Highworth Grammar School Sixth Form Course Guide 2017

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Sixth Form Course Guide 2017

Contents Advanced Level Art.................................................................................................................................................................................................................06 Advanced Level Biology.......................................................................................................................................................................................................07 Advanced Level Business....................................................................................................................................................................................................08 Advanced Level Chemistry.................................................................................................................................................................................................09 Advanced Level Computer Science..............................................................................................................................................................................10 Advanced Level Dance.........................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Advanced Level Design and Technology – Product Design.........................................................................................................................12 Advanced Level Drama and Theatre Studies..........................................................................................................................................................13 Advanced Level Economics...............................................................................................................................................................................................14 Advanced Level English Language and Literature..............................................................................................................................................15 Advanced Level English Literature................................................................................................................................................................................16 Extended Project Level 3.....................................................................................................................................................................................................17 Advanced Level Film Studies............................................................................................................................................................................................18 Advanced Level French........................................................................................................................................................................................................19 Advanced Level Geography..............................................................................................................................................................................................20 Advanced Level German.....................................................................................................................................................................................................21 Advanced Level History (Option 1)...............................................................................................................................................................................22 Advanced Level History (Option 2)...............................................................................................................................................................................23 Advanced Level Mathematics..........................................................................................................................................................................................24 Advanced Level Mathematics – Further....................................................................................................................................................................25 Advanced Level Music..........................................................................................................................................................................................................26 Advanced Level Photography..........................................................................................................................................................................................27 Advanced Level Physical Education.............................................................................................................................................................................28 Advanced Level Physics.......................................................................................................................................................................................................29 Advanced Level Politics........................................................................................................................................................................................................30 Advanced Level Psychology..............................................................................................................................................................................................31 Advanced Level Religious Studies.................................................................................................................................................................................32 Advanced Level Sociology.................................................................................................................................................................................................33 Advanced Level Spanish......................................................................................................................................................................................................34

How Do I Apply? Please click the link below which will enable you to apply to our sixth form: https://www.ucasprogress.com/provider/79555/highworthgrammar-school If you are applying from outside of Kent, please contact our Careers Co-ordinator Miss F Danielsen, who will send you an application form: f.danielsen@highworth.kent.sch.uk Deadline for applications is: WEDNESDAY 8th FEBRUARY 2017

Entry Requirements As a basic entry requirement to join our Sixth Form, you must have achieved at least 6 GCSE subjects at Grade B or above (Grade 6 or above for reformed subjects) including: • at least Grade 5 in English • at least Grade 5 in Mathematics • the specific entry requirements for each of your subjects Applicants may choose 3 or 4 subjects to study at A Level. Choosing to study the Extended Project Qualification will be an additional course choice. Your study programme will also include timetabled supplementary study sessions and you will be expected to be involved in a co-curricular activity such as a volunteering or work experience placement, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, music lessons or a regular sporting commitment.

From September 2017 all A Level courses will be linear, with examinations at the end of the two year course. PLEASE SEE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS FOR FURTHER DETAILS. If, however, there are insufficient numbers, a course may not run.

Application Process Following your application, we confirm with your school that you are on target to meet the entry requirements for the courses you wish to study by requesting a reference from them. You will then be invited for a consultation with a senior teacher in March/April. The purpose of the meeting is simply to allow us to get to know you and to talk to you about your aspirations; it is not a factor in deciding whether or not to offer you a place, which is done purely on academic criteria.

Entry Requirements into Year 13: We aim for all students to go on to complete their A Levels over two years, but entry to Year 13 is not automatic as the successful completion of Year 12 is essential.

Open Morning You are welcome to attend our Open Morning on Thursday 26 January 2017 9.00 – 10.30am.

We have a Taster Day in the Summer Term where you will meet your teachers and receive some summer tasks to complete in preparation for your courses.

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Advanced Level Art Entry Requirements You will need to have followed a GCSE Art course and achieved Grade B or above. Being able to work independently and creatively is essential. You can get advice from your art teacher if you are interested in this course. The aims and objectives of the Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Art are to enable students to develop: • Intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive capabilities • Investigative, analytical, experimental, practical, technical and expressive skills, aesthetic understanding and critical judgement • Independence of mind in developing, refining and communicating ideas, intentions and personal outcomes • An interest in, enthusiasm for and enjoyment of art, craft and design, working with a broad range of media • An understanding of the inter-relationships between art, craft and design processes and an awareness of the contexts in which they operate • Knowledge and experience of real-world contexts and links to the creative industries • An awareness of different roles, functions, audiences and consumers of art, craft and design, preparing students for course content and further education and employment

Course Content and Examination Format Component 1: 60% of Final Mark You will be expected to complete an exciting range of skill based workshops looking at the following areas of study and looking at the formal elements of Art: Painting and Drawing; Printmaking; Sculpture and Lens-Based Image Making.

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You develop your Personal Investigation portfolio to a more sophisticated depth and breadth, continuing to work closely with a designated Art tutor who will be responsible for setting and marking your work each week as you are set specific tasks to complete. You will create a personal theme to fulfil the expectations of the unit of coursework. In the summer term of the first year you will be expected to conduct extensive, focused and academic research into your Personal Study with a related written study of between 1000–3000 words being completed in the first term of your second year. During this second year, you are encouraged to build upon skills and techniques learnt in order to produce a more considered body of coursework with supporting work and final outcomes. The emphasis is on personal independent creative work, supported by regular tutorials and guidance. Visits to galleries and exhibitions will be used to enhance and develop your work. All your work is graded by the Art Department before being moderated by an external moderator. Component 2: 40% of Final Mark Your final assessment is the Externally Set Assignment which starts at the beginning of February of your second year. You will be given a set starting point or theme and will be expected to develop a body of preparatory work over eight weeks, followed by a 15 hour examination. During the 15 hour period of sustained focus under examination conditions, students will produce final outcome(s) extending from their preparatory studies in response to the Externally Set Assignment; this is normally spread over three days. Work must cover all four Assessment Objectives and will be marked by your Art teachers before being moderated by an external moderator. We celebrate the work of our students each year with an impressive exhibition.

