Addington High School Prospectus

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Addington High School

Ambition • Harmony • Success

Welcome to

Addington High School

Addington High School is a member of the Ravens Wood Learning Trust, a Multi-Academy Trust that has the full backing of the Department of Education. As members of the Multi-Academy Trust, Addington High School and Ravens Wood School work together with others to ensure that education remains at the core of everything we do. We stand for traditional values, quality teaching, high standards of student behaviour, and state-of-the-art learning environments. Each school within the Ravens Wood Learning Trust will be at the centre of its community, raising aspirations and achievement. It will do this in two ways: firstly, through the

excellent teaching of an extended and balanced curriculum, which ignites curiosity, unlocks talent and realises potential; and secondly, by exercising high-quality care, guidance and support that assures the personal development and welfare of each child and young person. Centrally-run services will reduce the time-consuming administrative tasks which many Academies find difficult to manage, while providing the expertise and support to concentrate on educational performance. Both schools within the Trust will work with students, and will seek to provide them with a rich and varied extra-curricular programme.

At Addington High School we are driven by a very simple belief that every child deserves a first class education. We have high aspirations for all of our students. We believe every student is capable of remarkable things and staff work tirelessly to ensure that each student has every opportunity to develop as an exceptional leader and contributor to society.

We do so by promoting traditional values of good manners, hard work, outstanding behaviour and smart uniform. We seek to develop our students as young adults, each with their own intrinsic set of core values.

to take up the challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century. Our inclusive curriculum supports this goal and is designed to meet the individual needs of each student and to push them to excel.

We aim to realise the potential of each student by providing an environment where they feel challenged to achieve, yet feel safe and supported as a member of the Addington High School community.

Above all, we have big ambitions for every student regardless of their background or academic starting point. Our core aim is to equip every student to achieve highly, academically and personally, now and in the future. If you want your child to have an education filled with rigour and challenge and to be a member of a caring community then Addington High School will be your first choice.

We have 5 key objectives: • To develop outstanding Leaders • To achieve exceptional Academic Performance • To provide outstanding Learning Experiences • To deliver high quality enrichment activities and wider opportunities to every student • To be the school of choice for the local community The school’s motto of ‘Ambition, Harmony, Success’ is central to our commitment to you and your child. We will strive to develop the skills, knowledge and values that your child will need

I am very proud to lead this school and I invite you to come and visit us so that you can find out more about how we are transforming lives. If you require any further information regarding the school please feel free to contact us at any time. My staff and I genuinely look forward to welcoming you and your son/daughter to Addington High School. Mr M Giles, Headteacher


Ambition Harmony Success Students and staff from many different ethnic, linguistic and faith backgrounds work together harmoniously at Addington High School. Students are expected to contribute to this positive atmosphere by: • Attending regularly, being punctual and ready for learning

• Provide a wide range of learning opportunities

• Working hard and being organised

• Discuss students’ individual needs with themselves and their parents/carers and make sure they are met

• Respecting and valuing others

• Review progress regularly

• Taking responsibility for their own actions

• Provide stimulating enrichment opportunities

• Maintaining high standards of behaviour and self-discipline

• Recognise and celebrate achievement.

• Taking pride in the school uniform.


In return we will:

When you accept a place, student, parent/carers and the school will sign up to a Home-School Agreement which sets out commitments and expectations on all sides.

Excellence in the

quality of staff

As a member school of the Ravens Wood Learning Trust the excellence of the school is determined by and dependent upon the quality of its teaching and learning. As such, we aim to ensure that high quality staff are consistently recruited to, and retained by, our school. They are developed by focusing upon the following areas: • The Promotion of Learning Partnerships – an approach introduced to improve the knowledge and skills of staff, which is then reflected in the wider opportunities for students. • An emphasis upon Teaching and Learning – the observation of lessons to identify good practice and then share this with others. • Provision of professional development opportunities – regular training courses run by staff and ‘Advanced Skills’ Teachers and our ‘Leaders of Learning’ within the school to assist colleagues in key areas in order to develop skills. • The development of non-teaching staff – by ensuring non-teaching staff receive and have access to training and development and are fully integrated into the school.

