22679_Sandwich Technology College_P16 Prospectus

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Sixth Form

Our school motto, “Hold fast that which is good”, reflects our educational values – it is inclusive of all that promotes the successful transition from childhood to adulthood of those in our care. As such it is our aim that all members of our school are:

H o L D F A S T

appy in our safe and caring environment pen-minded and ready to learn iterate, numerate and independent thinkers etermined to achieve the best they can

orward thinking and full of aspiration ctive members of the community elf-confident and inspired to succeed

“ The Sixth Form is well led and is an increasingly successful part of the school’s provision for its students.” Ofsted

olerant and respectful of diversity

“ Aspiration is a key focus for the STS Sixth Form. I’ve always been pushed and motivated to do my best with full support and guidance.” Toby, Year 13 student

Welcome to

Sandwich Technology SIxth form In the Sixth Form we challenge, support and nurture.

We challenge to stretch our young adults to learn more about their chosen areas of specialism. We support them to gain confidence and the independent learning skills that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. We nurture them to safeguard their wellbeing and to help them to develop resilience. Nothing worth having is achieved without hard work and determination and – like a stick of rock – these two attributes run deep throughout. I hope you find this prospectus informative and useful, but I hope you will also find the time to come and see us at our daily best. Tracey Savage BSc(Hons) DipEd NPQH MEd Headteacher



“ As a new student starting in the Sixth Form I felt as though all of the teachers welcomed and supported me and I could do exactly the subjects that I wanted here at STS.” Christopher, Year 13 student

Hold fast to

Innovative curriculum We offer three main routes of study, all of which could eventually lead to University, Apprenticeships and a rewarding career. The Level 3 Route of Study

The Football Academy Route of Study

We teach a large number of traditional and vocational A Levels or A Level equivalent, which cover a broad range of subjects to satisfy everybody’s taste and interests. We have a strong track record of students progressing to University from this route of study.

This is so much more than football! This route is perfect for those wishing to pursue a career in the world of sport and fitness and also gives a clear progression route to many courses at University. The course has a clear focus on the development of football alongside a range of other sports and fitness-based courses and can be studied at either Level 2 or Level 3. Like the Transition Year, this route allows students the opportunity to progress to Level 3 having completed Level 2 first if necessary. The Football Academy is run in partnership with Chelsea Football Club and has its own purpose-built area of the school.

The Transition Year Route of Study This is unique in the area and is specifically for students who would like to follow the Level 3 route of study, but need a little longer to consolidate their Level 2 (GCSE or equivalent) studies before they are ready. Students following the Transition Year will study new and exciting GCSEs, whilst topping up their English or Maths studies. Meanwhile, they will be working as part of our Sixth Form in a more grown up environment and readying themselves for A Levels in Years 13 and 14.

“ At STS you have the freedom to do the subjects that you enjoy and can do well in.” Marie, Year 13 student


Hold fast to

Inspirational teaching Our staff understand how to inspire Sixth Form students to work hard and succeed. The Sixth Form teachers are all fully qualified with excellent subject knowledge.


We know that variation keeps our students engaged and we ensure that they will experience many different styles of learning in any given week. These may include: • independent research; • designing and creating something unique; • presenting to peers; • practising past exam papers; • coaching classmates; • debating key issues; • traditional learning from experienced teachers. Of course, independent study is an essential component of Sixth Form study. Students will be expected to stay on top of deadlines and use their time well to complete their work. The teachers here will ensure that the students have plenty of worthwhile and relevant work to enhance their understanding and academic performance.

“ The interaction between teachers and students at Sandwich Technology School is second to none.” Misha’al, Year 13 Student


“ Sixth Form teachers use their subject knowledge well to provide challenging work that allows students to make good progress with their learning.� Ofsted

“ Sixth form students’ personal development is well catered for. As a result they leave school as mature young people ready to take their place in modern Britain.” Ofsted


Hold fast to

Exciting opportunities

We believe that our Sixth Form is so much more than lessons and traditional study and we take seriously our responsibility to equip our students with skills for life. To this end we encourage our Sixth Form students to broaden their experience beyond their studies. This includes: • a week-long work experience placement in Year 12 linked to area of study; • regular external speakers; • numerous University visits; • o pportunities to be involved in all aspects of the school – mentoring younger students, for example, or helping out in Year 7 or Year 8 classes;


• t aking on wider responsibilities by joining the Sixth Form Leadership Team or helping to run the Student Council; • helping out in local partner primary schools; • t aking part in our many extra-curricular trips and visits including visits to West End theatres, design shows, university workshops, conferences, museums, galleries and residential trips such as skiing; • c ompleting the Extended Project Qualification, which allows the students to focus on a project of their choosing while achieving UCAS points at the same time; • j oining the University PhD student-led ‘Brilliant Club’ project; • performing in our annual school production; • volunteering for a local community project; • becoming a member of the KCC Youth Parliament.

“ There are endless opportunities at STS.” Theo, Year 13 Student

“ My form tutor is understanding and I feel comfortable to talk to her about my worries.”

“ The careers and next steps advice has been excellent and has helped me to decide my future plans.”

Daisy, Year 13 Student

Reuben, Year 13 Student

Hold fast to


Excellent pastoral care Each student has a Form Tutor whose role it is to support them both academically and pastorally. This includes support with UCAS applications, study skills and emotional resilience.

• the Head of Year 12, who ensures that our Year 12 students manage the transition into Sixth Form well and that their Year 12 is successful;

Where possible, we try to match the students to a Tutor who is a teacher of a subject that is compatible with the student’s areas of study and interest. In addition we have an extensive team ready to provide support and guidance to members of the Sixth Form. This team includes:

• a full-time Counsellor, who is available to support the students when times get tough;

• t he Head of Sixth Form, who provides overall leadership for the Sixth Form but specialises in Year 13;

The students know – even those who are new to the school in Year 12 – that if they need extra help, support or guidance, the school will not let them down.

• a Sixth Form Manager, who, as a non-teaching member of staff, is always on hand to provide help; • a full-time Careers Adviser, who can help the students to consider their next steps;

• a Sixth Form Raising Standards Leader, who, as a member of the school’s Leadership Team, is there to keep an eye on the Sixth Form and offer support wherever necessary.

“ The support in the Sixth Form is wonderful. The whole Sixth Form Team has been amazing!” Nadine, Year 13 Student

Next steps…

• Find out about the different courses that we offer within each Route of Study and the specific entry requirements. These details can be found in the ‘Sixth Form Options’ booklet provided here. • T ake your time to consider your options carefully and find out as much as you can by talking to teachers and other students who are already studying the courses that appeal to you.

• Seek careers advice and research what Universities are looking for in the areas that interest you. • A pply to STS for a place via the Kent Choices Online Application process. • Once you have applied we will invite you to an interview in the spring.


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Sandwich Technology School Deal Road, Sandwich Kent, CT13 0FA 01304 610000 KS5Leadership@sandwich-tech.kent.sch.uk


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At Sandwich Technology School we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all students. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued.

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