex moral imperatives. Over the designated five days throughout the Autumn and Spring terms of Year 13, students are challenged intellectually as well as spiritually. Universities often criticise applicants because their knowledge, understanding and evaluatory skills on global issues are poor, as is their ability to disseminate contentious global ethical issues. It is often that confidence that the Russell League Universities are looking for in a prospective undergraduate. The first day focuses on human trafficking, a crime against humanity. Cardinal Vincent Nichols has endorsed such programmes of study, such as the presentation by the Ten Ten Theatre Company. The second day is on Justice, Discrimination, HIV, AIDS and Relationships.
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Our third day is a spiritual day where our multi-faith Sixth Form can celebrate their similarities rather than their differences. Our fourth day focuses on substance misuse and the moral dilemmas which impact on decision making. Finally, there is a day on the analysis of Human Rights and Responsibilities on a range of global and political issues. Faith development and understanding the place of spirituality and moral purpose in the wider world is an important part of all young people’s education in the Sixth Form at Bishop Thomas Grant.
“INSTAURARE OMNIA IN CHRISTO” To unite all things in Christ. Ephesians 1,10 At the heart of our community is a collective duty to unite and to be of service to others in the way that we live our lives, just as our Lord did. Our school motto, Instaurare Omnia in Christo is at the heart of school life and Sixth Formers embrace this every day at our school. Sixth Formers are role models for younger students and are invited to support students through their service as Senior Prefects, House Captains and as Head Boy and Head Girl. Sixth Form students may also support younger students in lessons and through our mentoring programme. Many students will complete the service section of their Duke of Edinburgh Award through these programmes. The Sixth Form students organise and participate in our annual Charity fundraising activities. In recent years, a variety of successful activities have raised thousands of pounds for charity.
“ The school provides outstanding opportunities for students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.” ofsted Page 3
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Transition into our Sixth Form We recognise that the transition from Year 11 to Year 12 requires the highest quality of guidance and support. Before students begin in September, we run a taster week in July which gives them the opportunity to experience the subjects that they have chosen and to help them to determine their final courses for September. The taster week is the beginning of life as a Sixth Form student and there are a number of sessions for students on how to organise their studies and to be successful learners. In September, the beginning of the academic year continues the induction programme and builds upon the themes and activities explored in our taster programme. Students will go off site for a team building day and are encouraged to take more responsibility for their decisions and their own learning. The key to academic success in the Sixth Form is to be able to develop high quality research skills, to organise work and time effectively and to be able to articulate ideas effectively and more precisely. All subjects in the Sixth Form begin the year with a clear programme of lessons designed to support the development of these skills. The programmes of study in each subject are designed to enable greater independence and to highlight any areas where teachers need to work further with students in order to be successful learners.
“ The teachers are all experts in their subjects and are very approachable. They are always willing to help if we do not understand something.” Year 12 student
“ Students are very well prepared for the next stage of their education, through the exceptionally strong pastoral system and open access to advice and guidance.” ofsted
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Personal Care, Guidance and Support Upon entry into the Sixth Form, all students are placed into a tutor group and will be supported by an experienced Sixth Form tutor who will meet their tutees at the start of each day. Tutors in the Sixth Form are dedicated to supporting all students through their academic studies and have an excellent knowledge of the UCAS system for university applications. Each week, students will participate in the Sixth Form PSHE and Careers programme. This includes activities and events delivered by guest speakers who will address key contemporary issues as well as prepare students for UCAS applications.
“ Being able to drop in to the careers adviser on any day when I needed support with my UCAS application helped me to make the right choices.� Year 13 student
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Our Sixth Form team lead, teach and inspire our students during their studies. An Assistant Headteacher is Head of the Sixth Form and has overall responsibility within the team. They are supported by the Head of Year 12, the Head of Year 13, our School Chaplain, a full-time UCAS and Careers Adviser, the Sixth Form Registrar and a team of twelve specialised Sixth Form tutors. The team gets to know the students very well and will teach many of the students on their Sixth Form courses. We offer a first class Information, Advice and Guidance Programme to prepare students for university or employment in the future. In Year 12, we organise an annual Higher Education convention at the school where universities and employers visit the school to support students in making their choices for future courses, institutions and employment.
We are unique in that we employ our own full time careers adviser. It is our belief that students need to be supported by someone through their time at our school who is working in their interests. We also use visiting advisers and groups to complement our programme. Bishop Thomas Grant School has strong links with many universities, apprenticeships and employers. Our students have progressed to study a variety of courses at a wide range of prestigious institutions including Russell group universities and we publish all student destinations annually on our website.
“ Students in the Sixth Form achieve well and make good progress because of continuous improvements, which mean that provision is well matched to the needs of the learners.� ofsted
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“ Both of my children have flourished at BTG. They have looked forward to going to school every day and have been well-supported as they have gone through the school.� Year 13 parent
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Academic Excellence At Bishop Thomas Grant, we seek to enable each student to fulfil their potential in all areas of study and to promote equality of opportunity. Our Sixth Form curriculum is broad and balanced. The students in the Sixth Form achieve well and make good progress as our provision is well matched to the needs of our learners. We offer a wide range of AS and A2 levels as well as BTEC courses. In addition, the Extended Project Qualification is offered to enhance independent learning.
“ Within the school nothing is allowed to present itself as a barrier – either to learning or to the building of excellent relationships.” Section 48 Diocesan Inspection
We achieve the highest standards of academic achievement. Our staff are outstanding graduates with the highest levels of commitment. It is our privilege to educate our students and to enable them to achieve their best. Achieving excellent results must be a priority for all Sixth Formers but we also encourage students to involve themselves in other activities, so that their time with us will be challenging, enjoyable and productive in all ways.
