Sixth Form
We aim to provide Sixth Form students with an outstanding educational experience which, whilst valuing the importance of academic achievement, also encourages an all round interest in wider social and cultural development. In 2017 our students achieved excellent results at both GCSE and A Level, but also they were afforded the opportunity to hone their personal qualities, interpersonal skills and interests. We believe these are essential to enjoy a successful adult life and to open doors to the careers to which they aspire. The modern world is highly competitive and we equip students with the necessary competences, characteristics and confidence to progress to Higher Education including Oxbridge, the Russell Group of Universities and leading Colleges of Art. We also support students who wish to enter the world of work, join apprenticeship schemes or access internships. Engaging and dynamic teaching underpins both our curricular and extra-curricular provision. Weald of Kent students are consistently recognised nationally for their academic excellence. High quality tutoring and mentoring provides students with support without stifling their need to extend their ability to work and study independently. We are extremely proud of our forward thinking and innovative school and believe that we have much to offer Sixth Form students in a co-educational setting. I hope that you find this prospectus helpful and look forward to meeting you. Please do not hesitate to contact me personally if I can assist you in any way. M E Johnson, Headteacher
CHOOSING YOUR COURSE In the Sixth Form, your choice of subjects should continue to develop your strengths and support your future career aspirations without sacrificing the breadth of study required by universities and employers. From September 2017 the national changes introduced in 2015 at A Level will be fully in place. All A levels will have moved to a “linear� format which follow a programme over two years, at the end of which their learning will be examined. Through our experience of the new linear A level we ask students to start by studying four subjects to assist them in making the right subject choices and to ensure these keep doors open for future choices. Universities, colleges and employers particularly welcome students who have broadened and deepened their learning. We encourage our students to complete on Extended Project (EPQ) which they start in Year 12 and complete at the start of Year 13.
ENTRY TO YEAR 12 Entry requirements to our Sixth Form are: - a minimum of a Grade 5 in English Language or Literature and Mathematics - in addition students also need to achieve an Average Point Score (APS) of 5.5 to be comprised of your best 8 GCSE results including either English Language or Literature and Mathematics. You will need to have a good record of attendance and punctuality and to have shown continuing progress. Each A Level subject has an expected entry grade at GCSE as indicated in the Sixth Form Admissions area of the school website. There will be compulsory pre-course summer bridging work, to be completed during the summer break for these subjects. Please note that A Level courses can only run if there is a viable number of students opting for them.
Progress and ENTRY TO YEAR 13 Having chosen to enter the Sixth Form, you are expected to have a positive attitude towards your work as well as good attendance (target 95%). Progress is monitored at regular intervals and targets will be set and reviewed by you in consultation with your Form Tutor. Examination entry is linked to meeting agreed criteria of our monitoring process. Students and their parents/guardians are expected to attend the Parent Consultation Evenings in Years 12 and 13. To continue into Year 13, students are expected to make the required progress towards their academic targets. Based on internal assessment,
including Year 12 PPE examinations, students will be expected to achieve at least a Grade C in each A Level subject. Only in exceptional cases and where students have demonstrated a commitment to address areas of concern will consideration be given to accepting students into Year 13 who do not meet this criteria.
Pastoral ORGANISATION Tutor Groups are arranged vertically for Years 12 and 13. The Form Tutor monitors students on a daily basis and provides a forum for discussions and school based activities. Careers support is also provided and most students go on to University, making well-informed choices based on long term career plans. We offer an independent Careers Advisory Service to our students. We have a full time Careers Manager who offers support and guidance to all students ensuring they are aware of alternative pathways. All Sixth Form students have a weekly PSHCE lesson with their tutor. These sessions are used to explore relevant areas of personal development, providing information and advice on careers and post-18 pathways. Guest speakers are regularly welcomed. We have a Sixth Form Study Supervisor who works with all Sixth Form students to ensure that their non-contact time is used wisely. One-to-one mentoring is used to support specific issues of academic progress.
PERSONAL SUCCESS Positions of Responsibility Sixth Formers play an important part in the organisation of school life. The School Officers are chosen in Year 12 and many other students are appointed as Prefects. These students run councils and forums, perform important duties around the school and play a vital role in all school events. Sixth Form students also act as peer mentors for younger students.
Super-Curricular Activities Students will be able to take part in numerous super-curricular activities which develops their interest in their subjects and takes their understanding beyond the set curriculum. This brings depth, rather than breadth, as our students engage in wider reading, research and debate in their subjects
beyond the syllabus. They can act as Subject Ambassadors, join discussion and debating groups, join an on-line course, enter essay competitions, apply for summer schools and choose relevant work experience.
Extra-Curricular Activities A wide range of extra-curricular activities are on offer to all Sixth Formers in clubs held before, after school and at lunchtimes. These include opportunities in Music, Art, Dance and Sport. Many Sixth Form students complete voluntary work and continue with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. The Sixth Form also runs the Amnesty International Group, Young Enterprise, a Book Group, the Eco Forum, the Year Book Committee and the School Magazine.
