Ravens Wood School Prospectus

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Ravens Wood School Committed To Excellence & Innovation

APOLLO LEARNING TRUST Ravens Wood School is a member of Apollo Learning Trust, a Multi-Academy Trust that has the full backing of the Department of Education. As members of the Multi-Academy Trust, Meridian High School and Ravens Wood School work together with others to ensure that education remains at the core of everything we do. We stand for traditional values, quality teaching, high standards of pupil behaviour, and state-of-the-art learning environments. Each school within the Apollo Learning Trust will be at the centre of its community, raising aspirations and achievement. It will do this in two ways: firstly, through the excellent teaching of an extended and balanced curriculum, which ignites curiosity, unlocks talent and raises potential; and secondly, by exercising high-quality care, guidance and support that assures the personal development and welfare of each young person. Centrally-run services will reduce the time-consuming administrative tasks which many Academies find difficult to manage, while providing the expertise and support to concentrate on educational performance. Both schools within the Trust will work with students, and will seek to provide them with a rich and varied extra-curricular programme.


welcomes you

At Ravens Wood School we want every student to progress through school gaining qualifications and skills to be confident and articulate, able to lead successful and fulfilling lives and to make valuable contributions to society. Such goals are best accomplished when our students realise their full potential and have high aspirations. In order to ensure that high academic performance is achieved, there is a consistent focus on providing outstanding teaching and learning in lessons. It is critical that our students are ready to learn and committed to excellence in their attainment. At Ravens Wood School there is an expectation that all students behave impeccably and develop an ethos of respect for others. We believe that hard work and determination, undertaken within a professional, secure and respectful environment of good communication, support and encouragement, will lead to success. The breadth of opportunity afforded to our students through the outstanding Enrichment Programme is a valuable hallmark of the school. Success is celebrated at Ravens Wood School and students are rewarded and praised in many different ways for their achievements.

We aim to: Develop and nurture intellectual curiosity and a love of learning, within a strong and supportive school community. Foster self-discipline, responsibility and moral values, leading to the highest possible standards of student behaviour, consideration for others and pride in their school. Provide a rich and broad Enrichment Programme, through which students can establish important life skills and develop their social, creative, sporting and cultural abilities. Deliver an outstanding education that leads to high academic performance and opens doors to the future. We are delighted to welcome you to the school and wish you success in your studies with us. Ms S Spence – Headteacher



in our curriculum

Ravens Wood prides itself on the broad and balanced curriculum it offers its students. In an ever changing educational landscape monitoring and evaluating our students’ progress is one of the keys to our success. At Ravens Wood we set challenging but realistic targets for our students throughout their school career. Your son will engage in English, mathematics, science, French or German, history, geography, religious studies, art, music, dance, drama, physical education, design technology, computer programming and PSHE. Years 7, 8 & 9 (Key Stage 3) At the beginning of Year 7 there is an induction period during the first six weeks. We believe that the most efficient and fairest way of grouping pupils is setting by ability, using nationally generated data alongside our own flight paths of general intelligence and baseline tests in subjects to ensure that students have been placed in the appropriate set. These tests also contribute to an indication of future performance up to GCSE level and allow us to track progress from the start.


Every student is set separately in English, mathematics and science. We operate a flexible system with regard to setting and use the review system to make set adjustments at the beginning and middle of each academic year. Key Stage 3 is the launchpad for excellence in Key Stage 4. Years 10 & 11 (Key Stage 4) In Years 10 and 11 the majority of students study a core of traditional academic subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate (EBAC): English, mathematics, French or German, science, history or geography. Beyond the core, they can then select a variety of GCSE qualifications. The wide choice of GCSE subjects is published in a separate information booklet available to students during Year 9. The curriculum allows all to achieve excellently and to progress to the next Key Stage effectively.

Years 12 & 13 (Key Stage 5) There are approximately 350 students in our Sixth Form, where we also admit young ladies. A separate Sixth Form Prospectus updated annually, sets out the full range of A Level and vocational subjects on offer. Our Enrichment courses include opportunities to study, among others: the Extended Project, Young Enterprise, Leadership and Coaching. Students are also invited to audition/trial to be members of the rugby, football, performing arts (RAPA), music and media academies. Student progress is monitored carefully to ensure that each has the opportunity to achieve their objectives for Post-18. The vast majority of our students go on to Higher and Further Education. The Sixth Form curriculum prepares all students for the post-Ravens Wood future. Commitment from students both in class and in homework is essential in developing self-discipline and independent study, resulting in academic success.

owe it to our students “ We to provide them with every

opportunity to produce the best exam results of which they are capable.



believe that the pastoral “ We care of each individual in the school community is of greatest importance.




