dare to excel
Welcome to our
Richard Lord Head Teacher
The Deepings School is an exciting place to be. Excellent relationships and a focus on high quality teaching and learning lead to high academic standards during the seven years that the majority of students are part of our school family. Our culture of care provides students with the confidence and independence they need to succeed.
We believe that order and respect are at the heart of creating a climate for success. To this end we insist on smart uniform, good behaviour and politeness. In turn this underpins our aim to enable students of all abilities to discover and develop, not only their academic potential, but also their creative and sporting talents. In an everchanging world of employment, where we are preparing our students for jobs that have not even been conceived yet, we are committed to ensuring that our students are positive leaders, strong problem-solvers and develop the life-skills required to prepare them for life after school. Our young people make excellent progress and achieve strong exam results. Most of our students choose to stay on for our thriving Sixth Form, from where the overwhelming majority proceed to university. Our school is a safe place. Students belong to a College (Guthlac, Welland or Priory) which provides many opportunities for participation and fosters a genuine sense of belonging. Each college has a ‘base’
within the school site and has its own pastoral and administrative staff. Each College Team ensures students enjoy the choice and resources of a larger school along with the supportive atmosphere of a smaller one. This means that our students are known as individuals. We are rightly proud of our extra-curricular offer and believe that this caters for the varied interests of our student body. We host numerous clubs and activities throughout the school year and also organise an array of educational visits. We are committed to growing a school campus that provides our students with a world class learning environment. Over recent years we have built a new Sixth Form Centre, Science Centre and Conference Centre. There has been extensive refurbishment across the school site and we have secured funding for a Design, Technology and Art Centre. Major investment in information technology also provides our school community with top class computing facilities and services. We are an outward-facing school. We believe that we have a lot to share with other schools and that we can also learn a lot from schools locally, nationally and internationally. We also see ourselves as a community hub within the Deepings area. With the school providing strong teaching, state-of-theart facilities, an ongoing desire to improve, and most importantly amazing students, we believe we offer a first class education. We look forward to showing you around our school.
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An Unrivalled
Our broad curriculum provides a balance of exciting experiences to nurture enquiring minds, encourage self-motivation and develop a love of learning. As well as academic study, our young people explore the creative arts, learn practical skills, undertake PE and follow a course of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE). There are high expectations in academic subjects – with, for example, students able to take more than one language and triple Science at Key Stage 4 – and we also offer some vocational courses, enabling students to pursue their passions and enhance their employability. We currently offer up to 30 different Sixth Form courses and up to 25 different GCSE, or GCSE equivalent, courses. The Deepings School plays host to the Deepings SCITT (School Centre for Initial Teacher Training) which offers graduates a year-long programme to Qualified Teacher Status. Such is the quality of our trainees that a growing number of them are now on the school staff. Like all of our teachers, they have excellent subject knowledge and are dedicated to engaging students through stimulating activities both within and outside the classroom. Through challenging targets, close monitoring of achievement and an emphasis on homework, we ensure that all students make the best possible progress. Setting in core subjects allows them to work at the optimum pace. Gifted and talented students receive additional challenge in lessons and through our ‘Able and Ambitious’ programme. In addition, Sixth Formers contribute to the success of younger students through the paired reading scheme and mentoring in Maths. We provide regular feedback for families including parents’ evenings, termly assessments and annual written reports, together with an electronic weekly newsletter. Keen to engage students through technology, we have introduced a Virtual Learning Environment called Connect and are rolling out a scheme – initially for Sixth Formers – under which every student will have their own digital learning device to support their studies. 2 | the deepings school
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A Positive and Supportive
Outstanding pastoral care is a key strength of The Deepings and our collegiate structure will further enhance our ability to deliver it. Tutors will remain the first port of call for assistance, supported within each college by a Head of College and Deputy Head of College, plus a dedicated, nonteaching Student Support Officer – so there will always be someone on hand to help.
With an ethos of positivity, camaraderie and care for one another, we encourage students to take pride in their school community. Effort, attainment and attendance are recognised by the award of merits and college points, with achievements in all aspects of school life rewarded at celebration afternoons and presentation evenings. We take special care to help Year 7 children to settle in. Our work to ensure a smooth transition begins as early as Year 3, with staff visits to local primary schools to provide curricular support and enrichment opportunities, as well as taster days at The Deepings. Our young people are also able to explore topics such as relationships, healthy lifestyles, careers and enterprise, thereby developing their self-confidence and life skills.
Our Year 8 students receive additional support as they make their subject choices, including an Options Fair to which parents are invited and a special evening to discuss progress and suitability. Believing that the partnership between home and school is fundamental to academic achievement, we hold regular Parent Voice meetings to discuss topical issues, present new ideas and seek the views of families.
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A Wealth of Enriching
“Pastoral leadership is a strength of the school. ‘College heads’ have a detailed knowledge of pupils in their care and use this information to support them effectively.” OFSTED
We provide an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities through which students extend their learning, build teamwork skills and develop friendships. We want students to aspire to be the best in every aspect of school life, tackling fresh challenges and taking pride in their achievements. Students participate in a broad range of after-school and lunchtime activities as well as homework and revision clubs. We have a packed programme of inter-college and inter-school competitions, with our sports teams enjoying considerable success at district, county and regional levels. Students can make use of our own fitness suite and extensive playing fields, as well as the swimming pool and Astroturf at the adjacent leisure centre. The many opportunities for students to showcase their talents include concerts by our choirs and bands, dramatic performances – including the annual musical production – dance shows, Sports Day and reporting for our school magazine. Students enjoy a whole host of educational day trips and residential stays, both in the UK and abroad. As well as the annual skiing holiday, travel opportunities include field trips, sports tours and foreign exchange visits. Many students relish the chance to broaden their outlook and develop their leadership skills through the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme at bronze, silver and gold levels. In school, they enjoy enrichment days – when the timetable is suspended to allow them to participate in a variety of activities – and they are inspired by visiting speakers from business, the arts and voluntary organisations. Students raise considerable sums for a range of charities – particularly Sport Relief – and engage with the local community through events such as the Easter and Christmas Carol services and the Christmas afternoon tea provided in school for OAPs, who are served and entertained by our young people.
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A Firm Foundation for
Future Success Leaving school may seem a long way off, but preparation for this next step begins early at The Deepings. We want our students to develop the digital literacy, self-motivation and problem-solving skills that will enable them to realise their aspirations. Many students choose to take advantage of the fantastic post-16 experience provided in our state-of-the-art Sixth Form Centre. From early in our students’ school career, we nurture the independent study and communication skills that will benefit them in higher education and the world of work. We also provide an extensive programme of careers advice throughout Key Stages 4 and 5, including help with interview techniques, an individual careers interview with a senior member of staff, two weeks of work experience and personalised support from both our dedicated Careers Officer and external agencies. Through enterprise events, enrichment activities and involvement in the running of the school, we promote teamwork, initiative and leadership. We are fortunate to have some excellent partnerships within the community – especially with Peterborough United, other local sports clubs and Rotary – that enhance the opportunities available. Students are encouraged to take on a variety of responsible roles – such as Subject Champions, College Captains, Peer Mentors and Sports Captains – and may be elected by their peers to serve on the School Council.
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the deepings school
The Deepings School Park Road Deeping St James Peterborough PE6 8NF Tel: 01778 342159 Fax: 01778 380590 Email: office@deepingschool.org.uk www.deepingschool.org.uk