23692 Corpus Christi Prospectus

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CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Ysgol Uwchradd Gatholig Corpus Christi


Gyda'n gilydd ni yw Corff Crist

WELCOME Croeso TO CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL In keeping with the Latin name of the school, the motto on the school badge is CHRISTUS PANIS VITAE (Christ is the Bread of Life). • The badge illustrates the Chi-Rho Monogram (XP), which are the first two letters of the Greek name for Christ- CHRISTOS • Ears of wheat from which bread is made and which, in its consecrated form, becomes the Host of the Mass • Two fish which, together with the bread, symbolise Christ’s miracle in feeding the multitude • The colours of the badge are those of wheat and wine • The shape of the badge is circular, in keeping with that of the Sacred Host The school badge therefore represents symbolically some of the fundamentals of our faith- Christ, its Head and cornerstone; the Sacred elements of bread and wine; and the Eucharistic sacrifice- reminding us that Christ is the Bread of Life sustaining us on life’s pilgrimage.


A CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ysgol Gatholig THE AIMS OF OUR SCHOOL At Corpus Christi we strive to live the values of the Gospel. Our curriculum is firmly rooted in the teachings of the Church and we try to provide an education which nurtures and develops all children so that they lead caring, compassionate and fulfilling lives. Education, for us, means the formation of the whole person, spiritually and morally as well as intellectually, physically and socially. We help our young people to deepen their knowledge and understanding of their faith and offer them the opportunity to engage actively in the Church and her liturgy, especially the Mass.

• grow closer to God in word, in Sacrament and in what we do • live in partnership with all those around us • respond to Christ’s call to build His Kingdom In trying to follow our School Mission Statement we offer: • a learning community based on love and justice • approaches to learning and teaching which enable all pupils to flourish • programmes to stretch the most able


• extensive provision for children with learning difficulties or physical needs

Together we are the Body of Christ

• academic excellence

In our school community we will:

• examination results which are well above local and national norms and very high in comparison with similar schools

• show our love by helping and forgiving each other • recognise that everyone is unique and celebrate their differences • value ourselves, develop our talents and help others to develop theirs

• a rich provision of extra-curricular opportunities • provision for all to achieve their best

• strive for excellence in everything we do


A CURRICULUM TO INSPIRE Cwricwlwm i ysbrydoli Our pupils are encouraged to explore and celebrate their Godgiven talents. At the heart of our curriculum is a strong emphasis on teaching and learning. We want our pupils to be involved, inspired, challenged and curious about the world around them. Our curriculum offers a blend of traditional and vocational subjects and intervention sessions to provide support where necessary.

OUR LEARNING COMMUNITY Corpus Christi has a strong reputation for academic excellence and offers a broad and balanced curriculum. We believe that each child is most likely to achieve when great things are expected of them; when they are fully engaged and thoroughly enjoying their learning. Every year we set very ambitious individual targets which encourage our pupils to strive for excellence. The progress pupils make towards their individual targets is rigorously monitored and reported to parents/carers on a regular basis. This ensures that both pupils and parents are always clear about what pupils need to work on in order to improve. Attainment is also assessed and reported to parents/carers, including grades for progress, homework and behaviour.


We place a strong emphasis on outstanding teaching and learning. Teachers use a range of engaging and stimulating approaches to deliver the curriculum. Homework is set to extend learning beyond the classroom. Regular written feedback is given to pupils so that they understand how to improve.

EXTRA CURRICULAR – PUPIL LEADERSHIP We encourage all pupils at Corpus Christi to become involved in the wider curriculum. We want our pupils to develop into confident, happy, responsible and well-rounded individuals. The range of extra-curricular activities and enrichment experiences offered at Corpus Christi Catholic High School is diverse. There are opportunities for pupils to experience participation in Liturgical celebrations, school productions, music concerts, foreign excursions, sport and much more. In addition, we place great emphasis on student leadership. Students voice their opinions through our Student Council. They work to implement new and innovative ideas to make Corpus Christi Catholic High School an even better place to be. In Year 11, Prefects are appointed as important role models to the lower year groups. These pupils serve our school by supporting our Catholic ethos. Furthermore, they support Liturgies, Open Evenings, Parents’ Evenings and many other school events.



PROVISION FOR PUPILS WITH ADDITIONAL NEEDS Darpariaeth ar gyfer disgyblion ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol

All children, including those with additional learning needs, have a right to a broad and balanced curriculum. The school welcomes pupils of a wide range of abilities and aims to ensure that all are able to realise their aspirations. To make sure our pupils receive appropriate help and support, they are assessed and monitored. We also encourage parents to participate in this procedure. Corpus Christi is partnered with external agencies to provide appropriate interventions.

