20817 Merchants Academy 7 - 11 Prospectus

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Merchants’ Academy Bristol

Values Boldness Aim high, show courage and hope to push against any barriers

Respect Be considerate and respect the rights of others

Integrity If it’s not right, do not do it. If it’s not true, don’t say it

Service We have a responsibility to the future and each other

Tenacity Tough times don’t last, strong people do

Optimism No pessimist discovered the secret of the stars or uncharted land

Learning A commitment to lifelong development unlocks your full potential


to Merchants’ Academy part of Venturers Trust

We are proud of our positive, vibrant and purposeful all-age Academy, where we are committed to ensuring that all our young people are successful, happy and prepared for their lives beyond school. We provide an education relevant to the 21st Century delivered in an educational environment that emphasises traditional standards of uniform, discipline, respect and work hard with our students to ensure that they: • Reach the highest standards • Have exceptional opportunities • Receive outstanding care, guidance and support • Progress into the best universities, apprenticeships and careers Merchants’ Academy is a stimulating, caring and orderly environment in which to learn and grow, where each individual has respect for themselves and for others. We expect the highest standards and work with our young people to ensure they achieve more than they ever thought possible.

HIGH EXPECTATIONS We are dedicated to serving our young people. Every student is important to us. We will develop the ambition, confidence and potential of each of our students. We have the highest expectations and are committed to seeing that each one of our young people achieves their full potential, ready to take an active and responsible part in society.

OPPORTUNITIES TO DEVELOP AND GROW We develop and grow the talents and gifts each student has, supporting the areas of learning they find more challenging and enhancing those in which they have the potential to become outstanding. There are endless opportunities for our young people to achieve success within and beyond lessons, including an extensive programme of co-curricular activities. In addition, our wide business links ensure students learn about employment and careers, equipping them with skills for long, successful lives. Our unique position as an Academy sponsored by the Society of Merchant Venturers and the University of Bristol brings with it exceptional advantages for our students.

SUPPORT AND INTERVENTION We closely track the progress of students to ensure they achieve more than they ever thought possible and ensure that there is effective and prompt support and intervention when needed.

THE BEST STAFF, GOVERNORS AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT We have fantastic staff, super buildings and very high levels of resources. The staff and governors are highly qualified, experienced and committed to the development and progress of our students. Teaching and learning is of the highest standard and the buildings, facilities and resourcing are exceptional. To thrive in the future our students need the very best exam results and the attitudes, qualities and skills to succeed and to be happy. We are committed to delivering this. This prospectus can only give you a glimpse of what Merchants’ Academy has to offer your child. We welcome visits and would be delighted to show you the Academy at work. I look forward to meeting you. Sam Williamson, Principal





We offer our students a broad and balanced curriculum throughout their time at Merchants’ Academy. This provides them with ample opportunities to achieve more than they ever thought possible. Our curriculum places a strong focus on developing English and maths skills through activities that show the relevance of these subjects in a life outside the classroom. Science and humanities subjects enable our students to learn more about the world around them while art, design and technology, music and drama hep them to develop creatively. All students at Merchants’ Academy learn a modern foreign language which develops their understanding of other cultures and builds their employability portfolio. Subjects

such as computer science, business studies, media and design develop this portfolio further. Students also can elect to take subjects such as triple science and statistics as well as subjects that will prepare them for the vocational world of work. We also place a strong emphasis on physical exercise and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. This is complimented further with our extensive co-curricular programme which is truly unique and provides opportunities and experiences for every student. Our skilled and experienced teachers adopt a range of strategies to make sure the individual learning needs of every student are supported in all lessons.


Subjects Art


A balanced and challenging curriculum, which includes a wide range of art media, from drawing and painting to 3D, from digital photography to printmaking.

Delivers mathematical concepts in a way that brings learning to life. Support, intervention and tutoring is targeted at ensuring that all students achieve in this key subject.

Computer Science

Modern Foreign Languages

Prepares students for the digital world, giving them the tools and skills they need to develop websites, apps and computer programmes that solve everyday issues.

All students study Spanish speaking, listening, reading and writing. Regular overseas trips help develop language skills and experience of another culture. French is also offered at GCSE.

Design & Technology Through lessons in textiles, food, resistant materials and graphic products students learn about the design process. Students can then transform their designs in these subjects to high quality products using our state of the art laser cutter.

