Harris Primary Academy Peckham Park Prospectus

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At Harris Primary Academy Peckham Park you will find a strong focus on excellent behaviour and enthusiasm for learning. Welcome to Harris Primary Academy, Peckham Park – the first primary academy in the Harris Federation. Harris Primary Academy, Peckham Park is located in the heart of Peckham. The Harris Federation, which sponsors the Academy, is a London based charity that has more than 20 years’ experience of running successful schools in London. Anyone who visits the Academy would find a cohort of pupils that are happy, well-behaved and enthusiastic about learning, as well as a first-rate team of teachers and support staff. The Academy has an exceptional Principal who has established a rapidly improving school that children thrive in and love coming to. I hope that you find this prospectus helpful and that you are as excited as we are about all of the innovative and vibrant opportunities that this Academy provides.

Sir Daniel Moynihan Ed.D, MA, B.Sc (Econ) Chief Executive of the Harris Federation

Thank you for reading our prospectus. I hope it will give you a sense of the happy, friendly nature of our Academy and the extent to which we work hard and enjoy learning. We are proud that our pupils look forward to coming to the Academy. Whether in lessons, break time or after-school clubs, it is important that our pupils make the most of the many wonderful opportunities we have on offer.

Applying for a place We have 60 Reception places each year. Children who live closest to the Academy and those who already have older brothers or sisters here are prioritised for places. To apply for a place, you will need to name the Academy on Southwark Council’s Common Application Form. If you do not live in Southwark, you should name the Academy on the Common Application Form of the borough in which you live. A copy of our full admissions policy is available on our website or from the Academy office.

Academically, our curriculum focuses on ensuring that all our pupils become confident readers, writers and mathematicians. Through our links with local Harris Secondary Academies, we are able to bring in the expertise of specialist subject teachers in subjects such as mathematics, art and PE. Inside and outside the classroom, there are always opportunities for pupils to develop their creativity and confidence. We have an excellent range of after-school activities, and our staff are committed to ensuring every pupil finds an aspect of our curriculum they can enjoy and excel in. I very much look forward to welcoming you and your child to our Academy. Anne-Marie-Strachan BEd (Hons), NPQH Principal


Learning at our Academy Our pupils are encouraged to respect each other and to value their education. The curriculum we have in place focuses on ensuring they are confident readers, writers and mathematicians when they leave primary school. We keep a close eye on every individual pupil, and whenever a child needs extra support we plan work for them in small groups or on a one-to-one basis to give them the additional tuition they require.

An extra focus on reading & writing We believe that learning to read, write and communicate effectively is extremely important. All of our pupils have a reading lesson in addition to their literacy lesson each day and children in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 have a phonics lesson each day as well. We make sure there are also always plenty of other opportunities to practise reading throughout the day. This means that our pupils can read well by age 7 and become motivated readers for life.


We are great writers at the Academy and children are given many opportunities to write across all subject areas each day. Every term we have an “Enormous Write� where everybody stops what they are doing for an hour to practise their creative writing at the same time. There are prizes for the best writing and the biggest effort.

“ The teachers teach the children how to read, write, spell and teach us how to respect others. I like this school because it is the best school in the whole world.�

Year 6 Student

Maths & science We have daily mathematics lessons and maths group work. We show our pupils how mathematics is important in all aspects of their lives and in all of the other subjects they are studying. During Maths Week, pupils take part in activities such as maths dancing, writing maths poems, wearing maths clothes and even going on maths trails. Each child has a mental maths target to help them understand what they need to do to improve. There is also a strong focus on science, with pupils being encouraged to question the world around them and use the skills of scientific inquiry to analyse problems. From learning about Space to understanding how electricity works, our lessons are planned to arouse the natural curiosity that all children have.


Creativity, imagination & thinking skills There are always lots of opportunities for pupils to develop their imaginations at the Academy. Examples include the Toy Museum created by our Year One children and the many amazing models, posters and presentations produced by children across the Academy each term as part of their home learning project. All children in Years 3 to 6 have the opportunity to learn a brass instrument and many take graded exams. All children in Year 4 learn to play the recorder and there are opportunities to continue this further for those that are interested. All children take part in singing assembly each week and we also have a school choir. There are also lots of plays, concerts and other performances for children to get involved with throughout the school year. We have a dedicated art room and art specialists teach art weekly to all children from Year 1 upwards.

