Academic Structure
Academy Structure We believe in providing a personalised, challenging curriculum. Whether a student is struggling, needs to be stretched or is somewhere in the middle, we will always work to meet their needs. Parents and carers will be kept closely informed about their son/daughter’s progress, with reports being sent home every six weeks. Class sizes will be kept as small as possible and we will have a firm emphasis on good behaviour so that the environment we provide is calm and orderly. The quality and calibre of the teacher training and curriculum support provided by the Harris Federation is frequently recognised and praised by Ofsted. A Head of Academy and two Assistant Principals take responsibility for ensuring cross-Academy strategies proven for raising achievement are successful.
Principal: Sandra Miles
Head of Academy Upper School Faculty: Usa Divakaran
Assistant Principal Science & Behaviour: Andrew Richardson
Assistant Principal Student Support Services: Karen Sitch
Our Learning Ethos Students’ progress in learning will be accelerated and tracked through a unique programme based around the development of an Academy Ethos that builds Resilience, Reflectiveness, Resourcefulness and Reciprocity in all of our students.
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Celebrating Achievements and Sanctions In order for students to reach high standards as well as enjoy their education, a calm, purposeful environment is essential. This is the case both inside and outside the classroom. Students will be expected to follow the code of conduct and safety rules which are summarised in the student planners. An Academy ethos of encouragement is central to the promotion of positive learning behaviour and our Academy celebrating achievement structure recognises this. Sanctions are used to respond to poor learning behaviour, these are applied consistently, giving students opportunities to de-escalate sanctions at each stage.
Celebrating Achievements
The following are recorded on e-portal and reported to parents/carers:
Daily Report
Weekly Awards
Extended Time
Commitment in Subject
Lunchtime Privileges Withdrawn
Optimism In Subject
Internal Exclusion(IE)
Resilience in Subject Student of the week Most Reward Points They are also cumulative and can lead to the following awards which will be presented at half-termly celebration assemblies:
Half Termly/Termly Attainment in subject Effort in Subject Exceptional Performance in Mock/ External Exams 100% Attendance 100% Punctuality Unit completion in BTEC Student Specific Learning Champions Oracy and Enterprise Champions
Study Support
(Letter, reintegration with parent carer)
External Exclusions (Letter, reintegration with parent carer)
3 External Exclusions (Refer to Governors’ panel for final warning)
Permanent Exclusion (Single serious incident, e.g. offensive weapon, assault, threatening behaviour, or failure to heed Governors’ final warning)
Harris Federation 4th Floor Norfolk House Wellesley Road Croydon CR0 1LH Tel: 020 8253 7777  Fax: 020 8253 7778 Email:
At the time of going to print, we are finalising the details of our premises which will be in South East London. Please check our website for updates. In the meantime, please contact us via email ( or on 020 8676 8073