Crayford Academy Sixth Form Prospectus

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SIXTH FORM Haberdashers’

Aske’s Federation Three schools one vision

“ CRAYFORD ACADEMY was the Right ChOiCE FOR ME. I have ExCEllED in EvERY subjECt AnD thE tEAChERs wORk hARD tO pROviDE stuDEnts with thE knOwlEDgE tO gO thAt ExtRA MilE.” – YEAR 12 stuDEnt –

CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S WELCOME Welcome to the Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation. Our three Academies provide an education for children aged 3 – 18 in South London. We have been educating young people in this part of London since 1875 and throughout that time our approach has been epitomised by high standards and academic excellence, a tradition that continues today. Our values of aspiration and achievement, personal responsibility, self-discipline and mutual respect are evident in all our work and result in young people who develop and grow as independent, resourceful and resilient individuals.

Our commitment is that, working in partnership with you, we can ensure your child gets the best possible start in life. All children and young people who attend our schools have the opportunity to gain academic qualifications to equip them well for the next stage of their life, but we provide so much more than that. Our vision is that by the time young people leave us they will have experienced a whole range of opportunities that not only build their mind, but also build their character. As a result they are fully prepared to be successful in their adult lives as workers, as parents and as partners. Adrian Percival – Chief Executive

Principal’s Welcome It has been a real privilege for me as Principal of Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy to have taken the responsibility for the establishment of a thriving Sixth Form. Post-16 students contribute to the school’s dynamic atmosphere, not least because the majority have benefitted from our all-through education and are fully aware of the high expectations we have for them. In securing a place here, students can feel rightly proud. We are delighted when young people from the local community we serve decide to continue their studies at Crayford Academy. Our curriculum will provide academic challenge and reflect a range of subjects that students have indicated they wish to study. We provide a quality education, tailored to individual need. We guarantee that the subjects on offer and the combinations students select will lead to meaningful future pathways for them. Spending 2 additional years with us will provide a great Launchpad, whether to university, employment or higher level apprenticeships. This is our ‘Haberdashers’ Advantage’. We value our place within the Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation and encourage our students to work and play alongside their peers in the Federation. Ours is a family of excellence with a first class reputation and Crayford Academy benefits from the healthy competition that exists amongst Haberdashers’ schools. We expect them to take advantage of the opportunities we provide to reach their full potential and make a positive impact in their community. Staff and students are very proud of the environment in which we work. Facilities for learning and recreation are first class, purpose built, safe and allow us to cater for a wide range of abilities. Whether it is our science laboratories or our playing fields, sixth formers will have full access to these resources. We will continue to uphold very high expectations of behaviour and uniform, codes of conduct remain clear and we insist students behave respectfully towards others and their environment. Additionally, we expect sixth form students to provide role models for our younger pupils in all aspects of Askean life. Richard Farrow – Principal



STATEMENT OF VALUES, AIMS AND ETHOS The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation is a federation of three all-through schools each at the heart of its community that share a vision for the education of children and young people. Our vision is built from our values of aspiration and achievement, personal responsibility, self-discipline and mutual respect. We are forward looking and value innovation, but always within the context of our long tradition of providing excellent education. Based upon these values we aim to ensure all the children and young people who come to our schools: • Are happy and safe at school and are able to learn successfully within a supportive environment. • Are able to achieve their full potential personally, academically and socially. • Develop and grow as independent, resourceful and resilient individuals. • Are equipped with the skills, qualifications and love of learning they will need to be successful in the world they will join as adults. We will achieve these aims by providing a safe environment where all children and young people can succeed and through: • Provision of a curriculum that is stretching, relevant and provides each student with the opportunity to excel. • High expectations of every member of our community. • Excellent teaching, leading to the highest standards of academic excellence. • The best standards of behaviour based upon our values of mutual respect, self-discipline and self-confidence. • A respect for tradition that embraces innovation and challenge.