Reports are sent to parents each half-term and the school reports on progress in fine grades so that a parent can see if a student is achieving the top, middle or bottom of a grade. We set targets for all students at the beginning of the Sixth Form. These target grades are compared to the half-termly grades awarded by subject teachers and the school operates a raising standards programme to support any students who are not making steady progress towards their target grades.
At Bishop Thomas Grant, we are committed to using innovative teaching coupled with continuous monitoring as the driving forces to raise standards across the whole curriculum and to enhance our students’ learning. All departments have the shared vision to maximise the outcomes of all students.
The Head of Sixth Form meets with each Head of Department to discuss the progress of students in the Sixth Form. Excellent progress is recognised and praised and where students are not making progress, the Head of Year meets with that student and their parents to discuss how we can support them to close the gap. The Head of Year also meets with that student’s subject teachers to gain a full picture of the reasons for this underachievement. This early intervention which seeks to identify clear steps for improvement is effective in ensuring that all students make excellent progress from the very beginning of the Sixth Form until the end of Year 13. Attendance, punctuality, work ethic and relationships with one’s peers and teachers also play an important part in a student’s success in the Sixth Form and all students are expected to maintain the highest standards in this regard.
The school’s robust marking policy contributes to students’ clear understanding of how to improve. Consistent feedback clearly informs students of the exact next steps that they need to take to improve their learning. Teaching in the Sixth Form increasingly enables students to develop high-level thinking skills and greater independence. Students are encouraged to be creative and take responsibility for their own learning.
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Enrichment in the Sixth Form Our extensive enrichment programme offers the opportunity to take part in courses chosen from a wide variety of options which include: • The Duke of Edinburgh Award • Young Enterprise • Mentoring • Police Cadets • Driving Lessons • A rt, Music, Drama and Sporting Activities both at our school and off-site • The Annual School Production
Instrumental lessons are available for Sixth Form students and the school choirs and orchestra are involved in various performances during the year. Students often form their own performance groups in the Sixth Form and are also valued members of our choirs and school orchestra. Our Sixth Form instrumentalists and choristers have toured locally, nationally and internationally. Venues for their performances have included: Eton, colleges in Oxford and Cambridge; at Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris and in Germany. Each department organises trips for students linked to their studies and a number of subject conferences at universities are attended in London and the South East. Sixth Form trips are wide ranging and include ICT students visiting New York, Sports students surfing in Devon, the Biology field trip to Boxhill, theatre visits and the opportunity to ski on our annual school ski trip to Austria.
“ Opportunities abound for the pursuit of excellence in many extra-curricular areas, in particular Sport, Art, Drama and Music.” Section 48 Diocesan Inspection Page 10
Higher Education Convention At the end of Year 12, we invite universities, employers and successful graduates from a range of fields to participate in our Annual Higher Education Convention. This comprises a day of talks, workshops and the opportunity to meet with representatives from a number of universities to discuss courses and receive advice in preparation for UCAS applications at the beginning of Year 13.
Aspire Programme We are committed to supporting our Sixth Form students in their preparation for Higher Education by offering a carousel of activities designed to enhance transferable skills. The programme incorporates debating, public speaking and university challenge activities, which are further enhanced through our Da Vinci lectures delivered by university lecturers, extra-curricular clubs and preparation for university entry tests and interviews. Regular meetings with the Gifted & Talented Coordinator and the Head of Sixth Form ensure that students make the right choices and are given the best possible guidance to make informed choices.
“ Parents and carers hold the school in very high regard.� ofsted
Students applying for Oxbridge, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine receive additional personalised support beginning in Year 12 to guide applicants through the application process and to prepare them for interviews. An important part of this is in ensuring that students have opportunities outside school to gain work experience in their field.
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A learning environment of the highest standard Students in the Sixth Form benefit from a £1.4 million purpose built Sixth Form Centre which is used exclusively by Sixth Formers. Students benefit from three computer rooms with state-of-the-art computers and a private study area which enables them to study in a quiet, comfortable environment. This area is also be used for research activities and assemblies. The building has three additional classrooms, separate Sixth Form toilet facilities and one of the two Sixth Form common rooms with catering facilities. An adjacent Sixth Form canteen and common room serve hot and cold refreshments throughout the day at subsidised prices. Every subject at Bishop Thomas Grant School has specialist departmental suites fully equipped with ICT equipment to the highest technical specification. Sports facilities also include two gymnasia, a sports hall and a fitness suite. The Learning Resource Centre in the main building is also available for private study throughout the day where students can access a wide range of learning materials for Sixth Form study.
At Bishop Thomas Grant Sixth Form all students will receive: • Superb facilities • Outstanding Teaching • Excellent qualifications • Pastoral care of the highest standard • Access to a full-time careers adviser across the two years • The opportunity to lead • Access to a wide range of social and curriculum opportunities • The chance to support younger students and lead in the house activities • Extra tuition for Oxbridge entry • A n aspire programme for Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Law and other prestigious courses • Coaching and tutoring for success • The opportunity to complete the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) • A flourishing enrichment programme • T he status that comes from learning in an institution with a first class reputation locally, nationally and internationally
“ I like the facilities in the Sixth Form centre: The Sixth Form canteen, the common rooms and the study area give us our own space in which to study and relax at break times.” Year 12 student Page 12
Bishop Thomas Grant School Sixth Form
Bishop Thomas Grant School Sixth Form
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Bishop Thomas Grant School, Belltrees Grove, Streatham, London, SW16 2HY.