opportunity to care

We believe that the pastoral care of each individual in the school community is of the greatest importance. Therefore we have a highly developed pastoral system to ensure that every student’s progress towards becoming a well-rounded individual is closely monitored. We provide dedicated professional staff for students to confide in if they have concerns or worries. In most instances the student will approach his Form Tutor who is central to his life at the school. The relationship between Form Tutor and student is developed through daily contact in the Personal and Social Health Education and Citizenship lessons and during Registration. Parents will also have the opportunity to build relationships with the Form Tutor through parents’ evenings, contact by telephone, email or letter or via the students’ contact book. We uphold values of respect and pride in our school and in ourselves. Therefore we expect students to address members of staff and each other with courtesy and to behave impeccably. We have established firm boundaries, which students know and understand.

feel safe and their “ Students above average attendance reflects that they enjoy school life. ” students feel confident that “ All there is a member of staff they would talk to if they had any personal concerns or wanted advice.

Ofsted March 2015



in enrichment activities

Ravens Wood’s extra curricular opportunities are truly extensive. There really is something for everyone. A large majority of Ravens Wood students are currently learning to play a musical instrument. Regular concerts in school and opportunities to participate in competitions allow students to perform and develop their skill and selfconfidence. Students gain entry to music colleges and National Ensembles on a regular basis. The quality of our dance and drama productions is outstanding. All students have the opportunity to take part in small and large-scale performances. As a school we have students who have successfully performed in central London theatres and many go on to study at professional performance establishments. Creative and talented art students have an opportunity to display their work at our annual art exhibition. Sport also plays a key part in the success of the school. Through enrichment activities, the PE Department aims to achieve excellence and inclusion. There is a strong commitment to providing competitive opportunities in all major sports. Students take part in competitions at local, national and international level. Individuals as well as teams have won and continue to win county and national competitions.


Departments run clubs at lunchtime, and before and after school. These allow students to fulfil their individual hobbies and interests, or may act as part of their wider education. It would take too long to list them all but to give an idea of the diversity of the clubs available they range from chess to photography and archery to astronomy; over 100 opportunities at the last count! In addition to all of the above we offer the opportunity for students to take part in a host of educational school trips and holidays each year, both in the UK and abroad.

extra curricular offer “ The is extensive with numerous clubs, trips and visits throughout the year. Ofsted March 2015


Wood not only “ Ravens prides itself on its academic

achievement but we place emphasis on providing extra curricular opportunities.



willingness to share knowledge and “ The skills within our community is one of our

fundamental moral values. It creates a climate of openness, collectiveness and trust.




in the quality of staff

The excellence of Ravens Wood School is determined by and dependent upon the quality of its teaching and learning. As such, we aim to ensure that high quality staff are consistently recruited to, and retained by, our school. Staff are on a continual journey to excellence through: • Professional development opportunities – regular training courses run by staff and Advanced Skills Teachers within the school to assist colleagues in key areas in order to enhance skills. • A comprehensive observation programme where the best practice is shared and celebrated through digital media. • The development of non-teaching staff – by ensuring nonteaching colleagues receive and have access to training and development and are thus fully integrated into the school.

lessons, teachers “ During question students carefully to

check they have understood new work and to deepen their learning when they are ready to move on.

appreciate the extra “ Students help teachers give them with

their learning and the high quality, personal support, staff offer whenever they need it. Ofsted March 2015


progress of the pupils is “ The monitored carefully throughout their time here and we communicate with parents on a regular basis.




equality of opportunity

We believe that all students, whether they are exceptionally gifted, have learning difficulties or other disabilities, should be full members of the school and benefit from the whole curriculum. Additional support and attention is provided by the Pupil Development team, in conjunction with classroom teachers on a daily basis. The support given varies according to the individual needs of each student and is delivered in a variety of ways. Students’ progress is monitored carefully throughout their time here and we communicate with parents on a regular basis. Assemblies Senior staff together with visiting speakers lead assemblies on carefully chosen themes on a weekly basis. This is an important time for the school community to celebrate achievement and for students to reflect on their learning. Religious Studies Religious Studies aims to promote an enquiring and sympathetic approach to the study of religion by introducing students to the challenging and varied nature of religion, religious experience, beliefs and practice. Students are encouraged to identify and explore questions about the meaning of life, to reflect on moral issues and to recognise and appreciate the contribution of religion to the richness and diversity of life.

strong promotion of “ The equality of opportunity and

zero tolerance of discrimination contributes to the school’s excellent relationships and harmony.

Ofsted March 2015


behave well. They are keen “ Students to learn and attentive in lessons. � Ofsted March 2015


Ravens Wood School Committed To Excellence & Innovation


Ravens Wood School Committed To Excellence & Innovation

Oakley Road, Bromley, Kent, BR2 8HP Tel. 01689 856050  |  Fax. 01689 869948 office@rws.uk.net | www.ravenswood.bromley.sch.uk

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