Haberdashers' Crayford Primary Prospectus

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All children and young people can succeed Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation Three schools one vision

CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S WELCOME Welcome to the Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation. Our three Academies provide an education for children aged 3 – 18 in South London. We have been educating young people in this part of London since 1876 and throughout that time our approach has been epitomised by high standards and academic excellence, a tradition that continues today. Our values of aspiration and achievement, personal responsibility, self-discipline and mutual respect are evident in all our work and result in young people who develop and grow as independent, resourceful and resilient individuals.

Our commitment is that, working in partnership with you, we can ensure your child gets the best possible start in life. All children and young people who attend our schools have the opportunity to gain academic qualifications to equip them well for the next stage of their life, but we provide so much more than that. Our vision is that by the time young people leave us they will have experienced a whole range of opportunities that not only build their mind, but also build their character. As a result they are fully prepared to be successful in their adult lives as workers, as parents and as partners. Adrian Percival – Chief Executive

Principal’s Welcome On behalf of all the pupils and staff at Crayford Academy, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our school. We are delighted when families from the local community we serve decide to send their children to us, to receive a Haberdashers’ education. The primary phase of our school is extremely important, as we know it contributes to our advantage over other schools in the area. Getting to know our pupils and their parents, developing strengths in literacy and numeracy, cultivating your child’s interests in a much broader range of subjects, helps us provide the perfect platform for success in the secondary school and ensure a seamless transition. Being part of a much larger school with over 1500 pupils and belonging to a Federation of schools, gives Crayford Academy pupils further opportunity. We are able to offer security and stability through the sharing of both expertise and resources – the Haberdashers’ advantage. Whilst there is a very clear focus on the importance of studies, particularly being literate and numerate, our pupils are Askeans first and foremost. We have a set of very clear values and expectations of them, ranging from appearance, the highest standards of behaviour, to developing confidence and resilience. Ours is a family of excellence with a first class reputation and Crayford Academy benefits from the healthy competition and network of support that exists amongst Haberdashers’ schools. The primary school is set across two sites, where provision is evenly matched and the standards for pupils and staff are consistent. Whether it is participating in musical activities, competing in sports or going on trips, we guarantee children who attend our primary school will be engaged and challenged. Staff and pupils are very proud of the environment we share. Facilities for learning and recreation are first class, purpose built, safe and allow us to cater for a wide range of abilities. As Principal, I am determined Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy will continue to make a positive impact in the London Borough of Bexley. I look forward to working in partnership with you to make this happen. Richard Farrow – Principal


Head teacher’S WELCOME Welcome to Crayford Temple Grove (CTG), the primary phase of Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy. CTG started as a one form entry primary on the Crayford site back in 2009. Since then we have grown and opened a second campus on the old Slade Green Junior site. The school has grown into a very successful primary that has given the opportunity for more children in Bexley and Kent to receive a Haberdashers’ Aske’s Education. Although we have two campuses we are a single primary school with a philosophy of ensuring that children receive the same exemplary education whichever class or campus they are in. The CTG curriculum has a strong focus on the core areas of learning: reading, writing and mathematics, and is dedicated to ensuring all our children are 100% ready for secondary education when they leave us in Year 6.

The quality of teaching and learning for our children is outstanding, ensuring our children are reaching their potential. At the back of the prospectus you can read about our Temple Grove sponsors who give us an annual bursary to enrich the learning experience of our children. We use this money in a number of different ways to give our children learning experiences they may not get at other schools. These experiences include a highly subsidised residential trip in year 6, music lessons, after school clubs run by professional coaches, at least three trips a year, allowing out of the classroom learning. All these allow our children to experience a rich and diverse curriculum. In September 2016, we extended our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provision to include two year olds. We are passionate about providing the children in our community with knowledge, skills and understanding at all stages of their primary years. As a popular school with a very high number of applicants each year into our three reception classes, we pride ourselves in offering a high quality co-educational education to the children from the community we are situated in. Robert Celino-Stock – Primary Head Teacher


STATEMENT OF VALUES, AIMS AND ETHOS The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation is a federation of three all-through schools each at the heart of its community that share a vision for the education of children and young people. Our vision is built from our values of aspiration and achievement, personal responsibility, self-discipline and mutual respect. We are forward looking and value innovation, but always within the context of our long tradition of providing excellent education. Based upon these values we aim to ensure all the children and young people who come to our schools: • Are happy and safe at school and are able to learn successfully within a supportive environment. • Are able to achieve their full potential personally, academically and socially. • Develop and grow as independent, resourceful and resilient individuals.

• Are equipped with the skills, qualifications and love of learning they will need to be successful in the world they will join as adults. We will achieve these aims by providing a safe environment where all children and young people can succeed and through: • Provision of a curriculum that is stretching, relevant and provides each student with the opportunity to excel. • High expectations of every member of our community. • Excellent teaching, leading to the highest standards of academic excellence. • The best standards of behaviour based upon our values of mutual respect, self-discipline and self-confidence. • A respect for tradition that embraces innovation and challenge.