Advanced Level Biology Entry Requirements

Examination Format


You will be assessed on your ability to:

1. Grade B or above from GCSE Biology or

• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of biological ideas, processes and procedures (35%)

2. Grade B or above from GCSE Science and Grade B or above from GCSE Additional Science with at least Grade B from the Biology component

• Apply knowledge and understanding of biological ideas, processes and procedures (40%)

• The ability to learn a lot of factual information in great detail – much more than at GCSE

• Analyse, interpret and evaluate biological information, ideas and data (25%)

• Enjoyment of carrying out laboratory experiments or ecology field work on the field trip

In addition:

• An interest in all aspects of Biology and related issues, including plants! • A good grasp of Chemistry • A good grasp of Maths – 10% of marks are Maths related

• 10% of the overall assessment will contain mathematical skills • 15% of the overall assessment will assess practical work



Weighting %



TOPICS 1–4 including relevant practical skills


2 hours


TOPICS 5–8 including relevant practical skills


2 hours


TOPICS 1–8 including relevant practical skills


2 hours

• The ability to write a 25 mark essay in Paper 3 The specification builds on concepts and skills developed at GCSE. It presents essential principles in interesting contexts and it emphasises the contributions of Biology to modern society in an exciting, relevant and challenging way. The examinations place a strong emphasis on applying knowledge to unfamiliar situations.

Course Content 1. Biological Molecules 2. Cells 3. How organisms exchange substances with their environment 4. Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms 5. Energy transfers in and between organisms 6. How organisms respond to change 7. Genetics, evolution and ecosystems 8. Control of gene expression

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Advanced Level Business Entry Requirements

Examination Format

If you have not taken GCSE Business Studies, you need to have GCSE English Language at Grade 5 or above and GCSE Maths at Grade 5 or above. If you have taken GCSE Business Studies, you need to have achieved Grade B or above.

Paper 1

You will need to keep up with current events by watching news programmes and business documentaries on television, as well as reading the business sections in the newspapers.

Section A: 15 multiple choice questions (MCQs) (15 marks)

You will need to communicate your ideas clearly and concisely in a logical way and show some creativity in answering discussion type questions. An enquiring mind and a good memory for facts and figures are a great advantage.

2 hours, 100 marks, 33.3% of total A2 Three compulsory sections:

Section B: Short answer questions (35 marks) Section C: Two essay questions (choice of one from two and one from two) (25 marks each)

Paper 2 2 hours, 100 marks, 33.3% of total A2

Course Content

Three data response compulsory questions (approximately 33 marks each) made up of 3 or 4 part questions

All examinations will be synoptically tested, requiring students to make connections between all topics covered.

Paper 3

There are ten units for the full A Level: these are taught in a linear structure with six delivered in the first year and four in the second. Content from all ten units is examined.

One compulsory case study followed with approximately six questions

The topics are designed to equip students with an understanding of how to launch and manage the day to day running of a variety of different business structures. There is a strong focus on decision making within the business environment, with an emphasis on the practical implications of running a successful business. There is no coursework element included in the specification.

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2 hours, 100 marks, 33.3% of total A2

Advanced Level Chemistry Entry Requirements A Level Chemistry is highly regarded by universities and many subjects, such as Medicine, make it an entry requirement to their courses. A Level Chemistry is a rigorous, challenging and ultimately rewarding course that develops scientific skills and knowledge. Success at A Level means building on strong results at GCSE and so we require a Grade A or above in either Chemistry or Science (Double Award). Chemistry A Level requires a lot of mathematical manipulation; consequently, Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics is strongly advised. To attain good grades in Chemistry you should: • have a curiosity about the subject • be able to work independently as well as part of a team • communicate ideas effectively in your written work • research and think critically about chemical problems

Course Content The course is arranged into the traditional three branches of physical, inorganic and organic chemistry.

Second year: Physical: Thermodynamics, rate equations and equilibria constant, electrode potentials and electrochemical cells. Inorganic: Period 3 elements and their oxides, transition metals, the reactions of aqueous ions. Organic: Optical isomerism, the reactions of carbonyls and their derivatives, aromatic chemistry, amines, amino acids and polymers, including protein as well as DNA, NMR spectroscopy and chromatography.

Examination Format Paper 1: Inorganic and physical chemistry with relevant practical skills (2 hours) 35%. Paper 2: Organic, with relevant physical chemistry and practical skills (2 hours) 35%. Paper 3: Practical skills (2 hours) 30%. There is no separate practical exam as the practical skills will be examined within these papers. However, if 12 practical investigations are completed during the course to a satisfactory level, this will be acknowledged by an A Level Practical Endorsement on the certificate.

First year: Physical: Atomic structure, mole calculations, bonding, energetics, qualitative kinetics and equilibria, including Le Chatelier’s Principle. Inorganic: Periodicity, the chemistry of the Alkaline earth metals (group 2) and the Halogens (group 7). Organic: The reactions of alkanes, halogenoalkanes, alkenes, alcohols and organic analysis.

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Advanced Level Computer Science Entry Requirements Computing requires you to develop the capacity to think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically. You will need to gain an understanding of the organisation of computer systems, including software, hardware, data, communications and people. You will also develop skills in project and time management. Prospective candidates should have attained at least a Grade B GCSE in Computing/ICT, or Grade 5 in Maths.

Course Content Computer Systems Students examine: hardware and software; the presentation, structure and management of data; the transmission and networking of data; the system’s development life cycle; the characteristics of information systems; and the implications of computer use in society. Students also cover the need to design solutions to problems by developing an understanding of the structure of procedural programs, different data types and data structures, as well as investigating the common facilities of procedural languages.

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Algorithms and Programming This unit looks at computational thinking including how computers are used to solve problems and how algorithms may be used to describe them. Students investigate how to think abstractly, procedurally and logically. Using object orientated languages, they examine programming techniques and computational methods to solve problems. Students also develop skills writing maintainable programs, as well as testing and running solutions.

Programming Project In this project students define a problem, investigate and analyse it, design and build a software solution, document, test and evaluate it, culminating in a written report.

Examination Format Unit

Length of Examination

% of Total A Level Mark


2 hour 30 minutes



2 hour 30 minutes





Advanced Level Dance Entry Requirements

Examination Format

This course is particularly suitable for students who have studied GCSE Dance and wish to study Dance at a higher level. If a student has completed GCSE Dance, Grade B or above is required. Prior experience of performing, membership of dance companies and dance clubs is essential. The course aims to develop the skills students have acquired at GCSE level and foster an analytical appreciation of professional dance works. Throughout this course, students will have to demonstrate the ability to work both individually and in a team.

