WELCOME TO EDGE GROVE We are a vibrant day and boarding school for Girls and Boys with an enviable track record of success. A broad curriculum, inspirational teaching, the highest expectations and superb pastoral support combine to ensure outstanding academic achievement. This enables the overwhelming majority of our pupils to gain a place at their first choice of senior school – including leading independent schools nationally – with many achieving scholarships and awards. Our pursuit of excellence is, however, not limited to the classroom. Believing that a well-rounded and inclusive education is vital if a child is to have a contented and successful future, we work hard to discover and nurture the talents of each individual. Through experiencing success – whether in their academic studies, on the sports field, in the creative arts or through leadership opportunities – we seek to ensure that all pupils grow in confidence, develop a love of learning and are well prepared for the next stage of their education. This prospectus can give but a taste of life at Edge Grove, so we encourage you to visit the school to meet us and our dedicated staff, as well as our best ambassadors – our happy, courteous and articulate pupils. Ben and Alexandra Evans
LAYING FIRM FOUNDATIONS Through exciting activities in a caring environment, we ensure that children’s learning in Pre-Prep is both purposeful and enjoyable. From their first steps into our Nursery at age 3, we harness children’s natural curiosity about the world to help them explore new things. Our creative curriculum promotes learning through a variety of experiences that develop children’s imagination, communication and social skills. Housed in a purpose-built building, the Pre-Prep department offers a homely environment in which our experienced staff provide outstanding care. As children progress to Reception and then Years 1 and 2, learning becomes more formal, with firm foundations being laid in literacy, numeracy and ICT. During their formative years in Pre-Prep, children benefit not only from highly qualified class teachers and teaching assistants, but also specialist teaching in French, Music and PE. Participation, creativity and expression are encouraged and pupils are set individual learning goals with the level of challenge and support they need to flourish. In addition to various day trips, our setting amid 28 acres of beautiful parkland – complete with a lake in our dedicated outside learning area – allows education at Edge Grove to be enriched by the Forest School programme, along with many other outdoor learning opportunities.
“ Children achieve highly in all areas of development, largely due to staff capturing their imagination and enthusiasm for learning.� Independent Schools Inspectorate
CREATING CONFIDENT LEARNERS High expectations, a stimulating curriculum and specialist teaching combine to develop a love of learning that equips pupils for life. In the Lower School (Years 3 and 4) and Upper School (Years 5 to 8), pupils follow the Independent Curriculum. A fresh approach designed specifically for Prep schools, it has academic rigour at its heart, enhanced by creativity in every discipline. Through active learning, it develops problem-solving skills, preparing pupils naturally for the 11+ and 13+ exams. Specialist teaching in the Lower School for ICT, Science, French, Music, Drama and PE is extended to all subjects in the Upper School. Small class sizes, personalised targets and increasing use of teaching by ability in academic subjects combine to ensure that each child fulfils his or her potential. Gifted and Talented pupils receive extra challenge, while our Learning Support department provides additional help for pupils who need it, including those for whom English is an additional language. Interactive whiteboards, a dedicated computer suite and use of iPads in the classroom allow ICT to underpin the curriculum. Special events, topic days and impressive resources – including Science laboratories, a well-stocked library, a language classroom and dedicated ‘virtual language lab’ facility with LED Clevertouch TV, an Art and Design centre incorporating textiles and graphics equipment, a Music school with iMac technology and ‘state of the art’ Home Economics facilities – further enhance the educational experience. An emphasis on prep (homework) helps to develop independent learning and self-motivation that will benefit pupils at senior school. With grades and Tutor reports each half term, two written reports per year and our annual parents’ evening, families are regularly updated on progress, although our open-door policy means that discussion with teachers or the Head is welcome at any time.