CODE OF CONDUCT EXPECTED FROM PUPILS As a happy school where all our children are well behaved, we wish to ensure that everyone contributes towards making the school a pleasant place in which to teach and learn. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Code of Conduct section in the Academy handbook.

4. All children are expected to have respect for property and for the school environment. This includes care for furniture and books, and respect for display work and notices. Food is only to be consumed in the dining hall or other designated areas and litter must be disposed of properly in the bins provided.

1. Children are expected to behave in a considerate and courteous manner at all times, as members of our school and of the local community. They are expected to show respect to all members of staff, visitors to the school and to each other.

5. Chewing gum is not allowed anywhere in the school.

2. The school has Federation wide Equal Opportunities Policy and expects the highest standards in language and behaviour, and mutual respect between all members of the community. Verbal abuse of any kind, including bad language or shouting is unacceptable in any school in the Federation. 3. Bullying in any form is unacceptable in our school. Bullying is the intent to hurt or dominate another person (by physical or verbal intimidation, and also by exclusion or threatening gestures). Allegations of bullying will always be taken seriously.

6. Good social behaviour is encouraged by the children moving round the buildings quietly, keeping to the right in the corridors and on the stairs, and being thoughtful towards others by holding open doors, and standing aside to let people pass when waiting to enter a room. 7. Punctuality and regular attendance is expected from all children. 8. Correct uniform is to be worn at all times, including the journey to and from school, as we believe that the way children look affects their behaviour and their relationship with the local community.


OUR CURRICULUM Throughout CTG we follow the National Curriculum. Foundation subjects such as history and geography are taught through the creative Curriculum, a thematic approach to the National Curriculum. This is a rolling cycle and has included themes such as Rainforests, Space or Transport. We use a yearly review that maps out the units that are taught. Literacy and mathematics are the core elements of our teaching and we use our creative curriculum to build on these areas to provide our children with a wider and richer learning experience.

Families are actively encouraged to support their children’s learning through working in school with their child’s class to share their own experiences and through home learning tasks. Educational visits are closely linked to the creative curriculum and play an integral part to extending children’s experiences and learning opportunities. The school is very well resourced which has further widened our children’s opportunities. The children also have libraries, playing fields and a Multi Use Game Area (MUGA).

ENRICHMENT CURRICULUM Our curriculum is further enhanced by enrichment activities which all children are encouraged to take part in. These clubs cover a wide range of themes from sports to homework club. The school provides both professional coaches from outside the school to clubs run by members of staff. These clubs have produced both a school football team and choir who perform against/with other schools in the area. We have a long tradition of working with Bird Music College who provide a rich and diverse selection of musical activities. These activities include a school choir who have performed in school and at national venues.

their individual learning journal in order to help identify the next steps in their learning. When planning for children’s learning we consider their stage of development within three prime areas and four specific areas of learning outlined below.

Prime areas: 1. Personal, social and emotional development 2. Communication and language 3. Physical development Specific areas: 1. Literacy


2. Mathematics

Children start to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. Our Nursery and Reception Classes help children to continue to do this by providing interesting experiences that are appropriate for their age and stage of development. We base all the experiences we offer your child around the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. We offer each unique child the opportunity to learn indoors and out, as we help your child towards achieving the Early Learning Goals at the end of their Reception year. All our assessment is done through regular observation. We begin by doing a baseline assessment which informs staff of each child’s starting point. We use this information, together with photographs, observations and collected pieces of work, to monitor and document children’s progress in

3. Understanding the world 4. Expressive arts and design Reading and writing are taught through the daily use of synthetic phonics (Letters and Sounds) and is supported by a structured reading scheme.

KEY STAGE 1 (KS1) – YEAR 1 AND 2 The children in KS1 follow a creative Curriculum which incorporates the Primary National Curriculum. The transition from Reception to year 1 is dealt with sensitively, especially in the first term where year 1 children learn through both formal and informal learning styles. All learning and teaching in KS1 is based on termly themes with children exploring subject knowledge through an overarching topic to facilitate the acquisition of core skills, knowledge

and understanding. Literacy, numeracy and phonics are taught daily and children have a weekly guided reading session with their class teacher. Reading and writing continues to be taught through the use of synthetic phonics and supported by a structured reading scheme. In year 1 the children undertake the National Phonics Assessment. KS1 ends with children taking SATs, which supports the teacher assessment and denotes their National Curriculum attainment level.

KEY STAGE 2 (KS2) – YEARS 3 – 6 In KS2 all children continue to be taught through a creative Curriculum which incorporates the Primary National Curriculum. The teaching at Literacy and maths remain at the core of learning through KS2. The curriculum is enhanced through the creative curriculum and includes the addition of a modern foreign language. During KS2 secondary specialist come and work alongside the primary teaching staff to enhance the learning experience and give children access to an expert within that area of learning. In term 6, the year 6 children have an opportunity to participate in a transition program where the children are taught in the secondary phase of the school by the staff who will be teaching them in year 7. This supports a smooth transition to year 7. KS2 ends with children taking SATs which supports the teacher assessment and denotes their National Curriculum attainment level.