“ The support from teachers is amazing and there’s always a space provided for revision during exam periods. Crayford Academy’s Sixth Form is the perfect environment to learn and extend my knowledge in my A-Level subjects.” – Year 12 Student –

High-Quality Teaching and Education At Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy, we believe that everyone has the right to an ‘outstanding’ education. We are committed to delivering the highest quality provision to enable our students to succeed, not only in their Sixth Form studies, but also within the school as inspiring role models and beyond their time with us in their chosen career paths. With the help of our Federation of Haberdashers’ School and the Atlas Teaching School Alliance, we aim to provide our students with an outstanding learning experience by following our core principle of ‘developing students who are creative, independent, knowledgeable and responsible.’ We nurture, inspire and unlock the potential of our students which in turn transforms and develops their lives and prepares them for the challenges that lie ahead.

Atlas Teaching School Alliance Crayford Academy is part of the Atlas Teaching School Alliance which consists of 6 Secondary Schools, 4 Sixth Forms and 2 University partners who all work together to ensure all students at our schools get the best possible start in life, gain valuable qualifications and develop character that equip them well for the next stage in their life.

Subject Choices Every student is different and has different aims and priorities for their future career paths. Crayford Academy have therefore developed two programmes for our Sixth Form students to ensure that they are successful in achieving their goals.

our Academic programme At Crayford Academy, we offer the core academic subjects that are favoured by many of the Russell Group Universities including Oxford University and Cambridge University. We have a strong track record of providing high-quality education in the core subjects such as English, Mathematics and all of the Sciences where our students have excelled at GCSE the last two years and this will be the same at A-Level. Students can choose from a wide range of traditional subjects such as English Literature, Mathematics, all of the Humanities subjects which helps them achieve a place at university or take up employment after their studies. We will also support our students in their applications for universities through our dedicated Sixth Form Team who will help organise extra-curricular opportunities for students and workshops on the application process.

our Professional programme For those students who are looking for credible qualifications that are recognised by universities and employers but more directly lead on to Higher Apprenticeships and careers, we also offer a number of professional programmes. Each student on one of our professional programmes studies up to three career-related subjects and is offered the opportunity to gain experience of the workplace. They can also choose to combine career-related professional qualifications with the traditional academic subjects should they wish to.

Subject Choice 1

Subject Choice 2

Subject Choice 3 (Optional)

Professional Programmes offered include: •  The Creative Arts Programme •  The Fitness, Health & Social Programme •  The Business & Finance Programme For more information about all the Subject Choices we offer at Crayford Academy, please see our Course Information Guide.

Experience of the Workplace

The Haberdashers’ Advantage Being part of the Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation offers our Sixth Form students advantages that are not available elsewhere.

major companies and work experience with some of London’s top employers.

They can take part in a number of exclusive Haberdashers’ opportunities including academic lectures at the Haberdashers’ Hall, taking part in Business Competitions judged by CEOs of

We have also established links with a number of top universities who offer Haberdasher’s Aske’s Sixth Form students workshops to prepare them for further education.

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Exclusive Opportunities

Here are specific examples of the opportunities we can offer as a Haberdashers’ school: The Monmouth Enterprise Initiative


Students took part in a networking and work experience initiative with top London Insurance companies in 2015/16

Crayford Academy University Lectures & Workshops

Crayford Academy Work Experience & Internships

Time Inc. & Portland Communications


The Old Bailey


Haberdashers’ Hall Lectures


The Academy Schools’ Awards


Students met with the Sheriff of London and Britain’s Top QCs to discuss careers in Law in 2015/16

Students attended a lecture by Tim Leunig (Chief Scientific Advisor for the Department of Education) in 2015/16

Students pitched a new business idea to entrepreneurs including Nick Jenkins and Charles Tyrwhitt in 2015/16

Mace Construction


Ogilvy and Mather & British Film Institute




Students undertook work experience in Publishing between 2015–2017

Students undertook work experience in Construction between 2015–2017

Students undertook work experience in Computer Science between 2015–2017

Students undertook work experience in Film & Advertising between 2015–2017

King’s College London

National Audit Office & Global Asset Management

Darent Valley Hospital

Sky Media





Students undertook work experience in Scientific Research between 2015–2017

Students undertook work experience in Financial Service between 2015–2017

Students undertook work experience in Medical Experience between 2015–2017

Students undertook work experience in Media between 2015–2017

Bristol University

Greenwich University

Kent University

Oxford University





Students attended a lecture on Russell Groups Universities by Bristol University in 2015/16

