Merchants' Academy Primary Prospectus

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Be Proud The Academy motto ‘Be Proud’ underpins everything we do

Teachers take the time to get to know and understand each child. Whether they need to be stretched, are struggling or are somewhere in the middle, we always work to inspire the best in them. There are five BRISTOL values that define the way in which our students of all ages learn and behave at Merchants’ Academy:

Boldness Aim high, show courage and hope to push against any barriers

Respect Be considerate and respect the rights of others

Integrity If it’s not right, do not do it. If it’s not true, don’t say it

Service We have a responsibility to the future and each other

Tenacity Tough times don’t last, strong people do

Optimism No pessimist discovered the secret of the stars or uncharted land

Learning A commitment to lifelong development unlocks your full potential


to Merchants’ Academy Primary part of the Merchants’ Academy Trust

From the Principal

From the Head of Primary

We are proud of our positive, vibrant and purposeful all-age Academy, where we are committed to ensuring that all our young people are successful, happy and prepared for their lives beyond school. We provide an education relevant to the 21st Century delivered in an educational environment that emphasises traditional standards of uniform, discipline, respect and work hard with our students to ensure that they:

Merchants’ Academy Primary is an exciting place to learn and work and we take seriously the fact that our children only get one chance at an excellent education. Some of you will already be familiar with the range of facilities and opportunities the Academy provides, for others the Nursery or Reception classes within the Primary will be your first experience of what Merchants’ Academy has to offer.

• Reach the highest standards

From your child’s first days at Merchants’ Academy Primary we are confident that you will be impressed by the outstanding standards of teaching and the caring and supportive learning environment. We have a first class staff team which encourages children to reach their full potential and is a place where genuine partnerships are forged with parents.

• Have exceptional opportunities • Receive outstanding care, guidance and support Merchants’ Academy is a stimulating, caring and orderly environment in which to learn and grow, where each individual has respect for themselves and for others. We demand the highest standards and work with our young people to ensure they achieve more than they ever thought possible and place high value on the constructive partnership we have with parents to ensure the best outcomes for their children. Nick Short, Principal

Being able to stay in one school from Reception until university or employment provides enormous advantages for children at all stages of their schooling, as well as being very convenient for parents with children of different ages. Our primary children are given a head start in the curriculum, being taught Modern Foreign Languages, Science, PE and Music by specialist subject teachers. This is common practice at leading private primary schools but relatively unheard of elsewhere. Merchants’ Academy Primary lies at the heart of the community, we are proud of what we have to offer and invite you to find out more. Julie Hearn, Head of Primary


“Teachers have high expectations and enable children to make good progress.”  Ofsted


An Exciting

World of Learning At Merchants’ Academy we engage students fully in the fun and adventure of learning. Children have access to an amazing variety of co-curricular clubs and activities with a programme brimming with music, drama and sporting activities, every child has the chance to find their special talents. As children begin their education, we want to make their first school years as enjoyable as possible and develop in them a real enthusiasm for learning. This is the time in which we lay the foundations for a successful academic career, which means developing the core skills of reading, writing and numeracy.

Teachers combine the traditional with the modern to help students grasp the basics of mathematics. To embed numeracy skills, we create many opportunities for students to put what they have been learning in the classroom into practice. The curriculum is well-rounded – with everything from science to the performing arts – so that our students get a full and varied education that they all enjoy. This provides them with ample opportunities to achieve more than they ever thought possible. We also place a strong emphasis on physical exercise and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Reading is taught through traditional phonics. All students are encouraged to read for pleasure and are able to take home story books from our well-stocked library.

Nursery Merchants’ Academy Nursery has an agreed admission number of 60 full-time equivalent pupils and admits children from their third birthday onwards. The Nursery sessions are split into two and a half days (Monday – Wednesday lunchtime, Wednesday afternoon to Friday afternoon).

“ The curriculum caters well for the needs of all students and ensures that they enjoy school.”  Ofsted


“Teachers show that they have high expectations for their students and students have good attitudes to learning.”  Ofsted


Starting School A partnership with parents and carers We understand that choosing and starting Primary school can be an anxious as well as exciting time for families. We like to engage parents as soon as possible so that they can be partners in their child’s education. We encourage parents to attend sessions where they can learn to help their child to read by learning the basics of phonics, learn the basics of Mathematics Mastery and start to contribute to a student’s assessment through the use of Tapestry, where parents can upload pictures and videos.