FOREST SCHOOL At Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy the children in Early Years take part in weekly Forest School sessions, in our school grounds. Forest School is an outdoor learning initiative that gives all children the opportunity to be creative, independent and adventurous learners. We wear wellies and waterproofs and head out in all kinds of weather, engaging in a wide variety of activities, from nature art and woodland cooking, to scavenger hunts and minibeast collecting.




MUSIC SPECIALIST Crayford Temple Grove as part of Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy is specialist music school. A key part of this specialism is the access to specialist teaching and equipment in music. Working with a music specialist teacher we provide whole class instrument teaching as part of our creative curriculum. There are also opportunities for children to undertake one to one learning on a variety of instruments. The school has a choir who rehearse once a week and have performed both in and out of the school, including at the Royal Albert Hall, at the Federation Founders Day celebration and singing to senior members of our community in a group home.

SCHOOL LIFE HOME WORK All children are expected to read at home on a daily basis. Parents and children in key stage 1 and 2 are expected to carry out a range of activities and tasks at home to extend and enrich the learning introduced within the school day.

PASTORAL CARE All children are placed within a class group. The class teacher and support staff work in partnership with parents to ensure all children grow and develop into well rounded individuals. Every child belongs to one of the four houses, these are named after significant figures in the history of the sponsors, Temple Grove Trust, and are identified by colours which are Blue (James), Green (Walker), Red (Grenfell) and Yellow (Bell).

House competitions and challenges nurture an enjoyment of team spirit and understanding of the importance of good manners in everyday life. The school works with a member of external agencies that ensure our children are safe, happy and able to develop normally both in and out of school.

ASD RESOURCE In the primary phase, South Campus, there is specialist provision for 8 pupils who have a diagnosis of Autism. The provision is known as the ‘Complimentary Classroom’; in order to access a place in this resource pupils must have a ‘Statement Educational Need’ or an ‘Education, Health Care Plan’. This allows pupils to receive a mixture of high quality specialist teaching alongside a mainstream education.

BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS Co-operative and positive behaviour is essential for children’s learning. At Crayford Academy we use structured and consistent rewards and praise to encourage good behaviour throughout. Children are regularly praised for their ability to make good choices and behave appropriately. When children need reminding of our behaviour expectations, a carefully structured series of sanctions is used. Parents are regularly informed of their children’s good behaviour and any concerns are quickly highlighted.


COMMUNITY We opened a pre-school at the beginning of September 2016, which will have 16 places for 2 year olds. We opened this provision as we felt it was important to offer children in the local area to have the opportunity to take part in a high quality safe learning environment. The school is an important part of the local community and is involved in many community events. Events include work with Bexley Women’s Aid during our harvest collection, an annual carol service and carol singing in local homes for the elderly. The children raise money for a number of local, national and international charities throughout the year. There has also been opportunities for national and local figures to visit the school, these have included, a member of the Royal family, local religious leaders, local dignitaries, and children’s authors.

Recently the Academy facilities have been used by various groups, including church and sports to host events and activities. Being part of the Haberdashers’ community is very important to us as a school. Our year 6 children annually attend Founders Day when we remember Robert Aske with a celebration of music at the Haberdashers’ church in New Cross, London. The Haberdashers’ come and visit us once a year to gain a further insight into what is happening in the school. This day is always a great celebration of our achievements and allows the children to talk to members of the Haberdashers’ company. Our year ends with speech day that provides the opportunity for members of the community to come and celebrate the achievement of our children.


OUR SPONSORS THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF HABERDASHERS. A RESPECT FOR TRADITION THAT EMBRACES INNOVATION AND CHALLENGE. The Haberdashers’ Company is one of the Great Twelve Livery Companies and has a long history closely connected to the development of the City of London. Arising from this, in the 21st Century the Company plays a major role in the provision of support for education and is a vibrant participant in new educational initiatives. Alongside this, remains a continuing commitment to charitable work that continues to play an important part in the work of the Company. Education is of prime importance to The Haberdashers’ Company. The schools that it supports in the maintained and independent sectors are of the highest national standard academically and prepare pupils for a full life. The Haberdashers’ Company supports pupils, past and present, of the Company’s schools, other educational establishments and young people in education.

All children and young people can succeed Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation Three schools one vision

The Company, as Trustee of the various educational charities that provide for the schools, is responsible for ensuring that the revenues are spent properly and that building projects are good value for money. The Company’s Education Committee maintains close links with the schools and is kept advised of broad educational issues and initiatives. The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation is a multi-academy trust and all information on governance can be found on the Federation website: www.haaf.org.uk


Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy 1. Crayford Temple Grove – South Campus Iron Mill Lane, Crayford, Kent DA1 4RS 2. Crayford Temple Grove – North Campus Chrome Road, Slade Green, Erith, Kent, DA8 2EL Telephone: 01322 402 180 www.haaf.org.uk

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation Three schools one vision

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