• Use of sophisticated Pupil Information Systems – using robust reporting and monitoring systems to support student progress. • Close links with Ravens Wood School in Bromley. This includes access to a variety of nationally recognised qualifications such as the Improving Teacher programme (ITP) and the Outstanding Teacher programme (OTP). These courses are designed to deliver a sustainable impact on the quality of teaching and learning of those attending the programmes, as well as have a lasting effect on the whole school and beyond. • The development of Information Technology to support teaching, learning and administration – capturing and using staff expertise and expanding the use of IT for both students and staff.



Learning Experience

At Key Stage 3 all students study the subjects required by the National Curriculum. Students are taught most subjects in sets according to ability but, in a few, they are taught in mixed ability groups with flexibility for movement whenever appropriate. Some students who have particular needs may have a slightly different curriculum and/or additional support in and out of class. The underlying principle is to provide as broad an educational experience as possible to enable students to become aware of their academic strengths and weaknesses. During Year 9, we provide comprehensive guidance on the Key Stage 4 curriculum and hold information evenings and meetings with students and their parents/ carers to agree the most suitable subjects.

“ I felt really supported throughout my options choices, the teachers made sure I knew exactly what the course would be like and that it was the right course for me.”


Key Stage 4 comprises English, Mathematics, Science and PE and additional subjects which are allocated about 50% of teaching time. We place great emphasis on students choosing the options they are interested in, that will motivate them to do well and achieve the best possible grades, and that will prepare them intellectually and emotionally for higher or further education and the world of work. Our close monitoring of students’ progress throughout all key stages enables us to put in place any additional support a student may need. Individual students may be withdrawn for 1-1 or small group tuition and all students benefit from the homework and revision classes that every subject provides. Year 11 students access a range of additional classes after school, weekends and in school holidays to fully prepare them for excellent GCSE results.

Key Stage 4 students may choose from the following options: • Ancient History • Art & Design • Business Studies • Child Development • Citizenship • Drama • Food Technology • Geography • Graphic Design • Health & Social Care

• History • Hospitality & Catering • ICT • Music • PE • Religious Studies • Resistant Materials • Sociology • Spanish • Triple Science

Pastoral and

Individual Development

We aim to ensure that all students take responsibility for their learning, remain well-motivated and retain a sense of realism about their academic performance. Meeting the New Students for Induction Day

The Early Weeks

Year 6 Induction Day is held in the Summer Term before students join us in September. We invite all incoming students to visit us for a day during which they meet their tutor in their new tutor group. They are taught several lessons, get to know their way around the building, have lunch and then take part in tutor group team-building activities. This is an exciting and enjoyable day and helps students feel confident about transferring to their new school.

The induction of new students continues throughout the first term. Students are given their timetable and helped to find their way around the school. Each student is carefully monitored by their Form Tutor who has daily contact with your child. In the Autumn Term, parents/carers are invited into the school to discuss their child’s progress with their Tutor.

Meeting New Year 7 Parents/Carers We also hold a special Parents’/Carers’ Evening for all the parents/carers of the new Year 7 students starting in September. The purpose of the evening is to meet your child’s Form Tutor and Head of Year and get to know more about the school. This is an opportunity to talk to the parents/carers of other children in your son/daughter’s Tutor Group. You will meet the Headteacher and other Senior Staff who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Pastoral Support Form Tutors see their tutor groups each day at registration and monitor their academic and social development throughout the year. Tutors are members of a year team led by a Head of Year who place strong emphasis on close contact with parents and carers to ensure a consistent approach to encouraging and rewarding hard work, tackling concerns and promoting good attendance and behaviour. From Year 7 to sixth form, tutors act as mentors to their students and their focus on raising aspirations and challenging low expectations is reinforced in weekly assemblies and year-end events, rewarding students’ successes through praise, certificates and prizes.



for Learning

We promote self-respect and self-discipline. We do not tolerate bullying and any incidents are taken seriously and resolved quickly. Visitors frequently comment on the calm and friendly atmosphere around the school. Assemblies and Collective Worship

Special Educational Needs


School assemblies are of a broadly Christian nature. Senior staff together with visiting speakers lead these activities on carefully chosen themes. Parents/Carers can withdraw their child from collective worship, either in whole or in part, in which case individual arrangements can be made.