FACILITIES & DRESS CODE Sixth Form Facilities
Dress Code
We have two specialised Sixth Form areas. A Sixth Form Hub which is used for supervised study and the Sixth Form Café which is a place to meet informally or prepare for lessons. Sixth Form students are always welcome in the Learning Resource Centre and are often found working in department areas during their non-contact time.
Our Sixth Formers are proud to be studying their A Levels at Weald of Kent. They enjoy acting as role models to younger students and serving as ambassadors for our school in the community. We pride ourselves on the young citizens we produce who go on to further study and employment, often after rigorous interview experiences. We have a Sixth Form dress code so that our students are able to provide the very best impression of themselves both inside and outside the school and are dressed in smart office wear.
A suit or smart jacket with: • T rousers, dress or skirt (should be knee length) • Smart top • Smart shoes
Boys A suit, or smart jacket and trousers, with: • Shirt with collar (tie optional) • Smart shoes
Sixth Form students are not permitted to wear: • S tilettoes, sling backs, UGG boots or trainers • Jeans/denim • Leggings • Playsuits • Shorts
HOW TO APPLY All prospective students should apply online by going to You will have an opportunity to spend time with us via Open Events, Learning Discussions and Experience Days. An offer will be subject to meeting our entry requirements and providing examination results. All new Year 12 students will be enrolled on, or after, GCSE Results Day and will attend an Induction Day in September.
For more information about the Sixth Form contact: Mrs L Barker Senior Assistant Headteacher, Head of Sixth Form 01732 373500 Alternatively look on the Admissions tab on the school website for ‘Sixth Form Course Details’ and Induction Information.
For more information about admissions contact: Mrs. Jackie Manning Admissions and UCAS Administrator 01732 373500
SUBJECTS OFFERED Applied ICT This course focuses on the use of appropriate ICT tools to carry out investigations, capture and handle data, solve problems, make decisions and present and communicate information. You will gain an understanding of HTML Code and Visual Basic for Applications. It includes a study on the impact that the internet, the design of a commercial transactional website and the use of formal project management tools and methods.
Art This course will provide you with the opportunity to study and explore Art, Craft and Design at a deeper and more academic level. You will benefit from investigating a wide range of experiences, ideas and techniques, exploring a variety of processes. Integral to your study will be a deepening understanding of contextual knowledge. This course will encourage you to develop creative,
intellectual, imaginative and intuitive skills. You will learn how to investigate, analyse, experiment and express aesthetic understanding and critical judgements.
Biology Our course presents the key concepts underpinning Biology combined with learning the wider skills needed by the modern biologist. Students benefit from learning Biology in the context of real life situations; topics are based on a contemporary issue, such as risk and cardiovascular disease. This course can lead to a number of courses such as Veterinary Science, Medicine, Environmental Science and Biochemistry.
Chemistry This course offers an innovative approach to teaching and learning Chemistry, in which chemical principles are developed to see the relationship between different areas of the subject with a strong emphasis on ‘How Science Works.’ Students apply for Biochemistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Forensic Science, Veterinary Science or Chemical Engineering, or work in a science-based industry.
Computer Science The emphasis of the course is on problem solving, mathematical reasoning and designing new algorithms to solve new problems. For this subject, you need to achieve at least a Grade A qualification in Mathematics and have knowledge of Python, Java or VB.6 programming language. It includes a report written by candidates documenting a programmed solution to a real problem.
Business Studies
Drama and Theatre
The AS and A2 Dance course provides an opportunity to be creative and engage in critical thinking about Dance. You will develop perception, self-discipline and an understanding of choreography and performance. The course provides a direct link to any arts based course in Higher Education or vocational courses and also for any career which demands skills in self-discipline, initiative, management and creativity.
Business gives students problem solving tools to tackle traditional problems which arise within a dynamic business environment. You will learn about the diverse nature of business enterprise and the interdependence and the various parts of the business world. You will explore business success and failure, investigate local, national and global business markets. Students will also understand how businesses need to adapt and respond strategically to the changing environment in which they operate to survive and grow. There are numerous professions where economics and business will prove useful including: Accountancy, Advertising, Banking Retail, Human Resources Manager, Insurance and Marketing.
You will gain an appreciation of the skills of acting and performance. You will grow to appreciate and understand how a script can be interpreted in a variety of ways. An A Level in Theatre Studies provides excellent training for careers in the theatre, arts, law, media, publishing, marketing and education. You should be willing to explore and experiment as an actor, trying out different styles and techniques. We can initiate you into the secrets of performance in scripted work and improvisation.
Design Technology The course helps you to take a broad view of design and technology, develop your capacity to design and make products and appreciate the complex relations between design, materials, manufacture and marketing. You are also provided with the opportunity to design and make a product in both years of the course. You will develop an understanding of the physical and mechanical properties of a broad range of materials and components.
