Oxted Sixth Form Prospectus

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“ Good teaching is found across all subjects.” OFSTED March 2013

WELCOME Welcome to Oxted Sixth Form, an integral and highly successful part of our School. Each September, over 200 students are proud to continue their education with us.

Mr A Bennett, Head of Sixth Form

A Sixth Form of this size allows us to provide an extensive range of opportunities for you, both academic and extra-curricular, which help prepare you for life at university, in training or employment. Academic success is at the forefront of our thinking and Ofsted has recognised the achievements of our Sixth Form students in every regard.

Our Sixth Form team is dedicated to ensuring that you get the best opportunities to prepare you for the world beyond school. To us this means both academic preparation to ensure you get the highest possible grades and also the acquisition and development of the skills you will need to succeed in life – such as independence, teamwork and resilience.

We believe that a young person’s time in the classroom provides only a part of their learning at School and when you join Oxted Sixth Form you will have numerous opportunities to take on roles of responsibility, develop your wider skills, act as a role model within the School community and just as importantly have fun.

The school has a clear message for all young people:

Aim High, Seize Opportunities and Work Together for Success

Oxted School

Working Together For Excellence



Aspirations Whether you are new to the school or have been here since Year 7, we urge you to Aim High. We believe that aspiration is one of the key components of success, and nowhere is this more true than in the Sixth Form. Oxted School offers young people of all abilities a range of courses to meet their needs and ambitions. A significant number of our students go on to university and our Sixth Form Team provides exceptional one-to-one support to all students when writing their UCAS application and choosing the right course. We are committed to preparing you for your next step in life – whatever it may be – and, in return, we expect you to have high expectations of yourself, to work hard and to engage beyond the curriculum. From the moment you enter our Sixth Form, you are expected to show initiative, collaborate with others and investigate solutions when faced with a problem. Of course, our dedicated team of staff are there to guide and support you every step of the way – an Oxted student does not ‘give up’ when faced with a challenge but instead embraces it.


“ The Sixth Form Team have helped me so much with my UCAS application. I am really grateful for their help and so pleased with my university offers.” Year 13 Student

Oxted School

Working Together For Excellence


“ The school’s emphasis on equality of opportunity is demonstrated well by the care it takes to make sure that students make good progress.” OFSTED March 2013


A Bespoke

Curriculum Our Sixth Form Curriculum has something for everyone. We offer a wide range of A-Level courses in addition to a number of Level 3 BTEC courses. We also offer additional courses such as the Extended Project, an independent research project that is well regarded by universities and employers. For further details about individual courses, please see our website. In the Sixth Form, not all of your learning takes place in lesson time; you will use your lessons as a springboard to independent research and study. As a Sixth Former, you will be able to access the school Wi-Fi network so that you can use your own laptop or tablet to support your learning; this is in addition to the 80 computers available in two dedicated Sixth Form study areas. Sixth Formers also have unrestricted access to our excellent School Library.

Oxted School

Working Together For Excellence


Fantastic Life

Experiences Employers and universities are interested in the skills you develop outside the classroom as well as within it. We encourage you to get involved in school life and to take on responsible roles within our community. You can become Head Boy or Head Girl, a House Captain, a Subject Prefect or a Mentor to younger students. You can join our vibrant Sixth Form Council, which organises events such as Fresher’s, the Christmas ball, Prom and the annual RAG week, which raises funds for local and national charities. Sixth Formers are also key participants in many other enrichment activities such as sporting events, musical performances and dramatic productions. Many students volunteer their time and skills to help local organisations through, for example, the Sports Leadership programmes or the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. In addition, Sixth Form students in Science, Music and PE regularly work with local primary school children to enrich their learning experience. We offer a wide variety of school trips and visits every year, which help develop you as a person, with many departments offering extended visits to support learning. In recent years we have run a week long ‘taster’ visit to a university, an opportunity many of our students have embraced.


“ Sixth Form has been about so much more than working hard – we have organised loads of fun activities and raised thousands of pounds for charity in the process.” Year 13 Student

Oxted School

Working Together For Excellence


“ Oxted School offers so much more than an academic education. I feel my daughter is leaving school prepared for life – able to work with others as well as stand up for herself!” Year 13 Parent


A Supportive

Community The Sixth Form Team – led by our Head of Sixth Form and supported by three experienced deputies and a committed tutor team – ensure the academic progress and pastoral wellbeing of all students in the Sixth Form. You will have a dedicated tutor throughout your time in the Sixth Form who, in addition to helping guide you through the process of university and job applications, is responsible for ensuring that you are making the best possible progress and enjoying your time here. Every single member of staff at Oxted is dedicated to providing the best possible education for you and we look forward to welcoming you to our thriving Sixth Form.

Oxted School

Working Together For Excellence


Bluehouse Lane, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0AB Tel: 01883 712425 Fax: 01883 723973 Email: frontdesk@oxtedschool.co.uk www.oxtedschool.org

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