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WELCOME Southgate School prides itself on its tradition of academic excellence, achieved whilst remaining a community centred and inclusive school. We are a school that has very high expectations of our students and staff alike. Many of our students will be leaders in society, business and industry in their adult lives and conscious of this, we have an evidence led approach to teaching and learning that builds resilience in our young people whilst equipping them for life in the 21st century. As a member of the Middlesex Learning Trust with The Compton School, we share best practice in an ongoing quest to raise standards and ensure the best outcomes for students.

From the day that they start at Southgate School, students benefit from our tailored curriculum and links with businesses and universities that help guide and shape their future plans. This is a school with heart and energy, a school that celebrates the Arts and Performing Arts, a school with a rich extra-curricular offer including wonderful music concerts where our jazz bands, school orchestra and school choir perform. We have Art exhibitions where the quality of work is simply remarkable, whole school productions that are truly uplifting, sports teams who regularly win borough and cross county competitions in a range of sports and mass student participation in our vibrant Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. This prospectus will give you a flavour of what we are about but we look forward to meeting you on one of our Open Evenings or guided parental tour days. Martin Lavelle, Headteacher



“No matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.” Carol Dweck – Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success At Southgate School we believe in every young person’s potential to improve on their previous personal bests, both inside and outside the classroom. Our uncompromising aspirations support students in developing a growth mind-set – a belief in themselves and their abilities. The fact that year after year our student outcomes are significantly above national averages and that we add value to every child’s potential, shows we are a very successful school.


This success is built on a relentless quest to improve what we do. It is also built on our unique blend of academic rigour combined with a determination to challenge all learners regardless of their starting points; the background of a student should not determine their future. As a Teaching School, our staff benefit from up-to-date professional development programmes and opportunities to collaborate with colleagues at a wide range of other schools. We aim to have a national reputation for the quality of our teaching and innovative practice to ensure that our students leave us as well rounded, resilient and ambitious individuals.


FROM YEAR 6 INTO YEAR 7 We value our partnership approach with our main feeder schools which ensures both students and parents experience a successful transition.

Students settle into school quickly and they rapidly make excellent progress as we build on the mastery approach adopted by many primary schools so that Year 7 is not a ‘fallow’ year. Transition from primary school into secondary school is extremely important; it is such a fundamental aspect of making students successful, independent and enthusiastic learners throughout their school life. The happiness of our students is of paramount importance. We pay particular attention to how students settle in and enjoy their transition between Years 6 and 7.

Students are introduced to secondary school life through a supportive, structured programme. They have their own common room and playground. Students are empowered through the skills they learn during the transition period to build on their successes and develop their confidence. Our 6th form students provide peer mentoring to support identified students such as the Most Able and Talented or those students lacking in confidence.


CURRICULUM “Education is preparation to live completely.� Herbert Spencer

Our vision is for our students to leave Southgate School confident in their abilities to compete for education and employment opportunities wherever they choose. We pride ourselves in ensuring each student follows a personalised curriculum. We plan from Year 7 to ensure all students achieve highly; we want them to get the most out of the opportunities provided at Southgate School. We aim for students to become highly literate and numerate, technically proficient and culturally aware. We want them to continue their learning beyond school and to be compelling candidates for higher education and employment, confident and ready to play important roles in society. Preparation for GCSEs begins in Year 9. Departments focus on developing key skills to ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Alongside this, a structured pastoral programme develops resilience and supports the social, emotional and mental health of all. Our academic success is built on strong pastoral systems and enrichment opportunities. Our focus on Years 10 and 11 enables students to achieve well in their GCSE studies. All students in Year 10 participate in work experience taking their learning beyond the classroom where they can develop knowledge, life skills and prepare for the future. The overwhelming majority of students stay on in our sixth form, but those who are leaving receive guidance post GCSE to assist them with their future careers. Academic and character education is a key part of the Southgate experience for every student.