“ What I like about this school is that there’s clubs like football, art, cookery and other clubs.� Year 3 Student


Keeping fit & healthy There are two hours of timetabled PE each week, where our pupils do everything from dance, athletics and gymnastics to football, netball and rounders. We take part in many local and national sporting competitions, often with success. KS2 pupils have the opportunity to attend swimming lessons. We encourage pupils to be active during playtimes, with many joining in with ball games, skipping and other activities. Some of the extra-curricular physical activities on offer after school are Fit Club, Table Tennis, Capoeira and Street Dance. Meals at lunch time are always freshly cooked in our own kitchen and are healthy and nutritious.

A head start in the secondary curriculum We have an excellent team of visiting Harris Secondary Teachers who are experts in subjects such as music, languages, history and science. Our pupils also visit the nearby Harris Secondary Academies to use their science laboratories and music suites, as well as some of their specialist sports facilities. This is all so that, by the time they reach age 11, our pupils are thoroughly prepared for success in their secondary education.


Peckham Park Powerful Learners Making sure our pupils can learn in a safe, orderly and friendly atmosphere is a top priority, which is why we focus on good manners and excellent behaviour. Pupils win points for their class by demonstrating good behaviour for learning. Every term the classes with the most points get to go on a fantastic, all expenses paid for trip to destinations such as the Science Museum, the London Aquarium or the seaside.


“There are good teachers who are nice and clever. And the children are very, very clever and they a chieve very well.” Year 3 Student

Reports home to parents To make sure parents feel fully informed about their child’s education, we send reports home each half term. We set targets for learning on these reports which we discuss at our Autumn, Spring and Summer parents’ evenings. Parents are regularly invited to the Academy on a more informal basis too, for example for special performances, open evenings and events, so that they can get to know each other and their children’s teachers.

10 special facts about our Academy 1

We opened as a Harris Primary Academy in September 2011, with 60 happy, well-behaved and enthusiastic children in each of our year groups. There are 52 part-time places in our nursery.


Pupils at our Academy progress well in their learning.


Pupils here are taught to read well by age 7 – and we have a timetabled reading and phonics lesson each day in addition to a literacy lesson.


Attendance is good and our pupils love coming to the Academy.


Expert Harris Secondary Academy teachers, in subjects like mathematics, art and PE, visit regularly to give our pupils a head start with the secondary curriculum.


In work and in play, our pupils are encouraged towards traditional values: good manners, behaviour, enthusiasm for learning, and recognising right from wrong.


We have some fabulous singers, dancers and actors here. Through our brass band, our choir, street dance club and many music and drama performances, pupils have lots of opportunities in the performing arts.


Our dedicated, well-equipped art room and art specialist tutors mean that children have the opportunity to engage in exciting art projects.


Every half term pupils are given an opportunity to complete a home learning project which is judged by our Principal. Winners receive a special recognition within the school community.


We have a breakfast club at the Academy from 8am each morning.


Harris Federation Our Academy is sponsored by the Harris Federation, a registered charity with over 20 years of experience in running schools. We are one of twenty seven Harris Academies. The Federation has an exceptional track record in providing high quality schools. The work of the Federation is made possible through the generous financial support of Lord Harris of Peckham and is brought to life by a team of excellent teachers and leaders.

Our independent Governing Body will, with the Principal of our Academy, be responsible for setting and monitoring our educational direction and the targets to be achieved over time. It will include representation from our teaching and non-teaching staff, parents and the local community. The Chair of the Governing Body will be appointed to the Board of the Harris Federation.

As an employer and a father I strongly believe that a good education is the best start in life that you can give a child. Harris Primary Academy, Peckham Park promotes hard work, curiosity of mind, integrity and ambition. It works tirelessly, in partnership with the other Harris Academies, to ensure the greatest success for every child, regardless of their ability or aptitude. I hope you will come along to one of our Open Events to see for yourself the difference the Academy is making. Lord Harris of Peckham – Sponsor


“ It’s nice, it’s cool and there are nice teachers. I like the amount of time we get to do our work. I like the playground. I like the rules.” Year 4 Student



Peckham Park Primary School Marmont Road Peckham London SE15 5TD Tel: 020 7639 6091 Email: info@harrisprimarypeckhampark.org.uk www.harrisprimarypeckhampark.org.uk

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