The ALN team liaises regularly and effectively with our feeder primary schools. All relevant information is used to understand and meet the needs of each individual child to ensure a smooth transition to Corpus Christi. They also keep in regular contact with parents and welcome them to visit the school to view the resources and programmes used to meet the needs of each child. Steps are taken to ensure that pupils with any form of additional needs are treated as favourably as any other pupil. This is inherent in the Catholic ethos of the school and our Strategic Equality Policy.

The school has an Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator, who leads the Learning Intervention Team. The team work tirelessly to support any child with additional learning needs and is hugely influential in ensuring their happiness and success.


OUR FAITH COMMUNITY Cymuned Ffydd In Corpus Christi, as in all Catholic schools, the Religious Education Department is of the utmost importance. The aims of the department are to help the pupils gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith; to prepare them for a society where responsible choices will have to be made; to develop an abiding integrity and a sense of personal responsibility; and to encourage them to accept voluntarily their membership of the Church and a 'free adherence to God in faith'. However, the Catholic purpose of the school is not just the responsibility of the Religious Education Department. We try to ensure the Catholic ethos and atmosphere of the school, and its pastoral care, help each pupil to live the Gospel in his or her daily life.


As a school community, we worship together daily. This binds us and strengthens our sense of community and togetherness. Pupils are encouraged and supported to lead these acts of collective worship. We celebrate Mass regularly throughout the year and at the end of each week we pray the Examen prayer as a whole school community. The school year concludes with our Whole School Mass when we all gather together to give thanks for all that we have received. The school year is defined by our Collective Worship themes that set the tone for so much of what we do. Pupils are encouraged to put their faith into action in a variety of ways, including active and vibrant charity events. At Corpus Christi everyone is welcomed into and included in the spiritual life of our school.

CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH PUPIL PROFILE A Gospel vision of life helps pupils grow into mature human beings, living according to Christian values and respecting the convictions of others.

Pupils are encouraged to be sympathetically aware of the wider community in which they live and of the needs of those less fortunate than themselves. They are encouraged to participate as fully as possible in the missionary work and activities of the church at home and abroad, and also within the wider context of ecumenism.


OUR CARING COMMUNITY Ein cymuned garedig At Corpus Christi we provide a strong pastoral framework to guide and support pupils; to ensure that they can learn well and achieve their full potential. Each pupil has a dedicated Form Tutor who is responsible for their welfare. The Form Tutor will be the first port of call should any pupil require advice or assistance. The Heads of Year support Form Tutors and closely monitor behaviour and attendance. Our focus on Gospel Values and the Corpus Christi Pupil Profile ensure that each pupil is aware of the high standards expected at Corpus Christi Catholic High School. Integral to this is our rewards system which ensures that pupils are rewarded for being punctual, organised and ready to learn. For pupils who are transferring to Corpus Christi from primary school we provide a specific programme of support and guidance. We aim to enable all Year 7 pupils to settle in quickly, make new friends and thoroughly enjoy the challenge and excitement of their first few weeks at Corpus Christi. In the summer term before they join us, pupils are placed in one of eight tutor groups. The Head of Year 7 provides support and guidance on a daily basis to ensure that the transition is smooth and free from anxiety.


PASTORAL PROGRAMME All pupils take part in the pastoral programme. This is delivered in tutor groups and allows for discussion, collaboration and reflection on key issues in the modern world. The pastoral programme allows pupils to explore and develop their understanding of a wide range of topics including learning and independent study skills, social and cultural developments from local, national and international perspectives and political awareness. These topics are set within the Catholic social teaching and allow pupils the opportunity to enhance their spiritual development. Preparation for College and 6th Form applications, employment and apprenticeships are delivered through the pastoral programme. Pupils are guided and supported to make a successful transition to their next stage whether this is further studies or the world of work. We want Corpus Christi Catholic High School pupils to be confident young people and valuable citizens who have a strong sense of their own place in society today.

FIND OUT MORE Am fwy o wybodaeth If you are interested in our school we have an annual Open Evening at the start of October – please keep an eye on our website for further information.

All policies and other information are to be found on our website



CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Ty Draw Road, Lisvane, Cardiff CF23 6XL

Heol Ty Draw, Llyswen, Caerdydd CF23 6XL

Email: bmullins@cardiff.gov.uk

Ebost: bmullins@cardiff.gov.uk

Tel: 029 2076 1893



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