21378 HACH P16 Prospectus

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Sixth Form

Excel, Exceed, Explore

A message from the Principal Harris Academy Chafford Hundred is an outstanding school, where all students are supported to achieve their full potential. It is a thriving community where students are nurtured personally and academically and are thus able to reach and exceed the challenging targets set for them. The Sixth Form at the academy is very much an extension of this community. Enjoying its own custom-built facilities, the same principles of support and challenge abound. All staff aim to ensure that students will be successful, mature young citizens, ready to embrace the next stage of their lives. With exceptional care, guidance and support, dedicated staff and the drive and commitment of the academy behind it, the Sixth Form enjoys a lively and stimulating environment.

Students will be expected to work very hard and complete all work set for them. In addition, it is our expectation that they take part in activities beyond the classroom that will aid their personal development. This is, we believe, integral to the success of our students. It is our intention that more Thurrock students have the opportunity to go on to higher education, including the prestigious Russell Group universities. Students for whom employment is their chosen next step should also be fully prepared to realise their ambitions. Thus we are truly a school where our students can “Excel, Exceed and Explore” their full potential. Mrs N Graham, Executive Principal


If you choose to be part of our Sixth Form we will do our best to enable you to achieve your potential, in whatever field that might be. We firmly believe that the Sixth Form is a stepping stone to higher education or employment and as such, we encourage students to develop the skills needed to be successful in a more independent environment. We offer a wide selection of A Level courses whilst controlling our group sizes. We are justifiably proud of the academic progress our students make, with most of them achieving better results than predicted for their GCSEs. Students are supported in this by teaching and learning that is stimulating and of a consistently high quality, and by the academic and pastoral support of a team of experienced personal tutors who give one-to-one guidance. Our Sixth Form is about more than academic success. We truly believe our students are capable of great things: from whole school fund-raising to supporting students in the lower school. Mr T Beal, Assistant Principal: Achievement Director of Sixth Form


Tutor Team A SIXTH FORM IS A BIG AND A BUSY PLACE, WHICH IS OFTEN A BLUR OF LESSONS, PEOPLE, ACTIVITIES, COURSEWORK, EXAMS AND SOCIAL EVENTS. The Tutor’s job is to focus on the individual in the middle of all this, and aim for a situation where each student is not only coping, but thriving. Tutors meet students on regular basis and in a variety of contexts such as one to one sessions, small group work and larger class sized input. Primarily they address two areas: academic progress and providing appropriate information, advice and guidance as part of an engaging tutorial programme. Academic tutoring prioritises subject targets and how to reach them via study skills, revision strategies and the organisation of independent learning. Tutoring in an advisory capacity focuses on Higher Education and the world of work as well as the university / work application process.


As you move through the Sixth Form, our focus will increasingly also be on your progression plans, and we will help you think through all the options, whether that is applying to university or higher education, organising a gap year or looking for a job. We also act as a link between you and your subject teachers. Subject staff will contact us if they have any concerns about your effort or progress, and sometimes part of our job is to hold you to account. We act as a first point of contact for you (or your parents), when you have questions or concerns and will always do what we can to offer advice or support. Our ultimate aim is to make sure the grades you receive at the end enable you to progress onto the next stage in your career.

Universities will look for evidence of the following: past achievement and current activities; relevant curriculum enrichment and related skills such as work experience and / or voluntary work. They will also want to know about any personal qualities which will benefit you at university, such as skills, aptitude, enthusiasm, as well as what you can bring to the university in terms of extra-curricular activities and interests. Any supplementary information about qualifications and study which has not already been described in your Personal Statement will be provided by your tutor. Universities want to know our views on your potential for academic success in higher education and why we feel the course you have chosen is suited to you.



Enrichment Programme Enrichment


In the Sixth Form there will be opportunities to contribute to the wider life of the school. As ambassadors you will be encouraged to take part in a choice of extra-curricular opportunities.

We offer a wide range of opportunities to take part in both competitive and social sports and the gym is open to Sixth Form students before and after school.

For Year 12 involvement in these activities is compulsory through the CAS scheme. Modelled on the International Baccalaureate’s “Creativity, Action, Service”, this programme requires students to complete a minimum of 30 hours “Community, Aspiration, Self” around the Academy or outside in the local community in the form of voluntary work. In school this might involve joining the Sixth Form Reading Group, Debating Society or Philanthropic society. CAS hours could also be accumulated through tutoring younger students.