Component 1: Performance and Choreography (50%)

Course Content A Level Dance allows students to embody knowledge and understanding through the exploration of areas of study, practitioners and set works. The course provides students with the opportunity to gain experience of performance and choreography and to develop critical thinking about Dance. This course is a dynamic qualification which encourages students to develop their creative, physical, emotional and intellectual capacity. It is assessed through both practical performances and written examinations.

Practical Examination (80 marks): • Solo performance linked to a specified practitioner within an area of study • Performance in a quartet • Group choreography Component 2: Critical Engagement (50%) Written Examination (100 marks) 2 hours 30 minutes: Knowledge, understanding and critical appreciation of two set works: • One compulsory set work within the compulsory area of study (Rambert Dance Company 1966–2002) • One optional set work within the corresponding area of study (The independent contemporary dance scene in Britain 2000–current)

A Level Dance provides a firm foundation for further study at Higher Education and links with the professional dance world.

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Advanced Level Design and Technology – Product Design Entry Requirements

Examination Format

Candidates should have studied GCSE Product Design (or the equivalent) and achieved Grade B or above. Students who have not studied a Design related subject will be considered on an individual basis. You need to:

Two examination papers worth 50% of the total marks (Maths and Science contribute 15%) and Non-examination assessment (NEA) worth 50% of the total marks. The NEA consists of a single design and make activity. Students are free to choose and develop their own design.

• be able to cope with the coursework commitments • be organised to cope with a structured approach and frequent deadlines • be good at and enjoy problem solving tasks • be creative and pay attention to detail • be able to present work to a high standard

Paper 1: Written examination of 2 hours at the end of Year 13 (100 marks – 25% of A Level) Mixture of short answer, multiple choice and extended response questions. Assessing technical principles, designing and making principles and specialist knowledge.

• be competent with ICT and willing to extend your skills

Paper 2: Written examination of 2 hours at the end of Year 13 (100 marks – 25% of A Level)

Course Content

Section A: Product Analysis 40 marks. Short answer questions based on visual stimulus of product(s).

• Students will develop intellectual curiosity about the design and manufacture of products. They will explore, design, create and evaluate innovative solutions in response to realistic design contexts

Section B: Commercial Manufacture 60 marks. Two extended response questions worth 30 marks each. Assessing technical principles, designing and making principles and specialist knowledge.

• Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the core technical, designing and making principles for product design

Non-Examination Assessment: Approximately 40 hours in Year 13 (100 Marks – 50% of A Level)

• Subject content is split into three key sections with suggested opportunities to deliver relevant integrated maths and science skills

Students will undertake a substantial design and make task and produce a final prototype. The context of the task will be determined by the student. Electronic submission of design folder including photographic evidence of final outcome. Assessment criteria include: • Exploration • Designing • Making • Analysis and Evaluation Students choose their material focus, either resistant materials or textiles in order to carry out their coursework projects.

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Advanced Level Drama and Theatre Studies Entry Requirements

Component 3: Theatre makers in Practice (40%)

Students should be motivated, independent learners with excellent organisational skills. They must also be competent performers and be able to work collaboratively in groups.

Synoptic written examination in which students must apply the knowledge they have acquired throughout the course responding to live performance and the study of two set texts. The examination will contain three sections:

The entrance requirements for this course are Grade B or above in GCSE Drama and Grade 5 or above in both GCSE English Literature and GCSE English Language. Prior experience of working on productions, membership of youth theatres, drama companies and dance clubs is also an advantage. The course aims to develop the skills students have acquired at GCSE level and foster an analytical appreciation of theatre.

1. A live theatre evaluation. 2. Page to stage: realisation of one key extract from a performance text. 3. Interpreting one complete performance text, in light of one practitioner for a contemporary audience.

Course Content

Examination Format

Component 1: Devising (40%)

Component 1: Performance and portfolio assessed internally by Drama Department staff with video recording and sample portfolios submitted to the Edexcel Examination Board for moderation.

Students use one key extract from a performance text and a theatre practitioner as a stimuli to devise an original performance piece. Design and performance options are available. They will be assessed for the performance/ realisation of the design (10%) and for their supporting portfolio 2500–3000 words (30%).

Component 2: Marked externally by visiting Edexcel examiner. Component 3: Written examination marked externally.

Component 2: Text in Performance (20%) Students work together in groups to stage a key extract from a performance text for a visiting external examiner. Students must also present a monologue or duologue as part of the assessment process. The unit is broken into two sections and in both, if a candidate wishes, design options are available.

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Advanced Level Economics Entry Requirements

Examination Format

If you have not taken GCSE Economics, you need to have GCSE English Language at Grade 5 or above and GCSE Maths at Grade 7 or above. If you have taken GCSE Economics, you need to have achieved Grade B or above.

All units will be assessed externally through examinations, with each unit worth 33.3% of the total A Level grade. There is no coursework element included in the specification.

You will need to keep up to date with current events by watching news programmes and reading a broadsheet newspaper. You will need to communicate ideas effectively, analysing a range of models and their applications within class discussions and written assignments. While it is not a requirement that students also study Maths, you should be comfortable working with numerical data.

Course Content The course introduces the basic concepts of micro and macroeconomic theory. Unit 1: Markets and Market Failure Tackles the basic economic problem of how resources should be allocated and includes topics such as market failure, efficiency and government intervention. Unit 2: The National Economy Focuses on the role of the government in maintaining the UK economy and includes topics such as macroeconomic performance and policy. Unit 3: Economic Principles and Issues A synoptic paper designed to highlight the interdependence of economic themes across all of the topics covered in Unit 1 and Unit 2.

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Units 1 and 2: Examinations of 2 hours each Section A: Data response questions requiring written answers; choice of one from two contexts (40 marks) Section B: Essay questions requiring written answers; choice of one from three (40 marks) Unit 3: Examination of 2 hours Section A: Multiple choice questions (30 marks) Section B: Case study questions requiring written answers (50 marks)

Advanced Level English Language and Literature Entry Requirements As this course builds on GCSE skills, you should have GCSE qualifications in English Language and English Literature of at least Grade 6 or above. We study the Edexcel English Language and Literature specification which allows you to: • develop and apply knowledge of literary analysis and evaluation • develop and apply understanding of the concepts and methods appropriate for the analysis and study of language • use linguistic and literary approaches in the reading and interpretation of texts, showing how the two disciplines can relate to each other • engage creatively and critically with a wide range of texts exploring the ways in which texts relate to each other and the contexts in which they are produced and received • develop skills as producers and interpreters of language in a sustained and independent way

Course Content

the theme of Society and the Individual, as well as a range of non-fiction texts on the set theme in preparation for an unseen text in the exam. The set texts are The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Othello by William Shakespeare and The Whitsun Weddings by Philip Larkin. Component 3: Coursework: Investigating and Creating Texts The coursework has been designed to allow students to demonstrate their skills as a writer, crafting their own original texts for different audiences and purposes. They will study two texts that link to either the topic of The Struggle for Identity or War and Conflict to produce two creative assignments and one analytical piece.