Pastoral Support

We like to continue with shared learning experiences for parents and students through our Workalong programme, where parents come into school and join a lesson with their child and learn together.

Our PSHEE curriculum – Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Wellbeing education programme, helps our students to become confident and responsible citizens who live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives, making a positive contribution to society. We have core learning skills which underpin every lesson on how to learn and also our PSHEE is aligned with our Bristol Values which develop a firm commitment to developing and upholding British Values.

Our aim is to draw on the knowledge and experience of our parents as well as the wider community to help us move forward together for the benefit of our students. There are regular parents’ evenings to discuss your child’s progress and parents can access their child’s academic progress through an online Parent Portal at any time.

In the Primary we have a Home School Worker and a Learning Mentor who both work with families and students who may be struggling for any reason. We will run sessions, where support is needed, on topics such as improving self-esteem, anger management, bereavement and social skills.

Personal development

“ Students are good ambassadors for their academy; they are calm, polite and courteous. They show a respect for each other and are proud of their school. The atmosphere in school is one of tolerance, sharing and learning together.”  Ofsted




at Merchants’ Academy Houses

Recognising Achievement

The Academy has a vibrant House system which enables students to work with others both in their year groups but also in other years from across the Academy in a range of activities including fundraising and competitions. The Houses: Castle, Lawford, Frome and Temple are all named after the historic ‘Gates’ to the City of Bristol. Primary students from Years 3 upwards wear polo shirts with stripes on the collars in the colour of their respective House.

‘Be Proud’ is our motto. We believe that all students’ achievements should be recognised and that they should enjoy the feeling of being proud of their achievements. Great emphasis is placed on celebrating achievement and promoting responsible behaviour.

House events include competitions, challenges and charity events. The House Cup can be won each term by a House and the points are accumulated to see which House has won for the year.

Healthy Eating A range of healthy and nutritious meals is available daily including a wide variety of ethnic and dietary foods.

We use a point system where badges, that the students can wear, are earned in recognition of especially good work. We also have prizes for those who achieve over and beyond the average points.

Celebrating Success We have weekly celebration assemblies where students are awarded certificates by their class teacher and individuals are recognised for their achievements. Annually, there is an official Award Ceremony, where prizes are given to students in different categories. This is attended by parents, teachers and governors.

We have a breakfast club for students that starts at 7:50am.


Co-curricular AND ENRICHMENT

Merchants’ Academy is unique in that we can offer opportunities and experiences to our students that other schools cannot match. Our students and staff take part in our Co-curricular programme, which involves a huge range of inspirational and exciting activities. They learn new skills, discover new talents, learn to work as team members and build confidence as individuals. The list of activities varies from term to term and year to year but always includes something for everyone.

“ Merchants’ Academy is a good school where all students achieve well.”  Ofsted




Academic Achievement and Student Progress Merchants’ Academy focusses relentlessly on improving the amount and rate of progress that students make, regardless of their starting points. Merchants’ Academy Primary invests in well qualified Teaching Assistants who deliver high quality intervention programmes. Staff make regular checks on how each student is doing and tailor intervention and support to the individual to ensure that every one of them is able to make the most of their potential.

Home Learning Regular home learning is vital in securing the very best results for our students. It consolidates work done in class and encourages the development of self-discipline and independence. The amount of home learning given increases as students progress through the Primary. If there are any concerns about either the quality or quantity set, parents are encouraged to contact the class teacher. The nature of home learning work varies greatly. Self-discipline and organisation learnt through independent study helps develop independent learning and problem-solving skills for secondary, university and the world of work.


More Able Students Merchants’ Academy Primary is committed to providing a high quality, challenging and relevant education for each one of our students. This extends to our most able and talented students who are stretched and developed as part of our extensive More Able Students’ programme. Students are not only accelerated in the curriculum but also are presented with a range of exciting opportunities ranging from Enterprise events, debating competitions and an extensive variety of visits and trips.

Meeting Individual Needs: Personalised Learning We recognise that everyone is an individual and we aim to match the teaching that we cater to the learning needs of each student. In this way we aim to provide personalised learning, assisted by the latest technology, for every student.