English Language
English Literature
You will gain an appreciation of the written word, and a wide variety of spoken and electronic media to sustain you throughout life. An understanding of linguistic subtleties and skills will equip you for a career in journalism, education, law or industry. You will discover how children learn to speak, read and write. You learn how to analyse forms of writing, including newspapers, magazines, scripts, children’s stories and spontaneous and scripted transcripts. You will also be taught how to create original texts and to challenge specific social representations.
You will gain an appreciation of the written word that will sustain you throughout life, an understanding of a range of plays, poetry and novels and an A Level grade in a highly respected subject. An A Level in English Literature will open doors at all universities and a degree in English provides excellent training for careers in the arts, law, education and the media. You will study modern novels, drama and poetry across the ages.
Geography focuses on the dynamic nature of both human and physical environments. Contemporary issues are stimulating, varied and relevant. All Year 12 students take part in two field trips. You will develop your understanding and appreciation of the world in which you live as the course is focused on current issues and challenges facing the world. These range from the local to global, such as Natural Hazards, Climatic Change and Globalisation.
Further Mathematics
The Further Mathematics course develops and broadens the content of the Mathematics course (Core Mathematics and Statistics or Mechanics). Students wishing to study mathematical related subjects at University are often required to have studied Further Mathematics to A2 Level. A grade 8 or 9 and a recommendation from your Mathematics teacher is required to study Further Mathematics.
Studying History will develop your historical knowledge and understanding as well as developing important skills such as critical evaluation. You will learn to produce reasoned and thoughtful arguments. Source evaluation, extended writing and independent research are core elements of the course. The emphasis will be upon encouraging you to become independent thinkers and autonomous learners.
Media Studies
Students will develop their understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence and fosters enjoyment. The course fosters logical reasoning. Students will recognise how situations may be represented mathematically and gain an understanding of the relationship between real-world problems and mathematical models. This is a good foundation for engineering, design, technological, scientific and medical courses. It is also an appropriate course for those students who want to develop their logical reasoning or statistical analysis skills. A grade 8 or 9 in GCSE Mathematics is required to study Mathematics.
The course leads to qualifications recognised by the media industry and opens up opportunities for future employment in this sector. Students complete a foundation portfolio in media producing an artefact chosen from a series of briefs. This process involves progression from a pre-production preliminary exercise to the focused evaluation of a more fully realised piece. Students extend their practical skills by completing an advanced portfolio and studying key media concepts, critical perspectives in media, and comprehensive case studies of contemporary media issues.
Modern Foreign Languages The aim of the A Level course is to broaden and deepen your knowledge of your chosen language, to enable you to communicate clearly at a higher and more fluent level. You will also enhance your cultural understanding as the course covers a range
of social aspects which affects the principal country in which that language is spoken. Cultural topics are wide ranging, and could include such aspects as the literary work of a particular author or playwright, a period of 20th Century history, the films of a director, or a region of the target language country or community. Students will be expected to read widely and carry out independent research to further their knowledge and understanding. We offer courses in French, Spanish and Japanese.
Music We provide a balanced and inter-related course of study covering a wide academic and practical understanding of music. This provides an excellent basis for lifelong learning and for Higher Education courses in Music. This qualification includes Performing, Composing and Developing Musical Understanding. You will need to perform at approximately Grade 5 standard at AS and at Grade 6 for A Level.
Physical Education
Religious Studies
This course provides an academic and theoretical understanding of physical education and sport. The course allows you to enhance your own knowledge and skill level in your chosen sport. It explores contemporary sociological issues in modern sport, the effects of exercise and training on the body and compares and contrasts sport in different cultures. You need to be currently taking part in your sport regularly, want to know more about how the body works and want to improve your own performance by developing a greater understanding of physiological responses to exercise.
Physics is the study of the properties and interactions of matter and energy. Our understanding of many features of the everyday world relies on knowledge drawn from the ideas and methods of Physics. The key principles of Physics are introduced, such as mechanics, electricity and Newton’s Laws to new frontiers in Physics such as medical imaging and modelling the universe.
Religion is a major driving force behind belief and action in the world today. An understanding of religion is vital to an understanding of life in the twentyfirst century. This is an exciting course that invites you to explore Hinduism, one of the major religions of the world. The course will provide you with the opportunity to investigate, critically evaluate and engage with current thinking and thinkers.
Psychology Psychology is the scientific study of human cognitions and behaviours, and as such it is relevant to each one of us. You will have an opportunity to study a range of topics and approaches, giving a broad perspective of the subject. It has links with many disciplines, including biology, mathematics, and the humanities. It involves the study of theory, empirical evidence and practical applications. Students who take Psychology need a healthy combination of curiosity and scepticism and need to enjoy research.
Sociology Sociology will appeal to students who enjoy debating social issues with an open mind. Sociology suits those who like to ask questions about the world and enjoy discussions. Studying Sociology equips students for any career. It particularly suits those who intend to study for a Humanities-based degree or who would like a career requiring an understanding of human behaviour, such as healthcare, the judicial system or education.
Weald of Kent Grammar School, Tudeley Lane, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 2JP Tel: 01732 373500 Email:
Sixth Form