Examination Format Component 1: Written examination (40%) Open book, 2 questions, 2 hours 30 minutes Component 2: Written examination (40%) Open book, 2 questions, 2 hours 30 minutes Component 3: Coursework (20%) Including two pieces of original writing and one analytical commentary (2500–3000 words in total)

You will pursue the study of literature and language through the study of a minimum of six texts from the genres of prose fiction, poetry and drama and non-literary texts. Component 1: Voices in Speech and Writing This component has a focus on the concept of ‘voice’ and how voices are created in literary, non-literary and digital texts. The set text is A Street Car Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. Students will also study an anthology of non-literary and digital texts from the 20th and 21st centuries. Component 2: Varieties in Language and Literature The component focuses on the ways in which different writers convey their thoughts or ideas on a theme in literary and non-fiction writing. Students will study three texts exploring

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Advanced Level English Literature Entry Requirements

Examination Format

As this course builds on GCSE skills, you should have GCSE qualifications in English Language and English Literature of at least Grade 6 or above.

Component 1: Written examination (30%) Open book, 2 questions, 2 hours and 15 minutes

We study the Edexcel English Literature specification which allows you to: • Compare a range of texts across genres, themes and periods from 1300 to present day • Study critical comments and apply these to texts • Have a deeper understanding of the various traditions of literature in English

Course Content You will further your appreciation of a wide range of English literature by studying 4 components (3 examined, 1 coursework) covering a wide range of texts, periods and genres. Component 1: The study of a Shakespeare play, either a tragedy or a comedy, and one other drama (either tragedy or comedy) Component 2: The study of two prose texts on a chosen theme; one text will be pre-1900 Component 3: The study of poetry, both post and pre-2000 Component 4: A comparative coursework essay studying two texts not covered elsewhere in the course; 2500–3000 words Studying English Literature will allow you to: voice your own opinions; lead discussions by giving presentations; develop sophisticated writing skills; acquire and use specialist terms; research writers, genres and periods; and engage actively in dynamic ways with the texts.

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Component 2: Written examination (20%) Open book, 2 questions, 1 hour Component 3: Written examination (30%) Open book, 2 questions, 2 hours and 15 minutes Component 4: Coursework (20%) An independent comparative study of two texts 2500–3000 words

Extended Project Level 3 Entry Requirements

Examination Format

The Extended Project is a Level 3 qualification which is equivalent to half an A Level. It is a major piece of individual project work and, therefore, students will need to be motivated, independent learners with excellent time management skills. It is essential that those considering the course have some initial ideas for potential areas of study.

Extended Project students must submit one of the following coursework formats for internal assessment:

Please note that this course does not count as an A Level choice and can only be selected in addition to the main A Level subjects.

• A study based on practical, investigatory work

Course Content

• A dissertation (a theoretical written essay) • An artefact (essay and sketchbook) • A performance based project

All students will need to produce: a project proposal form; a project activity log; an essay of 2000–6000 words; an oral presentation and an evaluation.

The Extended Project gives students two years to pursue independent research and achieve a deeper understanding of a subject area. Lessons will focus on: how to manage a project; how to research and reference effectively; how to analyse the validity of sources; how to write an extended essay; and how to deliver findings in a formal presentation. This course is an opportunity to personalise learning and extend knowledge and skills in ways that are new and challenging. Students with a strong drive to pursue a certain career or undergraduate course can use this qualification to demonstrate early commitment and develop valuable expertise. Those aiming for places at the most prestigious and competitive universities would find it a distinct advantage to be able to discuss their Extended Project in UCAS applications and university interviews.

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Advanced Level Film Studies Entry Requirements

Examination Format

Students will need to have achieved a minimum of Grade 5 in GCSE English/English Literature or Grade B in another text based Humanities subject.

Component 1: American and British Film (35%)

Course Content

Written examination of 3 hours

The course builds on the knowledge students have already gained informally of film and cinema. They will engage with a wide range of different kinds of films, developing their creativity and practical skills in both audio visual and written forms. Two forms of assessment are used, with the intention of producing imaginative, active learners.

Component 3: Production (30%)

Component 1: American and British Film This component assesses knowledge and understanding of six feature-length films from Classical Hollywood, Hollywood since the 1960s, Contemporary American independent film and a British film. Component 2: Varieties of Film This component assesses knowledge and understanding of five feature-length films from the silent era, a documentary film, two global films and one compilation of short films. Component 3: Production This component assesses one production and its evaluative analysis. Students will produce: • either a short film (4–5 minutes) or a screenplay for a short play (1600–1800 words) and a digitally photographed storyboard of a key section from the screenplay • an evaluative analysis (1200–1500 words) for both options

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Written examination of 3 hours Component 2: Varieties of Film (35%)

Non-examined assessment (coursework) Please note that this is a new course for September 2017 and at the time of writing, details are still being confirmed by the exam board.

Advanced Level French Entry Requirements

Examination Format

It is highly recommended that you have Grade B or above in GCSE French. You also need to have grasped the tenses studied at GCSE: the past, present, future and conditional. Above all, you must show an ability to express your views confidently; you should enjoy communicating in French and be interested in finding out more about French culture.

Unit 1: Listening, reading and translation (40%)

Course Content The following topic areas are covered through oral, listening and written communication: 1: Changes in French Society Changes in family structures; education; world of work (set in the context of France only)

• Short tasks testing receptive skills • 1 hour 50 minutes Unit 2: Writing (30%) • Translation and essay writing skills, focusing on two works of French literature and/or film • 2 hours 40 minutes Unit 3: Speaking (30%) • Responding to questions on the above themes and an independent research project • Approximately 20 minutes

2: Artistic and Political Culture in French Speaking Countries Music; media; festivals (set in the context of francophone countries and communities) 3: Immigration and Multi-cultural French Society Integration and multiculturalism; rise of the Far Right (set in the context of France only) 4: Occupation Resistance (set in the context of France only) Alongside these themes, we will also be studying some works of French literature and film. During the course, students will be expected to attend regular oral lessons with the Foreign Language Assistant and participate in the departmental programme of visits and exchanges. You will be encouraged to read the French newspaper magazine Phosphore so that you can develop your understanding of French current affairs. You will have the opportunity to explore French culture, for instance watching French films and researching current issues on the internet using our laptops.