Drama We enjoy strong links to professional theatre – Bristol Old Vic and Tobacco Factory. Students perform at the National Shakespeare School Festival. GCSE focus is on acting skills and theatre design.

English Inspiring and exciting students in reading, writing and speaking and listening. Our emphasis is on real audiences and purposes and supported by our stunning Learning Resources Centre with more than 6,000 books.

Health & Social Care From Year 10, this BTEC course helps students gain real-life experience in a variety of care setting and to learn about human development and support for individual needs. Our links with St Monica Trust provide a real life application of these skills.

Humanities Equipping students with knowledge of the world and skills to thrive within it. Geography, history and RE are all offered as GCSE options with specialist teachers.


Music Many styles and genres, from hip-hop to Baroque give a strong foundation. This is complimented through the vast amount of additional musical opportunities that take place across the Academy. Any student with a passion for music is encouraged to engage with additional support through bespoke tutoring. The music offer is one of our proudest and allowed us to secure the award for the UK’s Best Music Department in 2016.

PE Football, rugby, netball, basketball, gymnastics, dance, cricket, rounders, athletics, tennis, fitness, badminton, dodgeball, boccia. Great facilities with emphasis on fun, teamwork and participation underpin the enjoyment of PE and Sport.

Science Supporting students to become independent learners, inquisitors and problem solvers. Well-equipped labs and some of the best scientific equipment enable GCSE additional science and triple science to be followed. The science department also has very good links with the University of Bristol and as a result has access to some outstanding facilities.

Religious Education & Collective Worship Students undertake a daily Act of Collective Worship in the form of reflective time in tutorial sessions or in assemblies which end with the Merchants’ Homily. Reflection is broadly Christian in nature and includes values and beliefs from other faiths.

Religious Education (RE) encourages students to have confidence in their own beliefs and culture, as well as respecting the values and beliefs of others. Through RE students learn how to think through moral issues and learn empathy for others. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the daily Act of Collective Worship/ Reflection and from RE lessons.

Sex Education As required by educational law the Academy provides Sex Education for all students. Full details of our Sex Education Policy are available on request. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Sex Education lessons.


Academic Achievement and Student


Merchants’ Academy focusses relentlessly on improving the amount and rate of progress that our students make, regardless of their starting points. Staff make regular checks on how each student is doing and tailor intervention and support to the individual to ensure that every one of them is able to make the most of their potential.

Homework/Independent Learning Regular homework is vital in securing the very best results for our students. It consolidates work done in lessons and encourages the development of self-discipline and independent study. The amount of homework given increases as students progress through the Academy. All students have a diary planner in which to record their homework. If there are any concerns about either the quality or quantity of homework set, parents are encouraged to contact the Form Tutor or subject teacher. The nature of homework varies greatly and is dependent on the subject. Self-discipline and organisation learnt through independent study helps develop independent learning and problem-solving skills for A Level, university and the world of work.

More Able Students The Academy is committed to providing a high quality, challenging and relevant education for each one of our students. This extends to our most able and talented students who are stretched and developed as part of our extensive More Able Students programme. Students are not only accelerated in the curriculum but also are presented with a range of exciting opportunities ranging from employer events, debating competitions and an extensive variety of visits and trips.

Meeting Individual Needs: Personalised Learning We recognise that everyone is an individual and we aim to match the teaching that we provide to the learning needs of each student. In this way we aim to provide personalised learning, assisted by the latest technology, for every student. This is supported further by regular personalised feedback which teachers provide to all students to enable reflection and progression.



Co-curricular AND ENRICHMENT

Merchants’ Academy is unique in that we can offer opportunities and experiences to our students that other schools cannot match. Every Wednesday afternoon for two hours, our students and staff take part in our Co-curricular programme, which involves a huge range of inspirational and exciting activities. They learn new skills, discover new talents, learn to work as team members and build confidence as individuals. The list of activities varies from term to term and year to year but always includes something for everyone.


Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Supported by qualified staff, our students have the opportunity to achieve this renowned award at Bronze level, with progression to Silver and Gold as they move through the Academy. Students work on volunteering, physical activity, skills and expeditions. This qualification is highly respected by potential future employers.

Future Brunels Three Year 7 students are chosen annually, following an exciting and competitive process within the Academy, to take part in this five-year science and engineering programme with the ss Great Britain Trust. It includes regular activities at the Brunel Institute and visits to workplaces and sites of interest.