Expressive Arts Expressive Arts play a very important role in the school. There are a number of opportunities to contribute to the many events and school musicals staged every year. If you prefer to work behind the scenes or in sound and lighting, you can take this on as a responsibility or work within our Expressive Arts club.


Students in Years 12 and 13 are encouraged to attend 3 university Open Days over the 2 years and a range of guest speakers are invited in to talk about careers and the university application process.




External Enrichment Project & International Links External Enrichment Project Harris Academy Chafford Hundred has an External Enrichment Project (EEP) programme. After exams finish in Year 12, all students will have the opportunity to complete a focused internship, research based enquiry, shadowing or academic experience. This provides a real insight into the world of work and enhances university and job applications. The External Enrichment Project also aims to develop the aspirations of students. EEPs are a three way negotiation between the school, the student and the employer or academic experience provider, although students are responsible for coming forward with their own ideas and making the necessary arrangements. Students completing Level 3 Extended BTEC Diploma courses

will also take part in work experience throughout their course where they will be expected to apply the theory they have learnt in class to the real world.

INTERNATIONAL LINKS Throughout all year groups we believe strongly in the educational benefits of travelling to places linked to our courses and value the chance this gives students to develop both as individuals and as members of a team. International trips are planned as part of a variety of courses and take place in Year 12 and Year 13. In previous years Sixth Form students have been involved in exchanges with students from China as well as a number of trips to Europe related to Art, Geography, History and Languages.


How do I Apply? September & October Read this prospectus. November Attend our Open Evening as advertised on the Sixth Form link on the website. December Complete an application through the school website. Applications for the Football Academy can also be accessed via the school website.


Once your application has been received, you will be assessed against our admissions criteria. Successful candidates will be required to attend a meeting with one of the Sixth Form team. Where appropriate you may be asked to attend football trials, Drama auditions or provide Art/ Design portfolios. You will then be made a conditional offer based upon meeting our admissions criteria.

Should you have any further enquiries please contact the Sixth Form Team: Sixthformadmissions@harrischaffordhundred.org.uk PAGE 8

Introduction to Courses Entry Requirements To take A Levels, pupils should have an average GCSE grade of B/ 5.5 (as measured by attainment 8), including a Grade 5 in English and Maths. There are individual requirements for each subject and a B/ 6 in the subject being taken is often preferred. Some subjects have enhanced entry requirements, for example: Biology: a Grade 7 is required in Biology at GCSE as well as a Grade 6 in Maths and the other sciences (if taken separately) Chemistry: a Grade 7 is required in Chemistry GCSE as well as a Grade 6 in Maths and the other sciences (if taken separately) Physics: a Grade 7 grade is required in Physics GCSE as well as a Grade 7 in Maths and a Grade 6 in the other sciences (if taken separately) Maths: a Grade 7 is required at GCSE Economics: a Grade 6 in English and a 5 in Maths is required at GCSE

To study BTEC, pupils should have an average GCSE grade of a C/ 4 (as measured by attainment 8), including a Grade 4 in English and Maths. The type of course you choose will be dependent upon your individual strengths. The combination of subjects should link to your interests and aptitudes plus your intention in terms of progression to higher education or employment. The agreed combination of subjects will be determined by your predicted grades and your learning preferences, particularly with regard to coursework and examination performance.

A Levels GCE A Level courses are studied over two years. Formal externally assessed examinations will take place at the end of Year 13. Progress towards final examinations is monitored closely throughout the year via assessment weeks and a formal end of year assessment in July of Year 12. This will not contribute to the final A Level grade.

BTEC EXTENDED DIPLOMA (LEVEL 3) These are offered in specialist areas and have been designed to develop broad skills and deep knowledge. Level 3 BTECs are equivalent to 3 A Levels. They are studied over two years. The BTEC Extended Diploma helps to develop work related skills in a creative and enjoyable way. It will appeal to students who like practical subjects, problem-solving and applying what they learn to real-life situations.

SMALL GROUP TUITION MATHS For students who have not achieved a Grade 4 or above in Maths, Harris Academy Chafford Hundred is committed to providing small group tuition to ensure success. This will be on a small group basis and is in recognition of the fact that Post-16 and employment chances are severely reduced without achievement in Mathematics.