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Advanced Level Geography Entry Requirements

Examination Format

You will need to have a GCSE in Geography at Grade B or above. Ideally you will have studied hazards, rivers, coasts and settlements or population as part of your GCSE course. You will need an interest in the world around you – the environment and current affairs.

Unit 1: Written examination (40%) Question types include multiple-choice, short answer and extended prose (2 hours 30 minutes) Unit 2: Written examination (40%)

Course Content

Question types include multiple-choice, short answer and extended prose (2 hours 30 minutes)

Unit 1: Physical Geography

Unit 3: Non-examined assessment (20%)

• The water and carbon cycles

Personal investigation of 3000–4000 words (coursework)

• Coastal systems and landscapes • Hazards Unit 2: Human Geography • Global systems and global governance • The nature and study of changing places • Contemporary urban environments Unit 3: Geographical investigation • Students will undertake a personal investigation using data collected during a residential field trip in the Lake District at a cost of approximately £300; this unit will be submitted and assessed as coursework

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Advanced Level German Entry Requirements

Examination Format

To consider doing A Level German, you should really enjoy speaking the language. Since 30% of the examination is decided on your oral skills, you should feel confident in your ability to discuss a number of issues in German. You should also have grasped all of the grammar and tenses studied at GCSE, because there is much more at A Level. It is therefore suited to candidates who achieve at least a Grade B at GCSE.

Unit 1: Listening, reading and translation (40%)

Course Content

• 2 hour 40 minutes

1. Development of German society

Unit 3: Speaking (30%)

• Environment; education; world of work

• Responding to questions on the above themes and an independent research project on a topic relevant to a German speaking country

2. Political and artistic culture in the German speaking world • Music; media; festivals and traditions

• Short tasks testing receptive skills • 1 hour 50 minutes Unit 2: Writing (30%) • Translation and essay writing skills, focusing on two works of German literature and/or film

• Approximately 20 minutes

3. Immigration and the multi-cultural German society • Integration and multiculturalism; economic and social effects of immigration 4. German reunification • Society before and after the reunification Alongside these themes, we will also be studying some works of German literature and film.

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Advanced Level History (Option 1) Entry Requirements You will need a broad and enthusiastic interest in the political, social and economic developments which have helped to shape Britain and the Modern World. You should also enjoy studying a range of different historical periods and individuals. You should be willing to take part in discussions and be ready to read around the subject in order to build upon the understanding you will develop within lessons. You must also be keen to reflect upon the views of historians and to assess the perspectives offered by a wide range of different source materials. It is expected that students wishing to take this course will have achieved at least Grade B in GCSE History. It is hoped that students will gain a rich and varied understanding of different historical periods and develop high level historical skills.

Course Content You will study three topics. The first is a thematic breadth study that charts German history from 1918–1989, with a historiographical focus on Hitler’s foreign policy and its culpability in causing the Second World War. In addition, students will explore the rise and fall of Fascism in Italy between 1911 and 1946. In both cases, you will need to investigate political, economic and social change and analyse why Fascist dictatorships formed with such success in Europe during the first part of the 20th century. You will also need to study the actions and characteristics of the Fascist dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. The focus of the third unit of study centres on British history and the protest and rebellion that developed during the Tudor period. In particular, you will consider the differing types of rebellion that came about as a result of the question of succession, religion, economic issues, Mary Queen of Scots and Ireland.

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You will complete a coursework unit that focuses on a historical controversy related to your studies. This coursework assignment is designed to test your historical skills and understanding and will challenge you to consider and critique a range of different interpretations. Lessons will involve group discussions, debates and presentations, as well as learning to take notes from books and teachers’ verbal explanations. Examinations consist of a range of questions, some based on interpretations and others requiring the analysis of causes, change and significance. You should develop the ability to reach independent judgements based on a thorough consideration of the evidence and learn to argue a case convincingly both orally and on paper.

Examination Format • One examination paper with a focus on Germany and West Germany between 1918 and 1989 • One examination paper with a focus on the rise and fall of Fascism in Italy between 1911 and 1946 • One examination paper with a focus on rebellion and disorder under the Tudors • One extended coursework task that will be completed as a part of your Year 13 studies

Advanced Level History (Option 2) Entry Requirements You will need a broad and enthusiastic interest in the social and political developments which have helped to shape Britain and the Modern World. You should also enjoy studying a range of different historical periods and individuals. You should be willing to take part in discussions and be ready to read around the subject in order to build upon the understanding you will develop within lessons. You should also be keen to reflect upon the views of historians and to assess the perspectives offered by a wide range of different source materials. It is expected that students wishing to take this course will have achieved at least Grade B in GCSE History. It is hoped that students will gain a rich and varied understanding of different historical periods and develop high level historical skills.

Course Content You will study three topics. The first relates to conflict and revolution in Britain between 1625 and 1701, including the English Civil War and the Cromwellian Protectorate, as well as the Restoration of the monarchy. In addition, students will then study Russia in revolution between 1894 and 1924. In both cases, you will need to explore political and social change and analyse the factors that led to revolutionary change. You will also need to study the actions and characteristics of individuals including King Charles I, Oliver Cromwell and Lenin. The focus of the third unit of study centres on the Golden Age of Spain, 1474–1598. Students will explore key events and developments in Spanish history at a time when Spain exercised a major influence on Europe as a whole and became what can possibly be described as the first truly world power. Within the primarily political focus on events within Spain and Spanish influence abroad, this option also gives students the opportunity to explore social and economic dimensions and the part they played in generating pressure for change.

You will complete a coursework unit that focuses on a historical controversy related to your studies. This coursework assignment is designed to test your historical skills and understanding and will challenge you to consider and critique a range of different interpretations. Lessons will involve group discussions, debates and presentations, as well as learning to take notes from books and teachers’ verbal explanations. Examinations consist of a range of questions, some based on interpretations and others requiring the analysis of causes, change and significance. You should develop the ability to reach independent judgements based on a thorough consideration of the evidence and learn to argue a case convincingly both orally and on paper.