“The progress that has been made… shows the impact of the academy’s continued efforts to raise standards.” Ofsted


Student Voice There is a strong student voice in the Primary where representatives in all classes from Year Two and above meet regularly to discuss issues that their peers have asked to be discussed. These are then discussed with the Leadership Team and addressed. There are annual Head and Deputy Head girls and boys who are nominated by staff and Head of House representatives also. Students are often used as ambassadors to show visitors around.


Music and Drama Music has a strong tradition at Merchants’ Academy Primary. We have three very strong choirs which comprise of a main choir, a chamber choir and a boys’ choir. These choirs perform regularly and have sung in a variety of prestigious settings including, in front of Princess Anne and on Songs of Praise. As well as the normal music curriculum, we also have specialist lessons in piano, trumpet, clarinet and violin. Students who progress have the opportunity to join the All-Age Academy Orchestra. Drama is also valued highly and students regularly attend theatres as well as having performances delivered to them in the Academy. We work with the Travelling Light Theatre Company, the Tobacco Factory and the Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company.

Sport Sport is highly thought of at the Academy and with secondary expertise we have developed a high quality sports programme. We like to take part in competitive sports and regularly enter local and regional tournaments. As well as the regular sports that primary schools take part in, we offer an unusual and diverse programme through our

co-curricular programme that students would not normally have access to. The Key Stage 2 Sports Day is held at the Secondary part of the Academy, led by Academy Secondary specialist PE and Sports staff, to give students access to specialist athletics facilities.


Wow days To keep the curriculum alive and exciting for students we like to have plenty of WOW days, where students come off of their normal timetables for an afternoon or a day and experience learning in a different way. Each subject has a WOW event each year, where the students experience performances, workshops and activities as a whole school. Some of our more exciting

recent experiences have included: a Dragon Writing week, where children found evidence of dragons on the premises; a Pirate Week – with a performance from Pirate Pete, a trip to The Matthew and pirate workshops, all related to a topic of The Sea and a Spanish day, where as well as tasting Spanish food, the children were given Spanish workshops by Spanish speaking volunteers from Bristol University.

Employability At Merchants’ Academy Primary we have been recognised for our unique Employability programme by receiving the Employability Mark. This is rare for primary schools and shows the Academy’s commitment to preparing our students for the future. Students have

the possibility to apply for jobs through a process of application forms, CVs and references. Students are then employed as office leaders, play leaders, site leaders, sports leaders, green leaders and friendship leaders.

“ Teachers routinely use information on what students know and can do to challenge them. As a result, activities which help build on what they know are imaginative and stimulate students’ curiosity. Students are encouraged to learn from each other and they work happily together.”  Ofsted



Merchants’ Academy


Our Academy is part the Merchants’ Academy Trust (a Multi Academy Trust) which benefits from expertise in running different types of state funded schools. Executive Principal: Dr Hilary Macaulay

Our Sponsors The work of Merchants’ Academy Trust is made possible through the outstanding support and expertise provide by the co-sponsors, the Society of Merchant Venturers and the University of Bristol and is brought to life by a team of excellent teachers and leaders. The sponsors are the key to success of Merchants’ Academy and are what makes the Academy unique, both locally and nationally. They are an essential part of the Academy vision, able to give our students exceptional chances, experiences and opportunities unavailable elsewhere.

The Society of Merchant Venturers plays a prominent role in the commercial life and institutions of Bristol. From its origins in the fifteenth century, the Society has developed an involvement with a wide range of charitable activities especially in education. The Merchant Venturers are the founders and principal sponsor of Merchants’ Academy and the Merchants’ Academy Trust. With the clear aim to make Merchants’ Academy one of the best schools in the country, the Society provides the Academy with financial guidance, governance and other opportunities, including support to equip students to meet the challenges of life beyond the classroom. Our students also have the opportunity to take part in joint activities with those from other schools run by the Society including Colston’s School and the CGS Trust.


The University of Bristol ranks as one of the top 10 universities in the United Kingdom. It is actively involved in the development of the Academy curriculum and allows students to access its excellent academic facilities. The university also offers support in other areas such as mentoring and the provision of vocational work placements. The university provides extensive support and opportunities for our Sixth Form including scholarships, preferential offers of grades to gain a place, with the additional possibility of bursaries to support degree studies.



Primary Withywood Road, Withywood, Bristol, BS13 9AX Tel: 0117 301 0805 Email:

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