Cadets Merchants’ Academy has an active Combined Cadet Force and a purpose built cadet and leadership centre on site. Students who join the Cadet Force develop leadership, teamwork, discipline, self-reliance and enjoy a wealth of new activities and experiences. They regularly attend both weekend and holiday camps around the country.




at Merchants’ Academy

House System The Academy has a vibrant House system when enables students to work with others both in their year groups but also in other years from across the Academy in a range of activities including fundraising and competitions. The Houses: Castle, Lawford, Frome and Temple are all named after the historic ‘Gates’ to the City of Bristol. Students wear ties in the colour of their respective House. All students compete throughout the year in various sporting and charitable activities to gain points that contribute towards their House rankings. The winning House is awarded with the House Cup annually.

Healthy Eating A range of healthy and nutritious meals is available daily from the Academy Restaurant including a wide variety of ethnic and dietary foods. The Restaurant is open for breakfast, break and lunch.

Recognising Achievement ‘Be Proud’ is our motto. We believe that all students’ achievements should be recognised and that they should enjoy the feeling of being proud of their achievements. Great emphasis is placed on celebrating achievement and promoting responsible behaviour.

The awards system recognises effort and achievement and there is a clear system for rewarding students. Every student accrues positive points which are rewarded with achievement badges and privileges at various levels throughout the year. The top achieving students are invited to lunch with the Principal on a termly basis. In addition, there are rewards trips for some of our top students at three points throughout the year. Certificates are given in recognition of consistent effort and participation in the Academy community. Certificates may be awarded for outstanding academic work, effort and commitment, excellent attendance and punctuality and community service.

Celebrating Success The Annual Awards Evening and the Annual Sports Awards Evening are just some of the formal events where success is celebrated. Year Group and House assemblies also include award sections and departmental and teacher recognition of student work and achievement is done through the postcards, badge awards and certificates which are presented during the year.


Support throughout their


Moving up We understand that choosing and starting secondary school can be an anxious as well as exciting time for families. Our Transition Team visit new students in their primary schools to get to know students on a more personal level and to try to reduce the anxiety that some children may have. The children then have a two day induction at the Academy where they meet their tutors, take part in a treasure hunt and attend some taster lessons. We also invite children to some of our co-curricular sessions. Importantly, as soon as your place at the Academy is confirmed, we invite parents in to learn more about the Academy so that they can work in partnership with us to make the transition to secondary school as smooth as possible for their child.

Settling in On arrival, students are allocated to a Tutor Group that in turn belongs to one of the four Houses in the Academy. They are looked after by their dedicated tutor, a Head of House, and a Head of Learning. This team works together to support every child. We have some of the lowest class sizes nationally so that we can enable all our students to achieve their very best. Our highly qualified staff guide all students through their learning journey, monitoring and tracking their progress so that they can reach their goals.

A partnership with parents and carers Our aim is to draw on the knowledge and experience of our parents as well as the wider community to help us move forward together for the benefit of our students. The involvement of parents is vital to the success of our young people. You will have regular opportunities to meet staff and discuss your child’s progress. Six times a year you will receive a report. The online Parent Portal allows you to access your child’s academic record at any time. We value your feedback and comments. In addition, there are subject evenings where parents can discuss the specific aspects of their child’s progress with specialist subject teachers.

Pastoral Support At the Academy we have a pastoral learning support team. Their role is to provide students with whatever support is needed. They run sessions on topics such as improving self-esteem, anger management and social skills.

Personal development Our PSHCE – Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Education Programme – helps our students to become confident and responsible citizens who live safe, healthy and fulfilling loves, making a positive contribution to society. It is delivered in Tutor time and is aligned with our BRISTOL values and the Academy supports and delivers a firm commitment to developing and upholding British Values. Students have the opportunity to work with outside agencies such as theatre companies, business representatives and others so that they can develop leadership, teamwork, enterprise and employability skills. Some aspects may be taught or revisited in other curriculum areas such as geography, RE, Science, English or through weekly assemblies.




Guidance and Employability Our aim is to support our students so that they can move into well rewarded and enjoyable jobs and higher education courses. All students participate in our Employability Award, which encourages them to develop attributes such as communication, leadership and study skills and to participate in volunteering activities.


Merchants’ Academy has its own professional and highly experienced full time Careers Advisor as well as a full time Employer Engagement Officer who provide bespoke one-to-one advice for each student as well as support and information for parents.

