The Harefield Academy
Our Vision We have the highest aspirations for our students. We want them to be determined to succeed, confident in their abilities and fully involved in the life of The Academy and the community. The Academy caters for the needs of all students and we ensure that every young person is successful in their own right. We aim that all students should be: • Happy and secure • Healthy and fit • Enjoying learning • Successful • Achieving • Able to form lasting friendships • Prepared for life at university/college/training • Socially aware, spiritual and moral Our students achieve at the highest possible level in all aspects of academic study and benefit greatly from our focus on sport, health and well-being. Through the provision of the Boarding House opportunities extend well beyond the school day for some students. The Academy relates strongly to the world of business and enterprise. We benefit from links with high profile people from the world of sport, business, the arts and entertainment. Nothing is too good for our students, staff and wider community.
The Harefield Academy
Welcome The greatest privilege for an educationalist is to lead an inspirational school. This honour is particularly great when the school has grown out of pride, enthusiasm and commitment. This is certainly the case at Harefield.
Students, parents and staff are very positive about The Academy. They share the same aim, which is to create an educational centre for the whole community that is successful, innovative, energetic, healthy, inclusive, caring, enthusiastic and cohesive. Our work is positively recognised at a local, national and international level. The future is very bright at Harefield! Mark Poulter, Principal
The Harefield Academy
Happy and Secure Students enjoy their success and that of other students. Students are happy because they are achieving their potential in all that they do. The Student Managers work tirelessly to ensure that students feel secure and receive a high level of care.
Healthy and Fit Students who will go onto “top� universities and those who will follow a vocational career will not succeed without good health. Our links with local clubs and Sports Governing Bodies enable us to provide a high quality sports enrichment programme, which enhances our curriculum and creates a challenging and competitive environment. Students who display potential to achieve at the highest level in their sport are given extra support and access to flexible timetables. All students are encouraged to pursue their chosen sport/s but not at the expense of their academic progress.
“The sports specialism has a very positive impact on students’ experience at the school.” OFSTED 2014
“You are a wonderful centre of excellence that we are always eager to share with people…” Baroness Sue Campbell
“The evidence gained… very high levels of participation in physical education and competitive school sport that provide a solid foundation for regular success in elite sport. This breadth of opportunity and the excellent resources provided for students leads to many of them excelling at sport, in their academic studies and in their personal development.” HMI 2013
“The students are very proud of the high-quality facilities in the school, and work hard to maintain them. One student in Key Stage 3 said, ‘We know how lucky we are to have a lovely building and brilliant equipment. We look after it.” OFSTED 2014
The Harefield Academy
Enjoying Learning Students who enjoy their learning succeed in life and take a love of learning with them beyond The Harefield Academy. Visitors comment on the calm and purposeful atmosphere in The Academy. Through active learning students can be involved in lessons in a positive and creative way.
Successful Success comes in many forms from the vitally important results in public examinations to success as a leader; a friend; a musician; sports person; problem solver and much, much more. All of these skills are nurtured and encouraged at The Harefield Academy.
The Harefield Academy
Achieving The Harefield Academy is home to very many students who achieve at a local, national and international level. Achievement is celebrated through many sports, music, mathematics and extended school activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
The Academy is organised to give students the support they need to achieve beyond expected levels. Students work at a level according to their ability and not necessarily according to their age.
“Students are very well versed in how to keep themselves safe, particularly on the internet.� Ofsted 2014
The Harefield Academy
Lasting Friendships We are organised so that students support each other across the age ranges. All students are members of a Tutor Group consisting of approximately 25 students, with three to four students from every Year Group in each.
This is a unique feature of The Academy and it enables older students to help and support younger ones on a daily basis. Friendships are strong within these groups and across The Academy.
The Harefield Academy
Prepared for the Future University/College/Training Our aim is to nurture the talent and abilities that all young people possess. Increasingly, our curriculum caters for individual needs regardless of age, so that students work at the pace that is right for them and as preparation for life beyond Harefield. Continual assessment and feedback is built into every department’s programme of teaching to ensure students achieve even higher levels. Special events – often at Brunel University, one of our sponsors – stretch the more able students in all subjects. Sixth Form activities ensure that our oldest students are very well prepared to “fly the nest”.
“Just wanted to say thanks to all of the teachers at The Academy. I will really miss you all!” Year 13 leaver
The Harefield Academy
“ I feel very privileged that my son attends The Harefield Academy. I have seen amazing progress in such a short period of time. Thank you!� Parent
Socially Aware, Spiritual and Moral We are committed to playing a strong role in the community and for our students to understand right from wrong. Our relationship with Harefield village has been an essential part of The Academy’s development. Through citizenship education and community work, students are encouraged to understand and get involved in the roles and responsibilities we share with the community.
Our involvement in local, national and international charities is based on our desire to give something back to specific communities. Spiritual awareness is developed through assemblies and themed Tutor Group sessions, for example, on Remembrance Day.
The Harefield Academy
The Harefield Academy Northwood Way, Harefield, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB9 6ET T 01895 822108 F 01895 822414
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