Students attended a workshop on Study Skills by Greenwich University in 2015/16

Students attended a workshop on writing Personal Statements by Kent University 2015/16

Students attended an Oxford University Selection Workshop in 2015/16

Lancaster University

Royal College of Art

Leicester University

Loughborough University


Students attended a Student Finance workshop by Lancaster University in 2015/16


Students attended an art competition judging undergraduate work from the Royal College of Art in 2015/16


Students attended a Study Abroad workshop by Leicester University in 2015/16


Students attended on workshop on student experience by Loughborough University in 2015/16

Projects & Partnerships Volunteering

Thames 21

The volunteering programme at HACA provides students with the opportunity to explore their passion whilst giving back to the local community. Opportunities start with student to student mentoring, peer to peer teaching and charity campaigns. All Sixth Former volunteering hours are accredited with vInspired who have proven credibility as leaders in the community. The award equips our students with the skills to become successful citizens in the local, national and global community.

The Thames River Watch project, run by Thames 21, gives Haberdashers’ students the opportunity to become ‘Citizen Scientists’, learning about water quality and pollution whilst volunteering on the River Cray.

Industry Briefs – TFL INNOVATE CHALLENGE Innovate TFL, in association with Cleshar, is a unique opportunity for Haberdashers’ students to gain an insight into many career pathways from marketing to engineering. Our students are assigned roles that reflect the real working world to develop and design an innovative solution to a real TFL challenge.

I am Creative with Ogilvy & Mather I am Creative brings our students real creative briefs from some of the biggest companies in the UK who are looking for creative answers to real business problems.

Haberdashers’ Bursaries and Scholarships Exclusive bursaries and scholarships for Haberdashers’ Sixth Form students:

Thomas Arno Fund To support students towards the cost of a gap year project or personal development project. £100 to £1,000

Throckmorton Trotman Educational Fund Awards are made to academically talented students for further education at university. £500 to £2,000 Up to 4 years

Haberdashers’ School Leavers’ Overseas Project Bursaries are awarded to students for a three week trip to South Africa in association with the Wilderness Foundation. The trip involves a wilderness trail and some time spent at an Eco Tourism college for young people affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. £1,500 to £2,000 per student

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Charity: Book Awards Awards for the purchase of books and equipment are made available to leavers proceeding to university.

Important Dates For Your Diary Sixth Form Open Evening

Wednesday 2nd November 2016, 6.00pm until 8.00pm

Closing Date for Applications Wednesday 25th January 2017

Course Discussion Meetings These are scheduled to take place between January and April 2017


Thursday 24th and Friday 25th August 2017

Start of Academic Year Thursday 31st August 2017


OUR SPONSORS THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF HABERDASHERS. The Haberdashers’ Company is one of the Great Twelve Livery Companies and has a long history closely connected to the development of the City of London. In the 21st Century the Company plays a major role in the provision of support for education and is a vibrant participant in new educational initiatives. Alongside this remains a continuing commitment to charitable work that continues to play an important part in the work of the Company. Education is of prime importance to The Haberdashers’ Company. The schools that it supports in the maintained and independent sectors are of the highest national standard academically and prepare pupils for a full life. The Haberdashers’ Company supports pupils, past and present, of the Company’s schools, other educational establishments and young people in education.

All children and young people can succeed Haberdashers’

Aske’s Federation Three schools one vision

The Company, as Trustee of the various educational charities that provide for the schools, is responsible for ensuring that the revenues are spent properly and that building projects are good value for money. The Company’s Education Committee maintains close links with the schools and is kept advised of broad educational issues and initiatives. The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation is a multi-academy trust and all information on governance can be found on the Federation website: We hope that you will take the time to visit us in person during our open day so that you can experience our warm welcoming school and unique student leader model first hand. An electronic format of this prospectus as well as details regarding course entry requirements and Sixth Form policy can be found on the Federation website:


Haberdashers’ Aske’s Crayford Academy Iron Mill Lane Crayford Kent DA1 4RS Telephone: 01322 402 180

All children and young people can succeed Haberdashers’

Aske’s Federation Three schools one vision

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