Examination Format • One examination paper with a focus on Britain, 1625–1701: conflict, revolution and settlement • One examination paper with a focus on Russia in revolution, 1894–1924 • One examination paper with a focus on The Golden Age of Spain, 1474–1598 • One extended coursework task that will be completed as a part of your Year 13 studies

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Advanced Level Mathematics Entry Requirements

Examination Format

A Level Mathematics is a challenging course but is becoming increasingly popular; it now represents one of the largest courses in the Sixth Form. It should be taken by students who enjoy the satisfaction of pursuing and completing demanding and sophisticated mathematical problems and concepts. Hence, you will need to achieve Grade 7 or above at GCSE. Please be aware that even good GCSE candidates will not succeed in the course without hard work and commitment. If you are considering applying for medicine, then you are advised to take A Level Mathematics.

Each of the three papers will have an exam of 2 hours. The Statistics questions will involve a pre-release data set. There is no separate synoptic paper and no coursework component.

Course Content The Pure topics rely on algebraic skills and so you should enjoy thinking in abstract terms; you should also be confident and accurate in your use of algebra and manipulation of complex algebraic expressions. It is important to achieve a good mark in the algebra summer tasks set at the end of Year 11 and the end of Year 12, as the course relies heavily on prior knowledge. You will sit two Pure papers in Year 13. The Applied topics cover Statistics and Mechanics. For the Statistics topics, you should: enjoy the data handling topics in GCSE; be competent at calculations, with and without a calculator; and understand the logic of probability and statistical diagrams. To succeed in the Mechanics topics, you should find it easy to analyse practical problems and have enjoyed the Mechanics topics in GCSE Physics. This pairs up well with the work studied in A level Physics. You will sit one Applied paper in Year 13.

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Calculators Details are still to be confirmed but it is likely that students will be required to purchase a more sophisticated calculator to support them in their studies. Please note that this is a new course for September 2017 and at the time of writing, details are still being confirmed by the exam board.

Advanced Level Mathematics – Further Entry Requirements To take Further Mathematics it is essential that you have gained Grade 7 or above in the GCSE examination and are particularly confident in algebra. Further Maths follows a similar structure to A Level Mathematics except that there are some additional topics and it is more challenging! Further Maths continues from A Level Maths and the two qualifications count as two separate A Levels. This course is for those students who: enjoy Mathematics; are keen to learn and understand more; and who also intend to study a Maths-based subject, such as Engineering, Computing or Science. Homework is a vital component of the course and so it is important that it is done punctually. There will also be an expectation that you attend extra lessons outside the main timetabling framework, especially when examinations are due. Please be aware that some university courses are including Further Mathematics as an entry requirement of the degree course. It is also important to note that even good GCSE candidates will not succeed at Further Maths unless a great deal of time, effort and hard work are spent on the course.

The two Options papers allow you to further explore areas of Mathematics that interest you. Various units are available in Decision Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. The precise content of the course varies from year to year depending on numbers and also staff availability.

Examination Format Each unit will have an examination of 1½ hours.

Calculators Details are still to be confirmed but it is likely that students will be required to purchase a more sophisticated calculator to support them in their studies. Please note that this is a new course for September 2017 and at the time of writing, details are still being confirmed by the exam board.

Course Content The Further Pure topics extend some concepts studied in A Level even further but you will also be introduced to new areas of Mathematics that are more challenging and vital for university study. They include proof, complex numbers, matrices, polar coordinates, hyperbolic functions and differential equations. You will sit two papers in Year 13, each 90 minutes in length.

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Advanced Level Music Entry Requirements

Unit 3: Appraising Music

Students should have passed GCSE music and achieved Grade B or above (there may be exceptions if students have achieved Grade 6 practical or above in Associated Board Exams or Trinity School of Music Examinations). Students also need to be playing an instrument, or singing, at least to Grade 5 standard, whether or not they have taken an examination and be able to read music confidently.

This unit involves the study of set works in six areas: vocal music, instrumental music, music for film, pop and jazz, fusions and ‘new directions’. Students work towards an examination which involves aural perception, melodic and rhythmic dictation, in-depth essays on set works and essays on unfamiliar music related to the areas of study.

Course Content

Examination Format Unit 1: Non-examined assessment (internally assessed) 30%

Unit 1: Performing Music

Unit 2: Non-examined assessment (externally assessed) 30%

Students will perform as soloists and/or as part of an ensemble. Music from any style can be chosen. Any instrument(s) and/ or voice(s) are acceptable as part of an assessed recital performance of at least eight minutes. Notated and/or improvised performances may be submitted. The standard expected at the end of Year 13 will be equivalent to Grade 6–8.

Unit 3: Written examination (2 hours) 40%

Unit 2: Composing Music Students must complete two tasks in this unit. Task one is to compose a piece of at least 4 minutes in duration to a brief from a list, or a free composition. Task two is to compose to a brief in a specific style and be of at least one minute in duration – usually a chorale harmonisation in the style of J S Bach. The combined duration of the compositions needs to be at least 6 minutes.

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Advanced Level Photography Entry Requirements

• Materials to be investigative, analytical, experimental, practical and technical including digital and non-digital, print and screen-based

You develop your Personal Investigation portfolio to a more sophisticated depth and breadth, continuing to work closely with a designated photography tutor who will be responsible for setting and marking your work each week as you are set specific tasks to complete. You will create a personal theme to fulfil the expectations of the unit of coursework. You will be required to work in one or more of the disciplines to communicate your ideas. By working across disciplines, you will extend your understanding of the scope of photography; by focusing on one discipline, you will gain a deeper understanding of specific processes within photography. In the summer term of the first year you will be expected to conduct extensive, focused and academic research into your Personal Study with a related written study of between 1000–3000 words being completed in the first term of your second year. During this second year you are encouraged to build upon skills and techniques learnt in order to produce a more considered body of coursework with supporting work. The emphasis is on personal independent creative work, supported by regular tutorials and guidance. Visits to galleries and exhibitions will be used to enhance and develop your work.