The support given varies according to the individual needs of each student and it is delivered in a variety of ways. Students’ progress is monitored carefully throughout their time here and we communicate with parents/carers on a regular basis. The school policy incorporates all the requirements of the SEN Code of Practice.

Regular homework makes a huge contribution to students’ performance. It consolidates work done in lessons and helps develop an ability to study independently.

Religious Studies Religious Studies aims to promote an enquiring sympathetic approach to the study of religion by introducing students to the challenging and varied nature of religion, religious experience, beliefs and practice. Students are encouraged to identify and explore questions about the meaning of life, to reflect on moral issues and to recognise and appreciate the contribution of religion to the richness and diversity of life. Once again, parents can withdraw their child from Religious Studies, either in whole or in part, in which case individual arrangements can be made.


Child Protection This is a given a high profile at Addington High School. The school has a policy in place in line with Educational Guidelines which is updated annually. We work within the framework of the Local Authority and liaise with the appropriate agencies to support the student.

Year 7 students should expect at least an hour of homework per night and the level increases as students’ progress through the school. Students in Years 10 & 11 are expected to take more responsibility for their studies. At this stage, the homework pattern differs from subject to subject. Students may be planning assignments, using the Internet or library resources as well as undertaking traditional homework. Independent revision is also a crucial element in achieving excellent GCSE results.


and Engagement

School life is about much more than the academic. As well as cultural and study trips linked to the curriculum and the many sports and arts activities on offer, students enjoy wide-ranging enrichment opportunities such as Spanish clubs, computing, Science (STEM) clubs and Art & Design clubs. Our debating teams compete every year in national competitions. These and other public events, alongside opportunities to be involved in the work of the school’s charities committee, help students develop as active citizens. The student council form an important voice in the school community. They meet regularly as a group to ensure that students’ voices are heard by senior staff and that their views are listened to and acted upon.

“ I really enjoyed our recent drama performance, we put on a play we wrote ourselves with the help of the Polka Theatre, Wimbledon. This has improved my confidence and I am really excited by what we can do next!”

An impressive number of students take part in sport both competitively and for fun. Our sports teams are regularly successful in local competitions. Students are able to compete and take part in a variety of sports such as; netball, football, volleyball, athletics among others. The site provides both indoor and outdoor spaces for students to train, as well as a fully equipped fitness suite. Regular performances provide students with the opportunity to showcase their talents across a wide range of arts including; acting, singing, dance as well as the technical roles. Students’ have access to instrumental lessons to develop their technical skills.


Working with

Parents and Carers

We encourage you to take an active part in your child’s education through: • Attending regular meetings with teachers, Tutors and Heads of Year. • Supporting our policies on attendance, homework and uniform as well as any rules and sanctions the school considers appropriate. • Attending and helping out with events such as sports, performing arts and trips. • Encouraging your child to read regularly. • By letting us know promptly about any issues affecting your child in or out of school. We provide statutory information on policies and procedures on our website: Parents are elected to the Governing Body and play an active role in the governance of the school.


ADMISSIONS How to apply

Entry Criteria

Addington High School is part of the Pan-London Coordinated Admissions Scheme. You need to:

Applicants will be offered a place in accordance with the criteria described in our Admissions Policy which can be downloaded from

1. Complete a local authority application form and return it to the local authority in which you live. Who can apply for Year 7 entry? All applicants who will be aged 11 by September 1st in the year of entry and who meets the entry criteria. Who can apply for entry to other years? Applicants aged 11–16 who meet the entry criteria. Applications should be made to your local authority whose admissions staff will contact the school to check whether places are available.

ENTRY CRITERIA FOR THE SPECTRUM ASCD CENTRE The Spectrum Centre at Addington High School (Autistic Spectrum and Communications Disorders Resource Base) admits 6 students each year at the beginning of Year 7. All applications are made through The London Borough of Croydon SEN Team. The entry criteria for the Spectrum ASCD Centre can be found in our Admissions Policy which can be downloaded from the school website:

Addington High School

Ambition • Harmony • Success

Addington High School Fairchildes Avenue New Addington Croydon Surrey CR0 0AH Tel: 01689 842545 Email:

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