ENRICHMENT The House System, rewards and enrichment are an intrinsic part of life at Southgate School. The House system at Southgate School wishes to foster a sense of community, teamwork and competition. We aim to give each student in our school the opportunity to take part in a range of activities and be rewarded for their hard work and excellence in academic studies. Each term the house that has earned the most achievement points wins a trip for its members. Students and parents can keep track of points by using the E-praise system. Students are inspired to become leaders of the future by giving them the opportunity to become a member of the Student Leadership Team. The formation of these highly regarded groups is the culmination of a democratic election process organised by students and for their participation only. Members of the Student Leadership Team are responsible for representing the wider student body on matters such as catering, recruitment and fundraising. We host wonderful plays and concerts celebrating the incredible creativity of our students through frequent Art and Photography exhibitions. The established success of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and our haul of trophies from local sporting events are testament to our strong tradition of offering extracurricular opportunities to students whatever their interest. Departments are encouraged to organise activities over the course of the year such as Young Enterprise, ski trips, visits to the USA and Europe. The academic year culminates in Activities Week, which provide a broad range of extracurricular activities that encourage social and personal development. We are part of The Brilliant Club, an award winning charity that aims to mobilise the PhD community to share its expertise with schools so that more students from under-represented backgrounds are able to progress to highly selective universities. Through the Jack Petchey Achievement Award Programme, our students are able to nominate their peers who have shown commitment to the school through fundraising and participation in enrichment activities. Winners of the award are able to choose how to spend their prize money to benefit their school community.





SIXTH FORM Transition from GCSE to A Level is vitally important; it is such an essential aspect in the pursuit of a career the student chooses.

Students are introduced to Sixth Form life through a supportive Induction programme where GCSE students spend the day in the life of an A level student. They experience socialising in the Sixth form Common room with CafĂŠ; have taster lessons in the Subjects they are interested in taking; and get familiar with the dedicated silent study area for independent work. Students are then empowered to make informed choices into the A levels they want to study following their GCSE results. Students have a range of choices with over twenty A Level courses and 5 Level 3 Vocational courses on offer. Work in the Sixth Form is demanding and student achievement and attainment is high. The majority of our students progress on to Higher Education, many of whom attend Russell Group universities. We have a comprehensive programme to support their university applications and ensure their future study and career success. We offer a wide variety of enrichment activities such as the sixth form residential trip for students to develop confidence, meet new students who have joined us and most importantly create a sense of happiness to be part of our Sixth form. Students can also get voluntary work through organisations like Medical Project Ltd, which provides them with experience to support applications in the future either to University or employment. Further enrichment activities include clubs and talks from guest speakers. Students also have leadership opportunities to be prefects and peer mentors, supporting younger students through their studies. Through these activities students can work towards achieving our 6th Form pledge to gain a school award.


FUTURES Southgate Futures Programme is a unique approach to developing our students by showing them what they can expect in terms of their own development and possible career path, from the moment that they join us until the time that they leave.


We take great pride in our Futures Programme which encompasses all of the work we do with our extensive network of partners. Each of our partnerships enriches our curriculum offer for students, for example through workshops led by Google employees, work experience placements and subject specific talks about law and digital industries. Each help to form an integral part of our unique and inspiring learning environment. Working with and responding to the needs of our local community is held in high regard at Southgate School. Local and national employers work with our students in numerous ways such as providing interview skills training, advice about CV writing and work shadowing opportunities to help equip them for future employment opportunities. Through the curriculum, speakers and workshop days and whole school events, the Futures Programme helps ensure that all students will leave our establishment able to contribute to the economy and to society as a whole in a manner that is progressive and forward thinking.




ALBION BEGAJ Albion won 7 trophies as part of London Colney FC this year and is an outstanding footballer. 12

CHARLIE MONAHAN Charlie represented Great Britain in the European shooting (Clay Pigeon) championships.



Indio has recently competed in the British Youth Fencing Championship final in Sheffield.

Aoife competes in Irish Dancing competitions across the country.

AMELIA FIELD GOULD Amelie was the fastest U16 to swim 5k in the country and is aiming to swim the English channel next year.

JESSICA SUMMERS Jessica recently came 4th in the 1500m in the borough athletics championships and has been selected to be part of the Enfield cross country team.

AMELIE UNDERHILL Amelie has received a commendation from the Royal College of Ballet. 13

Sussex Way, Cockfosters, Herts EN4 0BL Tel: 020 8449 9583 Email: office@southgate.enfield.sch.uk

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