“ The school…provides a broad educational experience for all its pupils, preparing them for a successful, happy and healthy future.” Independent Schools Inspectorate
to games fields (pig sty)
Walled Garden Sport Courts
ICT and Humanities
Swimming Pool
Performing Arts
Lower School
Assembly Hall / Theatre
Junior Cricket / Hockey Pitch
Boys’ Changing Rooms
Headmaster’s House and Staff Common Room
Teaching Classrooms
Jubilee Block – Teaching Classrooms
Main House and Boarding Accommodation
Sports Hall
Visitor Parking
Library and Reception
Science and Technology
Stable Block – Art and Textiles
Girls’ Changing Rooms
Dining Room and Boarding Accommodation
Paddock Games Fields
Staff Car Park
Pre-Prep Car Park
12 17 14
6 3 3
15 7
5 3
13 8
4 3
to main games fields
ADVENTURE AND CREATIVITY We provide a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities that enrich pupils’ lives and create lasting memories. Learning and enjoyment beyond the classroom play a vital role at Edge Grove. Excellent facilities – including a swimming pool, croquet lawns, extensive playing fields and an adventure playground – allow pupils to enjoy a variety of physical activities. Participation in the many concerts, plays, exhibitions and class assemblies that we stage – to which families are invited – allow children to grow in confidence and demonstrate their talents. Pre-Prep children enjoy a range of after-school clubs – such as drama, arts & crafts and tennis – each weekday, while Prep pupils are offered a vast array of pursuits in our Activities Programme. Available in two sessions every weekday, activities range from street dance, golf, horse-riding and taekwondo to cookery, choir, gardening and Mandarin. Older pupils can also develop their initiative and collaborative skills by working towards the Edge Grove Award. Field trips and day visits deepen knowledge and broaden horizons, with Expedition Week for Years 3 to 8 being a particular highlight. In addition to our annual ski trip, we have developed links with schools abroad to provide travel opportunities, such as a cricket tour to Sri Lanka and a netball tour to St Vincent. We also welcome numerous visitors – authors, artists, scientists and business leaders – into school to talk about their work, enhancing the insight and aspirations of pupils.
CHARACTER AND COMMUNITY Outstanding pastoral care and a genuine community spirit support the personal development of pupils and underpin their academic success. In line with our school motto – ‘Utraque Fortuna Fides: In either fortune, faith’ – we foster an ethos that celebrates our Christian heritage, while embracing all faiths. Pupils are encouraged to show respect for self, others and the environment. They raise considerable sums for worthy causes and develop their leadership abilities through a variety of responsible roles such as School Council Representative, Head Boy and Girl, House Captains, Sport Captains, Prefects and Librarians. Our high standards are promoted through the house system, with Merits rewarding achievement, initiative and kindness. Regular inter-house competitions encourage teamwork and sportsmanship, while special events – including International Day, Sports Day, the Swimming Gala, Harvest Festival and our Carol Concert – contribute to a palpable sense of family. Children know the ‘circle of care’ to whom they can turn, including not only their Form Tutor but also our school nurses, chaplain and independent listener. New pupils have a ‘buddy’ to help them settle in and our Year 8s also act as peer mentors. Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) – which begins with ‘circle time’ and becomes a dedicated lesson from Year 3 – helps children to develop a sound moral compass, supported by daily tutorials, regular assemblies and RE. Parents form a key part of our school community, with many joining the thriving and energetic Friend of Edge Grove, raising funds to support the school. Committed to building a firm partnership between school and home, we provide regular communication – including weekly news and information letters – to ensure that families are updated on all aspects of school life.
