Burnham Grammar School Prospectus

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Embracing Challenge


Embracing Challenge


Burnham Grammar School has vigorously pursued excellence since its establishment in 1960. Exceptional relationships and teamwork between staff and students provide the support and reassurance for our students to be happy, strive to develop as individuals and to challenge themselves to give their very best each and every day. We are a diverse and supportive community where the focus is on the progress of every individual student regardless of their starting point. The exceptional quality of our staff and our record of developing their practice is evidenced by our Investors in People Gold and Champion status and the outstanding learning experiences provided day in, day out. Our website showcases life at Burnham Grammar School and our exciting £18 million development will transform the site and facilities over the next 2 years. Dr Andy Gillespie, Headteacher


“The harmonious school community helps students to get on well together, feel very safe and behave well.” Ofsted




Healthy & Safe We know our students as individuals and want them to be happy and excited about coming to school each day. Our nationally recognised induction programme includes Space Camp where new Year 7 students are invited to spend the first week of the summer holidays here. Our Vertical Tutoring system then ensures that they are welcomed into the heart of our community and form friendships with, learn from and are inspired by our older students. An exceptional range of extracurricular activities including academic clubs, dance, music, drama and sport enhances students’ broader education outside of the classroom. Our sport for all ethos has been recognised with the Gold Kitemark award for extracurricular sport 3 years running and, along with excellent Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education programmes, ensures that students are equipped to make positive lifestyle choices.

“Space camp was fantastic! It made a huge difference to the start of Year 7; made it much less daunting.” Parent


Responsible Learners

and Making Mistakes “The leadership team whole heartedly acknowledge how important the staff are to the success of Burnham Grammar School. There is emphasis on sharing skills and knowledge throughout the school, encouraged through the consultative culture and community teamwork.� Investors in People Gold

In all lessons, teachers ensure that students are challenged, inquisitive and questioning. Students understand how to judge their progress and develop the skills, strategies and attitudes, that enable them to persist when they get stuck, taking responsibility for their learning. Through the Year 7 Psychology for Learning course our students know that intelligence is not fixed but, like athletic prowess, it is something that only develops with effort. Our curriculum is personalised to provide students with a range of opportunities to develop their study skills and understand that effort, embracing challenge and making mistakes are key parts of the learning process.

Tracking progress Our individually tailored tracking and target systems ensure that students and parents know exactly how they are doing and allow us to fast track support when needed. Academic Review Days ensure that every student understands what they need to change and develop to fulfil their potential.


“A variety of well-matched and innovative strategies are used to intervene and support learning and progress.” LINDA FOLEY, OFSTED INSPECTOR, BUCKS REVIEW 2015



for their Future Inspirational learning experiences supplemented by a broad extracurricular and trips programme help students to identify their passions.

Developing broader skills Project days, Young Enterprise, Duke of Edinburgh, Interact and Sports Leader programmes also develop the organisational and interpersonal skills that are not tested in exams, but are vital for future success.

Aspiring for dream careers All students participate in our Work Experience programme, supplemented by our CafĂŠ Careers initiative, which is run by students and invites alumni from a variety of careers to talk to students about their working lives. Close ties with multinational companies, such as Bio-pharma Lonza who sponsor Scientist of the Year, and city firms through alumni, provide work experience, employment opportunities and guidance to our students.



Individuals At the heart of our success all members of our diverse community work hard to support and respect each other and most importantly themselves.

Peer support Our Vertical Tutoring system takes advantage of the exceptional relationships between students and forges supportive links, mentoring and raises aspirations across the year groups.

Respect for diversity and individuality Freedom from bullying strategies are developed with our students and reviewed annually and have been recognised for the last 5 years at a national level with the school gaining the BiG award (Bullying Intervention Group) and the National Stonewall Award in 2016.

“This would be the school I would fight to get my own children into.� LINDA FOLEY, OFSTED INSPECTOR, BUCKS REVIEW 2015


Active Citizens

Students are involved in the decision making processes of the school and are given opportunities for leadership and responsibility in all year groups.

Students leading All prospective staff are interviewed by a student panel and the School Council and Senior Prefects contribute to self-evaluation and decision making processes.

Supporting the community Students understand how to make a contribution to and get their voices heard in their local, national and global communities. Their actions have won the International School Award, the Silver Eco Schools Award and the Gold Democracy Award from the UK Youth Parliament.

Acting for others The empathy our students show for others is exemplified by the work of our Rotary Interact student group who co-ordinate fundraising for charities and impromptu disaster appeals.


“The teachers are the most supportive network of people you will find. They want what is best for you and nothing less.” Emma, ex student

“I’ve made so many new friends and look forward to coming to school.” YEAR 7 STUDENT


Hogfair Lane, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 7HG Tel: 01628-604812 Fax: 01628-663559 Email: info@burnhamgrammar.org.uk


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