Aiming High

Merchants’ Academy Sixth Form More and more students from across Bristol are choosing to come to Merchants’ Academy for their Sixth Form. We have high aspirations for all our students, many of whom go on to top universities. Others are successful in securing hotlycontested apprenticeships and employment. The support of our sponsors, the University of Bristol and the Society of Merchant Venturers means we can offer unrivalled opportunities for our students.

Sixth Form Induction Get off to a great start with a day learning about Sixth Form life and study, hosted by our sponsor, the University of Bristol. Later there is the chance to find out more about your subjects and make friends through residential camps and visits to high profile employers.

Scholarship programme Merchants’ Academy offers high-achieving entrants a scholarship that provides many benefits, including bespoke support, tutoring and guidance from academic mentors at the University of Bristol.

Personalised support Our Sixth Form Centre has excellent IT, study and social facilities. Students have access to tutoring and pastoral programmes tailored to their individual needs, and they benefit from small class sizes.

Opportunities for development Sixth Form students can participate in personal development programmes. They have full access to the unique Merchants’ Academy Co-curricular provision and are given the chance to take lead roles alongside staff.

Senior Student Leadership Team Our Head Students and their Deputies are democratically elected and lead the student body of the Academy including the Prefects and Student Parliament which comprises members from Year 6 – 13. Representing the students of the Academy to staff and visitors, being directly

involved in consultations and the employment of staff to the Academy, the Senior Student Leadership Team are recognised by our sponsors, the Society of Merchant Venturers formally for their important leadership role by attending the annual Prefects’ Dinner, a black tie event hosted by the Master of the Society at Merchants Hall.

Preparing for the future Our full time, experienced independent Careers Adviser leads support for students on a full range of pathways, including further education and apprenticeships as well as higher education. Staff and current undergraduates from the University of Bristol give individual and group guidance. There is also significant exposure to a range of employers from staff at management level through to CEOs from some of Bristol’s top companies. These individuals will challenge and support our students so that they are prepared when they embark on the next stage of their development towards their chosen career path.

Exclusive work experience Our links with business and industry enable us to offer exclusive Sixth Form access to bespoke work experience programmes in some elite and prestigious national companies. Business mentors are provided by our sponsors, the Society of Merchant Venturers.

Higher education scholarships These are available on an annual basis to help pay university fees and accommodation. Merchants’ Academy Sixth Form students also have exclusive places on the Access to Bristol programme.

And so much more… Merchants’ Academy continues to work with our sponsors to add an increasing number and range of opportunities available only to our Sixth Form students.



Trust Our Academy is part of Venturers Trust (a Multi Academy Trust) which benefits from having expertise in running different types of state funded schools. Chief Executive: Dr Hilary Macaulay

Our Sponsors The work of Venturers Trust is made possible through the outstanding support and expertise provided by our sponsors the Society of Merchant Venturers and the University of Bristol and is brought to life by an excellent staff team. The sponsors are the key to success of Merchants’ Academy and are what makes our school unique. They are an essential part of our vision, able to give our students exceptional chances, experiences and opportunities unavailable elsewhere.

The Society of Merchant Venturers

University of Bristol

The Society of Merchant Venturers (SMV) is a philanthropic organisation whose increasingly diverse membership works with and supports people and communities from the wider Bristol area through education, care for older people, charitable giving and social enterprise.

The University of Bristol ranks as one of the top 10 universities in the United Kingdom. It is actively involved in the Governance of our schools and in the development of the curriculum and allows our students and staff to access its excellent facilities.

In education, SMV’s simple but highly ambitious vision is to transform the life-chances of students from the richly diverse set of schools within Venturers Trust, both during their educational journey and beyond.

The university also offers support in other areas such as student mentoring, subject expertise, higher degree and research opportunities for staff at Venturers Trust and an innovative, exciting and inclusive programme for students as part of the university’s commitment to widening participation and access to higher education.

The Society’s expertise in education spans more than four centuries and today, the commitment is practical as well as financial, with many of its members taking active roles in the governance of Venturers Trust and the wide range of schools within the Trust. SMV firmly believes there is nothing more important to the health of our communities than outstanding education and training in life skills for young people.


The university provides extensive support and opportunities for our Sixth Forms including scholarships, preferential offers of grades to gain a place, with the additional possibility of bursaries to support undergraduate degree studies.



Secondary Gatehouse Avenue, Withywood, Bristol, BS13 9AJ Tel: 0117 301 5000 Email: info@merchantsacademy.org


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