• Expressive skills, aesthetic understanding and critical judgement

Component 2: 40% of Final Mark

• How the formal elements evoke responses in the viewer

Your final assessment is the Externally Set Assignment which starts at the beginning of February of your second year. You are given a set starting point or theme and are expected to develop a body of preparatory work over eight weeks, followed by a 15 hour examination. During the 15 hour period of sustained focus under examination conditions, students will produce final outcome(s) extending from their preparatory studies in response to the Externally Set Assignment; this is normally spread over three days. Work must cover all four Assessment Objectives and will be marked by your Photography teachers before being moderated by an external moderator.

An Art related background is essential and all applicants will be expected to have studied either Photography or Art and Design to GCSE Grade B or above. Photography is not an easy option at A Level and you will need access to a Digital SLR camera as it will be essential for coursework assignments; a printer will also be useful. The aims and objectives of the Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Fine Art Photography are to enable students to develop: • An interest in, enthusiasm for and enjoyment of photography with independence of mind in developing, refining and communicating ideas, intentions and personal outcomes • The operations and principles of creating a photographic image, including the use of available and controlled light, lenses, cameras and light-sensitive material

• Methods of presentation of photographic images and the potential of collaborative working methodologies • An understanding of the inter-relationships between photography art, craft and design processes and an awareness of the contexts in which they operate • An awareness of different roles, functions, audiences and consumers of photography, preparing students for some prestigious courses and further education and employment

Course Content and Examination Format

We celebrate the work of our students each year with an impressive exhibition.

Component 1: 60% of Final Mark You will be expected to complete an exciting range of skill based workshops looking at the formal elements of Fine Art Photography: Film Photography and Alternative Processes; Digital Photography and New Media; Lens-Based Image Making Film and Video.

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Advanced Level Physical Education Entry Requirements

Course Content

You should have a genuine interest in sport both at a practical and theoretical level. You must be willing to keep up to date with current sporting news and events in the newspapers and on the television in order to widen your general knowledge of social and political aspects, as well as the sports themselves. You will be required to have at least Grade A in GCSE Physical Education but those who have not had this opportunity will be considered on an individual basis. In addition, you will need to have achieved a minimum of Grade 5 in GCSE English and Grade B in Science.

You will learn in depth about how the body works: from a movement point of view (skeleton, muscles, heart and lungs, energy systems and training); from a psychological view (learning of skills, memory, factors that affect performance, functioning as a group); and a social, historical and cultural point of view.

You must be taking part, in your own time, in ONE sport to a very high competitive standard e.g. district or county level and above on a regular basis, or at a club. This activity needs to be sustained for the whole duration of the course as the assessment can only take place in a competitive context at the end of the second year. You will be assessed in your ability to perform effectively as a practical performer in a chosen activity.

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Lessons will be a mixture of formal taught lessons, group work, presentations, videos and practical lessons whenever relevant. There is not a specific practical lesson as there is at GCSE level.

Examination Format There will be a summative assessment at the end of the 2 years that will include a practical assessment and two written exams on the theoretical aspects of the course.

Advanced Level Physics Entry Requirements

Course Content

Students will require Grade A from the Physics components of GCSE Core and Additional Science or a Grade A from GCSE Separate Award Physics. In addition, students will require Grade 7 in GCSE Maths.

Unit 1:

We are looking for students with enthusiasm to understand the physical world around them and with the determination to be successful. It is not a requirement that students studying Physics also study Maths. However, a good grasp of basic algebra is essential and combined study of A Level Maths would be beneficial. Please note that about 40% of the total marks in the A Level Physics exams will require the use of Level 2 (Higher tier GCSE) mathematical skills. The AQA Physics A specification is based around a common core of knowledge and skills and provides the skills and knowledge required to progress into Higher Education in a wide range of subjects such as Physics and Engineering, as well as Medicine, Oceanography, Meteorology and Veterinary Sciences.

Mechanics, Materials and Waves

Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity Unit 2:

Year 12 Practical Components include 6 standard investigations assessed in the final examination paper Unit 3: Fields and Further Mechanics Units 4 and 5: Nuclear Physics, Thermal Physics and an Optional Topic from a choice of Astrophysics, Medical Physics, Engineering Physics or Turning Points in Physics or Electronics Year 13 Practical Components include 6 standard investigations assessed in the final examination paper

Examination Format The A Level course is assessed by three 2 hour terminal examinations. Papers will cover the knowledge content and application of Physics concepts in Units 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and will include a mix of long and short answer questions, along with a number of multiple choice sections. The 12 standard practical tasks which are used to gather data and assess skills are also formally assessed in the terminal examinations.

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Advanced Level Politics Entry Requirements It is recommended that you have a Grade B or above in a Humanities subject, or a Grade 5 in English, but other students will be considered on an individual basis. You also need to have an interest in political ideas and in current events, follow political issues in the media and be ready to read articles in books and journals when preparing for essays. You should also be willing to share ideas in discussion and to listen to other people’s views.

Course Content There are three parts to the course. The first deals with Politics in the UK. It involves looking at the British constitution and system of government including the role and powers of Parliament, the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Supreme Court. The impact of devolution on the UK and the UK’s changing relationship with the EU are also considered. The nature of democracy in the UK, the role of political parties, elections and voting and the ways in which individuals and groups can participate in politics also form part of this unit. The second part involves a comparative study in which the American constitution, system of government and political culture are compared with those of the UK. As well as identifying similarities and differences between the two countries, students will also consider a range of possible explanations for the differences.

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Finally, students will study the core ideas and principles of liberalism, conservatism, socialism and nationalism, particularly those relating to human nature, the state, society and the economy. This includes looking at some of the key thinkers whose ideas have helped shape the modern world. Discussion and debate will play a very important part in the course and so you should develop the ability to understand different points of view, as well as consider alternatives objectively. You should also learn to argue your own case in a convincing manner, both orally and on paper, and to select relevant evidence to support your points.

Examination Format There are three examinations, each of 2 hours in length and taken at the end of Year 13. Each paper consists of a mixture of short-answer and essay questions.

Advanced Level Psychology Entry Requirements Students will require Grade 5 or above in Mathematics and English Language, as well as Grade B in Biology. No prior knowledge of Psychology is necessary but you will need to be able to think critically and analyse statistical data.