FAQs How do I choose my subjects for the Sixth Form? You will be studying a much narrower range of subjects than in the past and spending more time on each of them, so it certainly makes sense to choose subjects you know you enjoy! Equally, your results in these subjects will be your passport to a career or Higher Education, so they should also be subjects in which you can reasonably expect to achieve good results. If you have clear future intentions for university and beyond, check if you should take certain subjects at A Level. If you are not sure what you want to do beyond the Sixth Form, it’s best to choose a range of subjects that keep your options open but do remember Universities will tend to prefer subjects that link together. Take advice as widely as possible when making your choices.

Should I do 3 or 4 full A LEVELS? Universities require 3 strong A Levels. With this in mind the vast majority of our students choose to focus on 3 A Levels. Particularly strong applicants with a


passion for Mathematics may wish to choose Further Maths as a fourth option and for those wishing to explore Maths beyond GCSE in an applied context we offer an AS in Core Maths which can be sat over the full two years. It is important not to under-estimate the potential demands of any four-subject Upper Sixth course of study, and to take advice as widely as possible. Taking four full Advanced levels generally does not enhance your chances of obtaining a university place and may, in fact, result in your being made a more demanding offer.

Which subjects are the best preparation for university later on? We believe that all the Level 3 subjects offered at the Sixth Form have good academic credentials and are suitable for study by Sixth Formers intending to enter Higher Education. Some HE courses have specific subject requirements, very many do not. Students who are concerned whether their A Level subjects are appropriate preparation for their intendedcourse of study at

university should consult the website of the university concerned or look at the entry profiles for courses featured on UCAS Course Search. The prestigious Russell Group of universities favour what they call the “facilitating subjects.” These are: English, Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History and MFL, so ambitious students should consider taking two of these.

Will I have the same teachers in both years in the Sixth Form? Continuity of teaching cannot be guaranteed, as we will need to make some rearrangements to teaching groups in the light of choices for Year 13, but we will do our best to provide continuity for as many students as possible.


Harris Federation Our academy is run by the Harris Federation, a not-for-profit charity with nearly 30 years’ experience of running happy and successful primary and secondary schools in and around London. The Harris Federation has an exceptional track record with academic progress far greater than the national average. Every Harris academy so far inspected by Ofsted is rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’, with the majority rated ‘outstanding’. The founder and Chairman of the Harris Federation is Lord Harris of Peckham. His vision of delivering happy and successful education is brought to life by an excellent team of teachers and leaders. As well as joint working between the teachers at our academies, there are many shared experiences for our students. These include federation-wide sports days at the National Sports Centre; Harris Experience, a unique programme that readies our most able students for life at top universities; and inter-academy events such as one-to-one reading partnerships between our primary and secondary schools, World Maths Day and Debate Mate. You can follow the Harris Federation on Twitter: @HarrisFed. PAGE 12



The Harris Federation is a London charity with nearly 30 years’ of experience in education. Our Academies have an excellent track record in preparing Sixth Form students for the best Universities and careers.

As an employer and a father I strongly believe that a good education is the best start in life that you can give a child. Harris Academy Chafford Hundred will promote hard work, curiosity of mind, integrity and ambition. It will work tirelessly, in partnership with the other Harris Academies, to ensure the greatest success for every student, regardless of their ability or aptitude.

Harris Academy Chafford Hundred is an Outstanding Academy offering outstanding teaching using the very latest equipment in state-of-the-art buildings. What makes it so successful? Students who enjoy learning and being part of a vibrant Sixth Form. Teachers and support staff who are genuinely ambitious for every student and a senior leadership team that consistently sets standards of excellence.

I hope you will come along to our Open Evening to see for yourself the difference the Academy is making. Lord Harris of Peckham

If your son or daughter wants to study in a Sixth Form with drive and ambition, then I hope you will attend the Open Evening to find out more.

Sir Daniel Moynihan Ed.D, M.A., B.Sc. (Econ) Chief Executive of the Harris Federation


Mayflower Road, Chafford Hundred, Essex RM16 6SA T: 01375 484840 / 01375 484580   F: 01375 484581  Email: info@harrischaffordhundred.org.uk  www.harrischaffordhundred.org.uk

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