“ The quality of pastoral care, support and guidance provided throughout the school is outstanding…” Independent Schools Inspectorate
Artistic vision Believing that the creative and performing arts build confidence and promote collaboration, we are committed to helping children discover, develop and showcase their talents. Art, Music, Drama and Dance are integral to the Edge Grove experience and we provide a wealth of opportunities for pupils to enhance their creativity, learn new skills and enjoy participation. Our Art department is a hive of activity in which children are inspired both to learn about their artistic heritage and explore new techniques and media with which to express themselves. Through a variety of themed projects and extra-curricular activities, pupils’ understanding and appreciation of art and design grows alongside their skills in drawing, painting and 3D modelling. They respond imaginatively to our high expectations, allowing us to stage stunning exhibitions of their artwork. Housed in a purpose-built facility, the Music department is a great strength of the school, offering specialist teaching from the Nursery to Year 8. Pupils enjoy practical and stimulating lessons, with the chance to listen, compose, perform and appraise. Our Music technology software extends their learning, while workshops and outings develop their appreciation of a variety of genres. Our choirs, orchestra, soloists and range of ensembles and bands have many opportunities to perform at school concerts, assemblies and musical productions, as well as at outside events. Many children also enjoy individual tuition from peripatetic instrument specialists, leading to ABRSM exams.
Drama and Dance also have a high profile and all pupils participate in lessons designed to encourage vocal and physical self-confidence, expression and teamwork. Each year group presents a dramatic production during the course of the year, with every child fully involved in the process and final event.
sporting strengths With a strong sporting tradition, Edge Grove boasts an enviable record of success in a wide variety of sports at both individual and team level. Sport is not only an excellent way to develop personal fitness and a healthy lifestyle but also builds motivation, perseverance and teamwork – qualities that support academic success. Led by our specialist Director of Sport and Head of Girls’ Games, our sporting programme features over 25 different sports. With specialist coaching, we offer every child the opportunity to learn new skills and to train sufficiently in order to excel in their favourite sports. Edge Grove is firmly established as a leading player in the world of Prep school sport, regularly competing at local, regional and national levels. Our sporting achievements are too numerous to mention but recent successes include winning the IAPS National Six-A-Side Soccer Championship for the second year in a row, scooping the Under 11’s County Cricket Cup and a pupil winning the Under 11’s IAPS National Table-Tennis Championship. Our superb facilities include acres of meticulously maintained playing fields, a threecourt badminton and multi-purpose sports hall, a 20-metre outdoor heated pool, a 300-metre grass athletics track, an Astroturf hockey pitch, four outdoor netball courts, two hockey pitches, two tennis courts and five outdoor cricket nets. Children in Pre-Prep have weekly PE and Games lessons, while those in the Lower and Upper Schools enjoy one PE lesson and two Games lessons each week, as well as a fixture afternoon. Pupils relish the opportunity to represent Edge Grove in these interschool matches and every child participates in a school team at least once each term.
“ I love the sports here and how there is a team for everyone.” Pupil – Year 6
THE BOARDING SPIRIT Through a caring and homely environment in which pupils feel safe and valued, the boarding experience is one of the great strengths of Edge Grove. Enabling long commutes to be avoided, boarding affords parents more time to balance the demands of work, younger children and quality family time. Whether from the local area, London or the other side of the world, boarders find living at Edge Grove a happy time that prepares them well for senior school. From Year 3 (age 7) we offer full, weekly, flexi and casual boarding, with the ability to build up experience over time. The casual option helps parents with occasional business or family commitments, while our day boarding facility enables pupils to be booked in for a weekday boarding supper. The Boarding Team – headed up by our Housemaster and Housemistress – works hard to create an inclusive, family atmosphere. Children are accommodated in comfortable dormitories that are organised by age and gender. New boarders are allocated a ‘buddy’ to help them settle in and all pupils enjoy the company of our gap-year students, who help our boarding community to run smoothly. Regular contact with families via telephone and video calls is encouraged and children know the ‘circle of care’ that they can turn to for support. Boarders have regular dorm meetings to express their views and suggest ideas. Boarders enjoy free time in their common room and our extensive grounds, as well as organised activities after classes and at weekends. These include the vast range of clubs in our Activities Programme and special weekend activities such as bowling, ice-skating and trips to theme parks.
Aldenham Village Hertfordshire  WD25 8NL Tel: +44 (0)1923 855724 admissions@edgegrove.com www.edgegrove.com