Approaches in Psychology: Global Explanations of Human Behaviour • Learning approaches • The cognitive and biological approaches • The psychodynamic approach

Course Content

Research Methods

Unit 1: Psychopathology: Mental Illness

• The research methods that underlie most psychological research are taught in depth

• The behavioural approach to explaining and treating phobias

Unit 3:

• The cognitive approach to explaining and treating depression • The biological approach to explaining and treating OCD Social Influence: Changing Our Behaviour Because of Other People

Issues and debates in Psychology: Problems with Psychology • Gender and culture in Psychology • Free will and determinism • Ethical implications of research studies

• Types of conformity

Romantic Relationships

• Minority influence

• Factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships e.g. self-disclosure

• The role of social influence processes in social change Memory: Explanations of Why Our Memory Is Poor and Sometimes Wrong • Models of memory • Explanations for forgetting • Factors affecting the accuracy of eye witness testimony Attachment: Childhood Development • Caregiver-infant interactions in humans • Explanations of attachment

• Virtual relationships in social media e.g. relationships via the internet • Parasocial relationships e.g. one-sided relationships, such as being a fan of a singer Schizophrenia • Biological and psychological explanations for schizophrenia • Drug/biological therapies • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and family therapy Forensic Psychology

• The influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships

• Building up a personality profile for crimes

Unit 2:

• Psychological and biological explanations of why people commit crimes

Biopsychology: The Link between Behaviour and Complex Biology • The function of the endocrine system • The fight or flight response • Localisation of function in the brain and hemispheric lateralisation

• The effectiveness of prison and non-prison sentences

Examination Format There are three written examinations of 2 hours each at the end of Year 13. There is a separate examination for each unit which is worth 33% of the full A Level.

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Advanced Level Religious Studies Entry Requirements GCSE Religious Studies is recommended but it is not a requirement. Students will need a minimum of Grade 5 in English or Grade B in History because the course involves extended writing. To succeed and enjoy this course, you should like questioning and challenging religious beliefs, experience and sacred writings. You should be prepared to read around issues and to research independently when necessary. You will also need to be comfortable with reflecting on how issues affect yourself and the wider society. You will be able to challenge and develop your ideas and those of others, explaining intelligently what you believe and what you do not believe with reference to your own thinking and some of the big names in the on-going debate about life’s biggest questions.

Course Content

Paper 2 – Religion and Ethics Section A: A study of Christianity Key moral principles; religious identity; a Christian perspective on sexuality, marriage, feminism and homosexuality; a Christian perspective on religious pluralism. Section B: Ethics and religion Ethical theories and meta ethics; free will and moral responsibility; conscience; Bentham and Kant; theories applied to ethical issues surrounding human life and death e.g. abortion, embryo research, euthanasia and ethical issues surrounding animal life and death e.g. vivisection, meat eating. Section C: A Synoptic Study Asking you to make links between the ethical and religious topics you have studied e.g. can you claim to be morally responsible if you have free will?

Paper 1: Philosophy and Religion

Examination Format

Section A: A study of Christianity

Two papers, each lasting 3 hours, examined at the end of Year 13.

Life after death; God; sources of wisdom and authority; the challenge from science and the nature and the role of religion in a secularised society, including Marx and Freud. Section B: The Philosophy of Religion The design and cosmological arguments for the existence of God, evil and suffering; religious experience; religious language; miracles; the soul/body relationship and life after death. Section C: A Synoptic Study Asking you to make links between the philosophy and religious topics you have studied above e.g. what does religious experience prove about God’s character and existence?

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Advanced Level Sociology Sociologists use theories and research to explain the everyday social experiences that shape and influence our lives. Studying Sociology will give you an understanding of the societies in which we live, study and work.

Entry Requirements • English Grade 5 or equivalent Humanity subject Grade B, as Sociology is an essay based A Level • You should be prepared to read articles and textbooks to study this course

Topic 4: The Relationship between Rich and Poor Nations in the World The study of the sociological perspectives and arguments of: the concept of development; globalisation; aid and trade; the role of transnational corporations, aid agencies and international agencies; development in relation to: war and conflict, the environment, industrialisation, education, health, gender, population change.

Examination Format

Course Content

Paper One: Education and Theory and Methods (written examination of 2 hours)

Topic 1: Education and Sociological Methods

Paper Two: Topics in Sociology (written examination of 2 hours)

The study of our educational system; role and function; reasons for variation in outcome by class, gender, and ethnicity; relationships in schools; pupil identity and subcultures; the significance of educational policies.

Paper Three: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods (written examination of 2 hours)

Topic 2: Topics in Sociology Families and households; the relationship of the family to social structure and change; changing patterns of marriage, cohabitation, separation, divorce, child-bearing and the life-course; gender roles, domestic labour and power relationships in the family; the nature of childhood; demographic trends in the UK since 1900. Topic 3: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods The study of the sociological perspectives; differences in crime and deviance owing to gender, age, class, ethnicity and location; global crime; human rights and state crimes, crime control, prevention and punishment and the role of the criminal justice system and the sociological explanations for suicide. Students also study key debates in Sociology such as: Are we living in a postmodern world? Is Sociology a science? Is Sociology value-free?

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Advanced Level Spanish Entry Requirements

Examination Format

For Spanish it is highly recommended that you have Grade B or above in GCSE Spanish. You should also have grasped the tenses studied at GCSE: the present, the future, the conditional, the imperfect and the preterite. You should enjoy communicating in Spanish and have an interest in Spanish culture.

Unit 1: Listening, reading and translation (40%)

Course Content

• Translation and essay writing skills, focussing on two works of Spanish literature and/or film

1. Development of Spanish Society • Environment; education; world of work 2. Political and Artistic Culture in the Spanish Speaking World • Music; media; festivals and traditions 3. Immigration and the Multi-cultural Spanish Society • Integration and multiculturalism; economic and social effects of immigration 4. Franco’s dictatorship and transition to Democracy • Society before and after the dictatorship Alongside these themes, we will also be studying some works of Spanish literature and film. You will be expected to attend one lesson a week with the Foreign Language Assistant. You will also be expected to take part in the Year 12 study visit to Spain, at a cost of approximately £600.

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• Short tasks testing receptive skills • 1 hour 50 minutes Unit 2: Writing (30%)

• 2 hours 40 minutes Unit 3: Speaking (30%) • Responding to questions on the above themes and an independent research project • Approximately 20 minutes

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Maidstone Road, Ashford, Kent  TN24 8UD   T: 01233 624910  This general information leaflet relates to the plans for the school year 2017–2018 and was correct at December 2016, but it should not be assumed that there will be no change in any of the arrangements before or during the year in question or in subsequent years. Published December 2016

office@highworth.kent.sch.uk   www.highworth.kent.sch.uk

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